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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 18 Oct 1907, p. 8

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:‘.‘.\. "flew-13.21.43! ‘ 31,-; fl ., ‘5 . El 7' 741,5.- 1,3331“ \ .,..e:.-. «I... .. 4.1 n I IV fir. 7 .{v’t fqfigf‘fy‘. . PM“, ~Jankin. Loghorns, white, T. 110., while, 0. Giaspell. J. Lamb. - .l. Burtehacll ; 150., dark, 1 J. Brandon. . ,Burtchaell. Pigeons, 1 and 2 T. Junkln. :Ii’laygarth, O. Glaspell. L1}. Haygarth. 'Ol‘ll U1. "haflw.v- .. -uJâ€"t‘rAW-n ___.__,__-‘_ I - I I _ , Prize List. (Confinucrlfi'om page 5) 'Snnorsnmrs.â€"B. Burtobaell lst on {aged ram, ram lamb, aged ewes, shear- -ling ewes and owe lambs. Fat Sheep.â€"â€" 1 I. Naylor. Judge on Sheep, Wm. '_‘horndyke, Oakâ€" 1'1'01'111. YORKSHIRE PIHS.â€"-'l‘. Isaac lst on aged ’sow and let and 2nd 011 sow under one rear. Bream-{m ES.â€"â€"B. Bartehaell lst 011 aged l‘boa r, aged sow and new under one year. Judge 011 Pigs, John UeyeII. FOWL.“IIamburgs, 1 T. Scott. Ply- -1nonth Rocks. barred, Bruce McDougall, A. Burtchaell ; (10., white, ’1‘. Bartley, T. Junkin, T. Bart-icy; (10., brown, A. Burtchaell, J. l-‘olson. \‘Cyandottos. golden, 1 J. l’olson; Anda- lusians, l 'l‘. Junkin. Minorcas, F. Nor- they, J. Burtchaell. Bantams, T. Bartley, J. C. l'arrish. Geese, white, T. Bartley, (10., gray, 1 J. Lamb. iiueks, while, B. Burtchaell, H. Nelson ; Turkeys, 1 J. GRAIN AND Scansâ€"Wheat, white fall: ‘G. llaygarth, T. Isaac ; (10., red fall, 1 G. I-Iaygarth : (10., Scotch spring, 1 G. Hayâ€" - garth ; (10.. spring, J. Lamb, l-laygarth. l‘ease, large, J. Burtchaell, G. Haygarth ; (10., small, T. lsaac, G. llaygarth. Buckâ€" "wheat-, 1 J. Burtchaell. Oats, white, G. Barley, T. Isaac, Rye, J. Burtchaell, B. LBu‘rtchaell. Corn, yellow, T. Hartley, 0. billaspell ; (10., white. J. Shea, H. Nelson. Beans, large white, J. Burtchaell, T. Bart- ll-y; (10., small, J. Goodhand, J.C. Parâ€" .rish. Timothy seed, J. Shea, J. Burtchâ€" «hell. Alsike, 1 J. Shea. Judges 0n Grain and Seeds, H. Sharpe, I‘Fenelon Falls, C. Hopkins, Kinmount. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES.â€"-P0tatoes1 ’white star, 1 T. Bart-Icy; (10., rose, H. Nelson, F. Smitheram; (10., beauty of Ulebron, Miss l-laygarth, I“. Smitheram ; (1.1., elephant, F. Smitheram, J. Brandon ; 110., Delaware, 1 J. Shea ; (10., any other variety, ‘1‘. Sinitheram, J. Graham; (10., «collection, G. llaygarth, F. Smitheram. Turnips, Swede, M. Moynes, T. Isaac ; -do., any other variety, T. Isaac, F. Smith- C-arrots, hall’ long, F. Smithcram, 11. Nelson ; (10., medium, J. C. Parrish, J. Burtchaell. Cabbage, cone shaped, O. Glaspell, J. Burtchaell; (10., flat, 