Kawartha Lakes Public Library Digital Archive

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 28 Apr 1905, p. 5

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ti» . order of the day. . Some of the farm crops at present are not looking very prosperous, owing part- ly to the very dry season We are having. Mr. Albert Hopkins, of Kinmount, Was in our vicinity recently on a busi- ness trip. Miss Katie Hughes and her sister, Miss Annie Hughes, 01' the Queen City, are enjoying a month's visit at their , home (Green Mountain Home.) Mr. and Mrs. Robt. English, of Fen- elon Falls, spent Easter Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. h‘rank Eldridge. Mr. W. Mitchell, Fair View, had a wood bee on Monday, which was very successful, and ended up with all hav- ing a. very enjoyable evening. Mrs. 'l‘. Shauklund spent Monday in Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. \Vood Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. '1‘. Thompson Jr., 01' Fenelon Falls, spent Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wood at the Station. Mr. Wm. 'l‘ipling of Honey Grove has purchased a new incubator. Mr. Wm. Huskies. of Bnry’s Green, had his new barn raised one day last Week, and the raising was attended by a very large crowd, who tripped the light fantastic until “ the tree sma’ hours ayont the twal’.” Sun DID N‘T Cousâ€"-Thc steamer Kathleen. was advertised to run a trip to the Falls on Good Friday, but she did not come, being unable to break an ice blockade at the mouth of'the river. GOVERNMENT Wont: â€"’l‘he work of putting a new top on one of the lock gates (which had become rotten) was finished early this week, and the worn- out flooring ot' the swing bridge has been replaced by new planks. Mr. G. _ H. Littleton “ bossed the job," which, it is needless to say, was well and sat- isf‘actorily done. MOVED. â€" Mr. Jt J. Nevisou has moved into his new store, the ceiling and inner walls of which are covered with painted metal plates over tar-paper, instead of being lathed and plastered. The work benches and stock of leather are upstairs, leaving the ground floor for the display of harness, trunks, valises etc, and the transaction of - business. _ WARMER.~â€"'l‘he Weather is now much warmer and more pleasant than it was briorc the heavy tall 01' snow on Good Friday, which, as the saying is, “ took the cold out 01' theair." The village cows are beginning to go through the motions of grazing, cattle are being turned out upon the ranches, where some tuf‘ts ol'long grass were left last year, and on Tuesday the bees began to gather pollen from the soft maple bloom. BEE-KEEPERS’ _ MEETINGâ€"â€"’l‘he I‘eg- " ular spring meeting of the Victoria County Bec-Kocpcrs’ Association was li-rld at Little Britain on Good Friday. and was well attended by npiarists from various parts of ill; county. _'l‘wo very interesting sessions were held, and some new names were added to the member- ship. it may interest the general pub- lic to learn that Mariposa towuship is one of the. greatest honey-producing sections in Ontario. GYPSIES.â€"Tllis (Thursday) morning the Falls was invaded by a waggon-load of Gypsies, about twenty-five of whom have an encampment on or near Mr. John Perryman’s farm. about two miles north of the village. The men are tit-k- ers and horse dealers. and the women, who are gorgeously attired, profess to be able to dive into l‘uturity. We believe them to be genuine Gypsies, as they look just like the ones we used to see in England ages ago. WM DIEE). Sunless â€"-At the residence of her son-in- law, Mr. Edward Beteau, Fenelon Falls, on Tuesday, April 25th, Mrs. James Simmons, of'lrotzdale, aged 50 years. W P‘ a NELON‘ FALLS MARKETS. Echelon Falls, Friday, April 28th, 1905, Reporlecl'oy one A’ort/t Star Roller Hill 00.. 95 to 1:00, Whent,Scotch or Fife ,... Wheat-,l'all, per-bushol-..... 95 1,00 Wheat, spring .... .... 90 95 ,Bnrlcy, per bushel.... .... 42 46 Buckwheat“ . . .. 50 55, Oats, “ 3o; 38. Pense, “» Go 67 Rye). “‘ noose... Potatoes, ‘-'~ .. 