‘i .“c’um: FOB HAY FEVER. 4 ‘N W. H. Robson says Hyomei will Give Reliefâ€"Sold Under Guarantee. W. H. Robson wishes us to announce that when Hyomei is used as a preventative or a cure there will no no hay fever. He advises daily treatment with Hyomei for two or three weeks before the usual time for the appearance of hay fever. If this is done, the attack will be prevented. How- ever, if the preventative treatment is not started soon enough, and the disease makes its appearance, use Hyomei six or seven times daily, and relief will be given at once. There is no stomach dosing when Hyomei is used. Breathed through the neat pocket inhaler that comes with every out- tit, its medicated air reaches the minutest air cells, killing all germs and soothing and healing the irritated mucous membrane. The complete outï¬t costs but SI, extra bot- tles 500. It is the only treatment for hay fever sold by W. H. Robson under a guar- antse to refund the money if it does not give satisfaction. 29. M FE‘NELON FALLS MARKETS. Fen elon Falls, Fri.day,,Sept. 8th, 1905. Repor ted 01/ the NON/Libch Roller MIN 00 Wheat, Scotch or. Fife ..,. so to 85 Wheat, fall, perbushel.... 75 so Wheat, spring .... 65, 7o Barley, per bushel. ... .. .. 44‘ 43 Buckwheat“ .... . . . . 5,0 55 taut-s, “ to 43 Eeuse, “' .... 60 67 Rye,. ‘=“ .... 60 65 Potatoes, “ .... 70 Butter,pC‘-l' 1b . . . . . . ...... 20 Eggs, per dozen....... .... 16- 17 Hamper ton...... . 7.00 8.00 Hides . . . . . . .. 6.00 6.50 Hogsaive‘; .............. 635 Hogs (Dressed) ...._.. .... 7i50 .. Beef: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.50 p.59 Sheepskins.............. i0 W'ool . . . . . . . ....... 28: ‘ "l .‘l. . . . . . .). . . Flour, Biandons 30s 2.40 2.60 Flour, Silver Loaf . .. ... .. Flour, Victoria Flour, Family, Clipper.... 90 Bran, per 100 lbs ...... .. .. 80 Shorts, “ “' . ... . ... .. 1-09 1~10 Mixed Chop “ l 3:) 1.40 ______________________. E_â€"__________- $2 REVVARD. 2.30 2.50 2.20 2.40 noon 0... . Lost, about 9 p. m. on Monday last, be- tween Mr. John Begg’s, in Verulam, and Mr. Alfred Northey’s store, a black hand- bag, containing three $5 bills, one $32 bill and some small change. The ï¬nder Will be paid the above reward upon leaving the bag and its contents at Mr. Nortliey s. 31â€"2w.* \VILL SELL HARVEST EXCRRSIDN TICKETS TO THE NORTHWEST Winnipeg $30.00 Shebo $33.50 Mowbray china 133.75 Deloraine 3i.in Lipton J b‘onris Mooseyitw 3.13.09 Brandon ' 31.55 Humbolt 3.3.09 I-zvletoii Saskatoon 39.2o Lenore 82.00 Prince Albert 3600’ l-llllloltl, Mell‘ort , p _ iiinscurth 32.25 llitttletord EELOO .iiloesemiii 312.20 MacLeod Ai'cola 3?. 50, Calgary .-. or Estevan » Red Deer 39.90 'fforkton }83 00 _ Struthcona 40.00 Kamsack Going Sept. 12, returning until Nov. ‘13. Going Sept-.716,returning until Nov. Full particulars from Sittlltttlltlll Pacthc Agent, or write C. B. ltoster, D. P. A, Tore n to. WW dilil’l iilii the examination of our line new cata- ' logue it'you have any idea of a col- lcge course. It explains all-about '7 our modern methods, line equipment E and strong stall’. A postal will bring it. Address - YONGE AND GEltl‘tARD 81‘s.. TORONTO. 