M nesmass uxowmaoun" and “EVER LASTING resu " ARE Two ESSENTIALS TO success. ATTEND DONAhDsoNâ€"In Fellollln Falls, Friday, December (3th, 1907, Mamie Vera Donaldâ€" son, youngest (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. f v â€" I‘hos. Donaldson, agedo months and 3 days. .. ‘ SIIIEI'IllEY-Jll the township of Smubrville ' On Saturday, December 7th, 1007, Mary ' ' . Ann bl'Wlll, BeleVed wife of George NT I TORONTO. 0 o‘heehey, 70 yea rs. ,. 'and prepare for ï¬rst class busmess DRE SSMAK ING. going into good positions every year. Edents. Hundreds of our students are i Let us train you for one. We will do For Up-to-d'lte and First class Dr ' l v .. ess- . . . . nulkinw, apply to‘ it right. Winter term opens January a 6th. Write for catalogue and see where- '- ""53 BEBETiA ERAHEM! - in we excel ordinary business colleges. at Mr. S. S. Gainers' Furniture Store W J Principal I l ’ n I Francis Street West. CORNER YUXGE AND ALEXANDER S'J‘S. PENELON FA LLS MARKETS. Fellelon Falls, Friday, Dee. 13th, 190'? Reported a†we 1v 0rle omr Roller AM! Go Wlleut,Scotch or Fife 90 to 95 . ' W , I , i _ ,. Wheat, fall, per bushel. 90 95 Dillllllll‘lllil'l‘ OF R. lllll’liS All) l‘llllLS, Clilllllll Wheat,spring ........ 85 90 TRENT CANAL“ Barley, per bushel.... 50 60 Buckwheat “ .... .. . . 55 60 ONTARIO-RICE LAKE DIVISICN. SECTION No. 2. OMS, “ I 43 45 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Peasc, “ .... 75 80 Rye, “ 70 75 Potatoes, “ -- - 50 60 EALEl) TENDERS. addressed to the Butter: [‘9 “ 1b - - - - - - - - - ‘ - 20 2" S undersigned and endorsed †Tender Eggs; l)“ dozen - - ~ ~ -- - ~ o- 18 ‘9 [or Trent Canal,†will be received until all)" per Lon ' - 12-00 15 00 18 o’clock on Saturday, February 1st, Hides .. . . . .. 5.00 6 50 1908, [or the works connected with the “025 (“Val . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 4 70 5 00 construction of Section N0. 2, Ontarioâ€" HOW (Dressed) - - u v- - o u 7 00 8-00 Rice Lake Division of the Canal. Beef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 5.00 6.00 Plans and speciï¬cations of the work Sheepskins . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5’l 90 can be seen on and after the 4th Decemâ€" Wool . . . . 15 a' ber, 1907, at the oilice of the Chief Engin- Flour, Brandon’s Best . . . . . 3 20 eer of the Department of Railways and Flour, Silver Leaf . . . . .. .. 2 95 Canals, Ottawa, and at the ollice of the WOW, Victoria . . . . . . . . .. 2- " Superintending Engineer, Trent Canal, Flou r, Ne w Process . . . . .. 2.x 0 Pcterborough, Ont., at which places 2 l l 1 03 O 3 OZ)! Flour, Family, Clipper. . . . forms of tender may be obtained. Bran, per 100 lbs . . . . . . .. . ' The lowest or any tender nor neces- Shorts, “ “ ~ sarily accepted. Mixed Chop By order, L. K. JONES, Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 28th November, 1007. Newspapers inserting this advertise- lncnt without authority from the De- partment will not be paid for it. 44-3 '_____________..____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" "T‘T‘NNLQM, Owl-raogffl Home“: LEARN DRESSMAKHNG BY MAlL In Your Spare Time at Home. Or Take a Personal Course at School. To enable all to learn, we teach on cash or instal- ment plan. We also teach a. personal class at school once a. monthâ€"class commencmg last Tuesday of each month. These lessons teach how to cut, ï¬t and put together any garment, from the plalnest shirt waist suit to the most elaborate dress. The whole family can learn from one course. We hav_e taught over 7,000 dressmakers and guarantee to give $500 \0 anyone who cannot learn between the ages of 14 and 4.0. You cannot learn dressmaking as thorough as this course teaches it if you work in shops for years- Beware of imitations. as we employ no one outSlde the school. This is the only experienced Dressputting School in Canada, and excelled by none in any other country. Write at once for parâ€" ticulars. as we have out our rate one-third for a. short time. Address ' SANDERS DRESS ClJTTING SCHOOL . 