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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 5 Jul 1907, p. 7

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‘_.;.:.._‘ ‘é- 4‘ “.7 hat you spend for underâ€" 5 '; 'wear buys most real value V ' in ht, comfort, serviceâ€" ‘ ' only when each gar- or your money back. ,.. lVlade in many fab- rics and styles, at various prices, in . - ,_\fl}~ ‘. ..zns- . OLD MAN‘S UNIQUE RECORD. In the village of Burton Joyce, in Not- tinghamshire, England, is Elijah Lind- lcy, who for sixty-three years has been Parish clerk and sexton 0f the village. lle. is 84 years of age, lives in the house where he was born, and has only been absent. from the village four Sundays fact that. he has tolled the bell for three sovereignsâ€"George IVE, William IV. and Queen Victoria. life was only seven years old when George W. died, but his father, who was then SOXIOII, took him into the belfry and made him pull the makes ironing easier. saves linen, because it gives a better gloss with ‘6 half the iron-rubbing. F, Saves bother, because it 7,» needs no cooking, . . just “782:, cold water. And it it IDLY 'DREAMING. Capital and Labor chanced to meet. “Good morning,” they exclaimed in cordial unison. “I hope,” said Capital, “that you find ycnr wages satisfactory.” “Entirely so,” replied Labor, “and I trust. your investment is bringing fair returns.” me,“ bears the during his life. He has served under had: makinmd five. viears, assisted at 2l0 marriages, ' 313 “Excellent,” said Capital. 000 with 11 c . 25c.-â€"utdrug-storcs. that guarantees 1,500 baptisms and 1,000 funerals. The R “Him. . warm clasp of the hand they parted. “1 es Nationulnmgslcmsu. ' - r - .~ .~ . r . . - ‘-‘ "i" ' --1'-‘r~\ 53C\-.A'.m’«~' i 3.“ i -»\.l' a ' 1C0. Limit: . yousansfacmn g1 mes f01 the ldllCI he has dug himself. Saves time b . ‘.,,\$, 1 __ ,F____ ica , , _. j ., . . v ecause 1t - lut 1115 most unique record hes in the ’ STANDARD BANK STATEMENT. Dlal‘l‘hoea Montreal. Shows Increase in Total Assets for the Y ‘ar of $2,881,520. The statement presented to the thirty- second annual meeting of the share- ___._‘ N u r s e s ’ a n d Mothers’ Treasure â€"-safest regulator for baby. Prevents colic and vomitingâ€"gives healthful rest â€"-cures diarrhoea without the harmful effects of medicines containing opium or other injurious drugs. 42 A pure, har J formâ€"fitting sizes for rope. K, ,, CAN’T stick. Buy it holders of the Standard Bank of Can- ~j 7 ~ , :: . Par,- fllzyie women, men and ____c {5' ~ by name. ada was a most satisfactory one. Dur- '* 3 i j = -f ‘ ~ - .. children. See that A POOR RULE TIIEN. int: the past year the capital has been Manitoba -’ , $4.34,. . the PEN-ANGLE. F1, ,1, ., _ A I .. ‘ 203 -.- - increased by $356,142, making it $1,540; ‘ ~ “ ' ‘ . is thereâ€"it insures . Timmyâ€"l, imam/010’ my my’ pmsc' i ""2335: -.. ""F ’wfi 420. The reserve fund now stands at flour for bakers and Others demand‘ I' (tier you! money's Worth. ‘Elq‘il' ,311111995‘00‘3' 0m?! ‘IV‘IY If) 30091:}: ‘ - ' <_‘ ' "~ $1,510,420, in, increase for the year (,I ing strength, color and uniformity. .. p . y puipose, am but is to 5 ion v .. $356,142, this being the premium on GUESS NOT. A young clergyman in a remote coun- try district wrote to Bishop Potter, say- ing that he was about to take a wife and asking if, to save some other clergy- man a long and weary journey, he could not marry himself. The bishop’s reply was marvelously concise. It said: “Could you bury yours-elf?” 4...... upon the intestines in a beneficial wav. will kill . - . UNUSUAL FIN'tNCIAL STRENGTH. .,,. z. ., . ' . . * n- a. holders, $19000 was written 0” bank 1 t P [melecs \tgttiblc Pills answer all m°33°° s'fizetsw' premises, and the balance carried for- The annual report of the Merchants Bank of Canada was made public at the forty-third yearly meeting, held at. the head offices of the Bank in Mont- real-on Wednesday the 19th of June. The unusual position of strength ' 4.1-: ~41: =~:~‘-/".".' '~~ v'vv’w -~.TK"-"*: V‘ wads-f“ «13': and the splendid progress