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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 26 May 1905, p. 4

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intelligently. The life-story may be Farmers in want of a good CREAM SEPARATDB would do well to call and ex- amine the low ,down Oxford Separator. It is the only ball bearing winters over as a caterpillar in a cocoon in some protected. place. undid early June, when the blossoms are falling from the apple, the adult. winged moths appear; The females deposit their onus on the leaves and newly formed fruit. In about ten days the caterpillars es- fir? middle of: August, leaving themeagain in September to make cocoons within which to spend the winter. “ With our. know-ledge of these facts Friday, May 26th:. 19053. , . .we are able tostate quite definitely the W i . . ' _ _ best times to apply remedies. l‘hc plan Municipal.Bcnuses.. ESCAPE THE RISK - The F‘cnelon Falls Gazette. ea ’u. . ‘ aw? G d of paying too much, and also have the comfort of knowing that what you. buy is thoroughly good by get- ting your needs at this store. :ie to poison the worms with PerisGrccn ior sonne- other nrscnic mixture before .they- enter: the fruit. The trees should be sprayed (1)43 few dug/L3 after the blossoms fiill‘;;and (:2),ab0ut the middle- ofl‘Awgust. tor. the second brood 0f larvae. ,An additional spraying ten days or two weeks after the first will in many cases be productive of much good. It is ad- visable, of- course, to use the arsenic {mixture alonggviyh Bordeaux- to control the apple scab-fungus at thcvsamc time that the cooling moth is being, treated. For-tho scab two additional sprayin'gs 'arc necessaryâ€"one befo‘re blossoming and cousin July. I “ The practice ofibanding trees is com- mendable, but, everything taken into gaceount, is more expensive than spray- Q) With reference to the grantinglof-‘bo- muses by municipalities, to which. al- most everybody objects, the Globe says: ' f‘ The report of the municipal A‘udit- or throws out a. timoly'hint as. to-tho evil of the prevalent habit of‘ granting "municipal bonuses. It is urged that, except under very special circumstances, ,thero-should‘bc ovluli’i‘n molecule-Wing of industries. Unfortunately that seems to be as far as our Provinciallegislation 'is likely to proceed at tho presentztime- Every seeker: for a. municipal bonus :claims that- his-case isosceptional. Ev- gory municipal council isdmpressed with fthe special nature-of its circumstances, and thus the wayis paved forcvcry mu» ,aniciptil bonustogoihronglhon- account ' ’of its supposedipeculiar:nature. The 5Province at one time assumed a proper )attitudc towcrdamunicipa-l bonuses, and 'took, away the power of granting them. But the bonus influence was too strong, ‘and tho- goodrwork. was.- nullifiod by a- Ewillingnoss. tmpass permissive private legislatian “ There are always some circum- iStanOOS Surroundng a bonus "hem" filing moth and other injuriousinsects, 1h“ 03“ be regarded? 35" “weptioml- for without them fruit could-scarcely be :‘But in their-leading features all bonuses grown, Encom‘ngeum birdg,.thepefom, dare “mm. They take from a-Val‘leiy 0f gtc come about the orchard by keeping,' ,entcrprisos a-ndlgivc-totho ~favored=onc. {he gun at a distance and by punishing {There is also a-ngencml sameness in the the robber of birds’ nestsg’ ,arguments advanced, and they are all ' mm. based one common miScenception. It is School Board jurgcd that the money talc-en will be on- ' '1y a slight amount-frommsch rstepsyer, ' while the bonused industry will be en- Board met. present Mess],i E Mo nblcd to conduct an extensive.;busincss. ,Dwuniy A. fibrmosh.’ J, 5‘ 'NGQiSOD Slit. isthe fallacy of tlrcbootastrcp‘lift "J L" A'mol'd am; D, Wilson ’ "applied-to axsmall areazâ€"the same falls ' A;001d_Biolutosl;’_That' um fdl‘ 53-? that “mulls tile protection .pOhcy' lowing accounts he paid .and’the chair- the error canals" m contemplating the man sign orders forrthe same : A. Eng- :ayemge andinomhe asgrOsMO---°°“‘F1b“‘ Elish ramovin-o storm windows. $3; J.J. 