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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 30 Dec 1904, p. 8

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s . before you buy your Christmas present. ‘You 'may have been dealingwith us for _ some time, or perhaps you have not. We think we show the finest, largest and best assorted stock in the County. ' Wedding Rings, Diamond Rings, Gem " Rings of all kinds, Gentlemen’s Rings. ,, . Our special blow is about our large ,i'l stock of WATCHES. See our silver, ., _ gold and gunmetnl Watches for boys ' and girls, Solid gold, gold filled and "nickle cased Watches We carry in stock over $2,000 worth of Watches alone. Guards, Long Chains. Brooches, Stick Pins, and an endless variety of suitable Christmas gifts. Come and see for yourself. :5. J. Petty, the Jeweler. .. , LINDSAY. _' successions. _ 99 KENT St. I. 4...: LI ' . 'v'VVVYVVVVVVVVVWvYâ€"VVVV"vvw‘vv‘v‘v‘ vvw- v .â€"_.___, 50 YEARS“ ' __: EXPERIENCE urns DESIGNS - , COPYRIGHTS ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description Inn.) = rqulclrly ascertain our opinion free w other}: '~ invention is probably atentable. Commumcar - lions strictly confiden at. Handbook on Patents ' sent free. Oldest agency for securing utcnts. Patents taken t, rough Munn a . recctn 1 :tpecia-l notice, without c urge. in the Scientific lineman. I 'A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific journal. Terms. 158 a year: four months, $1. Sold b all newsdoalers. syn & comm?» New pp ranch 011109. (:25 F St“ Welshman. I Undertaking. . W000 . . Just received this week an- _«other lot of nice Baby Car- ' riages that are Special Value. . Also Extension Tables, Side- ‘boards and Bedroom Suites. W I carry in stock a full line ' of Parlour Suites Lounges, _' Chairs, Etc. . :1" [Picture framing a Specialty. ’ If you are in need of a Sew; sing Machine be sure and see my styles before buying. null MARBLE WORKS. * Robt. Chambers is prepared to furnish the people of Lind any and surrounding country with MONU- MENTS and HEADSTONES, both Marble mud granite. Estimates promptly given on all kinds or .crmetery work. Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantle Pieces, etc., a specialty. Being a practical workman, all should .sco his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"In the rear of the Market on «Cambridge-st, opposite the packing house R. CHAMBERS liiili us lllllli ‘is printed every Friday at the office, corner May and Francis Streets. SUBSCRIPTION I $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE .cr one cent per week will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. txdvertising Rates. Professional or business cards. 50 cents gler line per annum. Casual advertisements, *5 cents per line for the first insertion, and '2 cents per line for every subsequent inser- ttion. Contracts by the your, half year or lluss, upon reasonable terms. J 03 PRINTING-2.;ecuted neatly, our. and} and at moderate prices. l E. D. HAND, Proprietor . Furniture v' 'i 'r ‘ ‘- 5-lust Stop and Think ‘ :- COUNTY OF REI‘URN OI“ ~ m‘x‘ nvwmv... n; vonoaIA. man-v. a. u 1. anu Mauu-‘ra.uu\. CONVI (T'i‘IONS made to me by the‘Justices of the Peace for the said County, and filed in my office, for the quarter ending Tuesday, December l3lh, 1904, in pursuance of the Revised Name of Name of Date of . . I“. ‘ . the Prosecutor. the Defendant. Nature Of the Charge' | Cunviction. 