s. determined it shall attain. "of the country I'I'fI-E FELLOW‘ WHO'S "DOWN AND OUT.†The man who wins in the ï¬ght for fame, Who wins in the war for gold, The wclkin rings with his lauded name Wherever his deeds are told. Not mine to jeer when I hear him hailed; I honor his courage stoutâ€"~ But what of the fellow» who tried and failed, The fellow who’s “down and outâ€? Shall nought be said for the man who tried The goal of his hopes to, gain? \‘Vho faced the battle with patient pride And fought though the fight. was vain 1’ Whose spirit in one weak moment quailed Who fell at the last. redoublâ€" h! many a hero heart has failed So here’s to the “down and outâ€! he man who winsâ€"oh, honor him well, And give him the praise that’s due, But don’t. forget the other who fell Ere ever his dreams came true. Yes, honor the man whose will prevailed, Who baffled despair and doubtâ€"â€" But give one thought to the man who failed, The. fellow who‘s “down and out†i q... A PROGRESSIVE INSTITUTION. Elsewhere in this paper will be found the ï¬nancial statement, which was sub- mitted to the shareholders of the Imâ€" perial Bank at the annual meeting held on the 22nd of May. These statements were received with the great-est. satis- faction, inasmuch as they reflected un- niistakeably the solidity attained and the progress achieved. The Bank now stands very high among our Canadian Banks, but. it has not yet achieved that point of increased usefulness to al. of which the directors are evidently This was shown by the recommendation cui- bodicd in the report that. the subscribed capital of the Bank be increased from $5,000,000 to $10,000,000, which will place it on a par with the Canadian Bank of Commerce, the Bank of Toronto and the Royal Bank of Canada, all of which follow the Bank of Montreal. This new capital stock will not be is- sued at once, but. only as the directors may hereafter determine. We heartily ogre with the statement contain-ed in the report, that. “the rapid development- necessitates increased banking facilities, which can be most economically and at the same time pro- ï¬tably supplied by the banks which are now in existence.†In this connection we may urge upon Parliament that there is no necessity for new banks, and that all applications for incorpora- tion should be absolutely refused. With the provision to increase the Bank’s capital from time to time, as it. may be needed, it will be in a position to meet all public requirements, and to keep pace with the general improvement and development. which is apparent all over the Dominion. It is cause for regret that the experienced and able general manager did not. give an extensive re- view of the country‘s trade prospects, f0“ these are always received with the. greatest. attention. Such a review would have been highly appreciated, but those who were wont to rely upon it as a guide and ï¬nger post; will have to trust for better things next year. in the meantime, the Bank, which has a reserve fund equal to its total paid-up capital of $-t,773,948, will continue to enioy and grow in the conï¬dence of the public to such. an extent that its ,totaol authorized caiital will be paid up to meet the more. sing demands upon its usefulness. The extent to which it enjoys public conï¬dence is seen in the fact that. its deposits amount to the large sum of 31,928,099. These are pro- tected by assets amounting to $45,641,- 257. Of the latter, no less a sum than that of $18,878,042 are readily available. The ï¬nancial statements will be read with renewed interest, in view of the ‘ forward steps which the Bank has under consideration. , iL..â€"....