ins IS SAID TO HELP MANY. Get. from any prescription pharma- cist the following: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound liargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. ‘ ‘ Shake well in a bottle and take a .teaspeonful dose after each meal and all bedtime. The above is considered by an emin- ent. authority, who writes in a New York‘daily paper, as the finest prescrip- tion ever written to relieve Backache. Kidney Trouble, Weak Bladder and all forms of Urinary difficulties. This mix- :ture acts promptly on the climinalive ytissues of the Kidneys, enabling them to filter and strain the uric acid and other waste matter from the blood which causes Rheumatism; Some persons who suffer with the afflictions may not feel inclined to place iruch confidence in this simple mixture, yet those who have tried it say the re- sults are simply surprising, the relief being effected without the slightest in- jury to the stomach or other organs. Mix some and give it a trial. It cerâ€" tainly comes highly recommended. It is the prescription of an eminent au- thority, whose entire reputation, it is said, was established by it. A druggist here at. heme when asked stated that he could either supply the ingredients or mix the prescription for our readers, also recommends it as harmless. .>I4________ 1907 A mm LETTER YEAR. Right to Vote Won by “’0mm in Four Countries of Europe. Women all over the world are begin- ning to look upon 1907 as a red letter year for their sex. Their first notable step ahead this year was the gaining jtf parliamentary suffrage to the women “of Norway. Then Swedish women were made eligible for municipal ofï¬ce; next ,came the granting to the women of Deu- ‘imark of the right to vote for and serve ias men'ibers of boards of public chari- ties, and now the British Parliame it has just. passed the bill making wonr n eli- jgible as town and county councillors and aldern’xen. -' , In 1888 when the county councils ,werc instituted in England it was .thought that women were eligible, and gthrreâ€"~I.ady Margaret Sandhurst, Miss ’Janc Cob-den and Miss Consâ€"were elect- ed by the voters of London. Beresford Hope, who had been defeated by Lady Sandhurst, contested the election on the ground that women were not eligible. The litigation was prolonged and mean- while the women were allowed to serve. One of the duties assigned to Lady Sandhurst was the supervision of twen- ty-three infant asylums. When Mr. Ilepe finally succeeded in ousting her one of the leading London dailies sar- castically remarked: â€" “It is to be hoped that. the gentleman will ï¬nd himself equal to mothering all. those babies.†v ‘s‘ OIIG.\NIS"’S TRIBUTE TO ZAM-BUK. If. E. Jenner. organist of Carman, (Man), writes:â€"â€"â€Some little time ago I burned my thumb severely. I had some. 7.:nn-Ruk handy and applied it. The Zamâ€"Buk took the fire out of the wound annost instantly and eased the pain. It penetrated to the very seat of the injury and gave quick relief. 1 was very glad of this, because I had an en- gagement to play at an organ recital a few days later. 'l‘hanks to Zam-Buk I was able to keep the appointment. Zam-Buk heals quickly all skin in- juries and (liSeases. Of all stores and druggists at 50 cents, or from Zam- Ruk 00., Toronto, for price. 3 boxes for $.25. v14.___.â€". LONDON IS S'I‘EIIEOTYPED. Builder Thinks Sameness of Small Houses Means Samencss of Life. A colonial visitor to England writes in the Builder his impressions of Eng- land and London from a builder’s point of view. He notes that the most rc- rnarkable feature in the vast growth of little two-storey houses in the last twenty-five years is the uniformity if their plan of arrangement. ,ln Continental centres which are de- veloping suburbs there is a certain in- dividuality in the small houses. Specu- lative houses built. by the dozen are \cry exceptional on the Continent. But 111 England a house built to suit the taste of an individual is so rare as to pass unnoticed among the tens of thou- sands of villas and cottages erected by Speculative builders. He continues: “As London is approached on the southern side the remarkable character of the modern English mode of living in suburban cottages is apparent. Lon- don scents to a foreigner like some monstrous overgrown village or collec- tion of villages with interminable rows ‘of little two story cottages, interspersed with fields, commons and parks. “All that constituted a town or city in the old times and in the olden Si‘llv'tl‘; has of course long since been swallow- ed up in this gigantic labyrinth and the country thus transmogriticd is inhabitml by a people who, to judge by the silica. ltirly sterci‘ityped appearance of their 'homes, are content with as rcmarltalle sitreotyping of their domestic arraan meats.