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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 11 Aug 1905, p. 5

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w)“ . {S g \ ' -â€"-- . s.__- .. \hu; Fallailll'rsjltubert Fallis, Mrs Ernest .' grltvrsr rt F's-ii.» Bethany, Mrs. F. Coulter, New- castle. Mrs '_U. .Vl'cllenn and Miss Maud Mchnn. 'l‘ornnto, Miss Luckharl, .‘vlisses Aleen and Vivian Kerr," h‘enelon Falls. Miss Madeline Adams. Windsor. Mrs~ I lit ttlllliltttllltt Elllllllltl. a?) Stylish Garments‘for lien and Boys sold for cost and less. ~ .1 rlon Falls. 1.45. . -: . Twice a year we give our customers an opportunity 1313;341:1155. ~ it?) to save money on all *lin‘esvof wearing apparel, but we Wm; LA: Fcnelon Falls, on Monday, wish this sale to surpass all others, and, in order that August 9”" “m Wife of M“ mum” J' H' it may do so, we are offering some tremendous barâ€" Ware of a son; . , , , , - Moronâ€"In the township of Fenelon, on gains 111 all hues of men s and boys Clothing and On Tuesday a???s53;figfifjfflffil’ullw “life 0f M“ Furnishings for the next thirty daYS. â€"""â€"â€"_1‘;A1;‘};Iirbâ€" v morning, Aug. 1st, commenced one of the greatest v 41 . lib" - ‘ ' . i E ' a. Clothing Sales ever held In town. If you Intendpurâ€" Monmsoxâ€"Ausrm â€"At St, James’ church, ; , , . Fenelon Falls,lby ’tev. A. s. Dickinson, on chasmg a suit one, two or three months hence, buy 1t '1““"Sd“~"’“*“g“s“S””“""“““"‘ “mills” now, as it means a saving of from 25 to 50 per cent. of Lindsay to Annie Helena second and . , . , __ youngest (litughter or Mr. 'l‘hbmas Austin, Read the following list carefully and Judge tor your- Of “"610” FMS- _ self what can be saved by taking advantage of this DI$D_ ' V sale. Every line exactly as represenfed. LEEâ€"ll} the township of Fenelon,_on . ~WE SELL WHAT WE ADVERTISE. b u n d “y! A u g n S l’ 6 I’ll, M ‘1 u n la, y 0 u “ ge St fulfill!'Uflfiflpt‘fllfinfi‘flflfiiflnfUnfiykfltfilinl'ffl-lgal . amt Jll‘iilg’ll‘hllfilfl'Iqi‘éyirllflatlr uumyltuluypt‘ummlqppr“nap:rigormirtmgprmupwmminority: daughter of Mr John Lee, aged 3 years and _ ' ‘ ' MEN’S CLOTHING. 6 months. We have placed all our Men’s Suits in three lots, which we are ‘ selling at the following reduced prices : pnnn’s $5 00 AND $6.00 surrs $54-25. ' Men’s two and three-piece Suits in light or dark colors, 'well lined with Italian lining. Regular and $6. August Sale price eeeaeseeeeeeeeeaeae J FENELON FALLS MARKETS. â€" Fenelon Falls, Friday, Aug. ll “1,1905. Reported oyftne AVON/L outrltoller Milli Co Wheat.Scotcli or Fit‘e 80 to 85 \Vheat, t‘all, per bushel.. .. 80 3;, a“ Wheat, spring .... 75 80 Barley, per bushel.... 44 '48 Buckwheat“ . . . . . ’ 50 55 Oats, “ 40 43 .- Pease, “ _65 Rye, “ (39 Potatoes, “ 1‘) Bllltersrel‘ “Om-~- 18 . nnn’s $0.00, $10.00 AND 3312 00 sum .Eggs, per dozen.......... '15 “A, ‘ Hay,perton...... 7.0.) . 3) $1375. Men’s high grade Suits in plain blue or black; also rich im- Hides..... 6.00 , Hogs (live) ...... ...... .. (335 . ported fancy worsted. These Suits are extra well made and Hogs (Dressed) 7 50 . . ‘ tailored to hold their shape. Reg. $9 to $12. August Sale price: Beef....... 4-50 Sheeiskins.............. 5” - 'a , , . . - wool H _ 24' : . 'l‘he abetw mentioned are but a portion of the goods inducted by Flour, Brandon’s l3est . . . . . 2.70 this sale. The following are also included, which we are offering at , Flour» Silver Leaf -- 2-60 _ _\ equally reduced prices: Men’s and Boys’ 'Punts, Caps, Collars. Sus. Flour, Victoria ' 2-50 ' 7 ponders. Glow", etc Reinembcr that this sale lasts for the month of mom" mely’ Cllpper”” 2'40 ' August only, so nialte it a point to get supplied in that time, because Brtn cr 100 lb‘ . . . . . . . . . 80 . . . . Shiorlsp u u a 1 or) prices Will :10 back \Vltll a bang on the morning of September lst. MixedChop “ .... .... 135 is men’s $700, $7 50 AND $8.00 SUITS $5.235. Men’s 3-piecc Suits in single or double breasted, neat and fash- ionable patterns. Regular $7, $7 50 and 358. August Sale price @éd’s} ,. . uooloool ‘Wm ..