J’»w"dvs c. 1. “Wereâ€"«rm .- 14 a NJ h- .. a... .m.»â€"- "amp-mm ROSEDALE LOCK.â€"~AS will be seen by i an advertisement in this issue, the Gov- ‘ ernmcnt is calling for tenders for the 'construction of the Resedale section of ' the canal. This is good news. . THANKSGIVING SliR)lO.‘4‘.-â€"The Rev. C. - S. Lord gave a very interesting patriotic ' thanksgiving sermon in St. Andrew's ‘ church on the evening of Sunday last. Mr. Lord is very original in his dis- courses, and his hearers may look for i something new each Sabbath. SELLING OL‘T.-â€"-;\Ir. F. H. Magee has ‘ decided to go out of business in h‘enclon Falls, and otters his entire stock of bar- T ness, fur coats, robes, trunks, valisos, ‘ etc. etc., at genuine bargain prices. Any .‘.pcrson requiring anything in these lines 1 should take advantage of this sale. ACCID1~:NT.â€"â€"\'\'hile Cora Pearn, fourth ‘ daughter of M r. Henry Pearl), of the - Falls. was entering the school-house 0:» Wednesday afternoon, she was accident- ;aily pushed or jostlcd by another pupil and fell on the stone door-step. which iiuflictcd a nasty cut on her right knee. -Siie was taken to her home, where Dr. Wilson dressed the wound, after pitting - in a couple of stitches. District Illâ€"ales. Boavorton wants a High School, and ~--the citizens are taking steps to get one built there. Mr. H. J. Lytlc has resigned the posiâ€" tion of manager of the Lindsay branch ' o!" the Bank of Montreal. and will be suc- €c scdod by Mr. H. is. lllack, of Almontc. .Mr. Lytle will continue to reside in Lindsay. Coons are reported numerous in south Verulam. ‘That‘s nothing; there is a ‘Coon running a laundry at the Falls. Two Poterhorough hotel keepers were fcach fined $053 and costs for selling ’liquor on Sunday, October 6th. New ’will they be good ‘2 Here’s be way a letter goes from " Corson's Siding to Coboconk, a distance 'ol‘ six miles. It goes to Kirkiield, then to Lorneville, on to Blackwatcr, over to Lindsay, up to Fem-ion Falls, and by :stage to Coboconk~about 107 miles Raltogether. This is quite a nice ride for Q'Otu' letter. â€"â€"Walc/umzn- Warder Corr. The farmers around Dunsford are talk- ‘ing of forming a " beef ring" for the winter months. Beef rings have gener- i'ally proved 'sucressl’ni, and it is hoped that the organization in Dunsi‘ord will be i'ormed.â€"~1’o.vl Corr. Mr. E. Eleome, taxidermist, has in his i1) .ssessiou a. white robin. It was cap- lt mod by a gentleman from California while walking along the old Chemeng railway the other day. The robin has a ‘normal red breast and dark back, but the head and other portions of the body -are abnorm il in color, being white. Mr. .l.lcnue has had this rara avis mounted, an i anyone desiring; to see it may do so ‘a his place on Harvey street.~ Pclc’l‘b oro .Ii-wz'znv. liillliii iiiii liliiill is printed every Friday at the ofï¬ce, corner May and Francis Streets. SUBSCRIPTION 2 $1.00 A YEAR, Ill ADVANCE or one cent per week will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. Advertising R ates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line pcrannum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the ï¬rst insertion, and ‘2 cents per line for every subsequent inscr- tion. Contracts by the year, half year or less, upon reasonable terms. About Quinces. The Borgeat quince has not been ex- ‘lensively grown in America, but it has "been tried enough to prove that it is a tgrood variety. Van Dcman has not lproved, as far as I know, to be any im- provement on the Orange and other va- ‘rieties we have been growing. It is later than several of them. Orange is generally considered the best one to grow. â€"â€" H. E. V. D. in Rural New "Yorker. . ;_n. - JOB PRINTING- cxcculcd neatly, Cor- ctly and at moderate prices. E. D. HAND, Proprietor Making Sure. Dentistâ€"I‘ve ï¬lled all of your teeth "that have cavities, sir. Mahoneyâ€"Well, thin, ï¬ll th’ rist av 'thim, too; thin whin th’ cavities come ‘they’ll be already ï¬lled, b’gobslâ€â€"â€"Lon- (ion Tit-Bits. The ï¬rst farmer was the ï¬rst man. and all historic nobility rests on poo ' session and use of landâ€"Emerson. l Wmm’mmmg la #StAESTlt-Séll. EBUSRTECN is essentialto success in the busi- . ‘ 7 aess world of to-day. The School ’ ture of the best and new est that provides the best business train- ing along these lines is the A complete stock of Furni- designs always on hand. - Ne""1‘l“‘ \ . . Sdéih§sHs§‘65ILE’hi§ Prices the lowest. Youge and hlctiill Hts. Toronto. Sup- ; orioreonrscs in all subjects. Stu- dents assisted to posigirins. Enter I a 'l ' time. \Yritel'or ea a ogue. I ) 'l‘..ll.