†‘- ._-â€"_â€"_V 1. .._ ._ .....n.. _. s And [be than in the lll"I-i’vtl tl'v‘tltl" less fee-it 1) practi-e ei_‘:.-‘.‘.on‘.\'. bed, cause \‘\'\'t‘)'lllitlif up lhtrc is so high. ‘5 “Yes, (it l‘tlifl 2y has turn-ml out a great many lE.lI:-:i':.‘l and is still turning.r “‘3. ...t. can you blame her?†Ellen: will. -. L. 7" 31$»? . \VHEN CITIZEN AND SOLDIER COME Belfast Has Been Isticks, stones, glass bottle, and iron l l | u i ll 1 l l the scene of a desperate battle. between riclers and the forces of the law. The trouble League demonstration. was promptly attacked by a strong force of Orangemcn, and on the evening of June 5th troops were called out and the were no lives lost, but. no fewer that were badly hurt by stones. one of Roman Catholic, the other of Pro- ._.__ T0 GRIPS. .â€"â€"â€" the Scene of Many Fierce Battles Between Rioters and the Law. So lately as 1899, Belfast, Ireland, was a United Irish The procession began with Riot Act read. On this occasion there forty arrests were made. Seven police In 1886 and 1887 Belfast streets saw heavy lighting On January :iflth, 1887, the police were ordered to tire, and sev- eral of the mob were wounded. But the verst of all Belfast riots was that of l87i. Early in June of that year two mobs, testant workmenu gathered and en- gaged in a furious battle. Matters. went from bad to worse, and riots beware of almost daily occurrence. The climax came on July 2lst, when more. than two thousand men met and fought with bars. Two houses were set. alire, and the streets were one medley of roaring, struggling crowds. THE POLICE \VEItE I’O\\7ERLESS; lrcops were called out, and the Riot Act read. The rioters paid no attention whatever, except to battle more desper- ately. With great reluctance the ofllcers gave orders to fire. A heavy volley crashed into the seeth- ing mob. and men fell in every direcâ€" tion. They rallied and attacked the sol- diers, who were forced in selfâ€"defence to fire again. This time the rioters broke and ran. The streets were like sham- bles. Eleven men were picked up stone dead, and more than sixty were badly wounded. It is not always that the representa- tives of law and order are able to con- trol a mob. The dreadful business of December 1/i-th, 1831, will long be reâ€" membered in County Kilkenny. On that day a political riot broke out in the small town of Castleshock. A body of a dozen police under a Mr. Gibins marched down to stop the fighting. The whole mob turned upon the little force of con- slabulary, surrounded them, and in mad fury - BEAT THEM ALL TO DEATH. About. two and a half miles from the mining city of Ballaratis a hill crown- ed with a curious monument. ‘ This con- sists of a stone platform surmounted by an obelisk, at each of the angles of which stand obsolete sixty-pound muz- zle-loading guns. The whole is sur- rounded by a picket fence, and marks the scene of one of the most’terrible riots ever recorded in any British colony. The story of the various causes which led up to this riot is too long to tell; it is suiti- cicnt to say that the great grievances were the heavy gold license, $10 a month for each digger, and the horrible crudity of the prison arrangements. ivtcn arrested for any offence were chained out in the open to heavy logs. In 1854. the Bailout. diggers, after vainly petitioning for a change, began to organize. Under the leadership of Peter I.alor,-they collected arms and ammu- nition, and began to- drill. Soldiers were sent to Ballarat. The miners at- tacked them, but. were driven back. In revenge, the authorities redoubled the strictness of the license law. 