'W. H. SHAW - PRll‘iClPllL. FALL TERM FROM SEPT. 5. m BUGGY DUSTERS AT COST. Call and see curbuggy dustâ€" ers, all of which Wlll go at. cost, as we have a large supply. Most of them having been bought at. a bargain, they Wlll also be sold at a bargain. Our stock of Harness, Col- lars, Fly Nets etc. is complete. NE‘JlSOii’S HRRNESS SHBP. reenlistment! ï¬tness:anwiutwwwwvwnirrsrerrewwwr‘ We can truthfully say that we were never better prepared to make justgsuch an announcement as this. All the cold weather wearables are here waiting for your inspection. iii) ii 2% $9 iii) :3 ii? an 9:9 at? $5 68 i 333 The stock was never better select- _ ed, and the values are even better than in former seasons. 3 so so in) 34%)? at?) (£9 ï¬r) so 63 «375 We extend to all an invitation to call and inspect our new fall stock. mprunupirnumpnvpï¬‚ï¬ Jï¬W‘Jï¬lli‘flli‘lfll'ï¬ï¬lnilflifl ‘lImprï¬llmllll'!llï¬ï¬‚llfl'fllmiï¬lfllmylfEmiliaâ€! JllflwrfllifmflnlimW'W TERaiLi. BROS. CHEAPEST GENERAL STORE IN THE COUNTY. ’56 e e-enoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecsees. FENELON FALLS. c~ NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. THIS IS ESPECIALLY TRUE WHEN APPLIED TO THE t'roni Pctcrborough, but from other places as well. OUR TERMS ARE MOST REASONABLE: 3 months, 325 for any or all subjects. Many ï¬nish in 3 months. but. 5 months is the average time. only for the time a pupil is with us. New Term begins Sept. 5th, 1985. "WM. PRTNGLE, Erincipal. ' 27-6m. - Last your was our b-inncr year, but we are determined to keep pace with our flourishing oity and supply the demands made on us for oliioe assistants, not only 5 months, $33 for any or all subjects. Sand for our handsome circular. P E’I‘EllBOROUGI-I, ONT eceooooeeé ,__..____â€"_â€"._-â€"â€"â€"__â€".â€"_â€"______â€"___ We charge lliiSS CHAMBERLAIN, OF TORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC, Piano an at Theory. Pupil of Dr. F. H. Torrington, Mr. H. M Field and Mr. W. D. Forsythe. Pupils prepared for College and Con- servatory examinations. Address Care of Mr. F. A. McDiarmid, 26-4. Feiielon Falls. GUARD llï¬itlllST GERli’iS. Keep Well by Strengthening the Stem- ach in Summer with Mi-o-na. Everyone with weak digestion should uso Mi-o-na at this soasnn and so strength- en ilie stomach that disease germs can have no effect whatever. This remarkable remedy puts the whole digestive system in so healthy, clean and sweet a state that fermentation of the food cannot exist, that any disease germs which may enter the stomach will be destroyed. and food will be so rapidly assimilated tlirtta rapid and healthy increase in flesh will result. Nerv- onsuess and sleeplessncss come more often- from a weak stomach than from any other cause; headache, backache and rheumatic pains are directly caused by an acid con- dition of the stomach. Mi-o-na corrects all this. prevents the formation of acids, and nervousness, kidney trouble or rheumatism is quickly cured Ask W. H. {olisou to shim-you the guarantee under which he sells Miâ€"o-ua. Price 50 cents. It costs nothing unless it cures. 29. FALL TERM OPEVS SEPT. 5th ELLIOTT W.. TORONTO. ONT. I One of the largest and best commer- cial schools in the Dominion. All of our graduates are absolutely sure of gsocnring positions. Strong stat? of teachers; modern courses; splendid equipment. Every student thoroughly satisfied. Write for our magniï¬cent catalogue. Address 5 5 i W. l. ELLlOTT, Principal. CORNER YONGE AND ALEXANDER RTS. mum-um _.__...â€"a» ...... 50 YEARS" TRADE MARKS DESIGNS - COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description mu) quickly ascertain our opinion free w tether ml invention is probably pntentablc. Communica- tions strictly conï¬dent in]. Handbook on Patents sent free. Uldcst a voting: for securing patents. Patents taken t. iriinglh Mann 6; (To. receive special notice, without 0 iirizc, in the satanic Emeritus. A. handsomely illustrated weekly. Lat-zest cir- culation of any scientiï¬c journal. Terms. 