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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 16 Aug 1907, p. 3

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l 1 i l l i l g.-- .‘b~ wright, will] the b Nurses' & Mothers’ Treasure -â€"most reliable medicine for baby. Uocd over 50 can. Pint com by Dr. P. E. Saul! in 1855. aka-s Baby Strong Restore: the little organs to pulled: belltl'i. Gives sound sleep. without resort to opium or other in'urious drugs. A! (9511635.. 25:. 6 hot! I ".25. Numb-u.&am«l.m..um .~ TI. ". " b; For hunting or target practice, This king air rifle ls sure death to small game. We will give thin gun to any boy who will sell twenty-four jewelry novelties for us. Send for the jewelry toâ€"day. \Ve trust you. When you sell them pieces at 10 cents each. return our 82.40. and we [snare of will immediately send you the rifle. c.th c 49.6.“; .y Con P.0. Bux :2, London, Unt- ivi'i? ° N '3 -â€"â€"- SOLD BY â€"â€"- . DRUGGISTS, GROCERS AND GENERAL STORES ' 10¢. per packet. or 8 packets for 25¢. wlll last a whole neaaon. Ivory packet will kill more flies than 300 sheets of atlcky paper v MMâ€"Q‘H-MIJJ~'Mâ€"m . ._ ThatStayRoofe The strongest wind that ever blew can't rip away a roof covered with self-locking " OSHAWA” GALVANIZED STEEL SHIN GLES Rain can't get through it in 25 years guaranteed in writing or that longâ€"good or a century. really)â€"fire can't bother such a roofâ€"proof a aiust all the elementsâ€"the chca est GOO roofthcre is. . alritc us and we'll show you why it costs least to roof right. Just address (Est'd a10'6he PEDLAR People 1861). Oshawa. Montreal Ottawa Toronto London Winnipeg AN ELEGY OF THE SEAS. (By A. Bankcr.) Extending for several miles in mid- clzanncl, off the soulh caslcrn coast, of England, is one of lhosc death-traps (f flu,- sca which, all down the c-enlurics, bus from limo lo lime with ncvcr abat- ing, inexorable rulhlcssncss, claimed as its prey and bug-orng in ils unsaliablc maw, many a gallant ship, many a home-coming bark ladcn wilh 1110 pro- duce of lropic cllmcs, or many a coast- ling craft making for port. Ilcrc is one u very thing of fair beauty and grace a fairy of the sons, proudly ploughing [the foaming wavcs, and endowed as 'il were with scnlicul. life. But in a mo- .mcnl, no locsin kncll lo warn her of flu-r danger, no flashing light to pro- 1 7 ,monish her, no breakers ahead ,wilh their forcwarning mcnacc, shE strikes a grcal subn'l-crgcd bank of those over shilling, cvcr treacherous. quicksands; and in a moment the bean- ,tiful gazelle of the seas is gripped hard in a deadly embrace; cvcry spasmodic Ell.rob only engulfing her yet. deeper and 'dccpcr in tho rapacious clasp of her capl-or; cvcry lurch, as the buffellng ‘wavcs cruelly slrikc her, and slrikc her. .011 hcr quarlcr, only forcing her yet ifmlbcr down and down info the sun- ' kcn deadly abysm. _ Now her dock is submcrgcd, soon ‘0 be swallowcd up in lhc yielding quick- sund; now, slowly but surely, as her falling tide, pre-sscs more heavily down info the sands, hcr bulwarks, lhcn hcr masls, ihcn her yards, one aflcr the other disappear; uulil perhaps nolhiug is left visible but her lopmasls, which acL as a warning 'lo olhcr ships uulil lhc shift of the sand-s is indicalcd by a buoy with clanging bcll, which mournfully, as it rises and falls with the waves, sounds a dolorous, moaning kncll over the scpullurcd brauly of the ocean inhumcd bcuca'th in lbal. walcry charncl house. And there in that fatal and hidden ISSUE 33-â€"07. the sea he also hundreds, aye, perhaps thousands of gallant barks; some driven there by storm and temp- csl; some fogbound and helpless; some misled by the shifling of the sands. And, alas, loo, as many of these victims