-- Inoh'n Llllfiiilllf‘fllllfiilili llll‘lmfl‘flltlliilillt‘ lltlfilllf'lii‘llil- "lifmlilkfill: ‘Jllgifii'lE 'Mimi“{‘11lWfl!'lellimlf‘llfiglfl'lfififlf 'Jl‘imll' ‘lll‘lmlll'LlllfiHtLlE‘LllllfilllL’Lllumlt' L‘itiél‘fllfllfinllf'flifilllfl‘flfllfimr A. associates. , For sale, at.- a good deal less than its _ k it is l" r “â€"‘ :‘v value, a very. nicelight Top Buggy. a? newly painted,"ha‘$‘new tires and a mova- 1‘ his sea fol-children. A'i')lr":1ttlicGt1/2ctle p ' ‘ , I ' ' 0m“. t JV; it b" , p r CHEEPEST finial-limit STORE p I eeeeeaseeeeooeseese .) a. _ ll‘i THE CBlll‘iTl’. ‘FARM "FOR SALE. _ _ ’- wsaeesesseeeeeeeeeeee 'l‘he north-east quarter of lot 14, con, 8, not. li‘enelou, containing 51‘: acres, and the south- “Mu-mm east corner of .15,_about two acres. -~Good .. _- ‘ 1,1,. story house, part frame and part brick, I , ~ _, . ‘ ‘ V g V THIS is EST.’Et.Tl.-\l.l.Y TRUE WHEN APPLIED-TC THE ‘ ., itl frame barn 56x 36 on stone foundation, log y pig pen and cow house. Ovcran acre of . " orchard on the property. All ploughed a land, clear of stumps. Good heavy clay loam. Small'creckand three good wells. Plowing can he done after harvest; posses: Blon on February lst, 1906:. For further particulars apply on the premises to THOMAS DANIEL.‘ ‘ “ Fenelon, Aug. 7th,'1905. 26-«l‘= teen. teen“ sitter At once for“ CANADA’S Gnmrnsr Nunsnnnis” for the town of ' FENELON FALLS “Last year wasnur banner year. but we are determined to keen pace with our flourishing city and supply the demands made on us 'for oflicc assistants not only from Peterborough, but from other places as well. I and surrounding. country, which will be QUR’TERMS ARE MOST R'EAso-VABTE- reserved, fol‘,tlle.1‘il§l’l man' 3 months 825 for anv or ~11] ' L "l i ‘ , _ v . subjects. 5 months, $3.) for anypor all subjects. .‘start Now, . - r - . . . deny finlsh in 3~.months but 6 months is tl ' ' . sellincr season and handle our . . . .’ ' “3 “919,20 time. We charrre "it the best a D P only for the time a pupil is With us. ' D- r o e 'alties , ._ . ‘ , .. . Netnliilfrmcgms. New Term begms Sept 5th, 1995. bond for our handsome circular. ' Write for particulars, and send 25c. for our ' Principal. Handsome Aluminum Pocket Microscope .. , 7-b'm. I PETE’RBOROUGW ONT. (a little gem), usent to , . I ‘ 'MlSS- Cl-lll-lllBEhLAl ll, Farmers, in examining seeds and grains. Orchardists, in examining trees foriusects. V 03‘ TORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC, ’ Gardeners, in Examining plants for insects. Teachers and scholars in studying botany. Everybody in a hundred dilferent ways. STONE e. rJELLme’Ton. FONTHILL NURSERTE‘S. (oven Son nears.) ‘ TORONTO - , 19-3m. ’ STE. KA‘WARTHA, ~ -Piano and .Theory. - ‘ limits“ BETWEEN ropu of Dr. F'. n. Torriugton, Mr.H.M ‘ 9 WT! 1°33. M"- ' o. " V Field and ML W. D. Forsythe. . FEllELJll lungs, Rhongnnl‘l, CJBDlJOlln. . P’upils prepared for College and Con- p rTARIO. servatory examinations Address » , Care of Mr. F. A.’MeDiarmid, 26-4. ‘ ‘~ ‘ Fenclon Falls’ July 18 until notice f daily excrpt Satori day evening, Sunday and .‘tlouday,morning Fenclm Falls lv 6 00 p in. A-rr 740 a.m. Rosetlule “ 7.00 ‘~' and 7.110 “ Cohocmrk arr-8.00 “ Lv . 601) “ > Making connection at Fcnelou Falls with morning train for Toronto Time-table sthect to change without notice. 'l‘helx'uwartha will be open for charter to int‘tllc' parties as usual w. BURGOYNE, Proprietor. 'srLL' ‘ naive and able to meet the requirements of the public. and havegust received, :1 ~ good assortment of 'cloclcs. I can supply you with a need reliable Watch, either 7. l5, 17 or 21 jewel movement. in any sort of' case requir- ed, and almost anything else that a jewellcr carries in his line of‘ crude. esreer' voue'~‘ WAeeoa. If it requires any repairing, bring it to my shop on Francis street east, and the work will be done the way it should be done. And I can showyou some Buggies that will make you. glad you ‘didn’t buy a bugg . elsewhere, before you saw them. i - E.G CHAMBERS. . .___.-Â¥~ ._â€"_.