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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 3 Feb 1905, p. 5

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t l 1 l l i i « tk‘.‘r. ' Willook was not feeling very well the first of this week. His brother Frank, of Piucher Creek, N. W. T., was here for a Week. and has returned home. Mr. Willock left here about 30 years ago for the west. His wife. nee Margaret Humphrey. attended the Sabbath School here in 1863. 3.2%?“ Ladies’ Cambric Underskirts, reg- ular $2 00 for $1.50 at Burgoyne’s. ‘ h 2169?“ Lntlies’ $1 50 and $52 fine. Shoes for $1.00 at Burgoyne’s. - CANDLEMAS DAY.-â€"To-duy (Thurs- day) is Canrllomus Day, and, as the sun is shining brightly. the beer, if he come out, can see his shadow, and everybody knows what the Consrquences will be. But the bear, though a beast, may think it is too beastly cold it day to leave his den, and if he don’t. he of course can not see his shadow, and therefore the winter may soon come to an end. 2%“ Men’s winter Gloves worth $125 for 79 cents at Burgoyne’s. p 3%“ Men’s $1 25 and $1.50 Felt Hats for I9 cents at Burgoyno’s. A SUCCESS â€"~'l‘he Methodist basket social held in Twomey’s hall on Wed- nesday evening was in every way a suc- cess, the attendance being large and the receipts satisfactory. The autograph quilt was purchased jointly by two wealthy members of the congregation and sent to the Parsonage as a present to the future Mrs. Kenny, who, we hope, will like it. ‘ W 4 lbs. best Tapioca for 25 cents at Burgoyne’s. 5%“ Boys’ Suits $2 29 at Burgoyne‘s. W Men’s Suits $4.99 at Burgoyne’s. Bus'r 'rnr. SYNDICATEâ€"A telegram from Peterbnrough to the Toronto pa- pers says: Local sportsmen will op- pose asyndicate which is enrloavoring to obtain exclusive fishingr and shooting rights in certain parts of Rice Lake. The Government will be petitioned at an early date not to grant any such rights, and also to make the law in re- gard to illegal fishing and shooting more strict.” 01' course they are "rich" people who Want to monopolize the fish- ing and shooting. and We hope the local sportsmen’s petition will be granted. 39" $1.50 Lace Curtains for $1.00 at Burgoyne’s. BE" A handsome picture with every 10 cent box of Starch at Burgoyne’s. CDRRESPON DEN CE . To the Editor of the Feiielan Falls Gazette : SIR, ’ The Victoria. County Old Boys have held a. couple of meetings of late, which, however, were not considered up to the standard for Victoria, and the election of officers has been deferred until the next meeting, which will be held on the evening of Thursday, Feb. 9th, and not on Feb 2nd, as announced at last meeting. This meet- ing will he held in the hall over Williams’ cafe, Yonge street, a. few doors north of Queen street, and is expected to be arouser, its President Sherwood is bringing in some distinguished friends of the Association to give us some of their wit and music. Mr. J: M. Moii'at took the chair at thelast meet- ing, in the absence of the president, and it would be well to put him there “ for keeps,” unless Mr. Sherwood can pilot us for an- other year. Mr. Wm. M Geoffrey acted as secretary, our old reliable “sec,” Mr.-T. R. Kennedy, having gone to Pcterborough to engage in business, where the society learns with joy that he is prospering well. Yours truly, 011118.19. HAND. Rec-Soc 41' Gerrard St. West, Toronto. 3%“ 50 cent Dress Goods 23 cents at Buigoyne’s. a? 13 cent Linings for 7 cents at Bur- goyne’s. Ea?‘ 13 cent Bleached Cotton for 8 cents atBurgoyne’s. I31RTIâ€"IS. GAINMLâ€"At Fenelon Falls, on Thursday, Jan. 12th, the wife of' Mr. 'S.;S. Gainer of ar ' daughter. LAMB â€"In the-township of Verniem,:on Friday, Jan. 13th, the wife of ‘Mr. William Lamb of a daughter. GREEN â€"1n the township of Vernlam, on Wednesday, January 18th, the wife of Mr. “William Green of a son. ' SAGKETT â€"1n the township of Fe‘nelon, on Thursday, January 19th, the wife of Mr..