â€" YOUR BILLIONS OF ANCESTORS. Have you ever stopped to think how many male and female ancestors it. took to bring you into the world? First, of oounse. it was necessary to have a father and mother, and the father and mother of each of us must have had a father and mother, and so on, back through fifty-six generations to the time of Christ. A careful calculation of all these ancestors shows that there must have been 130.2350]7,480,534,070 births to bring one of us into the world. And this is only from the time of Christ, and not from the beginning of the world. According to one authority, if from a single couple for five thousand years each husband and wife had married at. the age of twenty-one, and there had been no deaths, the. population of the earth would be 2,l90,015. followed by it cyphers. To hold such a population. I it. would take several worlds the size of ours. ISSUE NO. 26â€"»07. I {if ed to be equal to are saved sufferingâ€"and mother: I. ' given restâ€"when one uses ,} NUTSGS’and Mothers’ Treasure Quickly relievesâ€"regulates the 5 ’ bowels â€",â€" prevents convulsions. '- Used 50 years. Absolutely safe. '_ At drug-stores, 25c. 6 bottles, $1.35. '2 3 National Eng 81. C emical Co.. Limited, ,; i Sole Propric are, Montreal. 41 ’~ .. r. - c. ». no?“ “N:- .._..,. , nil-«n.â€" DON'T [SE POOR OIL. For use on sewing machines, bicycles and all purposes requiring a ï¬ne lub- ricant, the best is cheapest in the end. Genuine Singer oil can only be obtained a t. Singer stores. Look for the Red Singer Sewing Machine Co. Write us at Manning Chamber, Toronto, for set of Bird Cards free. .....___. The. Chinese claim that rice wine was manufactured by their king (thing- Yang as early as 1098 B. C. These two desirable qualiï¬cations, pleasant to the taste and at the same time effectual, are to be found in Mo- ther Graves’ Worm Exterminator. Children like it. . lieâ€"“Are you deaf to my pleadings?†Sheâ€"“I am.†l-lcâ€"J‘But what if I were to offer you a diamond ring?†Sheâ€"â€" “Oh, I am not stone deaf.†If a dog bites you don’t; be scared. Bathe the around With cold water and cover it with a. cloth an which Weaver’s Comte has been freely upreatd. The Ceratze relieves the pain caused by a re sting of insects “Halloa.i you waiter; where is that ox-tail soup '3†Walter: “Coming, sirâ€"half a minute.†Diner: “Confound you! how slow you are!" Waiter: “Fault. of the soup, sir. Ox tail always behind.†Angry Diner : Great Things from Little Causes Grow.â€"~It takes very little to derange the stomach. The cause may be slight, a cold, something eaten or drunk, anx- iety, worry, or some other simple cause. But if precautions be not taken, this simple cause may have most serious consequences. Many a chronically dc- bilitaled constitution to-day owes its de- struction. to simple causes not dealt with in time. Keep the. digestive appara- tus in healthy condition and all will be well. Parmclee’s Vegetable Pills are better than any other for the purpose. If you write twelve noughts alter 5,2’i0 you have in ï¬gures the number of tons representing the weight of the atmos- phere surroumling the earth. ITCII, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford’s Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. Mrs. Fiercepaleâ€"“My husband .and I met. through correspondence. lle pro- posed to me before ever he saw me!†Miss Sharpâ€"“l don‘t doubt it.†It is an Elixir of Lifeâ€"Since forgot- ten time, men have been seeking for the Elixir of Life, which tradition says once existed. Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil is an Elixir, before which pain can- not live. lt is made up of six essen- tial oils, carefully blended so that-their curative properties are concentrated in one. It has no equal in the treatment. of lumbago, rheumatism, and all bod- ily pains. The direct light. of the sun is estimat- 5,563 lighted wax candles, placed at one foot from the observer. A Quick Recovery from Fever and all sick- ness is always the case when “ Ferrovim †the best tonic is used. It. builds, it strengthens, it; ‘ ives new life. Try it. She: “She is always talking about her pies. Did you ever see anything unusual in them?†He :- “Yes, I saw a boot-but- ton in one once!†When all other corn preparations fail, try I-lolloway’s Corn Cure. No pain whatever, and no lllCOIlVGlllClICC in using it. ' When the cat is away the night. is always quiet. ‘ No person should go from home with- out a bottle of Dr. .I. D. Kellogg’s Dy- scntery Cordial in their possession, as change of water, cooking, climate, clout frequently brings on summer com- plaint, and there is nothing like being ready with a sure remedy at hand, which oftentimes saves great suffering and frequently valuable lives. This Cordial has gained for itself a wide- spread reputation for affording prompt relief from all summer complaints. ASKED TOO MUCH. “Miss Potts,†trembled the youth as he parted from her at. the door, “there is something I must say to you.