s . before you buy your Christmas present. ‘You 'may have been dealingwith us for _ some time, or perhaps you have not. We think we show the ï¬nest, largest and best assorted stock in the County. ' Wedding Rings, Diamond Rings, Gem " Rings of all kinds, Gentlemen’s Rings. ,, . Our special blow is about our large ,i'l stock of WATCHES. See our silver, ., _ gold and gunmetnl Watches for boys ' and girls, Solid gold, gold ï¬lled and "nickle cased Watches We carry in stock over $2,000 worth of Watches alone. Guards, Long Chains. Brooches, Stick Pins, and an endless variety of suitable Christmas gifts. Come and see for yourself. :5. J. Petty, the Jeweler. .. , LINDSAY. _' successions. _ 99 KENT St. I. 4...: LI ' . 'v'VVVYVVVVVVVVVWvYâ€"VVVV"vvw‘vv‘v‘v‘ vvw- v .â€"_.___, 50 YEARS“ ' __: EXPERIENCE urns DESIGNS - , COPYRIGHTS ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description Inn.) = rqulclrly ascertain our opinion free w other}: '~ invention is probably atentable. Commumcar - lions strictly conï¬den at. Handbook on Patents ' sent free. Oldest agency for securing utcnts. Patents taken t, rough Munn a . recctn 1 :tpecia-l notice, without c urge. in the Scientiï¬c lineman. I 'A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientiï¬c journal. Terms. 158 a year: four months, $1. Sold b all newsdoalers. syn & comm?» New pp ranch 011109. (:25 F St“ Welshman. I Undertaking. . W000 . . Just received this week an- _«other lot of nice Baby Car- ' riages that are Special Value. . Also Extension Tables, Side- ‘boards and Bedroom Suites. W I carry in stock a full line ' of Parlour Suites Lounges, _' Chairs, Etc. . :1" [Picture framing a Specialty. ’ If you are in need of a Sew; sing Machine be sure and see my styles before buying. null MARBLE WORKS. * Robt. Chambers is prepared to furnish the people of Lind any and surrounding country with MONU- MENTS and HEADSTONES, both Marble mud granite. Estimates promptly given on all kinds or .crmetery work. Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantle Pieces, etc., a specialty. Being a practical workman, all should .sco his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"In the rear of the Market on «Cambridge-st, opposite the packing house R. CHAMBERS liiili us lllllli ‘is printed every Friday at the ofï¬ce, corner May and Francis Streets. SUBSCRIPTION I $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE .cr one cent per week will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. txdvertising Rates. Professional or business cards. 50 cents gler line per annum. Casual advertisements, *5 cents per line for the ï¬rst insertion, and '2 cents per line for every subsequent inser- ttion. Contracts by the your, half year or lluss, upon reasonable terms. J 03 PRINTING-2.;ecuted neatly, our. and} and at moderate prices. l E. D. HAND, Proprietor . Furniture v' 'i 'r ‘ ‘- 5-lust Stop and Think ‘ :- COUNTY OF REI‘URN OI“ ~ m‘x‘ nvwmv... n; vonoaIA. man-v. a. u 1. anu Mauu-‘ra.uu\. CONVI (T'i‘IONS made to me by the‘Justices of the Peace for the said County, and ï¬led in my ofï¬ce, for the quarter ending Tuesday, December l3lh, 1904, in pursuance of the Revised Name of Name of Date of . . I“. ‘ . the Prosecutor. the Defendant. Nature Of the Charge' | Cunviction. 03:35:53 ; gingnd',;::? “big 31:3,;1 The King M. W. Robinson Breach bicycle by-luw. . .. Sept. 2 l904 Alex Jackson 36 45 . _ , .