31 Erie Street. Stratford. Oht" Canada- WANTED AT (PROMâ€"We have decided to instruct and employ a number of smart young ladies to teach our course in Dressmaking. having one teacher for the six nearest towns where they liveâ€"- age 20 to 35. Those who have worked at dressmaking or like drawing preferred. This is the cold-catching Season. Colds are dangerâ€" ous customers. Nearly all colds are caused by wet feet. Keep your feet dry with a pair of good rubbers. And when buy- ing the rubberS, select them from my stockwa stock that has value for every cent of the money you spend, and variety to make selection easy and satisfactory. :1)Oslii0ns such as are open to our stu- . i W- Only 9 more Shopping Days till Christmas. - Very little time for even planning your purchases. Every day finds the throngs beComing larger and the buying getting brisker. v And the greater the buying the mere deter- mined we are to give you cash reasons for doing all your buying here. The price tickets show that. .- The Toylancl Bush. Special Toy Expert in charge 01’ this Department. Happiness to a youngster costs very little. Disappointment is awful, particularly at Christmas. Bring the children to this store this week and let them tellSanta Claus what hey want him to bring. Come this week because the choice is bestâ€" VVe’ll be busier every day from now till Christmas and of course the best articles will . be sold ï¬rst. ______â€"-__________________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" lilti’ll EM lilil ill lii’t. child's size at» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . Over 800 Mechanical Toys, including Elephants, Clowns Horses, Dogs, Automobil'es, Chinamen, Negroes, Cannons Policemen, Soldiers, etc., all at the surprisingly low price each . ......15c. and 250. A Large Range of Hill Climbing Toys, strongly made, no springs to get out ol’ order, Rubber tires on wheels, Splendid variety of stlyes each . . . . .. . . . . 75c. to $2.00. Toy Horses 100. to 250. Tin Horns 5c. to 150. Trapeze Performers 50c. Drums 25c. and 500. Sets Tools 150 Trains consisting ' of engine and two coaches 25c. Smoothing irons with stands each 150. Rubber Dolls that can’t break each 150. and 250. Bears that dance 250. Clowns that perform 250, 500. Toy Watches. Rubber Ball '50. to 15c. Toy Dogs 150. to 250. Glass Jewell boxes at . . . . . . . . . . Ladies’ Hose Supporters in Silk and Satin, per pair l Fill llillll Sliiiilllil. 300 Doug in an Styles, dressed and undressed, . Photo Frames in large variety of shapes and styles at from the little tot's size at 100. to the largest , I Wall Placques at 100. and 15c. ....15c., 25c, and 500. 250. to $1.00. Infant's Silk Bibs, each in Fancy box . .. . . . . . . 5OC_ Perfume, each bottle in fancy box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250. Shaving Mirrors . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 50. to 250. Ladies‘ Fancy Collars, each in box .. . . .. .. . . .. ...500. Box containing nickel pen and pencil . . . . Ladies’ Neck Frill, 5 in box, per box . .. .. . . .. “250' New silk Bolts, in dainty styles of colorings including black ............ .................. 25c. and 500‘ BATTENBURG WORK. Our showing of this beau iful, work never was so large and varied and our prices never so low as present. Popular and lasting, it makes a most acceptable gift to any woman. Table Covers with borders of Battenburg $1.25, $1.50. Sideboard drapes with centres and bor- ders or Battenburg $1.25. Dollies in every size 150. to ........15c, N Please do not apply unless you can doâ€" vote your whole time. Address, The SCHOOL. WW .5. w. sevens, Successor to Geo. Martin, FEE ELï¬lld Fï¬LLS. XMAS HANDKERCIâ€"IIEFS. Never such a chance to procure dainty llalldlrerelieifs so lowly priced, over 100 dozen to choose from. Initial Handkerchiefs in white Silkaline with openwork hem each 15c. Gentlemen's Colored borders 2 for 25c. La- dies' Lace and Embroidered edges at 50. to 750. White Silk Handkerchiefs both plain and initial 150. to $1.00, Handkerchiefs in fancy boxes from 150. per box ,to $2. .