†“Proceed,†she urged him with an cncouraging'smile.- “Though I am only a poor inventor," he stammered, “yet my airâ€"ship is nearer perfection than ever..- 1â€"1 have but two ideals in lifeâ€"you and my air- ship. \\‘ill you marry me?†She was silent. I ~ ‘ “Do not .answer too quickly,†he begged. “Take time to think it. over. I will come again for my answer. May I?" come in your airship.†~. With a wild Cry of despair, he turned and fled: ' » The Wax-targec'eahs holdain solutidn at least. 2,000,000 tons of silver. There is also much copper and a little gold in sea water. “Yes,†she told him. "Come againâ€" ‘ - I This cold-water starch " gets ironin -day over r- - - “y. quicker, With esa wear on . Egg; - z the ironer's muscles and far less on the starched pieces. a beautiful gloss. . ’ N eedn’t. beboiled. .yet cannot v ' stick. It’s astarchyou’ll like. ' ‘; ‘ Manitoba "IV . “is... . rai'hur- u ’: flour for bakers and others dcmand- ' ing‘ strength, color and uniformity. ï¬lflflttflaWHITE AT ,YOUR GROCERS ‘ DEALERS‘EVERYWHEEE surrucokwrrn ' FLOUR AND “litigant: us. I, we ALSO MAKE 'QUEEN cmn- A BLENDED FLOUR . THAT HAS cmuso GREAT FAVOR A8 A GENERAL g HOUSEHOLD mu. PURPoscs- noun. . " IIN aunt-inna- KING APPLAUDS BLIND. At Royal Normal College, London Blind Students Give Fine Programme. King Edward and Queen Alexandra, accompanied by the Prince and Prin- cess of Wales and Princess Victoria, were present during an entertainment given at the Albert Hall recently by the students and graduates of the Royal Normal College for the Blind. One fancied that the sightlcss p,er< formers could observe the kindly, in- terest-ed faces of the royal party, for never did songs sound sweeter than those sung by the blind songstcrs. and never were gymnastic feats more adroitly performed than they were by the college’s young men. , As the King and Queen entered the royal box, which was gay with flowers, the full chorus of 150 voices sang “God Save the King,†and every face was turned towards their majesties. There- after nobody applaud-cd so heartily as the King, whose interest. in the enter- tainment was evident from the way in which he. commented upon every item. The climax of the musical half of the performance was reached when Master Wilfred Kershaw, a boy of nine years, played M-endelsshon’s “Ca- priccio Brillante†with a feeling and expression unequalled by many a pam- pered youthful prodigy. The second part of the programme was a gymnastic display. The lads wheeled and turned about in perfect order, and showed themselves adepts in the use of the dumb-bells and iron wands. So cleanly and swiftly did they perform that one forgot. that. to them the world was dark, and it was only when, new and again, one of them groped for the parallel bars or stumb- led against a fellow that one realized the full pat-hos of those black spec- tacles that, hid pitiful, unseeing eyes. *___.â€"â€" the villain on the People applaud ESTERN BUSINESS ; IF YOU “stage for doing things they would have want a western business write as; large lists; hotels, livery stables, stores, and others. The Minton Mansell (.0., business brokers, Saskatoon. V ANTEDâ€"IF YOU ARE AN AGENT 013. mean to become one, send me your ad- dress, and I will send you one of my handsome unbreakable Magnetic Combs Free. Greatest Comb ever made ; sells to almost everyone. Magnetic Comb Co., St. Thomas, Ont. WANTED." FIFTY SMART GIRLS for our spinning, winding and weavin rooms. Good wages, steady employmon and leasant surroundings. Fares paid. App y, giving full particulars, to TORONTO CARPET MFG. 00., Toronto. Gives Perfect Light. The Most Economical High Grade Oil Ever Sold in Canada. FOR SALE BY DEALERS \EVERYWHERE. QUEBECSTEAMSHIPtUMPAN LIMITED. .â€"â€"â€"â€"- Riva and Gulf of St. tawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron SS. “ Campana," with electric lights, electric bells and all modern comforts. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MONDAYS at < 4 p.m., 8rd and 17th June, 18%, 16th and 29th July, 12th and 26th August, 9th and 23rd September, and fortni htly thereafter for Picbou, N.S., call- ing at no tec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Cape Cove, Grand iver, Summersido, P.E.I., and Charlot- tetown, P.E.I. BERMUDA Summer Excursions, 885, by the new. Twin Screw SS. “Bermudianâ€, 5,600 tons. Sailing 5th and 19th June, 3rd, 17th and 31rd; July, 14th and 26th August, 4th, 14th and 25th September, 5th 16th and 26th October, 0th, 16th and 27th Novem- ber. Temperature cooled by sea breezes seldom have 80 degrees. ri§l?lloafliiost trips of the season for health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. A. E. OUTERBRIDGE a C0., Agents, 29 Broadway, New York.- ’ .. Cures Kendall s Sparta Cure spam, Here is just one case ‘ ' . out of thousands-â€" HAMIOTA, l‘lAN., March 13. '06. “This is to testify to the value of Kendall's Spavtn Cure as a Spavin Remedy and Liuiment for general use. . I used it for Spavins on a colt two years ago, and found it a complete cure." H’m. Juergnu. Save your horse with Kendall'sâ€"the sure cure {or all Bony Growths. Swellings- and Lamencss. $1 a bottleâ€"6 for 3.5. Our great'bookâ€""Trcotise on the Horse“â€" frcc from dealers or ago Dr. II. J. Kendall 00., Enosburg F:tts,Vermont,U.S.A. him arrested for doing in real life. A Pleasant Medicineâ€"There are some pills which have no other purpose evidently than to beget painful internal disturbances in the patient, adding to his troubles and perplexities rather than diminishing them. One might as well swallow some corrosive material. Par- melee’s Vegetable Pill-s have not this disagreeable and injurious property. They are easy to take, are not unplea- sant. to the taste, and their action is nild and soothing. A trial of them will prove this. They offer peace to the dyspeptic. ' MADE EN If The GEORGE DUCHSGHERER. - HAMEL’TON ~MOTOR WORKS. Ltd. HAMILTON. ONT. .'_. an? g The underwear that ï¬ts perfectly, wears out slowest, and neither shrinks nor stretches, is named PENâ€"ANGLE, and bears this trade mark in red. Who sclls it, , _ guarantees it, in the Pen ' r . rig/6 maker's name. Made " ' in many fabrics and styles, at various prices, . in form-ï¬tting sizes for women, men and children. PEN-ANGLE. Guar- anteed Underwear Wears best aglcg fits titer ILSN' FLY :PADS -â€"â€" SOLD BY â€"- 3“ DRUGGISTS, GROOERS AND GENERAL STORES . 10c. por- packet, or 3 packets for 25¢. Z " will last a whole season. ' I Ransom | The Cream of the ‘ KOOTENAY If you are interested in Frult Lands write for our booklets. Its FREE. I’chERMID 6c HCHARDY. Nelson, 8.6. KIII them all. No dead flies Iylng about when used as dlrccted. To ï¬nd a man or woman in every town who wants to make $5,000 in cash in thenoxt 90 days without the investment of a cent. Do you? If so write tic-day for our proposition and “The Story of Big Ben and Some Others †which we will mail you free and prepaid. SOVEREIGN SECURITIES, Limited, Tradars Bank Building, Toronto, Canada <.....â€".__.~.. llï¬lEt IN BUFFALO HIGHEST GRADE FIRE PROOF OUR OWN RAPID ELECTRIC CARRIAOES. EXCLUSIVELY FOR PATRONS OPERATE CONTINUOUSLY EVERY FEW MINUTES FROM HOTEL THROUGH BUSINESS DIS- TRICT AND TO ALL DEPOTS AND, WHARVES FOR PRINCIPAL TRAINS AND STEAMERS. EUROPEAN PLAN Rates $1.50 per day and up. Proprietor CANADA Complete Launches its ..__â€"..__..â€"â€"___._._.~._.._._...â€"_â€"-.____.â€".___â€"- BC Strong! be Up-ta-llatci It is not often that these qualities go hand in hand. Strength pre- supposes exercise to-day, and there is no better, no more pleasant and convenient exercise than bicycling, fresh air while going to and fro on and you can getyour exercise argl your daily duties. ' In this way you reserve your strength and build up your consti- tution, while at the same time you are up to date, for the bicycle has / come back in earnest, on the broad business basis of UTILITY ‘HEALTH PLEASURE and in the van are plainly seen "The Cleveland, Massey I"Silver Ribbonâ€, Perfect, Brantford. Imperial, Rambler and Blue Flyer Toronto Junction, 7 Canada;Cycle.-aand » Motor 00., Limited, - . ".MAKEHS OF '1'".le \VO BLD'S BEST BICYCLES.†- Canadar,‘ Branches :â€"Winnipca, Vancouver, Melbourne, Ans!» _ _.- A. ‘.(‘.v'f:c “VT-rin