‘Forthwith isept. “ Wm. Workman Br'ch livery license by-law_ " 9 “ l 75 . . .. " " Wm. Rider . . . . .. Drunk and disorderly . . . . “ l0 “ 9 95 . . . . “ “ John Mcehau Assault . “ 13 “ 3 95 t! “ Wm. Hussoy . ... Drunk and disorderly . . .. “ 13 “ 5 70 . . . . “ “ Jos. Burke Abusive language “ 13 “ I5 20' u “ Peter McCube . . Drunk and disorderly . ... “ l3 “ 6 70 . . .. “ “ Geo. Johnson ‘ “ “ 16 “ 5 70 . . . . “ “ John Johnson .. “ “ 15 “ 5 70 “ “ Robert Carr Assault . . . . . . “ 24 “ 8‘ 70 . . . . “ “ John Balance... “ “ 27 “ 5 45 l‘ “ Geo. Ellsworth Drunk and disorderly “ 27 “ 4 45 . . .. “ " Daniel McGinnis “, “ 27 “ 14 70 .... . ‘l " Geo. Wilson Indecent exposure “ 27 “ 6 70 . . .. “ “ Simon 0. Langley Assault .. . . .. “ 30 “ 8 45 .... “ “ James O’Neill Breach Public Health Act “ 30 “ 95 . . .. “ †- Samuel Foe Theft ' ...... “ 30 “ nu. ...... " Cicero Ogden Abusive language Oct. 1 “ 6 45 . . . . “ Jno Short,Toronto Drunk and incapable .... “ l ‘ “ 6 45 . . . . Forthwith “ Martin McIntosh Drunk and disorderly " 12 H 8 95 .. n H “. Thos Collins.... “ .... “ 25 H 4 70 n “ Samuel Brown Assault ...'... “ 25 “ r 4 45 .... H “ Peter Manb Drunk and disorderly .... Nov. 1 N 5 70 .... u “ Hugh Burke “ “ 1 “ 5 7° .... “ - “ ‘ J. M. Chalmers , _ Breach Bicycle Byolaw. . . . “ 3 “ 5 70 H †Chas. Cnrtin Abusive language “ 8 “ 5 34 . . .. “ “ Thos. Foley Vugrancy ...... “. 9 “ ...... “ Wm C.Bonston '- “ “ 9 H †Thos. Elliott . . .. Drunk and disorderly . . .. “ 9 “ 5 40 . . .. Forthwith “ Peter H Nowery “ “ 9 “ f 45 . “ " Jos. McLaughlin “ .... “ 9 “ 0 70 .. .h “ Bruce Reynolds Assault . . . ... “ ll, “ 5 57 .. Forthmth " Ed. Pelfrey .’... “ ...... “ ll " 5 83 ... “ †Thos Vokes “ “ ls ‘ 4 95 .. “ “ Abraham Smith Drunk and disorderly .. .. “ l7 “ 9 80 . . . “ BleurJobo ' “ “ 22 r “ 9 70 . . . . . . . . . . †Daniel Walker . , “ . . .. “ 22 “ 6 45 . . Forthwith " Jos. Thornhill †“ 24 “ 8 45 . - †“ Bert Baker ...... “ “ 24 “ 8 ‘10 .... ... “V Jae. Brooks Assault “ 29 “ “ Farquhar McRae Assaulting Vincent Dun- vell at Victoria Road Sept. 29 Jas. Deacon 12 42 Forthwith “ George English Assault at Somerville .... “ ‘26 “ 6 40 . . “ “ George English [Assault . . . . .. “ 26 “ 7 40 . . “ “ ,2; Patrick Perdue 'Disorderly conduct .. . . .. Oct. 1 “ 6 40 . ... " “ "3‘5 Cluirles Teal ....iAssault at Garden “ l3 †7 73 . “ †AlfredSorivcr Drunk and disorderly . ... “ 28 “ 7 74 . . . . . †“ Alfrb‘dScriver I u H 26 “ 5 47 “ “ James‘Gu'nn .... Dangerous insanity Nov. 22 “ “ John Stewart Drunk and disorderly “ 30 “ 6 50 .. .. . . “ John Stewart Assault . . . . . . “ 30 “ 12 10 . . Forthwith ' ' "' John Stewart Malicious injury to prop’ty “ 30 " 3 00 . . ...... ‘W. Eastman .... W. MoGracken Keeping a bar room open . . _ . _ . . . ' . a. ‘ - ,du‘rgflg prohibited hours “ 26 W. Fielding 10 00 .... Fortwath R‘ Scott » ...~. .., Geo." Horton ...?«Druuk and disorderly . . .. Aug. 22 H. Graham 3 00 . . .. U “‘- - Jas. McKinley W" ,' “ †22 “ 3 00 “ " . . . . . . . Thor. Watson '5 “ 22 “ 3 00 - - ~ - “ “ ...... Robt. Burns “ 23 “ 3 00 NH “ “ ...... Wm.Cooper .... †22 " 3 0° N" “ N. Albert Mills _ p ... 22 u 1 oo u “, . . . . . . Stanley Hopkins lDrunk."dis‘ordlly: ï¬ghting Sept. 5 “ 2 00 .... H I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct 8 quarter ending Tuesday, December l3th, l904. Oflice of the Clerk of the Peace, County of Victoria,lDecember 17th, 1904. Wall Paper. 