of lhc quicksands carried down wilh lhcm info a watery grave those who had made them for a time lhcir home. the long ten miles of sand-bank musl to a vast necropolls; the last. resting place of thousands suddenly arrested in lhc vcry prime of life without warnmg, sometimes, it must'be feared, wholly unprepared for lhc drcad summons. And there must those whilcncd bones lzc, until. at the sound of the Archangel’s lrump, lhc sca shall give up her dead. Thou shall [hey all appear before the Great Judge; lhcy who in their carth-‘ lifc served and obcycd their God, and whose evil dccds wcrc oblilcralcd from the Record in virlue of the Rcdccmcr‘s almicmcnl, receiving a joyful welcome inlo the realms of glory; they who \v11- fully forgot Him, or refused lo obey l-lim, receiving the dread sentence of condemnation. >x<â€"â€"â€"- _ _ wlvns wuo NEVER SPEAK. The Silent Corcan Brideâ€"\Voman That KCpl Ilcr Oath. ‘The Corean woman who speaks or‘ I I I even nods on her wedding day immch- alcly becomes an objch of ridicule and loses caslc. Neilhcr threat nor prayer musl. move her, for the whole household is ever on lhc alert to catch a single muttered syllable. llcr period of silence oflen lasts for a week or more and when complete silence is broken she only uses her tongue for the mosl. ncccssary uscs. Some sixty years ago a nahve of Pennsylvania undcrlook, for a wager of $150, to remain mule for the first'monlh of her marriage. Her husband not being in the sccrcl, 1ch her, only to return later when he was apprised of the real reason of her silence. A Brussels couple named Duponl quarrcllcd so billcrly on their wedding day that the wife vowed lhal. hcr hus- band should never hear her voice again. His enlrcalics wan for nothing and to Mr dying day she kept to the letter of her oath. A Brunn woman whose husband was in hiding from the aulhorilics inadver- lcnlly betrayed his whereabouts lo a police spy. As a‘ result. the man was taken and roceived a form of imprison- ment. So much did she lake to heart [his misfortune, brought about by her gossip, that she resolved [0 remain mule lo the nd of her life. *â€"-â€"â€".â€"â€" LONDONS .101 PARKS. Cover 5,000 Acresâ€"An Ould'oor Staff of 843 Mon and “’omcn. One of the most useful activities of lltr London County Council has been the extension of the park systmn of the mclropolis, which now includes, undcr [ho management. of the council, nearly 5,000 acres. The acquircmcnl and dcvclopmcnl has cost about $8,500,000, and the annual charge for maintenance comcs to $505,- 000, which adds about. half a penny in lhc pound to the rules, or about two- lcnlhs of 1 per cent. The cost includes tho salaries of an outdoor staff of 843 men and women. The council came into cxislcncc in 1889, and succeeded to tho mclropolilan board of public works in lhc care of the parks, but of course wilh larger powers. In all filly-\SCVCH new parks have been added since then out. 0f the total of 10.1 mcntv. , flâ€"ywâ€" lie: “I would like lo visit your [own some time.” She: “If you over come wilhln a mile of our place I hope you’ll slop there.” A Flutter of Importance to all those who art run down and debilitated is the fact: thal “Ferrovym ” is the best tonic ever compounded. It gives strength and builds up the system. “Moikc!” “What is ill. Pal?” “Ssposin Oi was lo have a fill?” “Yis.” “And ye7. had a pint. of whisky?” “Yis.” knccl down and put the bottle to me lips ‘1” “Oi would not." “Yer. wouldn’t?" “No. Oi could bring 3-07 to y-cr fate quicker by shlandin’ up in front. of ycz and dhrinkin’ it mcself.” The World is Full of Painsâ€"Tho aches and pains that afflict Immanin arc many and conslnnl, arising from a mulliludc of indistinguishable causes, but in the main owing lo man's negli- gcncc in taking care of his health. Dr. ’l‘honms’ liclcclric Oil was the oulcomc of a universal cry for some specific which would spccdlly rclicvc pain, and if has filled its mission to a remarkable cgrcc. “Would ycz .