of this bank- 'say.” continued the other. “that if there . ( . . . , . _ arc I want you to put me in the room COIHPIOQO mg msmuuon affords a lesson m care next to theirs. I want to wake up in D Launches 'ful management, which some of the tnewer banks might well follow. This results naturally, of course, from the lltierchants Bank being fortunate enough ' to have on its Board of Directors and among its Officers many names cf prominence in Canadian financial (circles. Those who have funds of their own for trust funds to deposit would do well to look carefully into the personnel of ‘0 banks directorate. and weigh their {reputations when deciding where to place their money. The character of ‘thc Board and Oflicers of a bank has, of course, everything to do with its progress and safety for the depositor. As a result of traditionally careful management the combined reserve Hand and paid-up capital stock of the tMerchanls Bank has this year reached the splendid total of $10,000.000. Tliei business of the hank for the year end- ing. May 31st, 1907, shows an increase in net profits to the extent of over $200,000. They have reached this year the enormous amount of almost. one million dollars (to be exact. $061,660.06), which was disposed of in dividends lo the extent of $480,000, and $400,000 was added to the reserve fund. The bank has gained in the year over $3,000,000 to it. Younglcyâ€"But suppose your purpose IS to remove a sheet of fly paper you’ve sat down upon accidentally? They are Not. Violent. in Action. â€"â€" Some persons, when they wish I cleanse the stomach, resort to Epsom and other purgatire salts. These are sprcdy in their action, but serve no per- manent good. Their use produces in- Cipient chills. and if persisted in they injure the stomach. Nor do they act purposes in this respect, and have no superior. “Before engaging rooms in your house,” said the bachelor, f‘l want. to know if there are any families with cry- ‘ing babies staying here.” “I’m afraid ‘lhere is,” replied the landlady; “but weâ€"â€"-â€"" “Well, I was just going to the night and hear their trouble, so that I can congratulate myself again that I’m not married.” SE‘WING MACHINES FOR RENT lty week or month, at low rates. The Singer, and Wheeler & Wilson are ac- knowledged the lightest-running and most convenient of any. Try one and be convinced. Only at. the Singer stores. Look for the Red S. Singer Sewing Machine 00. “Mile us at Manning Chambers, Toronto, for set of Bird Cards free. Many a man never knew that he had bands until he got out in. public and didn’t know where to put them. llolloway’s Corn Cure is- the medicine to remove all kinds of corns and warts. and only costs the small sum of twenty- ! five cents. - , __ ACCOUNTED FOR. “Did you see that chap walk (int in the middle of the sermon on Sunday 7” “Yes. You know he walks in his sleep.” ' ITCII, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human Every packet of sticky paper » â€"â€" sou: [BY â€"- - '.‘-' DRUGGISTS, GROCERS AND GENERAL STORES I} 10¢. per packet, or 3 packets for 25¢. '4 will last a. whole season. A ,~ .p<2'»«:’. LIMITE . River and Gulf of St. tawrenu. Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron SS. ” Campana,” with electric lights, electric bells and all modern comforts. SAILS FROM MONTREAL 0N MONDAYS at 4 p.m., 3rd and 17th June, 150, 15th and 20th July, 12th and 26th August, 9th and 23rd September, and fortni htly thereafter for Motion, N.S., call- ing at. Que )ec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Porco, Cape Cove, Grand River, Suminerside, 1’.11‘..I., and Charlot- tetown, I’.E.I. E R U DA Summer Excursions, 885, by the new Twin Bcrew SS. “Bermudian”, 6,500 tons. Sailing 56b and leh June, 3rd, 17th and 3136 July, 14th and 26th August 4th, 14th and 25th September, nth 16th and 266 1 October, 6th, 161211 and 27th Noveiuc ber. Temperature cooled by sea. breezes seldom ' . have 80 (lejrecs. l‘lllc‘alsiemfinest trip: of the season for health and comfort. ARTHUR AI-IERN, Secretary, Quebec. A. E. OUTERBRIDGE 86 C0,, Agents, 