\\'atscu. Principal. E L. ‘ Wmmï¬mmmmgï¬ 9 Furniture and Undertaking. Picture framing a specialty. , ‘ Don’t wait until your wag- gou breaks down completely. As soon as a weak spot is not- iced, come to my shop and have it ï¬xed or a. new piece made. Chinese ï¬ecred Lites, tile, 3 tor 2553. . a. a All work guaranteed hrst-class. hyacnutns, v an «In P L 51 it: i ca Grecuscs, done on my new, up-to-datle 2 £63, 58-, 25$. gamm- plancr and matcher cannot tail 3‘ Tulips, to «rive satisfaction. F a 2 tr 5:62., 253. Buzzers. . ii a?“ ï¬rm i . . 6' (’H’M’igmb' lasers Dug Slut, "‘ IKE (",ll’i’OSl'l‘ ‘1 HEARD'S 4 )\; a: nu.._, a 33:1.er 3... dihï¬â€˜fa ; Kilns-€5- FALLS. FEE-$51.39*: .Ww . .- COUNTS FOR MUCH NOWADAYS. If you want to see and wear a stylish overcoat, one with a lot of" snap in it, one that you’ll take constant pleasure in wearing, just drop in here and take a look at our “ Piccadilly †and ‘ Fashion Brand’ overcoats. You’ve overlooked something you should not have if you haven’t seen our “ Piccadilly †and “ Fash- ion B ‘and †suits. a chance, we’ll If you give us show you some clothes that are really worth while, such clothes as will be a credit to you and to us, and the prices are right. use SLATER SHOES he The most reliable and satisfactory shoe produced “ Slater. †They for men is the are extremely serviceable and absolutely depend- able, when you want the limit oi satisfaction try the “ Slater.†TERRIL. SHOES. CHEAPEST GENERAL. STORE IN THE COUNTY. ‘0. for use. - prepared paint. longer, and looks better. particularly true of 'SHE/iwm- WILLIAMS PAINT Come in and let us give you more than anutshell of truth The fall is a splendid time to paint. JGSW‘EH - tints. Ruhr. Cheri-share Dealer in and manufacturer of all kinds liar la and Gunile lilinumenls Being a direct importer I am able to quote the closest prices. I have lately installed a pneumatic pol- ishing machine, and a pneumatic plant for Lettering and Tracing. We are able to do better and deeper work than heretofore. Call and get designs and prices. WOilKo.-â€"ln the rear of the Market on Cambridge street, opposite the Packing llousc. ï¬. Sidflï¬illBERS, Proprietor. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRlalâ€"ITS dcc. Anvoue sending a sketch and description mu) quickly ascertain our opinion free w tethermz invention is probably patentable. Communica- tions strict 1y conlldeuttal. Handbook on Patents Bent tree. Oldest agency fey securrng patents. Patents taken through Map“ A: Co. receive spcclul notice, without charge, in the silicates litigation. A handsomely illustrnted weekly. Largest ctr. oulation of any sv-ientitlc journal. Terms, $3 a your: four months, $1. Sold by all newsdeulcrs. l New lip Brunch Ollice. G25 F St... Washington. . . _ T )TRUTH, C’. ' INMA NUT SHELL When you paint your building there are two kinds of paint to select from: Istâ€"Good prepared paint ready andâ€"Lead and oil mixed by hand. You should always choose the good It costs less, wears We can tell you why this is .n‘m Watches, ' Clocks, J Jewelry. ~. I have everything in these lines that should be in a wellj ordered jewelry store. Don‘t buy until you see them. Repairing done, as usual, in ï¬rst-class style. JOHN SLATER, ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES NEXT noon TO POST-OFFICE. FEMELOEW FALLs. HOUSES Mill LOTS FOR SALE. $1,500 will buy one double and one single houso on Francis street. 700 will buy a lO-room house, with good collar well, woodshed, stable, drive house and h n house, on Murry street. 3:in will buy 5-room house and wood- shcd on Murry street. Apply to THOS. GRAHAM, Fenclon Falls, or to McLAUGHLIN & PEEL,Liudsay. I O L.No 996. MEET IN THE ORANGE J. , v'c33 vsâ€" massages; .. -_ I m...†"an... n- cu“"L‘A4rWJ‘n «n.1,. Meet in CANADIAN ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS. Trent Valley Lodge No. 71. their lodge room in the Cunningham block on the ï¬rst and third Mondays In each month. A E lIonE, N G. J T. 'l‘nonrsox Ju , Soc. 1. ball on Francis street west. on the second Tuesday in ivory month. 