E . E E *1 J‘".“ -. ' he C" Choice Olives, 10 cents. Beets, per tin, 10 cents. Four packages best Corn . 5:5:- U" .cggc -,. , WM. The Cheap Sire. Our bargain days have proved a great success in _ , clearing out odd lines of goods at prices that are bound ' ' to save you money. READ EVERY ITEM. Best 25 cent Tea, black or green, 180. a pound: Boys’ corduroy Pants, regular 75c , for 490. pa1r. Choice canned Salmon. 150. each, 2 for 250. 13 cent Prints, on Saturday 10 cents a yard. 4 pounds fresh Ginger Snaps for 25 cents. Four papers Pins for 5 cents. Two tins Plums, Pears or Raspberries, 25 cents. 10 cent Factory Cotton, 8 cents a yard. 13 cent Steam Loom, 9 cents a yard. Ladies’ 15 cent Vests, 11 cents each. Vim. per package, 7 cents. 10 pounds best Cornmeal, 25 cents. Further reductions in White Lawn Blouses, Wrappers, white Skirts. Men’s 15 and 25 cent Neckties, 10 cents each. Six pounds Rice, 25 cents. Every article exactly as advertised. W. EURGOVNE. FEllELUN FliLLS’ MOST MODEBNSTORE. several styles of trimming. _ attractions is the price, which is absurdly low for SUCh M o HER .genacam DAY on SATURDAY. BIG Starch, 25 cents. Ladies’ $4.00 Skirts, $2.50. Ladies’ $2.00 Skirts, $1.19. The above are only a few of the many snaps we have to offer on Saturday. ALL MILLINERY llT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES THIS WEEK. E We have still a good assortment of ready-to- , wea‘ and, trimmed Hats. We have theminall, the ‘ prevailing colors and With , Not the least of their CAMPBELL: Flimï¬ui‘er 9-in-5; ll‘ust Stop and Think “lindertalsing. WW Just received this week. an- other lot of nice Baby Car- riages that ar. Spgaiai’ Value. Also Extension Tables, Side- boards and Bedroom Suites. I carryin steel; ai‘ull line of Parlour Suites. Lounges, Chairs, Etc. ‘ Picture framing a Specialty. If you are in need-of a Sew.- ing Machine be sureand see- my, styles before buying. 1.... DEYMAN. before you buy your Christmas present. You may. have beeudealingwith us for some time, or perhaps you have not. We think we show the ï¬nest, largest and best aSSOrted stock in the County. WeddingRings, Diamond Rings, Gem Rings of all kinds, Gentleman’s Rings. Our- special blow is about our large stock of WATCHES. See oursilver, gold and gpnmctal Watches. for boys and girls. Solid gold, gold’filled and nickle caSed: Watches. We carry in stock over $2,000 worth of Watches alone. Guards, Long Chains, Brooches, Stick Pins, and an endless variety of suitable Christmas gifts. Come and see foayourseli}. .1; Petty; the’Ji‘ertler. moms/Av. , MILNE’S BLOCK. 99'. KENT ST. 1. The next time you want Binder Twine be sure and go to Robson. It is just right as to quality, make, length, strength and prices. 'l‘hc Fenclon Falls Gazette. Friday, July 21st, 1905. _,_,___________.______ “Wages Has Riz." At Ottawa. on Monday, there was voted so substantial an increase to the salaries of various distinguished person- ages that the total sum' will amount to about $500,000 per auuum. The Pro- mier is to have $12,000 a your, a salary of $7,000 is to be attached to tho oliicc of leader of the Opposition; the salaries of Judges are to be increased, Senators arc to get $2 500 instead of 81.500 8 year for life, and ordinary M. [’.’s are to be paid $2,500 instead of $1,500 for every year they represent constituencies, and tax-Ministers are to be pcnsiuned. The proposal to add $1,000 a year to the pay of Senators and Commnunrs was, the Globe says. “ pressed determin- edly upon the Government by members of both sides of the House, all of whom had signed a round robin asking for the increase; †and that “the increase en- gendered in the minds of the lions and tigers of debate the spirit and temper of a love feast.