0. Glas- pell, A. Burtchaeli ; (10., red, O. Glaspell, (J. Burtchaell; (10., any other variety, 1 A. Burtchaell. Radishes, 1 A. Burtchâ€" aell. Parsnips, J. Burtchaell, A. Burtch- *aell. Mangolds, J. llurtchaell, A. Burtch- ‘acll. Jeets, long blood, J. linrtchaell,A. Burtchaell. Turnip beets, J. Burtchaell, A. Burtchaell. Sugar beets, F. Smith- eram, J. Burtchaell. Cauliflowrr, T. Bart- ley, A. Burieiiacll. Oni .ns l'roxr seed, J. C. Parrish, A. liurtchacll ; do. from top, 0. Glaspell, T. Bartley ; (10., pot-ate, "small, Miss Haygarth, B. Burtchaell ; do. (10., large, Miss Haygarth, 'l-l. Nelson ; (10., '1; 1p, from seed, 1 A. Burtchaell. Toma.- '.oes, O. Glaspell, 'l‘. Bartiey. Collection of cut flowers, ,1. John Slater. Waterâ€" melons, T. Bartley, 11. Nelson. Musk- melons, H. Nelson, ’1‘. Bartley. Squash, A. Burochaell, J. Burtchacll. Citron, A. Burtchaell, M. Moyncs. Pumpkin, O. Glaspell, A. Burtchaell. Vegetable mar- rows, 1 J. Lamb. Red peppers, A. Bartel]- aell, H. Nelson. Collection of house plants, '1‘. Austin, Miss Shea. Variety of vegeéables, A. Barlchaell, O. Glaspcll. Celery, ll. Nelson, J. llurtchaell. Maple rsyrup, A. Burtchacll, T. Bartley. Maple asuzar, T. Bartley, A. Burtchaell. Judge, Myles I-Iaygarth, Victoria Road. DAIRY PBODUCE.â€"50 lbs butter Mrs J as Lamb 201113 butter, Miss Burtch- aell Jas Stinson. 3 lbs bntterdllrsjiay- garth, Mrs J Brandon. Home made bread, Thos Bartley, Mrs Geo Hay- .garth. Variety of cakes,’ ‘hos Barfily. Honey in comb, T1103 Bartley. Honey strained. Thos Bartley. Pickles, Mrs 0 Glaspell, Thos Bart-icy. Preserves ‘wild, Mrs Robt English, Mrs F Mc- Dongall. Preserves tame, Mrs Glaspcll Thos :Bartley. Jelly, Mrs F M!- ‘Dougall, Mrs C Glaspell. FRUIT.â€"Apples, Russets, Marshall .Moyncs, Geo. l-laygarlh. Alexander, ..'ias.Polson, "Fred Smilheram.El’ewakic llobt. English, Geo.lzlaygarlh. North- ern Spy, Carl Bloyncs, Thos. Isaac. Iicn Davis, 0. Glaspell, l. Naylor. \X'L‘altlly, Jas. Poison, Groilaygarth. Yellow liclli'lowcr, Jas. Lamb, B. B. .liurtchacll. Pippins, Coo. llaygarlh. Snow, Jas. Lamb. Carl Moynes. Tal- inun Su‘ec21, (Eco. llaygarih, Thos. fliarlley. Any other variety, Fred Smitheratn,{Carl Moynes. Variety of clubs, .1125. 1.1111131, 'l‘hos. Barth)". Grapes, C. Glasgtcll. J udgcrz for Dairy Produce and Fruit Mrs. Kenneth Urc and .11 r. :‘1.Mclniosh 7110.1: l-IS'l‘ltJ 3313.51l“.'.("l131:lCS. -~ Quilt- John Quill (‘zilli'l)..\ll::S liliygnrth, Quilt cloth, Mrs. D. lSrown, alrsfj. (iliir'lii'll. llog cabin quill], Lirs. l). lironn, Miss S. Martin. 