'tion of. the ratcpaycrs.. Ef‘udoller be 130;“, pawl?" in wood $1.25 _U,d. ftaken.from.~ecch productive worker in a» ‘.L ' ' ’ municipality it may seemnc trifling af- fair, but the merchant who finds each customer effecting an economy of one. dollnrzin his trade is confrontediwith a serious 1039.. r - , “ The-bonus, like the protective-tan Lam-“d” .. _ ifli'fsvorl cféwmt the expense of-mcny, and its continuance is due to the fact f PowlesZCOrner- that its benefits are obvious, while its . (. Correspondenceof the Gazette.) injurious ofi'ccts, though greater in the aggregate, are more or less concealed ' On Wednesday, the 17th,- Mr. Geo. through difihsion. A majOrity vote of VfHunter, of hindsey, and. his assistant ratepayers does not justify e.-bonus, for pm the wire on the posts fontlre school neither municipal nonothorrsuthorities yard fiance, and there-is no doubt that can claim. the- right- to give one man's the scholars will test thoâ€"solidity of the property to another. All have-a right fence and the strength of the wire from to protection against aggression by mu- time to time. It is to be hoped that pal ~I Reliability._shows strongly in every? thing we sell. What isn’t reliable Or ' desirable isn’t here, and eyerythi'ngis marked ‘with a sure-to-please price. 0 ha \B lervac destroyed every ten days or; two Eweeks-during the latter half of’ June and all of July. Bargain day in every department. on Saturday.. w. BURGOYN‘E. FENELON FALLS’ MOST MODERN STORE. lohickadee, dowuywoodpcckcr; nuthatch, iblucbird;_swnllow, wren and song spar- . - J _.,,_ \ a (rim; w (L; ugh“ ' ‘ ‘ u \u l) . . §. )‘ ._ - Fenclon Falls, May 16th, 1905. are taking up a good share of our attention this week. We. are showing some: extra; specialvalues which will.be.snre.-to..i1rtenestz you... son, It; M. Mason, J. J; NeviSOn and the chairman nud:sscrot~ary act as del- egatesto attend the trustees' "convention Special? Curtains. at 600. and 7.533;. Regular$l.25. Curtains for $1.00}. Reg. lnr- $1.50 Curtains-for $1.25} Regular $2.00. Curtains f01'.$l..50:. _ . meant-am. See our special Ready-to-wear. Hat‘at‘ $11002. knowledge can he apply his remedies Kiiimount on Wednesday. . ,. . cape from tho oggs mule. fcwdays-lnter ' ’1.» maChlne 0n the marfiet unlver‘ enter the apples, osnnlly at the calyx» .2; sally recognized as the most- end: The “worm " remainsinsido the- 24;“ profitable investment found on. uppla about 29 days. after vhi0h_it ' 5,: the farm comes out tospin a cocoon. Within which: f‘; ' 1t lives until spring if there is but one "5.“ brood, but only. about two weeks if there N; 1arcxtwo broods inn-season- The second WWW ‘ n - brood of moms np,,,.a,.s_ about, amend. . if." of July or the beginningrof’ August ;- 3") - I then.eggs are again. deposited: and the 253' ' 1“ worms ”‘ which-hatch from these eggs 5‘19 â€"â€"-â€"- enter the developed apples. about the ling, and is, moreover, actually harmful , unless the bands are examined-mud all I “ Every fruit growar should. acknowv- ' ledge the value Vof such. birds as the ,‘row‘i’n checking the increase of the cod- 2 Arnoldâ€" McIntosh,â€"That Dr. W'll', at Lindsay on the 22nd: and 23rd inst.. y n s o .- 'Vk e v. c . c g E. r: c The. Ghéépé‘smrd. Museum. » Furniture. and; r Undertaking. Just received this week an.- other lot} of nice Baby Car- riages that. are Value. ' ‘ ' ‘ Also Extension Tables, Side- boards and Bedroom. Suites. ¢¢¢¢¢¢§6¢¢¢¢ I carry in stock afnll. line of Parlour. Suites Lounges, Chairs, Etc. Bicture framing a; Specialty. If you are in needof a=Sew1- ié'ng. MfiChineTbe sure and: see my. styles before buying. Special. lust" Stop ' and. think. before you buy your Christmas present. You may have been dealing with us for. some time,- or. perhaps you. have not. We think we show the finest, largest and best assorted stock in the County-L ' WeddingRings, Diamond Rings, Gem. Rings of all kinds, Gentlemen’s Rings. Our special blow is about our-:lnrge stock of WATCHES; See 0uI‘:si-lv’er, gold and gunmctnl Watches for:- boys andgirls. Solid gold, gold filled-and, nickl-e cased: Waste-hes. We carry in: stock over $2,000 worth of Watches. clone. Guards,_Long.C'hsins, Brooches, Stick Pins, and an endless. variety of" suitable Christmas gifts. Come- and see. for. yourself. ; stiletty, theleuelu: LINDSAY. MlLNElS. BLOCK- 99. KENT. STL. I... DEYMAN; u w. . WW..M.M-...