-- mwn- ‘90s: . FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 5th. 4 ELLIOTT- Rings, Brooches, Chains, . l Links. Souvenir Badges : TORONTO 91w: ' i and Emblems. IOne of the largest and hes! commer- Tho old, reliable “,awhmnker and cutl schools In the Dominion. All of our graduates are absolutely sure of J ewellen. r - ‘ ESTABLISHED 1-878 teachers; modern courses; splendid equipment. Every student thoroughly satisfied. Write. for” our. magnificent catalogue. Address ‘ J‘OHN .SLAT‘ER. Eenelon. Falls. coitxen roses Aim Atnxasona srs .1Paperflanging,EK-alsomining. securing positions. Strong staff of, "- and materials are inseason ; also, DAIRY, SUPPLIES, REFRIGERATORS, HAMMOCKS, FISHING TACKLE. and everything found Ware store. in an upâ€"to date hard»! 4 _ Call and see my line of. Cream- Separators.‘ and get prices before purchasino‘. Opposite, Post-office. {A ‘- i“ 5“ Fess assist $12.00 Going. GOING peso. H. moors. ' a MANITOBA AND ' < ASSINIBOIA. $18.00 Returning. DATES. AUGUST 29’ 1995 Stations south of but not including mainline Toronto to my» . m Sarnia, (including Toronto). ' SEPT_ 2, 1965, Main line Toronto to Sarnia and stations north (except north of Cardwell June. and Toronto on North Bay Section.) SEPT, 4., 1965_ From all points Toronto and east, to and, including Sharbot ‘ Lake and Kingston, and north of Toronto and Cardwell June. on North Bay and Midland Divisions. ONE-WAY sncoxn CLASS TICKETS TO wmxzrno only will be sold, with a CERTIB‘IdATE extending the trip before Sept. 15th, without additional cost, to other points in Maui- toba antlAssiniboia. It" purchasers engage as FARM LABORERS at'Winnipeg (provided suchvfarm laborers work not less than 30 days at harvesting and produce certificate to that effect), they Wlll be returned to Original Starting Point at rates shown above on or before Nov. ecu], 1905. TICKETS WILL nu HSUED 'ro women as well as men, but will not be issued at half- rate to children. TICKETS nor coon ou'mrnmAL LIMITED exrnuss TRAINS. Forfurthcr particulars apply to nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or C. B. FOSTER, D. P. A.,‘c. P. n., TORONTO, ONT.- HiltlSE necessaries. -. The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of house decorating, __P_ainting, Gratitiseg, Agent for the Empire iWall iPaper Co. Paperlrom 5 cents per roll up. Shop opposite .lchrthur House. 'Esti- mates given free for work in town or country. . 154?. p,_ plugs, Fenelon Falls. sneer DUSTERS V - ‘ AT cosr. Calland see our buggy clust- ers, all of which will go at cost, as 'we have a large supply. Most of them having been bought at a bargain, they will also be sold at a bargam. _Our stock of Harness, Col- lars, Fly Nets etc. is complete. NEVIS li’S Hostess SHOP. BABY’S SIKIN Should not be irritated with impure soap or chafed wi.h coarse rags We sell every- thing for baby’s toiletâ€"the purest soaps, the most velvety powders. TOILET REQUISITES , for grown people. Toilet Waters and Powders, Bath Spougns, ’I‘ooth Brushes and Powder Puffs, Perumery of all kinds. - Allat prices which compare startlingly l‘with old time drug store charges. HOW CAN WE SERVE YOU? BOBSON’S Dana STORE, w.l. ELLIOTT-,1"Principals: ‘ > .- Fenelon Fallss.’ Wat-n r ,Sl’lllSElli’S V r " eases: cannotbe excelled anywhere in town. because it is a combination of pure Jersey creamâ€"notcusturd; Come in and try a heaping dish- ot‘ Stlnsou’s “Jack Frost” ice creaunin different flavors. ‘ ling SODA WATER from the Alaska Marble Fountain IS a fine bracer. So is our luscious ICE CREAM SODA served in our cool parlor days and evenings during the hot summer months. A class or" Stinson’s cool, sparlc- E FHUlT OF ALL KlNDS r in season. ' D. sunsets, FENELON FALLS. ' ' I] o A GOOD TllVlEPlECE. New goods just arrived, and I can show you the latest and. newest designs in Gents’ and Ladies’ Watches, Chains, Lock-- ets, Bracelets, Brooches,_etc. Quality and prices right. Something decidedly new in Silverware suitable for wed-- ‘ ding presents. the new, upito-date and leadw ing Jeweller and Optician, FENELQN. FALLS. v .- -a-.- It. If: a“ ’- mosaics” ‘

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