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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 24 May 1907, p. 1

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Professional Cards. i LEG AL. F. A.‘l\"chl:‘ll{-.\lll). BARRISTER, SOLiClTOR,Etc., FENE lon Falls. opposite. Post-office. 3&3” Money to loan Office, Colborne strect_ FENELON FALLS, " ammo, imply, MAY 24TH,.1907. gooomoaooooooooog two-day in the hands of the majority of the people. For the present the people choose to recognize his claim to oil wells and rcllneries and stocks and bonds.- They support constables, courts, armies, andpther means of force to protect him in his property rights, and approve the. capitalist system which enables him to constantly add to these various holdings. Without this supporting force of the people, he could not exercise his power 300 V on real “estate at lowest current rates. ' FENELON FALLS. as proprietor over a single tank car or a? yard of pipe. The people are holding him and his kind up, with the rcsult’that he holds them up. ' it is safe to assume that when the peo-' ple have been pinched hard cnough'to make them fiinvcstigate the processes of capitalism, they will step from under, and the whole scheme that has existed by their consent will fall down for lack. of it. Then will come the change, the character of which will depend more-1 upon conditions and the tcmporof the people at that time than upon what may now be said or done. - .Mr. ltockefeller's ability to fool eighty million people, and drawan enormous- revenue from them with their consent and active help, is a snilicient guarantee that he will be able to take care of hinv self in the time to come, without any un- . necessary solicitndc on the part of the working class. The legitimate business of the workers is to give less attention to Mr. Rockefeller's interests, and turn . their attention to their own long nc~ V, , glected affairs. ' There is nothing in the programme of Socialism to prevent Mr. Rockefeller from getting as much out of the Uo-ope~ rative Commonwealth as anyother citi: ‘zen, if he will work for it. If he would turn from working'the people to work- ing the soil or the machines or any of the legitimate means of producing real ‘ wealth, he would receive the full equivâ€" alent of what his labor would sociall y produce. He would assuredly receive that much in return for hispropcrty, and what more could any man justly ask than the right to what he has earned by his own honest effort ? ' History supplies many instances of economic revolutions in which the prop- erty interests of large classes were on- tircl y ignored. One that is not so remote but that it can be readily appreciated by all, is the 1035 of property to south- ‘ ern planters caused by freeing millions of black slaves. The slaves were taken from their masters without a thought of giving them anything in return. . To the majority of the people the abolition of slavery was of more consequence than the property rights of the slave owner. And it strikes me, as I believe it does the average Socialist, that the abolition of capitalism and wage slavery is now of more consequence to the welfare of the nation in general, and the working class in particular, than the question as to what will become of Mr. Rockefeller's. propertyâ€"«Fred D. ll’arren. W NCLAUGU LIN, PEEL 8r FALTON P ARRESTE'RS, SOLICITORS AND NOT- ) Mics- Offices over Dominion Bani-c, Lindsay. Branch office open at Bobcaygeon cvrry Monday. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. ' R.J Mcnimum, K. o. A.ti.'FALroN,B.A. ~ . Jas. A.l?i:er.. . M a. u. HOPKINS, ARRISTER, 8:0. SOLIGiTOR FOR the Ontario Bank. Money to loan at arrest rates on terms to suit the borrower. Oliices: No. 6, William Street South, Lind- say, Ont. HEAD OFFICE - MONTREAL. . ESTABLISHED i817. INCORPORATED av ACT or PARLIAMENT. CAPITAL - $14,400,000.00. REST - $11.000,000.00. UNDlVlDED PROFITS $922,418.31. Q Q Q Q, Q 9, % SAVillGS ' BANK i Q Q Q Q g EEMRTMENT. INTEREST ADDED FOUR TIMES A YEAR We extend you a most hearty. Welcome to visit our store from Saturday, May 25th to Thursday, May 30th, when Mrs. 0. Cooper, of the Pure Gold Manufacturing Compa- ny, Will be with us to demonstrate the good qualities of the Pure Gold-Jelly Powder, Sal- ad Dressings and Quick Puddings, which are on sale at our Grocery Counter. . Deposits taken of $1 and upward. .IDeposits can ' be Withdrawn on demand. M STEWART 85 O’CONNOR, BARRISTERS, NO'l‘AlllES, 8w. MONEY ' to loan at lowest current rules. Terms to suit borrowers. ,Oflicc on corner of Kent and York streets, Lindsay. T. Srswanr. - L. V. O’CONNOR, B. A M blOOliE‘cSL JACKSON, BARRISTERS, SOLIUI’I‘ORS, Sac. Of- lice, William street, Lindsay. ‘ ; A. JACKSON ooooooooooooooooOooooooooooooo R. M. HAMILTON, MANAGER. 