__.._. _.;._. BRI’I‘ISIIERS ARE GRO\VING. .â€"__ lloys Bigger and Have Thicker Ilcads 'l‘han Formerly. That. the British bond is shrinking and lhc Brllish muscles arc. dcgcncraling as recently charged by certain scion- lisls, was rcfulcd by evidence introduced at lhc mccling of the British Associa- llon of Lciccslcr. Records for the last lwcnly years all Marlborough (jollch show that. the fourlccn your old boys limrc avcragc five pounds. bcavicr and nearly an inch taller than, those of .1585. A buffer who furnishes hals for six schools. vouchcs lhal hats of 21% inchcs chcmufcrcncc formerly wcrc rarely do- manded, while now hols inches in circmuflwenco are needed conliuuou-sly. Sir \‘iclor llorslcy proposed a motion at lhe mccllng, urging the Govcrmucnl lo inslllutc in Counccliou wilh lhc me- dical inspection of school children, a - syslcm of pcrlodic measurements. The blcacbcd bloudc‘s method of kccp- ing her hair light is a dark sccrct. lhat come under the council’s manage-z ‘ info.” makc cvery bit as as a man.” .\lr. Gazzam: “Just- hnaglnc an unmarried woman gelling up before a crowd and cxclaimlng, men, all I want is an offer: Corn Cure? my corns by this rcmcdy some more of it, writ-cs Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago. thing else but dross.” “Oh. you wrong me. credit for thinking of something more One kind of underwear, and only one, fits right. wears out slowest, and satis- fies you from the day you bu it. That kind is trade- marked (as above in x , and guaranteed to you by stores that sell it and the ople who make it. Made in many fabrics an styles, at various prices, in form-fitting size; for wome men and children. Look for the PENâ€"ANGLE. BL, p He can't get away) Mun It'll . NEWHOUSB TRA'P‘.‘ NWunTnuwfl-uulmmuâ€"Mu-o. meummmwuhu.thm “ma” "Whoâ€"Imam cannon-“nun. “nu-"Wm $11.53“ “'3' “"935; "9"" - town-MUK} . ‘ “m” ONEIDA COMMUNML‘ZI. ‘ V m-Pwmu JUST THE SAME. ' “The faith cure theory has nolhlng in common wilh medical science.” “Oh yes it has.” “What is it?” “The bills for treatment.” OBLIGATIONS VVIPED OUT THAT WAY. Borcm: “The Dc Robinsons are givâ€" ing a big dance next month. lhcy’d invite me.” Ix’nowill: “Do you? a schcmc that generally works. You drop in some night and tell Mrs. Dc Robinson that you‘ll be out. of town all 3ch monlh. See if lh-cy don’t invite you 1cn.” I wish Then I’ll loll you QUITE ECOVOMICAL. Qucrulous Quincy: “Is old Parsimon- lous as stingy as they say he is?” Do Grouch: “Sllngy? he won’t even give advice.” Why, man, A Sound Stomach Means a Clear [loadâ€"The high pressure of a nervous llfc which busincss men of the present day are constrained to live make droughts upon their vitality highly del- rimculal to their health. IL is only by lhc most careful lrcalmcnt that they are able lo kccp lhcmsclvcs alert and ac- llvc in lhclr various callings, many (.f lhcm know the value of Parmelcc’s Ve- gclablc Pills in rcgulaliug the stomach keeping head and conscqucn ll y the clear. “Sir,” ran the message of an aggrieved nolhcr to her boy’s lcachcr, “if yow are lircd of my boy send him hom he is moor handy to me than he is to yow and his bed is like mine lhick he is old cunof lo com me somclhing now he can’t. out books.” SE\VING MACHINES FOR RENT. by wcck or month, at low rates. The Singer. and \thclcr &, Wilson are acknowledged the lightest-mnning and most. convenient of any. Try one and be convinced. Only at tho Singcr slcrc-s. Look for the Red S. Singer Scwlng Machine Co. “’rile us of Man- ning Chambers, Toronto, for set of Bird Cards frcc. Miss Elder: ‘EWcII, I maintain that women can do anything that men can.” Mr. Gazzam : “011,110. The auclionccr’s is one a woman cannot go She’d auctioneer business “Nonsense. 