- George Sackett of 11. daughter. “’nBs'rEnâ€"At Felielon F‘alls,on Monday, January 23rd,- t-lio wife of Mr. Harry Web- s'ter of a. son. In the township of Fenciotron Monday-,- Jan. 23rd, the wife of Mr. Robert Braden ofa son. “,1. mrmmwm w- NOT 'roo LATE" unto-enter for a term in any department V of our excellent school, the i , 'ELELIOTT I», V 3' / . TORONTO. our. ‘ ' w» r 1 or 'ronox'ro. For the‘ Winter Term now Open we have a staff of 20 teachers, and can offer advantages not to be found in it small, unimportant school, Write for particulars and arrange to star-tat once. Address 3;. “1.15. SHAW. PRINCIPAL. i..â€" 'eeeseas-eeeeneeeeeeseee w â€"...' » ‘, ww$3933$3®9 ®®®G®©®®©®®m§§ .LAST WEEK OF oun ‘ STOCK-TAKING SALE Only one more week of this great slaughter sale. A lot of odds and ends which must go at ridiculously low prices. Some bargains that are bargains. lVith such attractive goods, attractive qualities and attract- ive prices no wonder we do the business. Always endeavoring to increase our patronage-dealing fairly and squarely and neVer misrepresenting our goods. These are the secrets of our success. AXES nil) SAWS. This is the woodâ€"cutting. season, and" I have a stock of Axes and Oross-cut"" Saws that can meet the requirements of " anyone who is getting out wood. ‘ Have .- a, look before you buy. e Isrne'innsrwwsmwrw WWWWWWWWW $1.50 Ladies’ Wrapperettes at 980. 3 dozen only ladies‘ Wrappers, assorted colors, all sizes from If you want a. snap in a. second-hand. : Stove, I have several for sale. i D. J. CDLLIS, the new, upâ€"toâ€"date and lead- ing Jeweller and Optician, FENELDE FALLS. . LUMBER, SHINGLES, . LATE. THE RATHBUN COMPANY, i. Fenelon Falls. 3 till Silllill .“fliiisll‘lElEBU‘lfifwi Fenelon Falls. 32 to 42, regular price $1.25 to $1.50. Sale price . . . . . . .... .98 2-50. Hose at 190. 10 doz. only ladies’ and boys’ heavy wool Hose, regular price 250. Sale price . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _19 a- . .â€" l . 200. Hose at 2 pairs for 250. 3-9- H- MCGEEI I 4 doz. only ladies’ wool Hose, regular 200. Sale price, 2 prs .25 O osite Post_0fiice Men’s 500. Shirts at 390. pp ' " (' 5 doz only men’s working Shirts, all sizes, in light or dark colors. Regular price 50c. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .39 , .325 25c. Wool Gloves at 19c. , , 3 doz.0nl ladies’ wool Gloves in black, white or colors. Rogularpride 25c. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .19 ‘ . Flannellette Sheeting at 550. yard. D A great. many people 160k"; .. 1 piece white Flannellette Sheeting, 2 yards Wide, regular h 9,. 1 r. 1 , $9 price 750. to $1 per yard. Sale price.... ...... .... .... .55 in upon Pney as a‘ ulsfulyâ€"a’s : Men’s wool Shirts and Drawers at 390. ' OI’ Somethmg they 0341111017 .aflbrd- r i 6 doz. men’s wool Shirts and Drawers, reg. 50c. Sale price. . .39 They have saved up thls 1dea $3 150. Ginghams and Muslins at 8c. . _. from the time When honey ‘ d3) 12 pieces Gingham and Muslin, all colors, reg. 12% & 15 [or .08 1f yoq'r eyesi la’re used to be expensive, before“ ‘ Ladies’ Waists at 390. weak now 13 the tlme the advent of what is known :- 3 R 1 doz. only ladies, wrapperette Waists, all colors and sizes. to have them as the u ,noveable frame n bee . egular price 500.» Sale price . . . . . ....................... .39 . -. 1 to. hive. Or else they have never .‘ i9 Dress Goods at 190. _ I» th h f . 11 . a}; 12 pieces Dress Goods, heavy weight, in all colors, plain or C 1 d 1 f Oug t 0 1” a't 31’ - striped, regular price 25c. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . ... .19 . 0 ore g asses or out" Honey now costs just;ha]_f as r _ 500. Dress Goods at 390- _ -. _ m Side now W111 help very much as butter, which is used . 