03:35:53 ; gingnd',;::? “big 31:3,;1 The King M. W. Robinson Breach bicycle by-luw. . .. Sept. 2 l904 Alex Jackson 36 45 . _ , .‘Forthwith isept. “ Wm. Workman Br'ch livery license by-law_ " 9 “ l 75 . . .. " " Wm. Rider . . . . .. Drunk and disorderly . . . . “ l0 “ 9 95 . . . . “ “ John Mcehau Assault . “ 13 “ 3 95 t! “ Wm. Hussoy . ... Drunk and disorderly . . .. “ 13 “ 5 70 . . . . “ “ Jos. Burke Abusive language “ 13 “ I5 20' u “ Peter McCube . . Drunk and disorderly . ... “ l3 “ 6 70 . . .. “ “ Geo. Johnson ‘ “ “ 16 “ 5 70 . . . . “ “ John Johnson .. “ “ 15 “ 5 70 “ “ Robert Carr Assault . . . . . . “ 24 “ 8‘ 70 . . . . “ “ John Balance... “ “ 27 “ 5 45 l‘ “ Geo. Ellsworth Drunk and disorderly “ 27 “ 4 45 . . .. “ " Daniel McGinnis “, “ 27 “ 14 70 .... . ‘l " Geo. Wilson Indecent exposure “ 27 “ 6 70 . . .. “ “ Simon 0. Langley Assault .. . . .. “ 30 “ 8 45 .... “ “ James O’Neill Breach Public Health Act “ 30 “ 95 . . .. “ ” - Samuel Foe Theft ' ...... “ 30 “ nu. ...... " Cicero Ogden Abusive language Oct. 1 “ 6 45 . . . . “ Jno Short,Toronto Drunk and incapable .... “ l ‘ “ 6 45 . . . . Forthwith “ Martin McIntosh Drunk and disorderly " 12 H 8 95 .. n H “. Thos Collins.... “ .... “ 25 H 4 70 n “ Samuel Brown Assault ...'... “ 25 “ r 4 45 .... H “ Peter Manb Drunk and disorderly .... Nov. 1 N 5 70 .... u “ Hugh Burke “ “ 1 “ 5 7° .... “ - “ ‘ J. M. Chalmers , _ Breach Bicycle Byolaw. . . . “ 3 “ 5 70 H ” Chas. Cnrtin Abusive language “ 8 “ 5 34 . . .. “ “ Thos. Foley Vugrancy ...... “. 9 “ ...... “ Wm C.Bonston '- “ “ 9 H ” Thos. Elliott . . .. Drunk and disorderly . . .. “ 9 “ 5 40 . . .. Forthwith “ Peter H Nowery “ “ 9 “ f 45 . “ " Jos. McLaughlin “ .... “ 9 “ 0 70 .. .h “ Bruce Reynolds Assault . . . ... “ ll, “ 5 57 .. Forthmth " Ed. Pelfrey .’... “ ...... “ ll " 5 83 ... “ ” Thos Vokes “ “ ls ‘ 4 95 .. “ “ Abraham Smith Drunk and disorderly .. .. “ l7 “ 9 80 . . . “ BleurJobo ' “ “ 22 r “ 9 70 . . . . . . . . . . ” Daniel Walker . , “ . . .. “ 22 “ 6 45 . . Forthwith " Jos. Thornhill ” “ 24 “ 8 45 . - ” “ Bert Baker ...... “ “ 24 “ 8 ‘10 .... ... “V Jae. Brooks Assault “ 29 “ “ Farquhar McRae Assaulting Vincent Dun- vell at Victoria Road Sept. 29 Jas. Deacon 12 42 Forthwith “ George English Assault at Somerville .... “ ‘26 “ 6 40 . . “ “ George English [Assault . . . . .. “ 26 “ 7 40 . . “ “ ,2; Patrick Perdue 'Disorderly conduct .. . . .. Oct. 1 “ 6 40 . ... " “ "3‘5 Cluirles Teal ....iAssault at Garden “ l3 ” 7 73 . “ ” AlfredSorivcr Drunk and disorderly . ... “ 28 “ 7 74 . . . . . ” “ Alfrb‘dScriver I u H 26 “ 5 47 “ “ James‘Gu'nn .... Dangerous insanity Nov. 22 “ “ John Stewart Drunk and disorderly “ 30 “ 6 50 .. .. . . “ John Stewart Assault . . . . . . “ 30 “ 12 10 . . Forthwith ' ' "' John Stewart Malicious injury to prop’ty “ 30 " 3 00 . . ...... ‘W. Eastman .... W. MoGracken Keeping a bar room open . . _ . _ . . . ' . a. ‘ - ,du‘rgflg prohibited hours “ 26 W. Fielding 10 00 .... Fortwath R‘ Scott » ...~. .., Geo." Horton ...?«Druuk and disorderly . . .. Aug. 22 H. Graham 3 00 . . .. U “‘- - Jas. McKinley W" ,' “ ” 22 “ 3 00 “ " . . . . . . . Thor. Watson '5 “ 22 “ 3 00 - - ~ - “ “ ...... Robt. Burns “ 23 “ 3 00 NH “ “ ...... Wm.Cooper .... ” 22 " 3 0° N" “ N. Albert Mills _ p ... 22 u 1 oo u “, . . . . . . Stanley Hopkins lDrunk."dis‘ordlly: fighting Sept. 5 “ 2 00 .... H I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct 8 quarter ending Tuesday, December l3th, l904. Oflice of the Clerk of the Peace, County of Victoria,lDecember 17th, 1904. Wall Paper. 