--M.~. . . u ......- . MW _‘ ‘ H ' > I w» .. . . - . M... A» . "Mk5: .. mnxwprxa-I. .......:r..>3.»,,u::kvw; . .. .. V.” n .. _ r. v ,. ' =‘nioipal authority. While our Dominion fiscal system.is..based.on the principle of sidinga-f'ow-at tho-expense of‘msny, we ' “need not expth the municipalities to abstain from similar financial activity. It is currently admitted that the bonus systemuenteils in the aggregate apublio- loss suds public burden.. .But there is en illogical impression that this aggro- getc- loss- is made up of many small gains. Till the municipalities learn that every favor given is a loss to other in- dustries and enterprises, the local bonus will continue.. Restrictive legislation will have at least coeducational eifoct, e‘von‘i-f. it isâ€"nullifiod‘by private bills, and it is the duty of the Governmentto ' loadzin kneaded reform.” W [The Codling Worm of..the_.Agple:. The following extracts from s. press 1 bulletinvby Prof. Lochead, ofithe Onta- esting to our country readers :. - “ Tho-codlimIr worm. is~tho cause of greater loss-tot to apple industry than any other. insect. - The extent of tho lossto Ontario alone runs up every year. 3 into the hundreds of thonssndsof'dol- g. lore, and into the millionsiu thefl'bitod 5 Stutesâ€"allibecause the remedies winch . have‘bcen discovered by the entOmol- . ogists have not been applied by the apple growers. The different stages of this-insect pelt should be familiar to that applegrowcr, for. only with thin. » “awn-«.- - ~â€"~~-.._‘....u-,......-.. :they will take good.- care cf the fence, as it cost quite a lot of' money, snd.at the same time they. wâ€"illbe working: in the interestsofi’ the ratepayers. If the posts had been put in with stone instead :of‘witholu‘y, it would have-beennmorc 'durable job; . The beckwcrd}.oold weather-has put the mosquitoes out of business, but 'they- may have an opportunity yet. for putting in,an application. I ' A-. small: piece of real estate has changed, hands in.this-locality, as Mr. sA-lex; Rutherford has bought that vacant ono-ncre lot. owned by Mr. W. Stiles, who livesnear Cameron. _ Mrs. Kennedy and her sister, Mrs. Brown, of Reterborough, are visiting their-brother, 'Mr. W. A. Gillis. Mr.- enders. W. Denial, of Toronto, fare visiting at Mr. Thos. Daniel‘s. Mr. Wm. Hemilton,.dt Peterborough, was up,.on.a.business.cnd- pleasure trip rioAgricnltursl College, will be inter- ifon'9’day or "'0' The Sabbath School‘ and Epworth iiliceguc-elcctcdstheir ofii'ocrs last week for another-yeah. . Mr. T'hos.. Lane and' his: assistant finishedthelstone foundation, 25 x 60,- fOI‘rthO odditiocnhet. Mr. J. C..Rerrish ls minute-his born. W Rersonals.. Mrs. Dnflhitc, of Kinmount, was at the Falls on Wednesday. Misc, Elle Annie. me home from. Mrs. Whitney, of Toronto, isivisiting statedE concisely as follows 1‘ the insect her sister, M'rmR'. A. Robinson, at the Falls. ' ' Mr. G. H. G. McVity. of Toronto, was at the Falls from Tuesday until V'l‘hursdayh DTrs.. W. J‘. Kellett, of Lindsayr was at the Falls. visiting her- parents, from Saturday until Wednesday. Miss Aileen Lytle, of Lindsay, was ,at .thc Fulls, visiting, at Dr. Gould’s, Efronr Shturday until Tuesday.