pflzahg l CMMENCING FRIDAY, FEB. 8, will be the most gigantic sale of the whole year. We are overcrowded with goods, and, with the new Spring Goods arriving, we are naturally puzzled to know where to put them. Sale 'Q’Lasts for Two Weeks. The entire stock is being marked and arranged for the Sale, and, to give some idea of the way prices are being cut, read below. $1.00 &$l.25 Shirts palm MINING nnEss nouns. new sen m unit-ins. 50 Pieces Printi- - . 79 cents. ' ,. all 00d atterns and . , S $6.50 and $8.00 men’s Stilts $4.89. Soft or dressed front, 9 K fastg (1015.5. While A determination to make a clean ,5“. , THnsn ARE men Tum-p PnII‘ERNS, j _ "9 . _ , , swee 1n thls de artment has ‘_ (A. . .1 some 36 TO 42. ALL new ooons. fancy colored bhll‘ts, the sale of thls blg they 14513: Per )d- -07 b (Ebb . d p ..‘ It, Boys’ Suits, regular $2.50 for $1.98 all sizes, each .79 Stock begins, and, as _ , rï¬uc . pnces own {'0 a’ pomt '57, 3: Men’s OVercoats, regular $10 ' the sale will on] 13,531; Ext-“m large Slze W ere m many cases tley do n0t , .. y . represent half the .value of the 6.98 .38 .98 .79 Flannelette Blankets, 25 pairs only, per pair- . . $1.12 Ladles' Skirts at wholesale prices and less. ' .â€" . . Boys’ Pants, regular 50c. for Men’s Pants, regular $1.50 for Men’s mole Pants, reg. $1 for Men’s black Overalls, regular $1.00 for . . 'l HRNDKEREHlEFS F03 250." Look into this snap. Plain or Hemstitched, all sizes, in- cluding men’s. Seven for 250. 2 weeks, everything will sell quick. Every- one should come early. The like opportunity to secure such bargains may not come your way again. 50 & 75c. Sweaters 44 cents. 2 doz. boys’ red and blue Sweaters in 3 "sizes. Each .44: goods. Shrewd buyers will u‘n- doubtedly take advantage of this money-saving opportunity. .Black and white and grey and wh1te Dress Goods, the very new- est styles, regular 400. for 240. yd, Lustres in cream, red and brown, l . l regular 500. for 38c. a yard. :13 ‘ ‘ji' Fanc Tweedsfre ular 25 a d 350. for? 190. a yard. lg n .79 Heavy Table Linens, extra wide, regular 30 and 350. quality. per yd. .24: / GREOCERIES. Lack of space prevents us from quoting prices in this department, but'we feel conï¬dent the bargains we-offer in Groceries will bring us more customers than all We could say in the way of advertising. 501:. Men’s Gaps now 25c. About 5 dozen In all men’s and boys’ Cups, were 500. qualities. ..lll at one price to clear. . . . Great slaughter in Ribbons, Laces and Dress Trimmings. _. .. W 2 l! :2 -, 20 ' ‘ l 14. Sale )rice . . . - pieces iegu ar e 1 we sometlmes 1] cents Per yard. IS an expresswn 8,. F, 1 M 5 t 9,, d. hear, and your money neverppoke L anne e 8’ Gen S p y value in louder tones than it W111 at our store during this sale. ’ i 4 . STAPLE teens StCRlFltED. Notwithstanding the scarcity of many every-dry lines, and that prices are steadily advancing every, week, they must be sold- Great bargains in Underwear and Hosiery. 500.. 75c. and $1.00 Astonishin Bar ains g g Corsets at 280. a pair. , V in Boots and Shoes. ‘ . .1, Crockery and Glassware You work hard for your money. Make it work hard for you at this Sale. Below Cost. LET US HAVE YOUR ORDER EARLY. H w. BURGOYNE & SON, }? - . «mu ,m ~,Av.â€"A-_..â€".mm a... ,fln .._______â€" mammmmmmmmammmnmw “Ask for the Purple Package." “ RELIANCE ’ BAKING POWDER Hoke. Food Healthful. 2 costs Leos to Use. ( elves Better Results. : Insist on the nonulno. :‘ ‘5 e 5. e 5 ,2 §.EREE ouu'nr'm. Pic'rum: POST canoe STD anyone writing us answering the fol- lowing questions we will gladly send ab- :1 oolutoly free, pasta 0 prepaid, seats of four of our latest ct ltion of beautiful" picture post cards lithographed in brilliant ooloro:â€"- ‘, - 101'. Kayne your. grocer. 