2111 Miss Elder : good ‘Now, gcnllc- ll 77 \thrc can I gel. some of I-lolloway’s' I was entirely cured of and I wish for my friends. So She (indignanlly): “I don’t lhink you crcdil. for thinking of any: llc (suavcly): I do give you give girls dress.” She: “Of what else, 110 : “Bonnels.” than then 2’” ITCII, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Ilch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- fcrd’s Sanitary Loliou. It never fails. Sold by all druggisls. Marks: “Say, old man, did I cvcr lcll you about the awful fright l gol. on my wedding-day?” Parks: “S-sh! No man should speak like that about his wife.” Very many persons dic annually from cholera and kindrcd summer complaints, who might have been saved if proper mun-dies had been used. If allackcd do not delay in gelling :1 1301110 of Dr. J. l). Kellogg's Dyscnlcry Cordial, lhc mcdicinc that. ncvcr fails cure. Those who have used ll. say it acls promplly. and thoroughly subdue-5 lhc pain and disease. to effect. at ‘5‘: . - ______â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"" - {roll ll 1 A V I JAPS 'WORSIIIP “’IIITE MEN. Names of Thrée English Officers on Japanese Roll of Fame. In lhe grcal national shrine of Ya- sukuni, in Tokio, the annual ceremony of formally worshipping the spirit guar- dians of the Japanese empire has just lakcn place. There are enshrined in this national pantheon the spirits of all who have rendeer nollabl-e services l'o their country, the lalcst additions being of! [hose who laid down their lives in the! lalc war wilh Russia. Among these future Japanese race are lo names of three Englishmen, the com- mandcr and two officers of the ill-fated hansport ship Hitachi Maru, which, with more than 1.100 soldiers, was sunk in the Japan Sea by a Russian cruiser during lhc early part. of the war. The official tablcls de-ifying the spirits of these three Englishmen have now been formally set up among lhe illustrious names on the roll of fame. The Mikado, the Crown Prince, and all the greatest. pcrsonages of the coun- l_ry were present, and it was curious lo see his Imperial Majesty in an alli- ludc of worship before an invisible ar- ray of divinilies, including the spirits of an alien race. It is satisfactory and significant that [he first race to be so honored should be our own, and the dislinclion should strengthen the bonds between us and our Far Eastern allies. Even the Japanese pcarcd to realize at the revan slood [m' a new inler'mqlfll feel-“‘3' “T 1m.tln.nd 1mm htly thereafter for Piccou,N.s., call- a Japanese should die for his country," ! Ing at us ec, Gaspo, MalBay,Perco,Cape Cove, ,, I Saves A Lot. of Brother The starch that needn’t be cooked. .that won’t: stick. . that gives a bril- liant gloss with almost no iron-effort..isn'l: that the starch you ought to have them use on your clothes I Buy it by name.. your, dealer sells it. gods of the be found the commonly Hirer-land Gulfifll. lawrente Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron SS. ” Cnmpana," with electric lights, electric bells and 8.11 modem comfortl. