plough item Lindsay passed through the Falls on Sunday, we received no mail until 'Wednesdny at noon, except a little “ no account " one from the north on Monday. On that day an engine had one of its axles broken when near Burnt River and had to be taken off the rails, and on the Following night some sort of rolling: stock slept on the track near Cameron; Many country roads are being made impassable by drifts, and there is no sleigh riding. ex- cept on business. The only plea that, can be urged in dclencc of the weather is that it is " seasonzlhle.†and the soon- er it becomes ,uuseasonable the better we shall like it. FROZEN TO DEATH â€"On \Vednesday of last week Mr. Archibald McArthur and Mr. William McNish, two farmers who live opposite each other near Long Point, in Feuelon, drove to the Falls. a distance of about ten miles. each with a load of outs; and when they left for home in the evening Mr McNish rode with his neighbor, leaving his own team to i'ollowtwithout (as far as we can learn) tying them to the leadingr sleigh. He is sure they were behind it at No 13 school house. about six miles from here; but it was then dark and a snow- storm was raging, and when the 'm‘en’ reached home Mr. McNish’s horses and sleigh ware nowhere to be seen ; and no tidings 0F them-could be obtained until they were found, three or. four days later, in'the bush near Birch Point, in. Balsam “Lake, the horses still hitched. to the sleigh, but both dead‘and frozen stiff? Withsomcthing to eat, they would; probably have livedlnnger. but the com- bined hungerand‘celd proved futnl. ' TO rHE ELECTDBS OF FENELON FALLS. As I have been nominated for Councillor forthe village o£;Fenelon Fells, to ï¬ll the seat made vacant by my election being pro; tested onpccount-‘et my being a. tenant of. the corporation, my opponent having no further charge to lay against me; I again ask the ratepayers for their support, as It: hove made good my qualiï¬cation to ï¬ll the ofï¬ce. . .. . Feb. 16th, 1905. GEH. MeGEE. . W 'BIIETPIS. ' ' ' February 9th, 19:05,.‘the wife_cf;g-,li{-r. Albert: Robe of al'daughtcr. ' 7" Z ' ~ : DICKINSON +At the Rectory,“ Fenelon‘ Fitlls, on. Thursday, ,February '_16th, the nqu efï¬gy. A. S, Dickinson of optinghter'. .7-..,._. ._..._._ _-~_ ...____..._._ ___- u Di‘or practical education is the well known . I "'9 I _ or rename. Its present staff of ers, its ï¬ne equipment, including" one hundred and ï¬fteen type-writing ma- chines, itsmodern and 'thorough work, its success in placing its students and graduates in good positions, all combine to make it the one important Business “School of Canada. v , W No vacations. Enter any time. Correspondence invited. Write to W. H. SHAW. PRINCIPAL. """tu'AlI I Ell .. A LOCAL SALESMAN FOR F'ENELDN-z FALLS, and surrounding territory to represent Newest varieties and specialties in» Hardy Fruits, Smell Fruits, Shrubs,..0rnamentnls and Roses. A permanent situation and telrritory reserved for the right man. Pay weekly. Hundsomc outï¬t free. Write for particularsend send 25* cents for our pocket microscope, uscfnl,to grpwerrsof limits and plants and to farmers for examiningusced': stud grain. sION‘E & WELLINGTOR. FON'DHIDL. _. NURSERIES. (even 800 nouns). ONTARIO. TQRONTO - 2-3m. sriLI. f To. THE _. FRQNT. . r We have sorted‘np since Christmas, and have‘the best. quail: . it‘y goods that can be bought for cash. The Old Reliable J eW-.- ellery Store, next. doorto . the postzolï¬ce... JQ.H.N... SLATER. -‘ V in“.... one onenessz‘ersessesseeooeosssossesososeoesee ‘ Rsz.â€"At,Fe'nelon Falls, on Thursday, ‘ nose-see _ f ! Thé,Great School ' EANADA’S- GREATEST nunsrsirse' (gig ii" lowest possible price. 