1.5.3}: Junkin, Miss («r11i:.:111. Quilt \'. bile quilted, Misl). Miss cotton, Miss liaycarili, Mrs. {lrahaun f-ll‘s. J . Brandon. silli, Blizr‘ Viola Brown. Harlin. ,. ('(lelllt‘l'i‘ilill‘ uroc‘netcd. iii-.4. i). lfirou’n, iiirs. Jno. Graham. ,L‘ountc nine knitted. Mrs. .lLlSiown, Miss :‘liil'lill. Fancy knitted Wool mitts, l and 2 Mrs Brown. Fan- cy storkmgs, Mrs D. Brown, Mrs. Johnson Brandon. Fancy socks l and 2-! Mrs. 1). Brown. Fancy knitting in cotton, Mrs. D. Brown, Mrs. 1“. Meâ€" jlougall Fancy knitting in wool, Mrs. 1) lirou 11,Miss Thurston. Homemade horse blankets, Mrs Marshall Moyncs. '\\'hitc homemade flannel, Miss Shea, Miss Burtchaell. Five yards flannel Miss Burtchaell. Five yards full cloth Miss Burtchaell.VVcollen blankets Miss CORRESPONDENCE . Burtchaell, Thos Bartley. Yarn Mat â€"- Miss Burtchaell, Miss Shea. Rag Mat, Miss Shea-,Mrs Jas Lamb. Yarn doub- led and twisted, Mrs. John I-Iodgson. Single yarn Mrs John Hodgson. 10 yds rag carpet,H Nelson.l’r Driving gloves 1 and 2 Mrs D Brown. Fancy knitted wool socks or stockings, 1 and 2 Mrs D Brown. Plain knitted wool socks, MISTAIRE HAN’ 1 jus' come down from Nort' Shore t0 mek a leetle vecsit in Fcnclon Fall, and 1 meet ma ole l'rien', Frank. You know do ole Frank, he work at de saw beesnees, mos‘ly. l, hax him how everyt'ing. He say, ‘_‘ Pool y good." 1 box him how am ole chem, Paul ()iiileite. Helsay, “ Flirs’ rate; he got to be great ” j. . m I ‘ sp1'alre; 1e go s 1ick to do council do Mis bio“ n, Mrs Jas Lamb. oder nightâ€"41:1): lfor proteck for de Judges for Domestic Manufactures butchaire.” Frank sayde oderbulchaire, Mrs Thorndyke’ Mrs \Vebsterand Mrs Tom, he beeg 'good man on street and bridge, but no can say anyt'ing on but- By Buying Your Cloilr ing at Tel‘i‘ills’. Burgoyne chair 1) 1 1 1 1) 1 , . ' roec { )eesncss. as me: me 1' I I 0 - FA~\CY VVORI‘I-“Emhlmdely 0’1 t'mk of w’en Paul iirs’ start w1t’ (10 oder Paul-â€"le petite Paul Sovaâ€"bot' son-i11- law of Beeg J 00 Dinnond. Hank Austin he do butehair den. He got mad. Ile chew, he spoet, he comb hoes whecskaire wit’ hees han’, he paw wit’ bees foot. Miss S Martin. Berlin wool work flat, He say, “I get out (10 beel, I sell dc meat so cheap I mek dc peasoup quect queek.” Miss Burtchaell, Miss Shea. Fach ta- B. . I 1 ) , , ble mat Mrs D Brown, Miss S Martin. {10$ 1,’ .(0 two liml- hells scar' .He g0 _ I I _ to George, (10 cedalr liceng‘. George Sofa Cushion, Miss Burtchaell, Miss light, hoes pipe; he smoke_pipe right Thurston. \Vorked floor rest,Mrs Dan 111) 111 11805 eye. He say, “No let heem , Brown. Painting 011 silk or satin, Miss mek 3'0“ (1119913 i get out beel‘too i 52W . . sell just as cheap as Hank an’ say ‘ Don’t . 1 i 1 . 1.0 . ,- . 1 1 Bull’Chadl’ Mls B1 .Wn Pumtmg on let de poor innocent Frenchman starve.’ ” plush 01' Velvet, Mrs- 'Brown. Miss Ba gosh, he not starve! Paul he do Moore. Painting on muslin,Miss Burt- lJOOl‘by WGH- HO got horse to drive. 1101‘30 chaellers Brown. Crochet work wool to trade! Yard full 0f l'eeg'mand pooty ,. 1 , x ' good foller, too.' But Hank he quoet Mlbs Shea, MISS BultCh‘Ldl" CmChet hisself. He r011 lumbair beesness, lak muslin, Miss, Martin, Miss Thurston. Embroidery 0n s1lk, Mrs. F. McDoug- all. Braid work, 1 and 2 Mrs D Brown. Berlin wool work raised, Miss Shea, One of the great beauties about “ Picca- dilly” and “Fashion Brand” suits and Overcoats is their remarkable uncommon ness. In fit, fashion, fabric and finish they are unlike the maj orityâ€"totally oriâ€" ‘ ginal and desirable. If you see the new models for fall and winter, they are ready and we are proud to show them, the pri- ces are sure to please you. Work cotton, Mfs D BI'OWU, Miss do I‘Iowry and Beeg John Thomson; he "'" . , Moore. Toilet set, MrsbGreo Goodhapd, ch‘gli‘ginggtxpfittég(ggoggjgifigggfig Mgns’ SEEKS. $8835, QVEI‘ERWS. V“ L MISS Thmswnlr" I T‘i’ le scwr‘f’nhl rs' Connie Bell. Ba gosh,t'ings have change , . __â€"â€" , I “"“ I Jno. Graham, VMIss Bmtu sell. in do 01,, tqwn, and Wink I not Stay ,8,» Mens Single and double Mens Overcoats of Drawn work, Mrs J no . Graham, long, butdig back to lNOl‘b’YSlIOMZ,.\V’(a‘1‘C: breasted sack su1ts, Black Cheviot well Mms Mam-Am may, MISS Shea, dc council not have to geexe do 14 much Inade fr In ‘Ood C unlit 9 Miss Thurston. Crazy work Miss Hay- prOtGCk from fellel' 131‘ A dam M001“ dirk twgedg’in Stiii :e 0}; made and 1111 ed ill] rough- garth, Miss Shea, Whisk holder Miss Bon jour’ Mistaire Haul, ‘ - a } 1 ,1 1 out with black Italian Moore,Miss Viola Junkin. Paintino' on F1 E r . 1) r' E OVelC lee (y vely neat . . . ' . . ° 1 Mm LP ' - llnlno‘ sm le breasted china, 1 andZMiss Moore. Splasher, and attractive, a. good ‘07 g ‘ ' Misslilaygar‘th, Miss Burtcliaell. Pm suit for all around “rear style, average length, 095mm" M‘SS Haygm‘th' MISS MOO” Special value at $8.75 all sizes from 36 to 441 Macrame work knotted, 1 and 2 Mrs . . i m l D Brown. Applique work, Mrs. Thos â€"â€"._._. Selhng at “fig-@53- Junkim. \Vater color landscape Mrs D _ ‘ Brown,Miss Moore, “Tater color flow- H E Mens’ Single 01‘ double "â€"“"‘ ersl and'Z Miss Moore. Oil‘painting breasted sack suits, in , ’ lgndscape. Miss Burtchaell, Mrs. D worsteds 01‘ tweeds :Mens ovelcoflts 0f Frown. Crayon diawmg Miss Moore. I ' Inade frmn a variety of Black Bie‘lton or Bah enc11 drawmg, Mlss Moore,Miss Hay- . I . d - I d gartlLHOI-n work 1,,“th D Brown T} t 1. b1 d ,fablics, mostly daik col- ver, very ressy an Pyrogenous work, Miss Moore, Miss .18 mos re 1a 8 an 0011' 01‘s 111 the neWeSt and afpropriate to wear on , Viola. Junkin .g‘vVOOCl carvingl and 2 Venlent Cure for headaIChea most desirable patterns, ,In occasion VG}. , St ,1_ V Miss Martin. Pillow Shams Miss Gra- - lined throuohout with y ‘ ’ -) ll. .. ,- D . . l H ts excmti- ham, Miss Buitchaell. Embroidery on 1 1 1 1S 1 gal 111811 . , . 