†Of course it did. It was simply a. game of “grab†in which all the grabbcrs were equally interested, and they were naturally unanimous. In old times members of the House of Commons got $1,000 for spending a few weeks at Ottawa, and the majority of them were no doubt well satisï¬ed, as they were not expected to do anything but vote and could take home enough to keep their families for a year. Then it occurred to some of them to ask for another $500, and of course they got it. as they had only to vote it into their own pockets. Now, grown more rapa- cious, they have voted themselves an additional $1.000, and what are you going to do about it? The people will be indignantâ€"there's no. doubt about that; but what can they do?‘ There is one thing they can do if they will. They cannot touch the Senators, who are appointed for lile; but they can, if they will, at next election, turn out every member of the House of Com- mons who signed the “ round robin,†and thus prevent those who are re- sponsible for this act of spolintienâ€"it is nothing elseâ€"from deriving more than temporary beneï¬t from it. There are other features of the malodorous pecu- niary transaction equally deserving of adverse criticism. Entrance Examination Results. Following are the names of the suc- cessful candidates who wrote at Fcnelon Falls, With the schools at which prepar- ed and the marks obtained. Maximum marks, 650; necessary to pass. 390. NAME. SCHOOL MARKS. Brochard, Laura G. . Fenelon 4. . . . . . . . 499 Brokenshlre, M. C .. .Fcuelou 2.. . . . . . . 487 Tolmie May. . . . . . Perriu Pearl . .. .Fenclon 6. . .. . .. . 464 Watson Julius . . . .Somerville 13 . . . . . . 463 McDougall Helen. ;Fcnolou Falls . . . . .. 45,2 Twomey Genevievchnelcn Falls. . . . .. 447 * Townsend,Ethel. . . .Somerville 8 .. . .446.» Twomey Jerry. . . . Fenelon Falls . . . . . . 444 Cundul Elfledda. . . . Fenelon 6 . . . . . . 441 Patton Annie . . . . . . Fenelon t. . . . . . . .440 Knox Roy.... Calder Edward. . ..Fene10n,Fal.13...-. . . . 425 Mason Barkley. . . . Fenelon Falls .. . . . . 424»: Sharpe Vera. . . . . . Fcnelon Falls. . . . . . 422_ Palmer Willie......Fenelon 13 ..... ...419 Beech Bertha . . . . . . Semerville 3 . . . . . . 416. Robinson Eva A . . . . Vcrulam 3. . . . , . 41-5 Chambers Victor. .Fenclon Falls . . . . ._. 4l~2 Ellis Violet . . . . . . . .Vzerulamgl†. .....409 Austin Marjorie . . ._Fcnclon Falls . . . . . . 407 Brisbiu Walter . . , .Somerville 8 . , . , _ , 406 Puley Percy . . . . . . Fonelou Falls . . . . . . 399, Brandon Katherine. .Verulam ll . . . ., . .394. Sims Bert..., Fcnelon 4.... _.. ..393- Ktiox,Belvu. . . . . . . . Verulamï¬. . . . . . . . 390 Ncsbitt Lila... . ,...Fenelon 9.... ....390. Seward Victor. . . .Somerville 13.. . . .. 390 Suggitt Jennie . . . . Somgrvillc 4... . . . . . 390. M â€" W Village Council. Eenelou Falls, June 30th, 1905. Council met at call of the reeve; pro!!- ent, George H. McGee, Lewis Deyman and the recve. rtqegeenequnnâ€"Tbm no. appssnl ..Fenclon 2....,...477_ . Feuclon Falls . . . . . . 4:33 Shane chr .. . . . . Fenclon Falls . . . . . . 43,1, of the Light, Heat &. Power Co, of Lind- say, L't‘d, against their assessment be defended. and that Mr. McDinrmi-l be. empowered to employ Mr. McLaughlin as counsel.â€"Cnrrind. _ Fenclnn Falls, July IBM», 1005 Council mot at adjourned regular meeting; all members present. Minutes of two previous meetings read and approved. Mr. Sims gives notice of the intro- duction of a by law at the next regular meeting to provide for the levying and collecting of certain rules and assess- ments. it being the intention of the council to have all the taxes collected by December 14th, 1905 McGeeâ€"Sims,â€"-'l‘hat the following accounts be paid, and that the rcevc sign orders for the same: M. Kelly, for work on streets. 85 62; G. Juckott, do . $9; '1‘. Scott, de., $2 10; E Brock, sal cry. 328; M. Burley, work on streets, $6.58. and on dam, 35: total, $11.58; J Denny, work on street, 51 89; Job Palmer, cemetery building. $55; L. H. 36. P. Com’s, current, $21.09.