. t-‘e " -I.‘AW1L’:’ _ V OL- XXXIII. AnldeaIState. l The soldiers-~that is. the Russian and Japanese workingmenâ€"kill t-ach other through a physolOgical automa~ tism; they are pushed; they kill and die : that is all. “ The Socialism of' to-day dreams of an ideal social state, where exact and universal justice will be done; a state .a- ' u“: ., . . M to be properly ï¬nished, ‘2}. or for other purposes. Call in and talk it 1 over. Professional Cards. _______,_______.___â€"â€"â€"â€"oâ€"â€"-â€"-â€"‘- LEGAL. F. A. MODIARMID. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etcâ€; FENE- B Ion Falls. Ofï¬ce, Colborne street, opposite Post-ofï¬ce. Whloney to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. ___________________â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" M CLAUG HLTN & PEE h. ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, 5w. Money to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. Office, Kent street, opposite Market, Lindsay. ARRISTER, &e. SOLICITOR FOR the Ontario Bank. Money to loan at owest rates on terms to suit the borrower. Ofï¬ces: No.6, William Street South, Lind- say, Ont. STEWART &: O’CONNOR, ARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Ste. MONEY B to loan at. lowest current rates. Terms to suit borrowers. Ofï¬ce on corner of Kent. and York streets, Lindsay. Temmum. L.V.O’CONNOR,B.A YOUR _________________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" MOORE 85 JACKSON, ARRISTERS, SOLIUITORS, &e. 0f- B ï¬ce,William street,Lindsay. F. D. Moons. A. JACKSON ______,_,__._____â€"â€"â€"â€" AUCTIONEER. WM. STEPHEN OLIVER, LINDSAY - ONT. Live 4 Stock and general Auctioneer. Write for dates before adverttsmg. MEDICAL. DR. 11. H. GRAHAM. --u. 9., e. 2.1., it. a. c. s. Eng, 1!. c. P. a s., Oar, r. 'r. M. s.â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCH- eur. Ofï¬ce. Francis Street, Fenelon Falls. _________________________._._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" DR. A. WlLSON, -â€"n. n.,1u. c. r. a s., Ontario,â€"â€" 5 I _ Q HYSICIAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCH‘ 0 S In our. Oflice, Colborne Street, b‘enelon Falls. fl DENTAL. Wflffl Dr. S. J. Slߤ, DENTIST, JFK-31101011 Falls. ed and become a sublime reality when the world accepts Jesus in fact and not in a half-hearted, unintelligent way, as is done now. How could there ever be such a thing as social or political._in~ justice to a human being on earth if' men sincerely and honestly accepted the doctrine of the Golden Rule? †in the in Milwaukee on Christmas Day by the Rev. Sherman P. Young. And we should like to ask why men do not “ sin- cerely and honestly †accept the doctrine of' the Golden Rule? Leave out the workers, whom the preachers usually preach at, and consider the business men from which class pillars of churches are secured. Why don’t they observe the Golden Rule? Why do they bribe councils and legislatures ? Why do they sell adultcratcd goods? Why do they dodge taxes? Why do they ï¬ll their factories with woman and child labor ? price of all. lines of winter Footwear. R. J. MCLAUGBLIN. J. A. PEEL ; ‘ J L L _ riff/Wâ€" ." G. H. HOPKINS, ‘ 3., I . l )- as well as your own, should in‘ clude a good cereal. breakfast foods in almost inï¬nite No matter what par- ticular grain or combination you prefer, we have it here. We have variety. I You can have the cooked, the ,' half cooked or the un-cookedj, , ‘ the pro-digested, the half digest- ed Or just the plain cereal. is for you to select, us to supply. W. L. ROBSGN. It It you ask any particularly well-dressed man in Fenelon Falls or surrounding district, The above is from a sermon preached Why do they water their stocks? Why do they gamble in the stock exchange to get wealth away from others? Why do they ï¬ght the union and its efforts to secure living wages and better citizen- ship for the working class? Why do they sell goods under false representa- tions? Why do they give short weight? Why do they practie business decep- tion? Why do they say there is no sentiment in business? Why do they say that in business it is Mary man for himselfâ€"and the devil take the hind. most? Isn't it because there is some strong, compelling motive back of life and conduct under the capitalist system ? If all the preaching of the Golden Rule these hundreds of years has only result. ed in unscrupulous and dishonest busi- ness lives, in wolï¬sh neck and neck struggles, in the crushing and exhaust- ing of labor for proï¬t, doesn’t it. show that, much as people would like to be good, they secretly feel that they cannot afoul to be? If goodness of conduct can only be brought about by the re generation of the human heart, where is the result of 2,000 years of preaching? It simply shows that that preaching has been against the stream instead of with it. And no wonder, when that stream gives forth the immoral song of capital- ism that competition and strife make for individual well being. The Social-Democrats are “irrational dreamers " enough to say: Change the system of' competition to one ofco-oper- ation and mutual good will and brother- ly love'l Change the system so that it willpay to be good instead of paying to be bad! Man is naturally good. He hates to skin his neighbor, or to live by sharp practice, or rent, proï¬t orinterest, or by exploiting the labor power of others. Let. us make goodness possible, and let the Rev. Young help as to get people to Want a new systemâ€"The Vanguard. Q". Socialist View of War. Socialists, the world over, are uncom- promisingly opposed to war. One of the prominent planks in the platform of In- ternational Socialism is a demand for world peace. The false patriotism which capitalism and militarism put forth as a pretext for war is seen by the Socialist to be but a incans whereby these interested classes reap proï¬t from the blood of the masses. of universal prosperity, where there is _ The military Chiefs 5-30 to ‘VGF’b'ccflU'ie no unnatural wealth and no helpless 1t lsflleil‘ trade-to make their career, 5%. poverty. That is a Christian ideal. to W"! l10130th and money. “You are ‘ ’ Every man who accepts the philosophy badly fed and nearly naked.