3"“ We have ‘a. large stOck of Colin McAr- thur’s wall paper, the only paper made by double process. Don’t be persuaded to buy any old thing. Just as well get the best. The Paint we Sell--- It’s Goad aint. We wish all our customers and friends a Statutes of Ontario, Chap. 93, Sec. 1, and Criminal Code Sec 962 r .1 ms. HEAs. : :v..-r.: . "up. ' x121. bhedhie oi the returns of convictions for the Con Everything that is kept by an up-toâ€"date hardware in stock. MERRY CHE... f‘fl; HAPPY Thanking you for your liberal patronage .. in the past, we solicit a continuance of DOORS AND SASH. ' sass Planing done on for the same. JOS. and Name of it 0 0 'l 'I' 0 'l' , Q .90... ounce. Amount of Time when to» INOV. Sept. 27 Nov. Nov. II III... ollb'l Nov. ...-ul' nus... Time when paid. II (t II (I II II (I H II Oct. t! H (I I! II it (I it It nty of Victoria, made to me by the Justices of the Peace for the A. P. DEVLIN, lfil'fll‘flflfl’éfiflafifir AT BRITTON sacs: '- f READER: ’ It has never before been our privilege to offer as many elegant, USEFUL novelties . at ascale of prices that appeals to the ~»-_ average buyer. cocoon one. Sept. 27 has... ii' I. s e o a u so old... and... otv Our Christmas Goods are beautiful. We cannot describe our stock ; it would take too much space. see it. We show our attractions to all with the understanding that we wish none to pur- chase unless they consider it to their best interest to do so. -m... .-w . To whom i-aid lt'not paid, why not, .overby said Jus-.and general observa- l tiCe and when. ' lions, if any. Town Treasurer it ‘( H “ II Not yet paid. (I I! Town Treasurer. H d It M It ' « fl .. .. Sentence suspended. . 20 days in default. Town Treasurer. (I (l u H Not yet paid. Town Treasurer. lI . . . . . . .. 6 mlhsiin Cont'l Prison (t - Town Treasurer H ... unoo Town Treasurer. ' M It ,, ,. Not yet paid. Not yet paid.- -- Town Treasurer - » Not yet paid.- on. Town Treasurer. (I n ., Sentence suspended. County Treilsurel‘nud prosecution. “ I‘ u (t u (I u N t; H u H Committed {or final examination. onloo- ..... Co.treas.& pros And Buretles oi the u peace in $300.00 for it one year. Tress. Anson. S.Suddaby,'rreag urer Somerville. (t it “ II n (t u “ u N u ' l‘ Clerk of the Peace, County of Victoria. We invite you to come and BRITTON BROS. " Foot of Kent St., LIanSay. .' ‘ IHAVE BUSINESS, and will carry a large and up-to-date stock of furniture. Am also prepared to do all kinds of Carriage Making, Repairing and Repainting, ‘ PURCHASED W. MCKEOWN’S FURNITURE and to make short notice. S. S. Gainer. SECOND DIVISION COURT -â€"OF THE-â€" County of Victoria. â€"_. he nextsittings of the above Court wil be held in Twomey’s hall, Fenelon Falls ON MONDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1905, commencing at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. Thursday, Dec. 29th, will be the last day of servrce on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other coun- ties must be served on or before S t '- day, Dec. 24th. a m ELISHA MARK, Bailiff. Fenclon Falls. Oct. 15th, 1904. VIII] NEED NOT To Montreal or New York for chome patterns or prices in watL PAPER. s. onus, Clerk. low your selection. GDODWIH’S Lmosav, NEXT TO srnrsos’ HOUSE. I We have them ".here now '

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