'I‘IIE MINERS, THEN GATIVIERED, and on the top of Bakery Hill where the monument now stands, constructed the famous “Eureak Stockade." It was gar- risoned by 300 men. Captain Thomas of the 40111 Foot made a surprise attack early one morning with a force of 276 soldiers. The miners rushed out and heavy volleys were ex- changed. The troops charged, and a desperate hand to hand fight followed. Thirty diggers were killed outright, scores were wounded, and 135 were cap- tured. Lalor himself lost an arm. Yet a few years later Lalor was elected to the New South Wales ‘arliament, where he sat for many years. Probably under no flag but ours would this for- giving spirit be shown.-â€"London Ans- wers. .â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"P:L.â€"-â€"â€"--_ IN TIIE DAYS \VORK. Old Saltâ€"“I have been on eight dif- ferent vessels when they went to the bottom.†, Young Freshâ€"“flow did you man. age to escape each time?†Old Saltâ€"~“Easy enough; they were submarine boats." -,_._ an. "FREE IxronuA'rION.†This is what one of the pros! promin- ent physicians of today says: That one ounce of sweet spirits nf nilre. one ounce of compound vimosn, ; Lt [ow ounces of syrup of that arb thiwa together and taken in (it"ssert. ,z-wnL'ui doses after nn-als and at bed- Ine in water will effect a permanent . l mm 1".“- 111,. nlnSt s.vere cases of kid- 1 ,3 11m; l_tlilt,ltl\‘l‘. amt urinary trou- lIlUS. He claims that a few (loses. will p-sitively cure the worst cases of backâ€" ai-he and rhmimalion arising from (Hg. ordered lqiihn-ys and iinjlure ltlfl-(Itl. 'l‘hcse drug" “"0 "it l"“'"l.\' \’<':Ji‘tillih7 nature and im-xjn‘insive. and can be untamed at any drug sic-re and mixed together at home. i it t dignantly, o. a veil A Serious Case of Climatic Catarn} Gradually Overwme By Pe-ruâ€"na. R. ARTHUR TREMBLAY, S St. James street, Mont Pleasant, 0110., Can.. writes: ' “About three years ago catarrh' in its most serious form assailed me. “I consulted a specialist who pre- scribed medicines as constitutional treatment and a liquid to use locally. “This gave me relief for a time, but soon afterwards the diseaSe returned. “I was then suffering very much, my appetite had left me and-1 was growing weaker. “I had frequently read pamphlets re- garding the cures made by Peruna, and although somewhat. dubious as to its doing me any good, I decided to try a few bottles. “I had not taken- Pei-una for more than two weeks before a marked im- provement was perceptible. “As I continued taking the remedy, the disease gradually disappeared and in a few months I was entirely rid of the nauseous malady.†>1..___..__ UNLUCKY. “George, I know you will forgive me,†said the beautiful girl, bowing her head, “when you know the true reason of my breaking our engagement, so soon. But when I became engaged to you I f0rgotâ€"â€"-†“What is it, Gladys ?†he murmured, sadly. “Be not afraid. Is it. that you love another?†"No, indeed,†responded the girl, in- her eyes flashing at him of tears. “Butâ€"you know how superstitious I amâ€"I forgot that you would be exactly the thirteenth I’ve been engaged to.†One trial of Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator will convince you that it has no equal as a worm medicine. Buy a bottle and see if it does not. please you. The automobile isn’t in it with the gessip when it comes to running peo- ple down. When a woman is unhappily mar- ried she would gladly recall her misf- spent life. Hard and soft corns cannot withstand llilloway’s Corn Cure; it is effectual every time. Get a bottle at once and be happy. In a written cxan'iinalion on astron- omy one of the questions was, ‘What, happens when mere is an ecipsc of the moon?" A student with rather a good knack of getting out of a ditliculty wrotezâ€"“A great many people come out to look at it.†Cholera morbus, cramps and kindred Complaints annually made their appear- ance at the same time as the hot wea- ther, green fruit, cucumbers, melons, etc., and many persons are dcbarred from eating these tempting things, but- they need not. abstain if they have Dr. .l. l). Kellogg’s Dysentcry Cordial and take a few drops in water. It. cures the cramps and cholera in a remark- able manner and is sure to check every disturbance of the bowels. ISNAGS AND JAGS. It‘s easy to live on love aloneâ€"be- tween meals. Luck consists of having what some other fellow wants. It is never very hard to convince a man of the justice of something he is making money at. A woman never wants anything quite as much as when it is something she has no real use for. Giii'itenlmcnt is the result of wanting your own job a little more than you no the other follows. It is astonishingly easier to explain why you stayed out late to a man friend than it is to your wife. It a girl really respects a man. it has something to do with the way his neck- ti-Js match his complexion. PRETTY CLOSE. “'r.;,m_†said the young wife, “l’m art-“tit you smoke too much. Do» you tiny your cigars. by the hundrcrlvvrdght?