1 . , . , . . . good b aeivenetian 111- lmen,1\lps(woodhand, Mis’lhosJunkm. _ . . 1 . 1 1 I 1 r 0113;”), well made, 3911. Battenburg Ework, Miss aMoore, “re glve away Whlle they 1mg an.“ M“? 0t 1 1,4138 . - t $14 00 (“‘19 00 Mrs Thos Austin. Hairpin work last, one aluminum pocket l‘etalmng llltel‘llnlng- , 111g a ' ’ ll) ‘1' Miss Thurston, Miss Moore. Tatting, postage Stamp box with each Selllng at and and ' Miss Viola Junkin, Miss Moore. 3 b . . ,. . cont ox. Darnmg on net, Miss Shea, Miss Thurston. Tea Cozy, Mrs Tho’s. , - 0 Austin, Miss Burtchacll. Point lace, 1 R D CHEAPEST GENERAL and 2 Miss Moore. Centre piece Miss O S STORIE 1N 1-1-11:- COUNTY- Moore, Mrs Thos Austin. Teneriil’e '- -. work Miss Thurston, Mrs D Brown. ' Darning on socks or stockings. Mrs ‘ Glaspell, Mrs Brown. Fancy5 o’clock tea. cloth, Miss Moore, Miss Viola Jun- kin. Braiding in silk or worsted, Mrs :11 Brown, Miss Haygarth. Braiding in '3 cotton, Miss Junkin, Miss Haygarth. Netting, Miss Junkin, Miss Martin. -. , . , Outline work, Miss Junkin, Mrs *Whenkxog paint YOfibuflldmtgfthif? Brown. Table Doylies, Miss Moore, are two Gm ds 0 pam do sci: rioad' Miss J unkin. Collection of fancyzwork £01.13; 00 Prepare pa y , Mrs Thos Austin, Miss Moore. ltmnan 2nd_Lead and oil mixed by. hand. ~ embroxdery, Miss Graham, Miss l‘hurs- . - -. You should always choose the good ton. Sideboard drape Miss Graham. . r . ...- - . prepared paint. It costs less.7 wears hardanger work, .1155 Martin, Mrs , . . , . . _. . Don t wa1t until your wac- longer, and looks better. - Thos Junkin. Coronation work, Mrs S We can tell on wh this is Thos Austin. Cushion top, Mrs Thos 3,011 breaks down completely. Partic‘filafly trueyof y Junkin. VVa-ll pocket Miss Haygarth. soon as a “,eak Spot is not_ I \. Shadow embroidery, Miss Martin, . 1 p t d ‘ 8 . Bliss Thurston ICCC , 001110 0 my 5 101) 21111 ldVC L M S '1; Judges for fancy work Mrs. E. A 11'. fixed 01‘ a new piece made. 7. M (:Arthur Mrs Thos Graham. , , , . 1 0‘ c ‘ 3 ‘. - ‘. . . - . 31.111111'1.‘sâ€"T11(>s J unkm Carl Moynes A “ O L but“ an tted In St cuss Come 1n and letus glve you SPECIALS P at gm morethananutshell oftruth Dr. Graham, 10 lbs of butter, Mrs A w 3 Eg a The fallisasplendid M Moihes- F 1 S 1 1 done on my new, up-to-date time to Paint. F‘ e1 ‘zl ‘ t: - use nloose . NW“: (31115115: ” ( u 5“ ° planer and matcher cannot fall ‘\V A Bishop, loal’ homemade bread tO gch satisfaction. , ‘ Mrs G co Haygarth. §QLB§§Y . w Mikey. best of , , ,, menses nnnnn - Presenters rinses. penmanship B Mclhmuall. F. G. ,. _. .. .. ._. .. ...