20 Broadway, New York. \VISDOM. It’s a wise weather prophet that knows just when to borrow an umbrel- la. new stock issue. The balance carried forward on the. profit and loss account was $t05,520, an increase for the year of $73,738. The deposits have increased Si,526,8|2 during the year and dis- counts also show an. increase of $1,â€" 005,525. Total assets, which now stand at. $0,626,640.87 are greater than last year by 82,881.52. Quick assets, cash, Dominion notes, legal tender, now amount to $6,110,739. The percentage earned on capital was 17.82 per cent, of whieh 12 per cent. was paid to share- ward to the profit and 10551 account. Mr. W. F. Cowan and Mr. Frederick Wyld were re-clected president and vice-pre- sident respectively. M any; in cinnamon Moron. worms. Ltd. HAMILTON. ONT. The Standard The Thirty-second Annual Meeting of the Bank was held at the Head Oflicc on arcane DEALERS EVERYWHERE SUPPLIED WITH FLOUR AND FEED.."5I‘WRITE US. WE ALSO MAKE 'QUEEN CITY.‘ A BLENDED FLOUR . 5 THAT HAS CAINED GREAT FAVOR AS A GENERAL Ir HOUSEHOLD 'ALL PURPOSES' FLOUR. “_You know, Professor.” said a‘ friend, who was advising a lecturer to make his speech short, “the longer the spoke the greater the tire.” CANADA guru-...,â€" ‘.â€"-r-\.\ Jung; “...â€"uâ€" Wednesday. the 19th instant, at- 12 o'clock noon. The chair was taken by the President, . Ueueral Manager. act-ed a; Secretary to the meetmg. Scholtietil, Report was oresented : l The Directors, in presenting to the Shareholders the Mr. W. F. Cowan, and Mr. George P. The following thirty-second Annual I Report of the Bank, have pleasure in Ctl‘lling attention to the satisfactory results for the year ending 3186 May, 1907. makes up the sum of $639,551.92. After making; the usual DI'OVision for Bad and Doubtful Debts, Rebate of In- terest on unmatured Bills under discount, being 17.82 per cent. on the average David-up capital of the Bank for the year. To this has been added $356,142. the premium on new stoek issued at 200, which, to- gether with the balance of Profit and Loss Account of $31,791.72 brought forward, etc., the profits amount. to $231,618.20, This amount has been appropriated as follows : Quarterly Dividend No. 63, paid Sept. lst, 1906, at the rate of 12 per in deposits. 01‘ animals, 6115.0de 30 minule by \NOI‘ â€"â€"â€"â€">‘Z<â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" cent. per annum $ 36,547 35 A careful inspection 01 these figures fir-"117's Sflmlm'y LOUOH- IL nCVCI' [3115. ” Quarterly Dividend No. 64, paid lst Dcc., 1906, at the rate of 12 per cent. . t )has‘Y the reru‘ 1.0. Sold by all drugo‘isjs, L per annum . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,525 54 only selves 0 01m 1‘0 i p b - 5â€"! Quarterly Dividend No. 65, paid ist March, 1907, at the rate of 12 per ‘SI'CSS made by the MGrChant's Bank' ,. Assam 6C0 to d cent. per unnum 44.94800 M. F. chdcn has now had two years HER NORMAL CONDIIION. “C “9“” ° an“ “’ Quarterly Dividend N0. 66, Payable 15'“ June: 1907' at the mm 0f 12 46 059 60 10 show Ins WW, and “0 0“ W!” “I hear that young woman designer HEAD OFFICE. MONTREAL“%‘lt“msa;at:".'.'.'..:::::::::: :::::: 1:.:'.::. "“:::: 10:000 00 quarrel With the results as they appear' in Mme Parec’s stylish dressmaking CS- ‘â€"â€"' Erausferred to Rest Account from premium on new stock 356.142 00 in _.__ l'tablishment is a very estimable per- Some Facts from the Report of 1906, alance carried forward to Profit and Loss Account 105,529 45 “Where was he struck by the motor- car?” asked the coroner. “At the junc- tion of the dorsal and cervical verte- brae,” answered the surgeon. “Will you please point out on the map?” ask- ed the coroner, indicating one that hung on the wall. Nearly all infants are more or less subject to diarrhoea and such com- plaints while teething and as this period of their lives is the most critical, mo- thers should not be without a bottle of Son." “She ought. to be. It’s her business to lead a pattern life.” To Know is to Preventâ€"If the miners who work in cold water most ofâ€" the day would rub their feet. and legs with Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil they would escape muscular rheumatism and ren- der- thcir nether limbs proof against~ the ill effects of exposure to the cold. Those setting out for mining regions would do well to provide themselves with a supply before starting. 