†“Sz'inr'thing like that, my dear." re- plied the masculine cm] of the combine. “i buy them by the hundred and the .man weights for his money." .V_..._.._.__._q__.._.. ___.._.___.__,__.....- , M F________ SHOWING A BAD EXAMPLE. A grocer who was noted for his care- fulness had an advertisement inserted in a local newspaper for a message boy, and a young fellow who under- stood the kind of a gentleman who was advertising came to apply for the situ- ation, and while the grocer was telling him how careful he must be a fly set- tled on a bag of sugar and the grocer caught it and threw it away. The boy then said:â€" a “If you want. me to be careful you - are showing me a bad example.†“Why?†replied the former. “Because,†said the boy, “you have thrown that. fly away without brushing the sugar off his feet.†-aud all dammit S Yand bovv'cl disorders. _ Make: puny babies l and um may. Prowler! ‘ . fly 5% can" wee).an 9 use. Ksk yourdmist to: kâ€"â€"- Nurses’ and Mothers’ Treasue ~25c.-6 !»th $1.25. éonlDruaG: we.“ Manual. 1.: ...,._ . ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURE. . “Young man,†said the clerical-look- ing customer to the clerk at the book counter I “that purchase of mine amount- ed to $41.50. I believe.†“Yes, sir." "AIN’T IT ‘2" Diplomatic Bachelor (who has forgot- “We†I gave you a $9 bin at lmst ten whether the baby is a boy or girl): [we . i. , , .. . my minutes a o and I haven’t re- \\ell. well, but. hes a fine little fellow. caved my 50 cemsgbmk 3,0,... isn‘t she? How old is it now? Do her u ; . . .,,, . teeth bother him much? I hope, he gets ub,,\te;.‘¥m 51,1}; ,rï¬phed the Clerk’ tbi‘ougt} “5 Second Sumll‘er Wimom gel" says on this poin\t\â€alAn1d3 $1212? 210530259, (111ka 3'0“, doesn't ing the customer Bible, lie polynth to u 4 Y 0 L 3’ 1 0L - Job, fourteenth chapter, fourteenth -â€" verse: “All the days of my life will I The Flagging Energies Revivedâ€"C911- Wait ml my Change come" slant application to business is a tax upon the energies. and if there be not relaxation, lassitude and depression are sure to intervene. These come from stomach troubles. The want of excr- cisc brings on nervous irregularities, and the stomach ceases to assimilate food properly. In this condition l'ar- melie's Vegetable Pills will be fuond a recrrperalive of rare power, restoring the organs to healthful action, dispel- ling depression, and reviving the flag- ging- energies. Jun one Ceilirgn is idul for churches and schoolu, for in beauty, cleanlinm. economyâ€"for its unitary perfection (no _ Haven: “1 tell you what, Youn'; I have the sharpest wife you eyer saw in your life. Why, the other day I gave her just barely enough money to go out and buy one dress, and if you’ll believe it she came home with two." Young: “That is sharp. How did she manage it?" Ilaven: “Why, she bought one, and the other she had on when she went out.†mama to catch dimâ€"fox it: ï¬re-proof qualities Above 2,000 modern design; in every otylc_ol good artâ€"'nidc-wall: to match in harmony With interior schemesâ€"adapted to any color-scheme or architectural motive. Allayv us to send you illustrated details and quote pncel. ddxeu 209 The PEDLAR. People [filial Oshawa Houth Ottawa Toronto London Winnipeg 1!. Tlny tubercles on the skin of scrofulous peo- ple produce the hideous disease called lupus. Weaver’s Cox-ate, used in time, will save the skin from destruction. A ply to all affected parts. Cleanse the blood wit . Weaver's Syrup Somehow the less account a man is the more faith some fool woman seems to have in him. By looking wise and keeping his mouth shut. many a man has been able n‘ can t 2“ AW“, NEWHOUSE TRAP. N-whwu Tup- vul Ilol Ind Lou I)- ’â€" one: line. ITCII, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wot. _ -_ ;":":tr:,::::“,;:;::::::';:;z: ferd’s Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. ‘ .‘t"‘"“““'* ~ Sold by all druggists. 