- Mr. Ahijuh Dexter, of Vietcrie Har- bor, is-visiting-rslatives at the Falls, eo- , ,compamcd'by his son Mclfrid. Mr. W. J. Kcllett and Mr. RLOI- bornc Wilson, of Lindsay, were visiting ,gntv Mrrthn Q‘nibell's on Sunday- Mr. James LcRoy, of Lindsay, was at the Falls on Wednesday, visitihg‘hi'sv old friend; Mr. Robert MbU’allu-m. Mr. F. H. Magee left on Tuesday :to.visit his sister, Mrs. Argue, at Parry Sound, and returned on Thursday. ' Miss A‘nna inihof Saginaw, M’icha, ; who is visiting relatives in Lindsey, was at the Falls on Tuesday, accompanied by her cousin, Mr. T. W. Greer. _Mr. Alfred Oakley and Mr. Frederick Aim-bury, both of idol-onto,- wero at thc~ Falls, visiting at Mr. W. H. Robson's from WGdnesdny until Thursday. . r - Mrs W. S. Scott and her sister, Mrs: ' (Din) Conlter, both- of Toronto,- arrived» at the Falls on Tuesday, accompanied by their children, and will occupy their cottagcs on the shore of Cameron lake fer the next founor five-months: l PARLOR SOCIAL -â€"â€"- Romombzr the: parlor social to be holdat thc‘rcsidcnce of Mrs. H. McDougall on the evening of Tuesdayncxt, the 30th inst. There» ,Will be a. musical. promenade. Every‘ ,body. welcome. Admission 10 cents. ‘Rclresh men ts will be servch Ice cream» extra: BENGOUGH:â€"-A somewhat smell and:- gienccz-turncd out to heer-Bcngough’s- ii- 7lustratcd‘talk:on Wednesday evening,, :butthosewho want got the worth of‘ 'their~money, all right. Mr. Bongough.. can certainly draw pictures, snd‘h‘im gcaricatures of some of our prominent. ici-tizcns were highly amusing. V - ’ THE KAW-ARTHA HOTEL .â€"-Mr: S.‘ Hi Brown, lessee of the Kawarthc hotel, ,was lrcre froanesday until Thursday, :and will be back again in every few days. Hostel-ls that the hotel will be‘ formally opened on June 15th, and that ihc already knows quite a. number 05' persons who will be his guests during“ :at least part of the summer. Some of fthc furniture has already arrived, and u'good deal- more is on the track be: tween here and Toronto. ’ LAY THE .Dnsr.-â€"â€"-On Wednede aft-â€" gternocn a prominent citizon pitched in-~ tons for not pitching into the council. for not having the watering cart in op- eration; but how could we foresee-last? week. that there would? be a high wind. ‘ on Victoria Dsy,vand that our citizens: would be nearly choked with dust ?;‘0ld Brobs himself could n’t have done it... But the water cart ought to have been. outâ€"there’s no doubt about that. Why.- _wns n’t it ?-" SHOO’HNG . Aocrnuur.~â€".On Wedness- 'day forenoon Melfrid Dexter, a boy: 'about ten years old, who ishcre cuss visit from. Victoria Harbor with his- father; met with an accident through: carelessness with a 22-culibr-e rifle. with. |which he hadgone out shooting. While»- the muzzle of'the weapon was resting on: one of his foot, it was by some means: discharged; andzthe bul-lct Went through his little toe and the one next to it... Dr. Wilson dressed tho hurts, which do. not appear to be very serious, as the boy-- waswout ofl doors; hobbl-ingmround, this; (Thursday) morning. ._ . , . To Br. REPEATED.â€"â€"The- perform» once of the comedy- drama "-211 Scrap of? éPeper” fin Dickson’s- hall last Friday: evening, under the auspices of. the pub- fliclibreryrtotnlly eclipsed! anything 055' ,the kindover put on .the boards here by.- _locel.talentâ€"or outside» talent either; for-that mutton. » At least, that was the: verdict of the audience. It is impos-- sible for us toperticulerizc, but from» the time the curtain wont up on thew first not until the-end‘ of the play, the. interest and amusement. never for at moment-waned; and the audience, which. though notas large as it should-hove. been, was‘onc-of. the-most appreciative: that ever assembled in town, enjoyed it: to the utmost. All the parts wore wolll chosen and splendidly-v sustained, and: the staging wasâ€"well, you.should7 have- soen.1t.. So great was the enthusiasm: of the audience that they promptly de-- cided they wanted to see the play again ;: and, asthere are also a large number of“ people who from. one - cause or mother were not: present, but now wish they! .had becn,.thc management has decided: to. repeat the‘ play to-night, (Friday) May 26w. Tho-priccwill be 253- cede '16':oents to-ollparts of! the hall, and! every detail of the play and staging will: be ~as-complctotas at the first perform." ‘ once. Sec folders for synpplil, cost ch' ~ diuccterucnd public. cpjmom. ..___..,“..w._.__._ _. N

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