- -.... . .. .. . . J 11 Brandon, for display of baking _ ' Thos Eartlcy. COLLOI‘MSP- OPPOSIN‘A HEARD'S HGUSES him L818 FOR SALE. J L Arnold, for bronze turkey and FEMELQN FALL§_ - 7' hen J Burtcbacll. $1,500 will buy one double and one single J L Arnold plymouth rocks Thos house 0“ Fl'al‘ClS Street ( b .EL Barth.“ ~ 700 will buy a lO-room house, with good 7 _ ' ..,Q . ‘ , p _ , cellar well woodshed stable drive house ‘ ‘1‘:(;P’]V]L(n 0“ nu Of bwt‘ and h n hotisc, on Mnri‘y street. E ‘I‘I‘T‘Ch‘um‘ “‘5 “fun: ‘ $300 will buy 5-1'oon1 house and wood- .1 es alcl‘urlnnd, oalt bushel oi pota- shed on Murry street. 1 toes Miss llaygarth. Apply to 7 Dr. Goult , 1-) lbs butter Mrs Johnson THOS. GRAHAM, Fenclon Falls, , , Brandon. n or to McLAUGHLIN 8: PEEL,Lindsay. I y *3 y Thos Scott, best pair of white ducks _. swag"... E 5 Q, 13 Burtchacll. 'â€"-‘ 50 YEARS! Y D11 (13110391. for best beef bullock A EXPERIENCE .m- . g . ‘-111' (_- 1:10 . u 1‘ , 1 i _ _ in “m ,. I S§.'l\'este1'\3.ifg. Co for agricultural COn1131028 ’JtOd‘ Of Bunn- H: I I hqve ovelythina‘ in th team Geo l» rmsl:1-ong. f 1 t ‘ ' ' J ese , 1 , est ' n A s - ' O- J Aldous] yroldeolt, McNairl 171-011 l tum. O t 16 b ‘l d have t H lines that should be 111 a well- Sinfltllebillll: JilS 11])018011.1 \ chlE11S a} “May's on Ila-Ha. ‘ ordered jevvelry Store. Moore, ‘011ne an: Vigy'ins, 7‘“, 1' _. ' ~ .. _ , 7-‘ ' V Draught 001,, Jug IMSML “ 1.11.1068 the lowest. r 1‘: angaansréigg-KS buy until you see them. Bank of Montreal, best year old colt ‘ i» V 1 , COPYRIGHTS 81.6. R ' .' . 1 . ' in agricultural class 1 Jas Burtchacll. Agfiongsigrgglm; g‘pgtgtpcp)irgfldfgggc‘gpgapeggg 0133111119, C 0110, as usual, Ill 2 Brandon BI'“5~ â€"_ iiil/entlon is probablytpzliteHntalalg. first-0111,58 Style. I‘IBaInklofl Brifiis‘h l‘Wm-th America ligiisfltgéltgifiigilflgilol1$50§$cuggsgcpntentgfw * Dc C 03 S 1091') Jay 01'. Plptintsfita Kent ‘1; 1:31:51 arnoulirptfie 0. rec Bank of British pNorth America L. mg“ 120 ce’mfiy E R, pen bacon hogs J C Parrish. Furniture and undgrtakin l o. ISSUFR O ‘ Y ‘ iNzwlnn in work 9' alas°silirlaaisuse turret ‘ F MARRIAGE LICEhsEb 3.1033113. \I R Picture 1"“ng a SpeClillly. fiafifion-gtfithaifiam :byfllfiéwdfiug’fi POST-OFFICE. ADY RIVERSâ€"1 rs as J. 1s v roa way, ' 1 John Lawstin Miss Kelly. ’ Branch omcegmp stuwmahjngtouln,“ FENELDN FALLS. “if: \ 1 ' "7 unwr‘fi'WWM.’

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