83 a year: four months. is]. Sold byall newsdcelers. min & ta remit Branchomoe. (be F St... Washington. .' i i mum-um m’nbA-vm .. A-.&ï¬4.w~ HAMMOCKS and everything found ware store, Opposite Post-ofï¬ce. HAVE. YOU bought any honey yet this fall? If not, you are not get- ting the best you can afford of the good things that are going, 5 for honey is universally ac- * knowledged to be one of the . most delicious articles of food, and the price of it rules lower than that of most good thin-gs. ' Honey from my apiary has been produced and put up in the most approved and careful manner. It’s strong point is quality. E. G. HAND. APIARIST, ETtJâ€"RSE Discontinue. The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds ofhouse decorating, Painting, Graining, 1 menu it and materials are in season; also DAIRY‘SUPPLIES, REFRIGERATORS, FENELON FALLS. I it , FlSHlNG TACKLE. in an up-to date hard--~ Call and see my line of Cream Separators- and get prices before purchasing. cso. H. moss. STINSDN’S ICE CREAM cannot be excelled anywhere in town, beenuse it is a combination of pure Jersey creamâ€"not custard. Come in and try a heaping dish of’ Stinson’s “Jack Frost†ice cream in different flavors. A glass of Stinson’s cool, spark- ling ' SODA WATER from the Alaska Marble Fountain is a ï¬ne braoer. So is our luscious ICE CREAM SODA served in our cool parlor days and evenings duriug‘the hot summer months. FRUIT OF ALL KINDS . in season. Paper Hanging, Kalsomining. DI Agent for the Empire Wall-Paper Co.‘ Paper from 5 cents per roll up. Shop opposite McArthur House. Estiâ€" mates given free for work in town or country. A. MILLER, Fenelon Falls. sviu. ALivE and able to meet the requirements of the public. and have just received a. flood assortment of clocks. I can supply you with a good reliable Watch, either 7. 15, 17 or 21 jewel movement. in enysorr of case requirâ€" ed, and almost anything else that a jeweller carries in his line of gcods._ Links, Souvenir Badges and Emblems. The old, reliable Watchmakcr and Jeweller. ESTABLISHED 187 8. JOHN SLATER. Fenelon Falls. BABX7’S SIKIN .hould not be irritated with impure soap or hated wi.li coarse rags We sell every- hing for baby's toiletâ€"the purest soaps, he most velvety powders. TOILET REQUJSITES for grown people Toilet Waters and Powders, Bath Sponges, Tooth Brushes and Powder Puffs, Perfumery of all kinds. All at prices which compare startlingly with old time drug store charges. 9 F. HOTV CAN WE SERVE YOU? noasonis onus sreas, Fenelon Fall S. FENELON FALLS. mmmgglf A GOOD Tlll/lEPlECE.. Rings, Brooches, Chains, New goods just arrived, and. I can show you the latest and. newest designs in Gents’ and: Ladies’ Watches, Chains, Lock- ets, Bracelets, Brooches, etc. Quality and prices right. ' Something decidedly new in; Silverware suitable for wed--- ding presents.- ’ O. COLLES, the new, tip-toâ€"dat‘e and leadm ing Jeweller and Optician, FEflELflN FALLS. cer'cur" soon wagons. If it requires any repairing; bring it tormy shop on Francis. street cast, and the work will? be done the way it should be done. And I can Show you some Buggies that will make you. glad yeti didn’t buy a bugg elsewhere before you saw: them. F. C GHAlllBEREii. a anmmdé .... 5