750.,Nig‘ht Dresses lat-4.9.0 18 only ladiesl Night Dresses, good cotton, M0- ; ther Hubbard- ,style, lace trimmed, .sines ' .54., 56, 58 _end 60 inches,'t~reguls.'r price 750. i ' '{$1.50pinght‘Dresses 98c. fril l - of-ï¬ne embroidery on neck _ and cuffs. Lengths '56,.58 and 60 in. ï¬lagr price _$1;.»50." - White Sale price, . .- -. Is} inn: .- court-Ty,» r2:{ 91o TH E WINTER, BEcINs TUESDAY, JAN. 3, 1905. “That better. Xmas. present than a few months" tuition at tlnsexcellent 1nst1tution?’ Our attendance has so increased thatwe have again been eontpel'l'edito provide more rooms. An early application is desirable: 28-6m. ’ FENELON FA LLS MARKETS. ~ Fenelou Falls, ‘rida‘y, Fe‘h 1011:3905: Reported 0y the worm mar Roller Mill Co Whent,Scotch or Fife 95 to. 1.00 .. gpeuz, tailliinpel' bl‘sllel.‘ ' " - v . -Is:prepared .to furnishithe people of Lind: 193 2 Si) 3' "" snyandf surrounding country with lliO-NU? ‘- Mixed Chop. “ .oqo,-oo:c Ir mvs TO ATTEND TUE ELLIOTT†.. / roseuro. our. , ONE or. run GREATEST BUSINESS TRAINING SCHOOLS IN CANADA. OPEN Tun ENTIRE YEAR. BEAUTIFUL CAT ALOGUE FREE. ENTER Now. ' w. J. ELLIOTT, -, Principal; COFFEE YOHGE AND ALEXANDER 8T8. its extraordinarily low prices. and properly and liberally ' '_White Sale price » 4:90. ‘ v 3-doi; only ladies’ Night†Dresses of' . ï¬ne- noinsOok, ‘ Bess: .' I Come in and let us Show you how~ you eon-=-s:tve. money. by buying your \Vlutewear new. NeVe‘r were such bargains in ,VVhitéwear offered jbefore.‘_’,The most j elegant range off-dainty \Vh‘ttewe'ar. eVer shown; “ uni-vs mm : _ - usresting:sue-‘“ WWWWW‘E‘ .. Thebest and quickest way to convince yourself of ‘_ the saving advantages of buying your summer white- - wear during the Great. White Sale is to come and in-. vestlgnte 1ts wonderful» 'nricty; of dainty styles end, . Here you’ll 'ï¬nd re- ï¬nement, elegance of style, highest grade of quality, sized garments at the very' 7 ‘ $1.50 Ladles.’ Skiris$l.' 18. only ladies" cob ton .Skirts, deep flounce of ï¬ne. lawn, with tucks and ' insertion of embroidery or .lnce,:psig‘es 38 to 44; Rog- - _ulztr price $1.50. ' W bite Sale price†' $1.00.: Corset ..Covers.x ' 7. Ladies’ Comet COVers in I ‘_veryidui11ty'styles in ï¬nest quality lawn, till Over em- . broidery fronts in pretty lace end ribbon styles,- rills of lace orembroidery, ‘ sizes :32 to. 4'3, stall prices“.'i fromzlilc. top-$1.00; .: .. ‘ , ‘Wrs‘wnrwswrrwwf meritâ€"fases'rss'vrsrw‘wwntmw swimwear. nurse GENERAL: Stow; “ v .I so senses-sssosoeeoeeesoessessile? . For particulars address _ IPIRINGLEh Principal. llNllSll; Minn will, Baht. chambers I _*--â€".â€"â€" -_.._‘-._._.‘_.. - hâ€"‘w‘ soooosoeosssooooooeeoseo so soon ' one 8 g. was“. AXES AND g Thisis the.""wood-cutting season, and" Ithe steiik- "of "Axes and, Cressâ€"cut ‘Saws'thatcan meet the requirements of " anyone whofis getting out woodg“ Have“ ' look before you buy. ‘ ' 1‘" 1! you [\Vgtnt a, snap in a IseéondJJa’nd; . 1 Stove, Lhave several. for saleâ€. 7 "":4"v 'v '9 --. v.-~.;~' .-:.. ,v ._ . , _ _ cso. H. McGEE. .: Opposite Postâ€"ofl’ice. ._ . ' , '. 1 : gonorrl WHY Nor Not many people care about t y i .Dlll’WSE; SIGHT] l :. .5 . or ' THE FACT ~3333n2?‘2r.;‘;::::1satin: else4ésoi’tietlii11g.suteet, gener- I _: allyâ€"with it. Fruit of ‘all _ "j’ kinds is largely. used, but} it is quite expensive and requires 2 a lot of work in preserving, I i ' Honey-makes o. goodif‘side j H line 1’ at breakfast. ltis‘c‘;héa.p,_ and requires no preparation a: whatever. ’ _ _ .» Do you ever use it ? E. G. HAND.~ ' FENELON FALLS. " s that if your eyes are ‘weak'no‘w .is. the time Ltd have ,‘them' attended ‘_ pto. .,:-._ «.t T. “Colored glasses for eut- Side new will help very much: I _, -’ A11 kinds~ of defective , “eyes properly, ï¬thfwith “WRIST? f thebest- glasseS‘at 10W: ,v " g eshpricei = l g- 2J_.'