000 000 000 000 000 000 flOOOGOL F. D. Moons. ___l _,_,__~_.â€"â€" I AUorIorIEER. ____,__._.._____ FELIX A. NORTHEY, PUBLIC AUCTIONEER. Farm and other sales conducted in first- class order.‘ Secure dates before adver- tising. Address, Fenelon Falls. - STEPHEN OLIVER, LINDSAY '4 "- ONT. Live Stock and general Auctioneer W rite for dates before advertising. MM MEDICAL. The Majority Rule. “ Would the Socialists take Mr. Rocke- feller's money and property without giv- «ing him something in return? "â€"17.13. Deming, Arkansas. Sometimes those who are robbed see (it to compromise with the robber. Some- times those whose property has been stolen are disposed to let the thief re- tain part of the plunder, on condition that he return the rest of the stolen goods without making any trouble. It is likely that the people, when they get tired of the present system of graft, will demand their own; and it is possi- ble that, to get their own with the least friction, they may pay the thieves to be good and let go of their swag without resistance. It is by the consent and with the approval of the majority that Mr. Rockefeller holds the property he claims as his own. Whenever the major- ity withdraws its consent, by which that gentleman and his kind hold the greater part of the world‘s wealth and are ac- quiring more, the rights of capitalists will fade away, as the rights of kings and the rights of chattel slave owners have gone before. ' The majority of the people control the situation now, and always will do so. Mr. Rockefeller is wealthy by the con- sent of the many. If the principles of Socialism ever prevail, it will be because of the will of the majority. If at that time Mr- ROl‘licfellcr‘s property rights I M DR. H. H. GRAHAM. , 3} a -u.n.,c.n., n inc 8.Eng., and. P. as, ' l 0211:, r. 'r. M. s.â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON St ACCOUCH- eur. Oflice. Francis Street, Feuelon v Falls. , '_ ' DR. A. WlLSON, -â€"i\l. 3., M. c. r. a 8., Ontario,â€" I "urs‘icmn, SURGEON a: ACCOUCH ' -. ,. enr. Olfice, Colborne Street, Fenelon , «’Falls. M on. m. a. Aflfll s, Eyesight; Specialist- 'mhrv-q‘v4 ~rwafi‘1w¢:Aam$n~â€"oy;w_ n warn“ A . _ -i . V .. M 9" Blind as a Bat. When the legislature reduced passen» ger fare from three to two cents a mile, the railroads at once declared such reâ€" ' duction unconstitutional and appealed . ,3 V I. to their ow'vn machine-nliade indgfes tot set ,; ' a ' . Whentie ra e 0 cs age . are “approved’ protected and continued' t61111o iéiie‘iilgias reduced from three to it wdl be with the consent of the major- two cents, did anyone declare that re_ lty' H his pmpart‘y is confiscated’.1t ductionunconstitutional. Have n’t you I will be because the majority so wills 1t; enough brains to see why it is that, a ‘ ~-â€".-~-.--,- »» an.“ 5...... Successor to R' R' 3mm, D‘ 0’ and if he is paid something for that prop- Gage-em, reduction of passenger fares is. J i . i erty’ it will be because'the Peeple as a unconstitutional, while. a one-Cent rc- "1-,. duction of postage is constitutional? ll ' I I ~ , The Object 0f Socmlism is to remove you were not blind as a bat and dumb as the obstruction that stands between the an oyster, you would seeahe pomt ant} worker and the films he “1qu use In 01' say so. But the corporations know Just ' l - H We want our frlends and. customers der to work. That obstruction censists ho“. numb your brain is, and take adâ€" 3 ‘ l i l l l Ollice and Parlors, 92 Kent street (over . whole so dcsrre. . ,v Neill'slshoe store), 7 Lindsay. - Ont. Special attention given to examining and treating the eye