1. Cash Income from Pre- miums, Interest, Rents, etc. ....$ 6,212,615 02 Increase over 1005 .. 405,122 70 2. Assets as at 315i. Dc- cember, 1006 24,292,602 65 Increase over 1905 .. 2,983,307 83 Surplus earned during 1906.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Of which there was dis- tributed to policyholders entitled to participate that year .. .. .. .. .. And set aside to place 921,721 3/. 208,658 07 the Bank in assisting this Fund. Toronto. Slst May, 1907. ~$§3g551 92 M During the year a. second allotment of $512,500 to Shareholders of record was made at 100 per cent. premium out of the increased authorized capital. General By-laws will be submitted for the sanction of the Shareholders, includ- lng one changing the date of the closing of the financial year from the 51st day of Mary to the 516i. day of January ; also a. By-law authorizing the Directors to pstablish an Officers’ Pension Fund and to contribute annually from the funds of Branches or Sub-branches of the Bank have been established during the year at. Belleville, Bond Head, Cambruy, Cobalt. Cobourg, Grafton, Lindsay, Ottawa, Price- ville, Strathroy, Toronto (corner Charles and Yonge Streets), and Woodville, mak- Ing u‘t-otal of forty-seven Branches. all in the Province of Ontario. The Head Office and Brunettes of the Bank have been carefully inspected dur- ing the your, and the duties of the staff have been efficiently discharged. ' W. F. COWAN, President. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. Dr. .I. D. Kellogg’s Dysentery Cordial. reserves on all policies This medicine is a specific for such The larcest farm in the world is in ' ed ' Dr' - . cr' - - 7 r _ ‘ . . ' “A. c r ‘ _ . issu Since December Balance brought forward. D1v1dend No. 63, paid lst complaints and is highly spoken of ty Louisiana. It covers a million and :1- 315t, 1002, on the 3 per from Slst May, 1906 $51,79172 Sept“, 1906 $36,547 33 those who have used it. Tue proprie- ‘l.alf acres. On it. are 36 miles of rail- Gent, basis H H _, u’ _, 207 763 51 Profits for year ending 3,15’0 Dividend No. 64. paid lst tors claim it. will Cure any case of 'way, and 300 miles of navigable water, surplus over an Liabm- ’ ‘ gigghségmi igtfgl‘fgst “3300:1215 DaciagnagosN'd-"gs "'Igé-iE-Iét; 40,525 54 cholera or summer complaint. on which ply three st-camboats. ties and Capital (aCcord- on deposits, rebutedof in- ‘ DMarch, 1907 44,948 00 â€"â€" In: to 1. _ v terest on immature bills, ividcnd No. 66, ayable ist I . There Is no more obstinate skin trouble than wfih 31/ ggdfém @ng1? and making provision for June, 1907 46,059 60 . Hostess, who has made unusual DTC' mu, Rheum. It; sometimes lingorsfor years, but . . ’2 p " 0_ bad. and doubtful debts 251,618 20 Written off bank premises, paint-ions, says, towards the end of din- \Vea,ver's Comte makes short work of it. Also, 10191951) -- u u 2.24).??? 45 Premium on new stock 556.142 00 etc 10.000 00 her: “I tell John that, if he will brine bake Weaver's Syrup to insure permanent cure. 4. Death Claims, Matured Transferred to Rest Account. in premium on new stock 356,142 00 reople home unexpectedly to dinner, they must take just what we have." Guest. (wishing to put her at her case) -~-“Oh, that’s all right, Mrs. Bluffer; I’m a. travellerâ€"used to roughing it now and then. you know.” Italy usually holds the European re- cord for murders with 2,500 yearly, but in the last two years Russia has. become far the most murderous country in the \vorld. Food for reflection too often is mighty high in price and very poor eating. There is nothing equal to Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator for destroy- ing worms. No article of'its kind has given such satisfaction. A tourist was driving along a dusty road in the West of Ireland one hot summer day, and stopped at a small inn for refreshment. On asking the jar- Endowments, Profits and other payments to Pol- icyhoiders during 1906 5. Payments to Policy- holders since organiza- tion 6. Assurance issued and paid for in cash .. 