2nd. We this, paper. INTERNATIONAL soon ('30.. corona. CANADA WWNWW‘UVNWWW '0- NW1! MAMNE‘JO i Dog Losit. Feuolon Falls on Saturday, l‘eb. 2nd, ,n mndium sized Collie Dog, yellow, with some white on breast and brown nose. Any per- son ï¬ndiughim, will be rewarded on return- , , , ,withlhe-resnl-ls. Strsyed room, the undersigned while in. umWhile health reports do not give indi- gestion as a cause of dentin, yetit isin re- ality often fatnl, as it so weakens the stom- ach that one becomes readily susceptible to an attack of typhoid fever, kidney dis- ease, nervous prostrotion or other serious or fatal disease. At the first symptoms of indigestion, Mi'osna stomach tablets should be used. If there is a feeling of heaviness in the stom- ach, distress after eating, nervousness, diz- ziness, nausea, headaches, sleeplessness, pains in the side and limbs, specks before the eyes. or o. peevish, irritable condition, with debility and weakness, begin the use of Mi-o-nu at once. It will build up the stomach and digest- iVe organs so that you can eat anything at any time without fear of distress or indi- gestion. A 50-cent box of Mi-o-na tablets will, in most cases, give prompt relief and cure, although in chronic and long-standing weaknesses of the stomach, two boxes or more are sometimes needed, but we guar- antee Mi-o-nn will» cure, in all casss, no matter how chronic or serious, or money will be refunded. You run no risk What- ever in buying Mi-o-na. We absolutely agree that your money will be refunded should you buy a 50-cent box of Mil-Della tablets und not be satisï¬ed on receipt of; price, 50 cents. Write to-dny for a. free sample. package, and also glue us your symptoms, and one of the best known stomach specialists will [and carries medication to just the spot. Mi-o-na is sold by drug“ = gists everywhere, or will be sent by mail Elly i will, ril ' I" r! " ‘ ' " " {.1 ,l: PENELON FAF‘LS MARKELS' DB. J. ll BCl‘l Ell B R OWN, 4% lbs. Ginger Snaps for 250. at Bur- Clothing for Sale- AND- .5 , “new†Fungi Fnday’ Feb' 8th, ‘907- . x. n.c.n., r. 'r.M.c., 11.8. c. P., L.R.C. s., Edin gol'l'es’ mg “Eduction 331$ . . . . “ ‘ i ' ’ " "z Reported 01/ the Norm czar Roller Mill Co- . . . A quanmy or clm‘bmgl consmtmg 0f LII-LIAN 6- WILSON:.A- T- c- M- a .3; WI eat Scotch or Fire 65 to 68 U Medalist and honormgraduale Trinity Overalls, Smacks, Woollen Shirts and H G d t ( , d D f , ., all 1 s , °"' . niversity Toronto. iysician surgeon Pants let 8 size will be sold ver chem . on“ m “a 9 man" a“ '_v°°“ 0 l" l "l l Wheat, tall, perbushel.... 6.5 67 etc. Ofï¬c; in Queen,s hotel. ’ and Apply, at 51° residence of Mr, JOJNqu‘I, Toronto Conservatory 0f"ill\ll810.- Gold; Wheat, spring . . . . . . .. 65 65 __ Fenelon Fans, 1. Medalist Ielldiesl College. Vches - , Barley, per bushel . 43 45 Coboconk - Out. The undersigned is preparedto deliver ___.__._____._.________|___ and piano pupils accepted. Apply at 'v 1'] 3. Buckwheat“ . ... .. . . 45 48 . . coal or wood to an )art of the villa e ,‘ studio, Dr. Wilson’s.l'§8idencey- °:r.'te]‘7l°h°“e" a 7‘ 4 om “ 35 36 HOUSES nun LOTS FOR SALE at an t‘ H a“ a a 4 fgt a No 20 ' ’ 316m ;. . - . 1me. ar or so woo ee . -r . - ‘ . "a? g Pm’e, , .. 75 80 - long 2,â€, out to order, - * STRONG HEADS AND SKILLED HANDS .; . . ‘ l Rye, “ . . . . . . .. 60 65 $1,500 Wm buy one denim, and one singie A h t k f To run rnour. A’l'l‘ENl) 'rnn‘immousi' 5' ‘v' K, Pommés “ 45 50 house on Francis street. ‘ eavy s cc ~o the best Scranton I k W A I. g Butter, pier lb . . . . .. ,4. . .. 20 22 $700 will buy a. lO-room house, with good coal always on hand’ also Charcoal†ELPIOTT ‘r Eggs, per dozen.....‘. .... 20 22 cellar, well, woodshed, stable, drive house All kinds of green and dry wood ‘ I , d f Slay, per ton . . . ... ...... . 7.00 8 00 and hen house, on Murry street. ' bought at highest price. ' . ' o “ante M'O'Mg or' .; Hides . . .. ...... 8-00 8-00 $300 will buy' 5-room house and wood- ‘ ' l .. FAIJIMS»: Hogs (live) ...... ...... .. 4 50 6 00 shed on Murry street. 40' "‘ WHALEY- ONT. , and surrounding districts .‘ Hogs (Dressed) , _ , , .. , , ,_ 6 00 7.50 Apply to * andhe properly prepared for business _ , ‘ g Beef._..,.... .. 