3"“ We have ‘a. large stOck of Colin McAr- thur’s wall paper, the only paper made by double process. Don’t be persuaded to buy any old thing. Just as well get the best. The Paint we Sell--- It’s Goad aint. We wish all our customers and friends a Statutes of Ontario, Chap. 93, Sec. 1, and Criminal Code Sec 962 r .1 ms. HEAs. : :v..-r.: . "up. ' x121. bhedhie oi the returns of convictions for the Con Everything that is kept by an up-toâ€"date hardware in stock. MERRY CHE... f‘fl; HAPPY Thanking you for your liberal patronage .. in the past, we solicit a continuance of DOORS AND SASH. ' sass Planing done on for the same. JOS. and Name of it 0 0 'l 'I' 0 'l' , Q .90... ounce. Amount of Time when to» INOV. Sept. 27 Nov. Nov. II III... ollb'l Nov. ...-ul' nus... Time when paid. II (t II (I II II (I H II Oct. t! H (I I! II it (I it It nty of Victoria, made to me by the Justices of the Peace for the A. P. DEVLIN, lï¬l'fll‘flflfl’éï¬ï¬‚aï¬ï¬r AT BRITTON sacs: '- f READER: ’ It has never before been our privilege to offer as many elegant, USEFUL novelties . at ascale of prices that appeals to the ~»-_ average buyer. cocoon one. Sept. 27 has... ii' I. s e o a u so old... and... otv Our Christmas Goods are beautiful. We cannot describe our stock ; it would take too much space. see it. We show our attractions to all with the understanding that we wish none to pur- chase unless they consider it to their best interest to do so. -m... .-w . To whom i-aid lt'not paid, why not, .overby said Jus-.and general observa- l tiCe and when. ' lions, if any. Town Treasurer it ‘( H “ II Not yet paid. (I I! Town Treasurer. H d It M It ' « fl .. .. Sentence suspended. . 20 days in default. Town Treasurer. (I (l u H Not yet paid. Town Treasurer. lI . . . . . . .. 6 mlhsiin Cont'l Prison (t - Town Treasurer H ... unoo Town Treasurer. ' M It ,, ,. Not yet paid. Not yet paid.- -- Town Treasurer - » Not yet paid.- on. Town Treasurer. (I n ., Sentence suspended. County Treilsurel‘nud prosecution. “ I‘ u (t u (I u N t; H u H Committed {or ï¬nal examination. onloo- ..... Co.treas.& pros And Buretles oi the u peace in $300.00 for it one year. Tress. Anson. S.Suddaby,'rreag urer Somerville. (t it “ II n (t u “ u N u ' l‘ Clerk of the Peace, County of Victoria. We invite you to come and BRITTON BROS. " Foot of Kent St., LIanSay. .' ‘ IHAVE BUSINESS, and will carry a large and up-to-date stock of furniture. Am also prepared to do all kinds of Carriage Making, Repairing and Repainting, ‘ PURCHASED W. MCKEOWN’S FURNITURE and to make short notice. S. S. Gainer. SECOND DIVISION COURT -â€"OF THE-â€" County of Victoria. â€"_. he nextsittings of the above Court wil be held in Twomey’s hall, Fenelon Falls ON MONDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1905, commencing at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. Thursday, Dec. 29th, will be the last day of servrce on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other coun- ties must be served on or before S t '- day, Dec. 24th. a m ELISHA MARK, Bailiff. Fenclon Falls. Oct. 15th, 1904. VIII] NEED NOT To Montreal or New York for chome patterns or prices in watL PAPER. s. onus, Clerk. low your selection. GDODWIH’S Lmosav, NEXT TO srnrsos’ HOUSE. I We have them ".here now '