â€"Curried. Personals. Mr. ‘J. H. Carnegie. M. P. P., was at the Falls on Tunsduy. Mr. Philip Burgess returncd home from Longford on Wednesday. Miss Lottie Byrucll. of Fcnelon, is home from Lindsay for the holidays. _ Mr. Fred R. Greene, of the City l-Ia- tcl. Pctcrborongh, spent Monday at the Falls on business. ' Mr. Arthur Jewell. of Lindsay. spent a. few hours at tho F'lllS on Monday be- fore leaving for England. Mr. J. J. Townley left on Tuesday for a business trip to Toronto and Men- tl‘cal, and came home yc~terday. Mr. W. H. Robson left on Tuesday to attend a Grand Masonic Lodge meet ingot Hamilton. and will return today. Mr. Norman O’Lcary, of Toronto, came to the Falls on Wednesday for a week’s visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. Twomey. Mr. and 'Mrs. M J.~C:u'tcr, of Lin-l- scy. were at the Falls for a short time on Wednesday. and'favorcd the Gazette with a call. Mr. R. A. Robinson, manager of the local branch of the Bank of B. N. A., who left for England on March 22nd, got home on Tuesday. Miss J. M. Sullivan. of the Civil Service, Toronto, has been here, visiting friends, since Tuesday. and will leave for the Queen City to-day. Mrs. Lewis Dcyman left on Saturday, accompanied by her little granddaugh- ter. Della, for a. few days' visit to.lrer-~ eldest son at Poterborough. ‘ Miss M. E? Craig, of Kinmeunt, ac companiod by her young sister. Gypsy, is spending the holidays with her uncle. Mr. F. .1. Kerr, at the Falls. Works, and may be had on application to the department. A cOmpruhcnsive index is provided, and the names and addresses of the commissioners and war- dens are included. 'l'niNICiâ€"Yester-lay, about noon, o. l.’re~‘b‘,'terian excursim from Illillbruok passed through the Falls to Roscdnle, and, while the bout Was in the locks, the members of the band from tll'il vil- lage, nine in number, marched up our main street and treated us to a little good music, for which they will please accept our thanks. GOOD FISHING.â€" Messrs. Wm C-unp- bell and Alex. Weddell, of Pctnrbortl, who were the guests of Mrs. Anderson, at llnscdale, for a few days. returned home on Monday owning highly Cl:-llgllt- ed with the ï¬shing in Bulsnm lake. In a few hours, with red and line. they caught ï¬fteen ï¬ne bass, several of which weighed between three and four pounds on a couple over four. On Monday morning Mr. J. B. Hall. of Toronto, another of Mrs. Anderson’s guests. lnnd~ ed a. cine-pound 'lungc between the bridge and the locks. STURGEON l’om'r RItGATr.\.â€".We have received a. programme of the re- gatta to be held und"r the anspiccs of Sturgeon Point club on Thursday, Aug- ust 3rd. There are eighteen events, be- ginning with a six-mile sailing rucc, open [0 any class of boats, for the Stur- geon Luke championship flag, and end- ing with a raft. contest, which we fancy will be as well worth seeing as any of tin-m. The races will commence at 1.30 p. m. sharp, and proceed continuously, and suitable prizes will be give l. l-lor WEATI-Iim.â€"â€"’l‘he Globe says that Tuesday was the hottest day this year, the thermometer registering 94 degrees, but whether in the sun or in the shade is not stated. Here at the Falls Tuesday was still better. the tem- perature at l p to. having been 96 in the shade and 112 in the sun. In one of our stores at 530 the thermometer was at 90, and we noticed that some sticks of candy in a glass case, some dis- tance from the window, had been neur- ly half melted by the fervent heat. The following day would also have been ter- ribly hot. but, fortunately for suffering humanity, there \vas a pleasant and ameliorating wind from the west. AUTOMOBILESâ€""lye see that Mr. Cuwthrn Mulock, the Toronto “ multi- millionaire." was recently ï¬ned $25 for- driving his automobile above the legal speed; but; of course he only laughed. as that amount of money is no more to him than one cent is. to a working man. There ought to be a. sliding scale of ï¬nes, and Mr. Mulbck should'havc been mulcted in the sum of at least $1,000. By-the-bye, is lthere any law regulating the speed of automobiles while running upon country roads? If there is n’t, Ml'51- JamesKerr, 0f Hort HOpG, her there ought to be, as they go tearing. daughter,~ Mrs. Charles McLean. of Toronto..and Mrs. F. Oculter, of New. castle, are visiting relatives at the Falls. frightencd'into ï¬ts. Mrs. Fey and two children, of Toronâ€" to, arrived at the Falls on the 13th inst.. with the intention of remaining about two months, and are staying at Brooks’ ghotel- Mrs. W. T. Robson, of Montreal, and Mrs. Robert Sylvester and her mother, and Miss Emma Robson, all of Lind- say, were here on Monday. visiting at Mr. Thomas Robson’s, on Francis St. . Mr. and Mrs. A‘: SH L‘alibertichef Williamstowu, Moss, who left the Falls about twenty years ago, came on Wed- nesday, accompanied by two grown up sons, to visit their rclativcsdicrc, and will remain until Monday. MrS. PortermndJlier.