†Bald Na- ; of Jesus ought, to pronounce himse†to poleon Bonoparte in his proclamation to e ._...__..â€"â€"-â€" that extent an ardent Socialist, but that the FY00“) army at the beginning 0f the state of human society cannot be brought Ila-“fin Campaign. “ Well. I will lead g about through political parties and cam- :30; 101w a rich country, whpre 'youlwill ' ' ' ' aigns. It can be brought about col 0 gory. lonors an wea th. ’ "hat g i The Bank Of BrltlSh by the regeneration of the human heard is eleal‘ CHOW-Ill: it WOUld seem- ‘x . The idea: therefore, of modern Social- . But the Russo~dapanese war was not 5 North America lends r I ism as being brought about, by political fleeide upon either by the soldiers or E I . E a agencies is the wildest and most irra- the military Cllllef'S. Till} capitalists, ‘ ' n . tional dream. That ideal will be reach- “9 pro l'letOK‘S. t 16 Contractors and the money to enJfle cattle bankersparc behind the curtain. Why is there war? Only because they want to steal Manchuria and Ko- rea: And they do not even conceal this robber aim. They add, naturally, the necessity of defending their own com; mercial and industrial development.- But the simple and common truth is that they want to steel, to steal territoâ€" ry, to steal personal wealth. And when the brutal fact comes to conï¬rm so conspicuously the Socialist truth that the aim of war is robbery, and murder is its means, is it possible that there is a. single Socialist, a single man of good sense, who is not against war? While the paciï¬st and the good- hearted man limits himself to a protest, the Socialist adds the work of propa~ ganda, and exploits the brutal fact, to root more and more in the brain and. heart Of‘the workingman the hatred ct†wars, and that they must not march to kill and be killed for the proï¬t of the capitalists, who stay at home and care only to reap the spoils stained with the proletarians’ blood. Spoil and deathâ€"c double advantage for capitalism. The thing is so evident, as I write these lines, here in Paris, in the midst of the nationalist campaign in favor of “Holy Russia "’â€"â€"the Russia of marâ€" derous Tsarism, for every human crea- ture that thinks freelyâ€"l believe that the French people will never be pushed to march for the Russo-Japanese war. It will not march, this noble proletariat, because the spell is over. The truth is here evident, irresistible: the .aim of‘ war is robbery, and murder is its means. â€"Ib. .4â€" . The Gospel of Wealth. It is the gospel of wealth, corrupting and destructive. It cannot be finally successful, for it violates divine justice. lts teachings are professedly material. No grand moral idea underlies it. We are moving we hardly know whither. One thing is certainâ€"the ul- tra individualism of' the past is doomed. Whatever the future brings forth, the voices of the social prophets and econo-A mists will not have been heard in vain. There is some truth in the phrase, “ We- arc all Socialists now.†To the observant and thoughtful it is apparent even in our own country that great numbers of thoughtful, cousarva- tive, hard-working men are burdened by the problem of existence. Is it not a fact that the government of these United States is on the verge of rebel- lion and revolution, they ask? Are the people, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, not feeling the spirit of discontent more and more, because in the midst of abun~ dance there are countless thousands al- most naked, starved and frozen to death by the power of a few men who live by avarice, greed and injustice in luxury, while the God-given rights of the peo- ple are trampled iu the dust. Some days ago it was publicly stated that in New York City there were over 100,000 unemployed, and 50,000 chil- dren who, every morning, went break- fastless to school. With such facts con- fronting us, it is the duty of the priest- hood to point out the dangers that threaten human society and every form of government that loses sight of the Fatherhood of God- and the Brother- hood of Jesus Christ.-â€"-Rev. Father Du- . ‘ U " 't and “ ~ 77 ' ,' With the spread of Socialism this dis- ,8, L v 0/ ,7 N. Y. Rogilcgï¬leegggf gglï¬glosurgzgg-SI y Who makes yoql Clothes ? anallably he guise will be torn off, and the common 663/ 00 s “‘76,,†Wlll tell you ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY people of all nations will see clearly that med according to the latest improved erfor . p methods at moderate prices. orrIOE;_o\verBurgoyne’s SW6: 001‘ c 5 Be one Of the number, and call and see DENTIST, - LINDSAY-- what he is doing for the Fall and Winter. ,cse. . r0 [1d ' ' ' ' ' mun-m tegtgpeg,,;7աԤ,,,,Ed..f"%.§a. HIS prlces are r1ght, cons1steut With ï¬rstâ€"class W/ DES. NEEthlDS 8t llllllllE, rid 0 work . . :rtigeial teeth. Painless extraction. Gas Wrists†‘° W“ 9’0†PW“ “M Sty 19 and WorkmanShiP- He makes no other. gust sneress. they have everything to gain and noth- “Girls almost Slaves†is the heading ing to lose by abolishing capitalist rule and substituting therefore. world-wide federation of peace and goodwill. Our great Italian comrade, Enrico Ferri, thus states the Socialist view of war: The aim of war is robbery, and mur- der is its means. Here is the positive truth afï¬rmed by the Socialist doctrine of economic determination. The Russo- Japanescwar is its brilliant conï¬rma- tion. Why do Russia and Japan make war? over a New York telegram printed in .the Kanses City Star. It tells of" the violation of" the child labor law in New York, citing the cases of two little. girls â€"â€"onc 13 and the other 14 years of age. The girls had worked 68 hours in six days, for which they received 553 One ofthc girls was ï¬ned ten cents to: talk- ing during working hours, and tvwz cents for being five minutes late one on: sing. No slave master was ever able to acute labor so cheaply. '