.52:G®LL!$,.. '_ the newaupâ€"tosdate 1ead-" '_ i‘nngeweller aridjOptician, k . . creator: Putts. Points Aborsi; Drug-Es. . I ‘ BOOTS AND. SHOES ' all the latest :md turboâ€"date ' ‘ "styles. i‘ " ' Drugs, like other things nowadays, can 1 ' be boughtat almost any price.. The dif- â€" fcronce is in their-purity " _ ‘ WE want you to know tha: what you buy i from us is right end the prices are the low-t ,7, est consistent with quality. IT’S A PLEASURE to know that when you have to take drugs ': they are goin‘gto give the best results We are accurate and painstaking, and guarantee the. reliability of. wlmtever‘we ~ deal in- AT . NEVISON’S_ Benson’s onus 51035,. F‘eneloni. Falls. ' FORSALE- -LUMBER,-,,,.§ . SHINGLEs, . é: . LATE. nit; Rhesus : reset“; 1 Pension Fall's. . Eggs taken in exchange. ' _: l'+"‘-_i:?3-:'W\3f5“ .o‘.‘ _‘ ‘ sewn): ire» râ€- y‘v‘“: \'_ 5.4 - xix"??? ‘ 1 la n o a o o u u r I‘ I . ‘ $333313:me H H g; MEN Is end hEADS’lONES, both Marble 6M3 ,, z ' ‘ 33, 35 and granite. . ' _ ’ I I I C, I D I l ‘ l ’PQltSe, “ u to. ...- Estimates promptly given on n" kinds OI, Rye, †‘55 7" cemetery work. . Potatoes, “‘ ;... u... 30 .35 ,~ . - Butter, per lbz...†16 17 _M‘l1‘bl§ Tï¬bll’w TOPS, Wash Tops, Mantle Eggs, per dozen . . . . . . . . .. 18 _ 19'- Pieces,..etc;, a-speciul'ty. - ' ............. 7.07) 8.00 . ' . gage?“ ton ' 6,00 6,50 BC]llg'fï¬wpl‘llcllelll workman, all should. Ho“ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' “' 5‘00 5 25 see his designs and Icompure prices before HOE; EDrc's'se'a'ji'“ """' †5,56 ' 3_00 .uurchnsiing elsewhere. ' ' ‘ Beef . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... u... 4-59 55? WORKSâ€"In the rear of the Market on Sheepskins ~. .‘. . . .. . . ..- . . .' Cambridge-st , opposite the packing house Wool . . . . . . - . Flour Five Thistle . . . . . -. . 2 90 3-10 Flour: Silver Leaf .. 2.30 3.00 , R7 CHAMBERS Flour,V‘ictoria1.. .... 2.7.0 .230 _ ' hâ€"«mâ€" Flour, Family, .Clipper:... 240:1 2.8.9 l - , - Brun, per 100 lbs -- . 9-) l “9 .. 50 YEARS" Shorts, “ “ .. .. . . 90 1.90 EXPERIENCE 1.15 1.25 .. . ,, 'BY CHRISTMAS PBDXIMITY. Three weeks-of unprecedented values in V liltlilil . .3 l is. ill l y l... til ‘2 Millinery nnd . Trimmings. as every. Rendy- : requires any repairing-5;“ ‘°".‘"““",““d Umr‘nlmed Hat's pmed fl" bring. itto my: 51101) on. Francis: -::. rapid clearance. ' ~ . v . : st.reet=east,‘ztnd~ the work Will: ;‘ A Stylish Reudy-to-wcnr Hats that were . ~$1.50 to $3.00 to sell nt 15 cents beldone the) _Wa‘y'1t Should, be, ‘ TRADE MARKS DESIGNS - ~ COPYRIGHTS &c. , Anyone sending a sketch and description ma) quickly ascertan our opinion free whether a: ‘ invention is probably patcntable. Communica- . tlons strict] conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Ides: mzency for securing patente.’ . Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive spectutmttce, without charge. In the I- Stiettinc Emerita". ‘ A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest eIr. culatlon of tiny scientiï¬c ournnl. Terms, $3 a year: four months. $1. 80 d by all newsdealers. MUNN § Cosme-M» New Ygrlt m n, _,,.. Branch co. 625 1" pt... Washington, land Handkerchiefs for Xmas gifts. .Pos-- Untjrimmed Mohair and Felt Shapes regulnr values at $1.25 to $2.50 at 75 centS'while they last. I .All this year’s goods, which have been well kept. Also.\ve have at. twosonable prices a‘nice line of Drapes, 'PlllOW. Tops itively no credit given for these goods; .. MISS M. WASHBURN. Fenelop Falls. .1 done.. ' And whi'le‘you’re here'have - 2r .looknt the. Cutters. I’m sell» ihg'. They ere-worth looking stifyou want a Cutter. _.F;‘.Gif: CHAMBERS... I"»' , ,. ,;; . “v . $23.35,. -.. -' --"‘.7Wa. “M L... at "‘"' ._ ._...