15 pieces Dress Goods, all colors, regular 50c. Sale price .39 much. in every household every _ $3) 0iir'Whitcwcar Sale commences next week. Watch for advertise- W’ I . . . g v ment in next week’spaper. % All kmds of defective E. G. HAND. i ‘ eyes preperly fitted With _ g3 _ g the best glasses at low- s l E RILL RG3. - est F0R SALE- an g on: a BOOTS AND SHOES - in all the latest and up-to-date styles. i . a ,. nan ' Hdhllllso, ll ii If it requires any repairing, ;. and bring it to my shop onFranciSâ€" 4 street east, and the work will AT NEVISONS- be done the way it should be done. And while you’re here have a look at the Cutters I’m sell: -=~- ing. They are worth looking: at if you want a Cutter. '8';- x T HE WINTER TERM BEGINS TUESDAY, JAN. 3, 1905. What better Xmas present than a. few months’ tuition .at this excellent institution? Our attendance has so increased that we have again been compelled to provide more rooms. An early application is desirable. For particulars address _28â€"6m. WM. FIRING-LE, Principal. Eggs taken in exchange. FENELON FALLS MARKETS. F’enelon Falls, Friday, Feb 3rd,1905-- Iie‘porled by me Norc/i Star Roller Mill Oo'. STE-1.5., To Wheat,Scoteh or Fife1 .... 90 to 95 ‘ Wheat. fall .perbllShe 90 95 . F C .. we FRONT. , ‘ . . . _, ,_ . Barley, per bushel.-... .... 40 45 ‘ » Buckwheat“ ....... . . 50 55 . ' p Oats, “ .... 31 33:. â€"___.â€"~ .Peflse, (r; conic-IO Rye, ‘ 65 70 Potatoes “ ..... I 30 35 - - , Butter,pbr lb...... 1‘8» 20 811109 ChrlStma’st and Eggs, per dozen‘ , , _ . _ _ _ D . , '- 40 21 have, tile best quail-V Hay,per ton...... 2.23 .L Hides . 4.90. 5.15 lby goods can Hogs (live) .......-.... n. Ho'gs (Dressed) ......,... 550 6.00 Beef..................... 4.50 5.50 be bought for cash. Sheepskins.............. 50 75 l f, .1 I “7001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 A V x Flour F've Thistle . . . . . . . . t " -’ . '_ ,l X I I \ _ t. . w Flour:SilverLeaf .. 2.7800 The Old Reliable Jew- - _ I \ . .4 _ . . .. - , I K Fl V. t "it. ...... . . . - - 2- ' ‘ ‘ _ i ” ‘ ._‘ ‘III '1] gun! will: 1332b. cuppa...- 2.eo 2.80 e11er Stow, next. door to BARGAIN INTEREST INTENSIFIED , . MAL lag ,_ 4 Bran, per 100 lbs .. . 95 1Shorts, “ “ 90 ltlixedOhop “ 1.15 BY CHRISTMAS PRDXIMITY.’ Three weeks of unprecedented values in Millinery and Trimmings, as everyReady- to-wear and Untrimmed Hat is priced for rapid clearance. ‘ Stylish Reudy-to-wear Hats that were $1.50 to $3.00 to sell at 75 cents Unlrimined Mohair and Felt Shapes regular values at. $125 to $2.50 at 75 cents while they last. All this year’s goods, which have been ~ well kept. Also we have at reasonable ~ prices a nice line of Drapes, Pillow Tops and Handkerchiefs for Xmas gifts. Poe-- itively no credit given for these goods. . XDIAS PRESEN 1‘5. 1 05 t - the post-'otfice 1.00 - l 25 Toilet Articles make ideal presents. JO S E R They are both useful and ornamental. ' Our selection was never more complete. .. Some beautiful things in - BRUSH AND COMB SETS, EBONY MIRRORS, HAin BRUSHES, CLOTHES BRUSHES, \. HALL snrs, - MANIGURE SETS, are. ' All nun gonds 'in these lines are vinada ‘i - Io wear-a We. do. not [handle inferior goods MISS M. WASHBURN. masons .Dnua STORE?) , Fenelonfalls... - ‘ Fenelon.--.B?alls....- 1T PAYS TO ATTEND THE W The Greatest Snle the town has ever seen is going on at Burgoynr‘s. ONE OF THE GREATEST BUSINESS l TRAINING SCHOOLS IN CANADA. OPEN THE ENTIRE YEAR. BEAUTIFUDCAT ALOGUE FREE. ENTER NOW. W. J. ELLIOTT, - Principal. 00MB YOKGI.AND ALEXANDER 5TB. .s. z‘ 5 papers Pins for 5 cents at Bur- goyne’s. 5%” Ladies’ 25, 30 and 400. G‘. oves for 13 cents a pair at Burgoyne’s. 3%“ 12 and 14 cent Muslins for Scents eynrd at. Burgoyue‘s. I. 1.“..t. .,. ..... .

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