30 35. Butter,per1b............ 18: 20 Eggs, per dozen . . . . . . . . .. 18 20 Hay,perton............. 8.00 900 Hides . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... 6.0’) 650 Hogs (live). ........ ...... .. 6.25 6.50 Hogs (Dressed) 5§0 Beef . . . . . . . . . . .. 4:00 9.00 Sheepskins . . . . . .. . ... . 5-) 75- Wool . . . . . . l0 “17 Flour, Fire Thistle . . . . . ,. .. 2.9“) 0.10 Flour,.‘iilver Lcni‘. ...... .. 2.60 1:00 Flour, Victoria 2.70 ...9ll Flour, Family, Clipper.... 2.6_0 2:89 Brno, per 100 lbs ... .. . 9a 1-0:) Shorts, ‘-’ “~ ......... 90 1.09 “ 1-.15 1.2;) Mixed Chop ~_______________________________ FOR 5.11413, Aâ€" light top buggy and a. set of single QIOO.!OI.' hurness; neither of them much the worse Ottawa, 11th April, 1905. :"r.cm.w.ear. Apply at the Gazette offich Auci. A %$§@®@®®@®©@99@®®®@®©®®©©®®®L GD f‘x / 3%. . 1% 1'“ fl“\,/‘\ .A . ". l'fil'. i av , made. »ooooooooeeeoooe g” r i x .1 ,oooeoo‘ so Ladies’ Underskirts at $1. Ladies’ black sateen Underskirts, mercerized, of fine quality, with deep flounce and frills, foronly $1.00 Ladles’ Waisls at $1. 50 only ladies’ \Vaists of black or cream lustre, white lawn or colored muslin, regular price $1.25, $1.35 and $1.50. Your choice for $1.00 Ladies’ Slippers at $1. 24. pairs ladies’ Slippers 1n lace or with strap in all sizes. Good value at $1.25. To clear at $1.00 bring their value. umrrnttmipnlgpgu‘mgr L' LEllllll‘iG GENEREL lilERCHllliTS. (D THE session lessees. , The Empire Fence is the strongest fence It is all painted white. A stand- ard and a. half galvanized. ‘Each horizon- tal wire is guaranteed to stand irom 2,200 to 2,600 pounds. Hard drawn steel wire stands 1,500 pounds. Fenelon, April 26th, 1905. Sold by l’aiter II. Stevenson. 12-4* COURT OF ’REVISlON. Notice is hereby pivdn that a Court for the revision of the Assessment Roll of the Village of Fenclon Falls 3 will be held in Twomey's hall On Monday, the 29th day of May, 1905, at. 8 o’clock p.111. All persons interested will please take notice and govern them- selves accordingly. ’l‘he roll is now open for inspection at my oilicc. W. T. JUNKIN, Village Cleric Fenelou Falls, April 26th, .1905. 12â€"2. A rStz-ay Iâ€"Iound came on to the premises of the subscriber, lot 7, con. 4, Fenclon. The owner can have ‘tllc same by proving property and paying expenses. ' JOSEPH TAMLIN, 9-3." Cambrny P. O. EALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at. Ottawa until noon on Friday, June 2nd, 1905, for the conveyance of His Majesty’s Mails, on a. proposed Contract for four years, six times per week each way, between, Uohoconk and Fenelon Falls, from the Postmaster-Generals pleasure. Printed notices containing further in- formation as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Colloconk, Fenelon Falls, Baddow and Rosedale, and at the office of the Post Ollico Inspector at Toronto. G. C. ANDERSON, ' Superintendent. Post Office Department, Mail Contract Branch, , 10-3. one DOLLAR VALUES. W53" V13?“ WWW“ WWW WF’WW’WW‘WWWF’W , Read the following list, any of which you can get at Terrills’ for $1.00. People who want to get the most. for their money find. it to their advantage to deal at “ Terrills’,” the store Where dollars * . Willi i‘l’lhi‘lEY Bhllli lF Nill'SthS‘FlEil. lupin: 'rzéipz‘mqiyarnwr unwrnnypst'rppt’nmutl'mfin’mwrwynwrwrrwr'nyplr upgrniqapr‘nyprmgn Fillliillilll A FALLS. V ' r14. i?! F . l?‘ H 0 Ii *3 WWmm-um» ' I I. m... 12 ’i \0 Men’s Hats at $1.00._ 24 only men’s felt Hats in black or light grey. in all sizes, regular price $1.25 to $2.00. On sale at o a Men’s Working Boots $1. Men’s. Boots in medium weight or heavy leather, in all sizes, a good serv- iceable boot at, per pair $1.00 Women’s glove grain Boots, lace only, in. all sizes. Very comfortable boot for every-day wear. Per pair $1.00 r v - v eeeoeeeeoeon IS A Not one graduate of the popular CORNER YONGE AND ALEXANDER S’I‘S, is out of a position to-day. It is the truth when we say'that “ ourpupz'ls are z'lm‘formlg/ successful in getting good posit- zons after graduation ” Our school is at high class one and the best in Canada. Enter now. College open the entire year. Catalogue free. i l g i i W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. i neon: BlLLS. Horsemen requiring route bills or cards should'se‘e what , ' ,tllfW'i’ we have to Show in cuts and . workmanship. Prices reasonâ€"‘ able. IGRZET?E OFFICE. $135M... “TO THE WiQF‘dT. life have sorted up since Christmas, and have the best. qual- ity goods that can be. bought for cash. The Old Reliable Jew- ellery Store. next. door to the postâ€"office. ' JQOHN. SLAIEB- l. . .._._...