with proper lenses if required. Lenses, Eyeglasses 'and Spectacles fitted and adjusted. Hours, '9 to 5, Saturday evenings, and by appointment. if: '1 - 1"" of a claSs of ca )italists who own and , .tl (t to exercise their owner. Q kl??? that from date we make control land and inachinery, and will not lfi?;a§:£fco,l$ml of bot], railways. and ,., up 011...? our own, goods, and we permit thewoi-kor: :0;183‘§ficl;&3(f%130:fi3; government, wake 1113!...Appealto Reason. i, 1 s '1 save on such ter .Q--'â€"â€"â€"”‘- . W111 Ht 110 Case manufacture at any Wealth of the owners at the 1expense of . P the workers. Since the wor tors are in plug? gqods b 0 u g h t frsm ShOddy the majority and thus control the 15111113; , e . r -,- . . tion,both by their strenn‘th at the Jay 0 .. , , S of boom,“ . . _ ‘ i) t“- Su-itrepm “n and “15111385 £38 3611 111 u On _ will change the system w ien 100 ge 7 ‘, t , , cordomtions, like pigs P e beSt Of ma ready and 1n the way that pleases them. glneilelebgggnl mgrket, 1,0 pass laws raw)“ V 18.1 and W0". . ' ' Soc'al’sts toâ€"da 'cannot' determine the , I u . . , ‘ in, __ be? S . Jl ktnanshlp, and W8 Still]. detail; (if we De“? order as those details mg 001 pox .Ltions, gapitlileis 21331.5 23:11- WIS-h to maintain 1t. Hence notice. ’ chise grabbers. One 0 10 sen . l mu“ necessarily be worked 01min their tossed and told the whole story, which I E l’ I l l i More Boodliug. ,_____________â€"-:-â€"__-'â€"___.__.â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€" DENTAL. W! Dr. 5. .5. suns, DENTIST, Fenclon Falls. Graduate of Toronto Univergib is s ' a TQ‘WNLBY J _ O O 0 ALL BRANCHES 0F: ENTISTRY .erfiormed acc iliv- D on “.5 to the latest improved own time and in their own way by the , , . r, t ,, ,hor corrupted leg‘ . . ,_ r ., eo_ issnmlartotia 0 or» . _ $812,333 zydfyflgfilfigbegggtfiaterlfirphw islaturos. In every instzlianclo.ltwwais3 ‘ down rules for the peonlc of to-morroiy. Ltfigf‘gsofwgl‘l’isdéia‘g‘aer “we'd ' A111 “‘3; s‘?°f{‘l‘bfifs 10m; 310, .“fi‘fisliha‘é mediately or immediately to capitalistsi S mw o “m ml" c as ‘l They are a. menace to all decency ant method= . . UFFICE . .. at moderate prices. â€"â€"__â€"â€"â€"__________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" the do not en’o the fruit of their toxl , ‘ ‘ . , R ,, ,berv omc (- ' “"0"” Burgoynes Store: 001' andypoint out their cause of their poverty lslgmllggé ihiilee‘guagg 13,121 and exploitation. When a sulhcrontnum- the public owned and Operated the i,,_ ‘ .' ‘ - l e the mint and . V . x _ 1331111: ftgllghg\d)c}iilctliihi:: that dapitalism gilfitl‘)1§§;ml€;e§§ tgfgslg :goifigglilfe mu“ go, they Will then’ and non berom’ to bil'ibe.‘ Can you understand as simple decide upon the order of its going. 6 a proposition as that ?__Ib,~d_ ~’_._-'â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-""'."" -.,, an. runes (l min, _ _. x FIT FOR fillIN'l‘ISTSa . LINDSAY. A K I N G Mr. Rockefeller and his property or Natural teeth prcsorv‘ed. Crown and to wear are the Shoes to be r v, l bridge work aspecialry. Splendid fits in artificial iceth- PD’.uless extraction. Gas adsumistered to over 9,000 persons with great suctess, had here. They are right in quality and style. SHOE MAKING in'its highest development is apparent in every department ESTABLISHED 1836. _ One of the oldest banks doing business in this country. 56 Branches in Canada and the Unltcd States. , Farmers ailorded every facility in their banking business. Stile Notes cashed or taken for collection. Drafts bought and sold. Prompt attention given to collections. Savings Bank Dept.â€"â€"Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. â€" Interest paid every three months. FENELON rnts ERANCll. W. l. BISHOP, MANAGER. my VOICE CULTURE AND PIANO. . of this store. The shoes rep- LLIAN 6. WILSON, A. T. c. M. u resent the acme of style, com- H Graduate piano and vocal) of " . u . . Tonsiiltoor Conservato(ry of Music. Gold fort and durablhty. You cannot, fall to be Interested If you can. Medalist of Whitby Ladies’ College. Voice and piano pupils accepted. Apply at Studio, Dr Wilson's residence, or telephone W L ROBSON 5 ,3 ' it.

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