1-1 Srnoxo, W. M. H. NELSON, Rec-Sec. -........_-.â€"- [NDEPENDENT ORDER of l"0RESTERS. Court Phocn’x No. 182. Meet: on the last Monday of each month. D Goran, C. R. T. Ausris, Src. .ANADIAN ORDER Oi“ FORESTE IS Fenelnn Falls Lodge No 626. Meets in the Oddi'cllows’ hall, Colborne sir-get on the first Thursday in each month. C KhLLY, C. R. 11 Ll'l"l‘LE'."0.\',RCC Src. ,WMPIRE LOYAL TRUE BLUE LODGE No.198. Mccls first Friday of each month in Orange hall. Visiting brethren always welcome. W. B. BRANDON, W M. R. C. Juxnm, R. S. F. AND A. M., G. R. C. THE SPRY . Lodge 1’0 406. Meets on the first/v. Wednesday in each month on or before the full of the moon, in the lodge room in lic- Arlhur’s block. C. W, Bunoorxn, W. M. E. FITZGERALD, Sec. ANADIAN ORDER CHOSEN FRIENDS Fenelon Falls Council No, 189A. Meets in Orange hall on second Monday or each month. Jonx ALDous. C. C. R. J. Moonn, Recorder. RDER CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES it‘enelon Falls Circle No 127. Meets on the ï¬rst Wednesday of each month. Mus. M. M. Gonm, Leader. Mas. I V. anan, Sec. CI-IURCI-IES. BAPTIST CHURCHâ€"COLBORNE ST. Rev. Albert (Jeok, Minister. Preaching services Pch‘yEEundny at 10 30 a. m. and 7 p. in. Bible Class and Sunday School at ' 2.30 p. In Praise and prayer service 0'] 'l‘hursday at 8 p m. E] ETHODIST CI-IURCH-â€"-COLBORNE Streetâ€"Rev W. J. M. Crag-ï¬g, Pastor. Sunday scrvxce at 10.30 a m and 7 p. m. Sabbulh School at 2. 30 p. m. Epworth League of Christian Endeavor on Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock. Prayer meeting on Tuesday at 7.30. ST. ANDREW’S CHURCiIâ€"COLBORNE Streetâ€"Rev. C. S. Lord PflSLOP ~Sr-r- evn'y Sunday at 10 30 a. in and ‘7_p m. Sunday School every Sunday at. 2. 30 p. 111. Christian Endeavor meeting every Tuesday at. 8 p. m Prayer meeting every Thursday at 7 31 p m. SALVATION ARliYâ€"BARRACKS ON Bond St. Westâ€"Lieutenants Ruther- ford and Boynlon. Service every Wednes- day, Thursday and Saturday evenings at 8 o’clock, and on Sunday at 11 a. n1, 3“: p. m and 7.30 p m. \â€" Pt'l‘. ALOYSIUS R. C CHURCHâ€"LOUISA it) Streetâ€"Rev. Father O’Lcury, .i‘astor. Services every alternate Sunday at 10 30 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday after noon at '2 o’clock. ' ‘tT. JAMES’ CHURCH, BOYD ST. EAST. Rev. W. H. A. French, it 0101'. Sun- day services: matins 1030 a, m ; evensong 7 p, m. Celebration of Holy Communion first Sunday of every month at 10.30 a. m. Sunday School at 2.3) p. in. Bible Class every Thursday evening at. 7.30. Seals/rec in all churches. Everybon Mailed to attend. Strangers cordially welcomed EIIJCELLALNEOUS. PUBLIC LIBRARY-41 RS M E. CALDER Librarian. Reading Room open daily, Sunday excepted, from 10 o’clock a m till 10 o’clock p. in Books exchanged on 'l‘m-s- days, Thursdays and Saturdays from 2 p. - m. to 4 p, and in the evening from 7 to 9. POST-OFFICEâ€"F. J. KERR, POSTMASâ€" tcr. Open daily, Sundays excepted, from 7.30 a m to '7 p. m. Mail going south closes at 7 p. m. Letters for registrotion must be posted halt‘an hour previous to the time for closing the mails. NEWSPAPER LAW. 1. A post-master is required to give no- tice by letter (returning the paper does not answer the law), when a subscriber does not. take his paper out of the ofiice, and stat:- ihc reasons for its not being taken. Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster reSponsible to the publisher for payment. 2. If any person orders his paper discon- tinued he must pay all arrearges, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is mad -: and collect the wliglé amount whether the paper is taken from the otiice or not. There can be no legal discontinuance until the payment is made. 3. Any person who takes a paper from the post oiiice, whether directed to his name or another, or whether he has sub- scribed or not, is rrsponsible for the pay. 4. It' a subscriber elders his paper to be stopped at a certain time and the publisher continues to send it, 2110 subscriber is bound to pay for it" he takes it from the post-office. This proceeds upon the ground that a man must. pay for what he uses. 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take neivspapers and periodicals fro- the post-other, or removing and leaving them uncalud :‘nr, is prime/coin cvidcfm i of intentional .rauu', - -. - "manor,- m