\/. “*x‘gWï¬icwwaï¬-vai ‘ Xmas Stationary. 50°- .__.__ lï¬TEilDitlE‘ Pillill'ERS NURSERY STQCK. Should either write direct to us or see our nearest agent before placing their order. We guarantee satisfaction. Prices right. Fifty years' experience. Extra heavy stock of the best apples. Agents ‘Vanted. Whole or part of time. Salary or liberal commission. Outlit free. Send for ‘A'l - Our trade in this department is rapidly increasing â€"no wonder when you see the values we offer. Hand- some boxes containing 2 bunches envelopes and ‘20 sheets paper, ruled and unruled 150 and 25c. You'll pay double the price for these anywhere. Scribbler-s and lead pencils from one cent up. W. BURGOY E.& SON. s. P___â€"â€" - T_ q owuwwoonunooqunwwmow -. THE HOME OFQGOOD 'CllOTilESr. .9: terms. CANADA'S OLDEST museums. Don’t forget that I have E ‘A- 0" BARKLEY-'- if; The Ties. ll. Barman & Son Co, Ltd, a ï¬rst class Planer and am a RIWEW‘W 191â€- prepared to do all work in this line in the best style; also to make Every lady in Fenelon Falls and vicinity SASH should see my stock of winter millinery, A“: Ready-to-wear and untrimmed Hats and Bonnets, trimmings, etc., of every descrip- eoal always on hand, also charcoal. tion, all new and of the latest style. Prices. E, DGDRS. All kinds of green and dry wood right. I I... E SE60†DIVESEGE‘W GBUBT.‘ â€"0F"l‘llE-â€"-- .______________‘_________,...~ County 01‘ Victoria. The next sittings of. thenbevaourt wil-l ~ he held- illTW-Dmey’s’ hull;Fenelon-Fnlls-.; 0N TUESDAY,’.DEC‘R'l7lh, l907, ,commcncing at l 30 o’clook‘in the after ‘ .nooll. Friday, ,Drc‘lr' .6111, will be the ins : day of servide run: defendants residing in. this county. Defendants living in other†counties must. he served lon.or. oelole Sat†urday:November 30th:- W Chico hours from 10 aunt-to 4 .p. m; . ELISHA .M‘AllK’,‘. E. D. HAND, Bailiff. Glen-in- Fonelon-Fall‘s. Sept: 26th, 1967:, ,, titling ‘li’iill‘lllt Wallis. é. Hebt; Chambers? % I ‘ ~ ‘ l I Dealepin and l-Illllllglglfllll‘e'r:t)fzflll kind's'; Eigh- Cimé‘se Art Silverware ,-_ Marble-and ‘Gramie Monument: .- . _ '- e Bein ;a»r1irect.imporlter Iiam able 10:. S T Q R S , fl'I‘lf'tleillililggnlliittisfliiiEggfgdda.pnfhmlalieipfolrf: AN STORM DOORS}. " ' Lettering and Tracing. We are able-to (10’) better and deeperlwork'than-llcrctofol'e.. LEAV’TEc YOU}; ORDER NOW... PBOPBIETOR; Calland. gel designs andlpriccs. Foot of Kent St, LINDSAY. ' - - . _ . . . . Q com. ails won. The undersigned is prepared to deliver coal or wood to any part of the village at any time. Hard gilr soft wood 4 feet long or cut to order. Ahoavy stock of the best Scranton ‘ __‘-.V.--../V-V.§ gin..." -‘-‘ - I ';~.. . “y. 4t ' Your patronage solicited. bought at highest price. I 46. an. WHALEY. . M I I . I I . : ruuy‘uglrznmlt'umrhwprnmflr HWWWFW 1%,,“ owaeammewowowowonouoso Christmas. “ - ‘ * 9 5/ g Though a cheap article of silverware is out of'date and unsuitable for a. pres- ent. we do not hesitate to recommend any of'the following pieces of Art Sil- verware as the correct thing for a. gift, being-modern in design, ornamental and useful in, any home. TABLE MIRRORS. COFFEE SETS, TEA SETS, FERN POTS, NUT BOWLS, BON-BON DISHES, OLIVE SETS, JEWELLRY BOXES CANDEE-BRAS ’ WORKS â€"in the rearlof atlle. Market on; Cmmhridge . street, .opposite the Packing;r House. a. Guano-Ens, I’ropl‘ ictonr. t surreal Bsos. Lilla DAY“: , LEADI NGJEWCLLERS.