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON- MONDAYS at I. .m., 8rd and 17th June, 1st, 15th and 29th July, 12gb and 26th August, 9th and 23rd September, themselves ap- Says one of the leading editors of the Quad gonnslimmersido, P.E.I., and. cum”. « native press, “is in the nature ‘f “town. things, but that foreigners should have B E R M U DA sacrifich themselves for Japan’s sake '~ > a ' I , i h is deseivmg of the piofoundest iecog Summer Excursions, .85, by the My Twh Screw SS. “Bermudian”, 6,500 tons. Sailing 5th nilion.” (1 19th June 8rd 17th and 3151: July 14th and 31m August '4th, ’14th and 25th Septo'mbar, 5th 18th and 26th October, 8th, 16th and 27th Novena bar. Temperature cooled by sea. breeze: seldom b v0 80 degrees. “galleailgest trips of the season for health and e. WAREI‘HUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec, Parenls buy Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator because they know it is a safe medicine for their children and an effectual expellcr of worms. A. E. OUTERBRIDGE & CO., Agents, 20' Broadway, New York. She (lo beggar): “It’s a wonder you don’t use soap and water once or so in a month.” lie: “I have thought of it, mum; but there’s so many kinds of soap, and it's so hard lo tell which is, and which is not, injur‘us to the skin, lhal. I don’t like to take any risks.” Knmvn to Thousands. â€"â€" Parmclec’s Vegetable Pills regulate the action (f lhe secretions, purify the blood and keep the stomach and bowels free from dclelcrious mallcr. Taken according to direction they will overcome dyspepsia, eradicate biliousucss, and leave the di- geslivc organs hcallhy and strong lo perform their functions. Thcir mcrils are well-known to thousands who know by experience how beneficial they are in giving tone to [he system. ETTER buy an L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPE- WRITER novar than be sorry afterwards. Al -lho meeting of lho kirk session the minister went; away and forgot his umbrella. On his way home to [he manse he remembered, and wan back. “Oh, I say, John," ho said lo lhc Beadle, who was jusl locking the door, “did you soc my umbrella?” “I did that, sir," said John. “Ilcrc it is. Sure, sir, dig a gum thing I saw it aforc ony of the elders got lhcir ccn on’t.” _-____. Every useful device In- built not patched on. WRITING ENTIRELY â€"-â€"-â€"-IN SIGHT ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE Like little volcanoes of disease, the eruptions of eczema. pour out discharges. Bad blood causes the trouble. The local remedy is Weaver's Ceraue, and Weaver's Syrup will drive the poison from the blood. L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWRITER CO. THE PEOPLE’S MACHINE. _l d NEWSOME & GILBERT, LIMITED SOLE DEALERS, 9 Jordan St, Toronto HALIFAX, N. S. MONTREAL. A man was soon coming out of a Texas newspaper office with one eye closed up, his nose spread all over his face like a piece of raw bccf, and one of his cars chawcd off. To a policcman who interviewed him he replied: “I didn’t like an article that ’pearcd in the paper last week, an’ I went in for see the man who writ. it. He war there, stranger.” ' I AND LOBKS 9F LAN FOR SALE In size lo suit purchasers, from 10 acres upwards, sifualcd on or near railways in the famous wheat, root and vegetable growing and stock ralsmg districts of ALERTA AND BRITISH BOWMBEA Priccs, with walcr right, pcrpclual and unfailing, lowcr than those over placed upon irrigated lands in the adjoining Slate's. The quality of the land the finest. 1w ice 'I‘IIE An acre of irrigated land in Southern Alberta raises the crop of the best unirrigatcd land elsewhereâ€"AND CROPS NEVER FAIL. ' This magnificent irrigation tract of 3,000,000 acrcs is without doubt the finest, land proposition on the market 10-day. Immigration is pouring in; values will soon be on the rise. Write us for interesting and full print-ed information. The Land Department, Union Trust 60., Limited, I74 Bay St, Toronto Exclusive Agent in Ontario, Manitoba and 010 Marilimc Pro- vinces for the CANADIAN PACIFIC IRRIGATION COLONIZATION COMPANY’S irrigath lands.

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