We ï¬nd on taking stock that we have several thousands of iioll‘ rs wrath of goods that we must clear ort before our spring stock arrives, in order to prevent overcrowding. On Saturday, January 28th, and the following thirty days, we willlmld the most ever known in the history of our business. “Reduction isn’t the word for what we have done to prices. Slaughter--â€"almost exterm1nat10n---more nearly expresses our astion. We have slashed and cut right and lest, disregarding values and costs; our one aim being; to make so powerful an appeal to purses V“: '3» fv'.1 "Vf'Vy vv-v Mt‘u‘éi. 15;:- rimgfqy 5m _ that our offering will prove irresistible to wideawake shoppers. . Here are a few of our conviction-carrying ï¬gures : l 2 y U “ant-:uwzuawrwwvwmmwh'ï¬ , , l g . > _, ; 9 cent FLANNELLETTE 5 cents a yard 3 5.0 and 12 cent DRESS LININGS ’7 cents a yard. 18 pieces striped Flannellette, wide and cheap at 8 and 9 876 yards colored Dress Linings, double fold, black, brown 5 cents, All good patterns. Sale price per yard' I . . 5c. or slate. Regular price 10 and 12c. Saleprice per yard 71:. 35 .cent TABLINGS 22 cents a. yard. ' $1.00 Ladies’ KID GLOVES 55 cents. 6 pieces Table Linen, 54 inches wide, heavy cloth, good 17 dozen pairs ladies’ Kid Gloves in tans, browns and patterns. Regular price 30 and 350.11 yard. Sale price 221:. greys. Regular price $1.00 and $1.25 per pair. Sale price 55c. If' you don’t $1.25 Sateen Underskirts for 690. ' TWO need‘shoesfor $1.00 SHIRTS for 49 cents. 24 only Underskirts, deep frill im m ed 1 a t e A table of men’s and boys' cam- made 0 heavy mercerised sateen, . m?†at .tlleble brie Shirâ€, all Sizes- R9911“? ‘4‘ lmcesy “3 13 price 75 cents and $1.00. - only the plain- . est common Sale price, each . . 4&3. sense to buy ' » ' for future worth $1.25. ‘ ' Sale price 691:. ‘ ' ’ ' PRICE Jeri“ were '«'.'.-.".“zâ€".-~"mï¬'ï¬â€˜um 7" ' . ‘ “i, . . ' . 'e: r. I $1.40 Men’s Tweed Pants for 690., ‘ OF ONE \ . “ ‘ . EMBROIDEmES at half pnce. I d 27. pairs mï¬n’sltweed Page; - Women’s $2.25 BOOTS for-$1.00. ‘ b.0V1‘er 2,0001ypgds1rmgslin E151- tdwglszdpe- egu M Price $ ' ' ' 157 pairs women’s ï¬lpc 123001“, l'figg‘lfly 150%.? Hedgltlsegillwbgtsbld dlltozltdfeisngh:g ’ . . i. .- '- » $1.35 to $2.25 a pair. ox a 1' an f once a 1 , ' i . ’ . _ ‘ ' * sale puce’ per Pmr 698' 'heavy soles, excellent skating boots. Also “felt hm price Per yard 5! 7 & 109- .,boots with leather soles. Sale price, per pair? I. g _ ‘ ‘ v W . $3.50 MEN’S FINE SHOES roe $22.00 A» PAIR- “ ' 56 pairs inen’s box calf Shoes. sizes 6pto 9. Regular price marked $3.00,"$3.25 and $3.50. A snap: you v . a should not miss. Sale price " - . . . . . . . . . .e V . . p -. .. ~ wawrWM .MWJFF« ‘ .12 cent PRINTS 6 cents a yard. I 15 cent WRAPPERETTES 10 cents a yard V 14 pieces extm heavy Wrappgrettc, woflh 12:13, 13 and 15 . g1 pieheslï¬rst color Prints, worth lO‘an’d 12 cents. Sale , ' cents per yard. ' While they last ' ' . g V . . 19¢. _Pl‘1¢e Per yard , i - °' _ - r ' ‘ _ " ' .69- 8 cent FACTORY ‘GQTTQN I cent-,5 ayard, '75 cents LADIES’ VESTS 39.cents.. 20 pieces heavy Factory Cotton, sold at ‘7 and 8 cents a 8 dozen .ladies’ Winter» Vestsin ,. white. or natural grey. yard, Sale price, per yard . .. - . . 5c, Regular prlce 50, 60 and 7 5 cents. Sale price, each _ 39c. " M Sweeping Reductidns in" ' HATSand .CAPS. 4'. ’ WHITEWEAR AT LESS TH AN cos'r. _ _ . > Our new W’hitewear -is already here, and the values p p _ . 6 d0z_ mercerised sateen _Wais‘fs, beat. all previous records. A counter full of NightgownS, ‘. 17 dozen men’s Hats, worth . -H ‘E -‘ nicely trimmed, Cheap at $1.50. Underskirts, Drawers, Corset Covers, etc, at prices that $1.00 ’00 $2005 . ' v Sale price, each , . . $1. y will. astonish you. ' ' I . ' Sale Pmce: e‘wh ' 5967 ‘l 0-: ’ ~_ ’ I: v 8 cent STEAMLOOM 5 cents a yard..- \ A : ‘ . - -v§gp ‘-. _....‘ nut-1m V . M DRESS SKIRTS at $1.50, $1.80 and $2.65. . ‘2 We have classed our Skirts into three prices.‘ Some are 18 pieces (40 yards each) ï¬ne English bleached Cotton, V _ worth $4.50, none worth less than 352. Sale price _ Regular price 1 and 8. cents per yard. - bale puce 5mm; . Va . .. . , . .. . . ,. ,3. J l (I; ’ ‘ . p‘ _ ' . V ' ‘.| -- ' SALE BEGâ€"I333 SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY ‘ 28th, ‘AT 8 ' I _ p _ * e e ' I, \ a, | 1-â€, . . I V I ea... l."