7. Life Assurances in _ force December 315i 1006 102,566,308 10 ....F..- ,“How do you find things, my man?” “Dull,” he replied. But that was the 1,080,855 52 15,009,223 87 17,410,054 37 ,_._._. . ~ LIABILITIES. Deposits bearing interest (includ- ing interest ac- , crued to date) ...$12,786,577 50 Deposits not bear- ing interest: . 1,890,089 75 Dividends unpaid ... . . $639,551 9 1L0 w GENERAL 8 TATEMENT. Notes in circulation 1,093,436 00'Gold and Silver Coin $14,676,667 25 . 267 40 Due from other banksâ€" Balance on Profit and Loss Account carried forward 105,529 45 #8639551 92 M ’ ASSETS. -, $212,022 39 1,608,042 00 652,154 76 Dominion Notes; legal ten- ders Notes and Cheques of other banks Deposit with Dominion Gov- ernment, for security of note circulation . 50,000 00 ” " vcy i1110 Was dry t1mIWOI‘lh.V I‘Opliedzâ€" “’61)? he WISth 10 find themâ€"heme a Dividend No. 66, payable lat. . In Canada 215,528 93 “Dry? Did yer honor say dry? I’m so knife and scissor grinder. June, 1907 46.059 60 In United State 128,385 59 1‘ that. if e sla ed I . . L - Due to agents in Great Bri- Dominion Government an d "V 3 pp no on the quh tain 1.174.984 56 other first-class bonds . 2.569353 15 ye’d be blinded with the dust flyin’ out iv me mouth.” During the cross-examination of a witness at the Tombs, New York, the district. attorney asked him where his up to a platform to look at a select au- dience, suddenly he knocked a trap- door out from under him.” An End to Bilious l'Ieadache.â€"Bi1iousâ€" ness, which is caused by excessive bite in the stomach, has a marked effect up- ‘% the nerves, and often manifests it- I by severe headache. This is the most distressing headache one can have. There are headaches from cold, in the treatment- of bilious headache. If every dog had his day there wouldn’t be anything but dog days; Due to other. In Canada In United States . . .. . $1,540,420 00 Capital 1,640,420 00 Reserve Fun Rebate of interest Directors for the ensuing year. VIZ ' The President, in presenting the Re their satisfactory nature, and on motion they were adopted. The usual motions were then passed, and the followinggentlemen were elected ' W. F. Cowan. Frederick Wyld. W. F. Allen, Loans on call on Government, 99.48440 municipal, and other first- 201,678 43 __â€"____â€"- $17,292,577 69 883,654 62 ______.___ $6,119,759 14 'Bills discounted and advances current . 14,237,926 86 lNotes and .(esti- class bonds and stocks . father was, to which the witness, with - - " ti melancholy air, respondcdzâ€"“Dead, [mm fever» rand “9‘” Other CE‘USesi hi” :3 3. 47,695 75 Bz’lififegréi’ii‘fse‘éfogiée‘i.733)..IIZI 26711333 iSil', dropped Off very suddenly, sir.’ we “IOSIC- ekCI‘UCIHUng Of all is the bll- Balance of Profit; Real estate other than bank “HOW calm he ,0 amp 0” suddenly?" ions headache. Parmelee’s Vegetable andLOBB Account Premises 10:000 00 was the next question. “Foul play, 131115 W111 our? it_cu"e it almost imme' earned forward ' 105’529 45 3334 053 13 021113? tiiiseigré‘fdfiduded un' 12 571 12 sir. The sheriff imposed on his uncoh- dimely' It Wm alsappozir “5 50.0“ as [he I ' a 5010,15 mum. and1 gemng mm to go Pills operate. There is nothing surer $20,626,640 87, engaging: port) and Statements, called attention to W. R; JohnstonL Wellington Francis, F. W. Cowan, and II. Langloie. At a subsequent meeting of the Board W. F. Cowan was re-clected President: and Frederick Wyld Vice-President. ‘ GEO. P. SLHOLFIELD, General Ms'nuzor. Success In Life is dependent upon ood health. you are out of sorts, ill or cable, take ‘Ferrovim." It’s the best tonic. 81 bottles. ' kll medicine dealers. If you want. to keep a woman inter- ested in you, act. as though you knew ISSUE NW27_07. something she wanted he know. Toronto, 19th June, 1907.

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