-two children, and her nieces, the- Misscs Elma and Leslie Truax, all of. Toronto, are at the Falls for all summer. Mrs. Porter and her children are boarding at Mr. J. R. Graham's and her nieces are visiting at Mr. Benjamin B,urtcliacll’s', in Fenelon. Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Burloy, of..Sou-. ris, Manitoba, who left the Falls about. 25 years ago, are .here for o fortnight-Ra Visit to relatives and‘old.>ncquuintances. Mr. Burley islooking strong and hearty. but Mrs. B'urley, we regret to learn, is not in the best of health. Mr. Thomas Lockhnrt. who was station master here until 1882,_whcn he left for Souria, is now..in. Western Ontoric,.und.,will ,be at at the Falls before long. , Sr. J AMEB'.; UHURCH.7-â€"-RQV'. M-r. Hallnm, of Lindsay, will conduct the services in St. James’ 'church on. Sun- day next, the 23rd inst. To-NIGHT..â€"â€"B.emember the Epworth League, moonlight excursion to Lindsay to-uight. The Esturiommill leave .the wharf at 7‘ 30, p. m.. and ‘00 the, return trip will leave Lindsay, at. 11.. Now-Bear -Snuvrcn.._â€"Tho steamer Kawarthu. is now running duily,trips between Fcnelon Fills, Roacd‘ale .und Coboconk. leaving here. at. 6.30 p. m. thud returning in time to connect with the morning train for Toronto. San advertisement in another column. THE GAME Lawsâ€"A new edition of [the Ontario game laws has been is- sued by order of the Minister of Public ‘ along at. such 0. rate that the majority of horses unaccustomed to them are But what of that ? They are the rich man’s vehicle. and: it ’3 like the poor man’s impudence to- critieize their goings on. Pansnnrnn are THE KING -â€"An as-. sociated press despctch from London, Eug., says :; “ On Monday. June 191b, four’ directors of the Manufacturer’s Life were presented to the King at‘ Windsor. They were the Hon. J. D22 Rolland of Montreal, Lloyd Harris and‘ 1A.; J.‘ Wilkes, K. C., of Brantford, and“ Mr. Junkin of Toronto. They are all members of the Canadian Manufac- turcrs'Association." One of the four,., Mr. R. Junkin. is from thislvioinity. He is -one.of the numerous sons of the» late John Junkie of Vcrulam. and has more relativesthan any man ’round here . â€"exccpt~cncli of the other Junkin.. We congratulate him upon his presenta-. tion to the King, and would like to know how he felt while undergoing the operation and-what he thinks, of “ Good: Old Teddy.†To BE FENOED.â€"â€"Tbc Hotel Kawarâ€"t the lot, containing over three acres, is to be enclosed by n-neot wire fence, and-2 Mr. Elisha.- Mark- has. the contract} Instead of wooden posts... iron piping, 2§jinches in diameter, is to be used,‘ which will not onlybeneamr looking - and more durable, but even cheaper. Good. sound fence-pests are now very-w expensive, and it costs a lot of money) to blast holes big enough and deep enough for. themin almost solid rock ; whereas. a length of pipe can be securely :' cemented into a hole not -much bi'rgcrthan itself audaculyaafoot . or ï¬fteen. tnohcsdeep. The fence around the lot. will boa great improvement, and no pains or expense will be. spared to make the property attractive. In the inter- ests of the hotel as well as oftho villaoe, 1t- xs to be hoped that steps will (be . taken before next season to improve the 2 beat service, which is at present very / insufï¬cient and unsmisfactory. DANDnLIONs.â€"Everybody who has a a lawn objects to dundalions growing. on it, apd Prof. Hi L. Hutt, of theGuelph I Agricultural College, tells how to cxter-C minute them. He, says that it;is.useleso . ,tQ..upud moment, as tb,at.onlygaflords.s )_ . £5. a N . . p ‘.