42.1.7“ "‘““' “‘W'“""°‘*.' unlov- ’ _ u my up ONEIDA COMMUNITV‘ 11.1 Nllruu Fella. DIX. BE CHEERFUL! What’s the use of worrying? Of our troubles peeple tire. Let’s make believe we’re happy The world loves a cheerful liar. MACHIHERY FOR SALE. Sleeplessness.â€"â€"-\\7hcn the nerves are unstrung and the whole body given up to wretchdcne.'~:s,\vlien the mind is ï¬lled lights, ï¬rst-class order. Will be sold with gloom and dismal forebodings, the cheap and must be gotten out of the way result of derangement. of the digestive owing to GOO-light. machine taking its organs. sleeplessness comes to add to place. S. Frank Wilson, 73 Adelaide the distress. If only the subject could Street West, Toronto. steep, there would be oblivion for a M FAN ELQWER while and temporary relief. Parmeâ€" lec’s Vegetable Pills will not only inâ€" , . . , . duce sleep. but will_act so beneï¬cial- ï¬Ã©â€˜gfldasgflé’equiz"Efghégugigï¬lncgeggi ’y that the subject will wake refreshed d- - < Q .~ . ’ ' , d ‘e ,_ _ d l H i 3 con ition. Sup imtendent, Truth Build ‘an 1 5°19 0 “13131105†ing. ’73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Eserytiiieiaas ' is interested and mould know ' ‘ J about the wonderful ‘ MARVELWhIrting S ra The new Vaginal Eyr age. 13 etâ€"Moctoom'en- eat. it cleanse: Lani! - ' ‘ ,â€" VVILIJNG TO REPLACE. Only last night I stole a kiss, Now my conscience pricks, alack! Therefore I think I’ll go around To-night and put it back. After Wasting Favors hasten recovery to health by the use of “ Ferrovim.,’ It is the best AIIMY dmsgtltfcflt. tonic. It; builds, strengthens and gives new If 1“ ammo" “PM? the vitality. T17 it. it: will make you feel strong. aghgrfgbxtag‘a {$an ,2? Illustrated bookâ€"0e ed. It gt ' full particular: and. direcdom tn- ‘ .. .‘ ~ SO! valuable to ladies. ‘* i a * WII‘IDSOR SUPPLY (70.. “Vindanr. Ont. General Aroma for Canada. As every rose must have its thorn, So every barrel has a hung; As sorrow with each joy is born, So every-woman has a tongue. Ready Made Show Cards} The retailer always has one subject of supreme interest. to himselfâ€"How can I make more sales? We can help by supplying you with our ready-made Artistic Show Cards. These cards are made on strong cardboard. it by it inches, with white letters on blaek.blua or red background. We carry in stock a complete assortment of over 500 (iii. terent designs, cards for any business. Catalogue and price list mailed on re- “Man is Filled \‘v‘ith Misery.â€â€"â€"This is not true of all men. The well, sound of lung. clear of eye, elert and buoy- ant with health, are not, miserable, whatever he the social condition. To ho “ell is to be happy, am] we can all be well by getting and keeping our tedies in a healthful state. Dr. Thomas’ Ecleclric Oil will help all to do this. â€"‘-“ .M i f .‘g, elgl, o t, ,PUT To THE TEST- â€" qLest BLSI‘J ‘39 SIGNS On )1 n l-lungry flankâ€"“l feel sorry for do S f g at lady wot lives in dat mansion on do ‘ J E ï¬t bill. She is absolutely destitute} Sauntcring Saulâ€"“Destitate?" IIungry Hankâ€"“Yes. Destitute uv g< nerosity.†Li M I'I'ED. llllttli and Gulf at St. tasters: Bummer Cruises in Cool Latitudes _ Twin Screw Iron “Campanu,†with electric lights, electric bells and all modern comforts. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MONDAYS at, l. p.m., third September, 7th and 21st; October, and fortnightly thereafter for i’ictou, N. 51.. call- ng at, Quebec, (jaspe, Mal Bay, l'erco, Grand ’lz‘lef, Summer-Side, l‘.E.I., and Charla“: utow l_. . seasâ€"qu Summer Exczirsicni, $33, by the now Twin Screw SH. “lionnurlitrn.†5,551!) tons. Hailing ï¬lth September, 5th, ltith airl 25th October, tith ltith and 37th November. Temperature cooled by sea. breeze; sold an rise'i'ab ‘VtJ 5) degrees. The finest; trips of the sensor for health and comfort. ARTHUR AllERN, Secretary, Quel‘icc. A. OU'I‘l:;ll3ltlDGE & (10., Agents. 29 Broadway, New York. ISSIJIC N0. -’il~~07 . .,‘. . , ,. :nljw'd'ui“ ‘ 455$}. -....L.-2-‘435.x.3-¢ 63.3; ,mm1 ' =< - _ ' $355,133.: ‘J; A. shah Ann's-alt. \ ' z W w‘MV‘Iâ€"J‘ ligand; Ls»; . ox .T.-/.’.*‘-\~"d\~"\»;‘.~/>§A\€~flmtoï¬t " 2.91.9... .wi‘vt'v‘ .. p. 3L! ea v ‘W-i". \ V' ': 1v". «9va \“xf‘va‘ - "“.f)/\.I"f\/:“:-Yt ‘ l ‘, ( t x i I .9 1\ .x .‘s VA," ‘A‘v 4‘ . “Vi-€3.91†v .:".4-..-‘ ‘. . . .- '3’" i. ..__.,.e. . v...‘ 14-1-4 I‘â€" IW A ~â€" ‘ ¢ ‘;'~...-‘\' g =\.-,,r/»_V . V e A“, ~. < .~’. A VJ. «hafw -4AZ.‘_:¢