5 00 6.00 rnos. GRAHAM, Fenclon Falls, . .A positions. gle data! only}? lï¬gthgozlzd: HIGH-CLASS; SPECIALTIES‘ ' Sheepskins . . ... . .. 50 90 or to McLAUGHLlN & PEEL Lindsay. “3111058 “051 iOD-v e in la in Fruit and Ornamental stock. rows and: Woo . 2. 2. ' HAVE YOU cunnnn 7 ,every ygung rpm, ind womgn laws: ......1. by g‘ : Flour, Brandon’s Best . . . . . 2-35 2-55 . lave' 1" 5° 0° “'3 "0th e “395 ’ Flour, Silver Leaf .. 2.10 2.30 Breaéhe Hysonli‘pluagd get Relief and attendalrgce in its history. Commence ‘EAgctgifeï¬REi‘tgi?En Ng‘jsï¬guï¬Ã©ht Fl 11 Va r' 2.05 2.25 . . ~ ure. 0 n er uuarantee- “W'- , I‘epare We" and Sue-0955 is ‘ - -’ ' ‘ " '. ‘ New? Nzwogjocess “,0 2.20 Imperfect glgshpn qut Proliï¬c Cause certain. No trouble for our graduates may. Liberal inducemenu. Pay weekly.,_ mom] Family Clipper. . H 1 95 2,15 0 anon“ Dmam' lfyou have catarrh, with offensive breath, to get positions. Catalogue free. H‘mdsome tree omm' ,Wme {graterms ""d‘i Bran, ,per 100 lbs ,. , 1.05 1.15 Few people seem to realize the ma, dam burning pains in the throat, coughing, l'illB'. ' ,I I I cnlalogl‘e’ and: SEW: @5309“? “1-: S'mml’Es Short!“ †“ "‘“"" L10 1’20 gore in disturbed, deï¬cient. or defective mg 9f mucou?’ d'mcim‘v m breathlcg’ w' J' Pr'nClpal- “ï¬nkâ€. Mixed Chop “ .... ... ., 1.25 1.35 digestion. “flung, MSk‘mâ€! d'schmge from “"3 oonusn nouns AND monsoon ars. POCKET buchmnhc GLASS" nose, tickling and dropping m the heck of the throat, espeienlly at night. coughing spasms, ete., begin the use of Ilyemei at once. Its healing medication will give relief in a few days, and its continued use will com- pletely drive all caturrhal germs from the system. H5 omei contains nature’s healing oils and bnlssms, the germ-killing properties of the pine forests, and goes with the air you breathe to the most remote cells of the respiratory organs searching out. and kill- log all catnrrhal germs, and soothing and healing anv irritation there may be in the. mucous membrane. It is easy and pleasant. to use Hyomei, plensan er than most of the stomach dosing, as its healing air is breath- ed through a neat pocket inhaler, which can be carried in the purse or vest pocket, or-30 centsfonour, HANDY, Menu. I 1140.1: , Sam; Stone &' Wellington; ,- FON‘TMHJIJ, NURSERIES; (even 800 Ileana.) iTomnlo -. n. n. MILHE, o. o. Eyesight Specialist. Permanently Located in Lindsay. Ofï¬ce 92 Kent street, Lindsay, over Neill’s Shoe Store. Special attention givem to examining and treating the eye with. proper lenses if required. Hours 9 to 12 a. 111.; 2 t0.5 p. m.; or by appointment. ' 30 anion-in... ,WW In Jewelry Blankets, Rubber and Woollen. Rugs, Robes and Mitts at bottom E where relief is needed. The complete Hyomei outfit costs but 351, extra bottles, if needed, 50 cents, We do not want nnyone‘s money unless Hyo. mci gives relief and cure, and we absolutely agree that money will be refunded unload, the remedy gives satisfuction. All druggists should be able to supply». you with Hyomei, or we will supply it by. mail on receipt of price, and every puchnge.. is sold with the distinct understanding that; it costs nothing unless it cures. Write us 30-day for. a symptom blank which we will. A good stonkrof hunks; ' send you. free, together with treatise on. catnrrh and how to cure it. When you ï¬ll. _ inand return to us the symptom blush, ,etcu‘thanwd,’ our consulting physician will give your: We carry a well selectcdmtoek to suit all buyers atpricesz.’chat are low. We pay, special attentLOn to prices. Single. oak-tanned Har- ness, hand-made, at $12... I Rawhide Whips, 35s.. i _- . . . . he but care and attention and write . . . . . . i mg him, l0, give your case in! careful and crsonnl ot- erase l l . ‘ ; ;. v ; .-’ ; ~ ‘ WM It; LAMB, ,emion with“, than“. 300,13} Hyome, $011â€; lioitlgpmgfc‘pdsilféï¬lznlpo? charge. , ., . , V r ~ I I . 1:23. Yer-alum. Clo, Bump), N, Y, .99.. S a ... t. l .. . , . _ . . . ' I l l y ,/