““"‘. ..W””“'”‘ ‘7' SPRING What about your Or if you are going to build, call: ing ? painting and repair-«- and get estimates of materials. If you let me. know What you are going. to build, I can tell you how much of each: kind of material you needâ€"«also draw you. a. plan if necessary. All information free Whether you are at customer or not. ' GEO. lei. hfioSEE. Opposite Post-office. ll 6301] TIME TO BUY A GOOD TllVIEPlECE. New goods just arrived, and I can show you the latest and newest designs in Gents’ and Ladies’ Watches, Chains, Lock- ets, Bracelets, Brooches, etc. Quality and prices right. Something decidedly new in , Silverware suitable for wed- APIARIST: ding presents. ' ALWAYS IN SEA-SON. Some peovle have a notion? that honey is just a cold wea~~ ther article of food, and only to be used in the winter, or“ else they think it will spoil quickly in warm weather. Other people know better, and use it right. along. Honey is always seasonnble, and if properly kept, never deteriorates in quality. Get in with the crowd who use it every day. ’ - E. G. HAND. FENELON FAL S..- o._e. coins. GE? our '3 the new, upâ€"to-datc and lead- ing Jeweller and Optician, FEEfiELOfi FALLS. D. hhhidllh -.' fig ‘M a I If it requires any repail'ing,.... bring it to my shop on Francis street east, and the ivork will" be done the way it should be done. . And I can show you some Buggies that will make you I have removed my glad you didn’t buy abnggy harness-snaking business to my new premises, just south of Northey’s block, Colborne street. J. .t. resvtsors. We beg to to announce to our customers and friends that we will have our open- ing on THURSBAY and FRiDAY, WARE?! 3333! and 3351. We have opened up an entirely new line of Millinery, consisting of all the choice goods of the season, such as Braids, Flowers, Laces, Ribbons, Mn- lincs, Chill‘ons, etc. We particularly desire to draw your attention to our artistic designs in high grade trimmed models for street wear, Tailored Hats and Ready-to-wenrs. We would ask you to call, us it is no trouble to show our goods. '1 Miss. M... WASHBURN. . Echelon. Ealls... up... elsewhere before you ' saw them. ' if; is“. opts 5‘ i F. ii lint» aloha .. iii??? no z is printed every Friday at the oifice, . corner May and Francis Streets. SUBSCRIPTION 2 $100 A rats, In ADVANJE.‘ or one cent per week will be. added, as long as it remains unpaid. Advertissing Raters. Professional or business cards, 50 centsâ€"1 perline per annum. Casual advertisements, . 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and: 2 cents per line for every subsequent lllSt‘l'~’-- tion. Contracts by the your, half year or. ' less, upon reasonable terms. JOB PRINTING executed neatly, cot-m ectly and at moderate prices. ' E. D. HAND, l’roprictot‘ , 50 YEARS‘ EXPEREENCE - ~ no; .‘r' 3‘ JJJ TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPVREGHTS 6L0. Anvone sending n. sketch and description may quickly listlertuln our opinion free \r tether" In: invention is probably potentnblc. (itllnlllillllf‘ll-r t-lons strictly confidential. ,Huttdbapk on Patents sent free. Oldest ttuency lor necnrnn: patents. Patents taken through Ilium: & Co. receive.- spretnt notice, without charge, in the shoots nineteen. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest ctr-'- culntlon of any scientific ournul. Terms, 3.; as year: four months, $1. So (1 byuil newsdenlersm .1 ilillNil 8. COPSWWW New York Branch Office. 6% F styithmmonrurm

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