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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 13 Dec 1907, p. 7

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“SEVEN LEAN YEARS." _â€" Narrative of Genesis Confirmed by 3 Discovery in Egypt. The recent discoveries of Brugsch Bey in connection with the Egyptian hiero- glyphics which he deciplicred are the subject of an article in the Oesfer~ reichsche \Vorhenschrift, in which the writer says that it is no longer diflicult to understand the origin of the “seven lean years" narrative in, the Book of sues TOLL IN MIQUELON. it One Hundred and Twenty-three Lives Lost in Season Just Ended. “ Brick’s Tasteless” is an extract of fresh cod livers, containing all the virtues of - fresh cod liver oil without the nauseous grease, the compound " syrup of hypophosphites, nutritious extract of malt and the fluid extract of wild cherry bark. ‘ ' One hundred and twenty-three persons perished in the fishing fleet from St. Pierre, Miquelon, off the coast of New- foundland, during the season now end- ed, according to statistics just compiled. Seven vessels were lost. Five of the craft were owned by the Morue Com- pany, and were lost with all on board. One of them, the Madeline, with twenty men, has never been heard from since she. left St. Pierre early in the season. Most of the men lost left large fami- lies, many of whom live at St. \lalo, Lorient or other French ports. Nearly all the wrecks were in the heavy storms of September and October. The catch of the St. Pierre fishing ves- sels for this season, which averaged 1,730 quintals for each of the seventyone schooners, shows a marked increase over previous years, and has restored activity in every section of the island. Mafia 3. Frame House LOOK Like Stone ’ Bria: the most durable. most riahtly quota: Genesis. 'l‘he inscriptions as translated 511%th “whom-make “Nam wmlflev by Brugsch show that 1700 years before $5,171,??th mam-ham mat: " the, Christian era the Nile for seven con- wp ' secutive years did not. overflow, and QI‘ITDS'fENEé famine, pestilence and misery followed. H. dad f i; uhauyidca youhnvcfl “We know,” says the writer, f‘that the pc‘raeliniititii: ncu: stone rough fiche, (tale of the seven years of ll'lJllCSSllCSS etc. Cast lees than yo'u'dthink ivnuchynluc. mentioned in Genesis was 1700 l}.t,‘.., and fiffifi‘fika “5°“1',-f‘fi’§°fiim°)§§df:;h'g°l'2 thus what. has been looked upon as a n onucmm' ' fancy has through these hieroglyphics bccmnc a matter of history. The failure of the Nile to overflow, the withering of the. vegetation, the lands devoid of crcps, famine and the consequent --â€"* scourges are all depicted in the pictures which the student has been able to de- cipher.” purifies the blood. makes the weak strong is a specific in sore throat and lung diseases. is so prepared that it can be assimilated without the least digestive effort. is sold under the positive guarantee that a decided improve- ment will be felt after taking one bottle, or your money will l be refunded by the druggist from whom you purchased it. ..- .. -:9onl»'~.- « A: in... FEDLAR People as} Oshawa Montreal Ottawa Toronto Lon 'on “'iunlpe; fr" Can we be fairer? Two Sizesâ€"8, ounce bottle 50c; 20 ounce bottle $1.00 ....-.._ fin}... .. ._.â€". Mr. Kipli‘ng’s Canadian Tour. Ontario and all Eastern Canada is. deeply disappointed that Mr. Kipling, Wilts“ NEW YORK 51%” THE NEW FIR EPRUOF Eggtgg' Nd%§£¥RE discus-c usually assails the weakest Upon the occasion of his recent, visit ve. an . - , . . . , . , H, .polnt, these persons are continually 1. Canada Shaun have 011] seen mm 300 FEET wear or snonnwm, L ‘ ‘ y Maximum of Luxury at: Minimum Cost; ._._.__.__)!¢__ Many inherit. weak lungs, and as \‘v‘indown and the East not at all. The older provinces are always proud and never jealous of the West, into which they are send- ing their Shekels and their sons. With all his powers as a word painter, it is hardly to ‘be expected that Mr. Kip- lingr can do justice to all of (:anada. lle has not. seen the thriving cities and exposed to attacks of cold and pulmon- west from] a Cm- ary disturlmnccs. 'l‘hc speedy use. of Bickle's Anti Consumptivc Syrup will he found a preventative and a protec- tion, strengthening the organs so that they are not so liable to derangement from c.\'['.osurc or abrupt atmospheric changes. Bickle‘s Syrup is cheap and Accessible, Quiet; and Elegant. Within Five l l l Minutes’ Walk of Theatres, Shops and Clubs. New Dutch Grill Rooms Largest. in City. Cable Cars Pass Hotel to all Railroads. f European Plan. $1.50 per day without bath, $2.00 per day with bath. Suites $3.50 upwards. Sand for Booklet. STEARNS 6: DAY-l5. Props , l 1 t 1 Filer; and Women of Gntsrio I ' .__.._ v clone-ois foreooloo The Great Provincial Charity, The Hospital for Sick Children, Calls Ga You For Aid. Remember that this Hospital is not a local institution, but; Provincial. It. cares for every sick child in the Province of Ont:- ario whose parents cannot, afford to i pay for treatment. Busy dollars are I better than idle tears. The sym- pathy that, Weeps I is good, but tho Hospitalhastohavo the sympathy that; Works. Last, year there were 1093 patients ad- mitted. 01 these 378 came from 25f places outside of Torontoâ€"all were children of poor people who could not afford to pay for treatment. of their little ones. Each child was in the Hospital 47$ days at a. cost of $1.31 each “I LIKE Pro‘runrzs" good. the fine arts?” Cummx. “Mother and the girls can Cf Toronto and saw make me feel my ignorance sulliciently ’ 'at home free of charge.” "recognize a kindred spiril.” BE SURE YOU GE'J‘ THE KIND YOU HAVE t ALWAYS HAD, ,“ 'l‘llo & L ” Menthol Plaster. lmr rheumatism, neuralgia. etc., nothing isbetter, z Made only by Davis «is Lawrence 00. [ i “5., “I don’t believe.” said Mrs. Henry , o M’ria,” responded Henry l’eck. “llc’d The Demon, ' towns of “Would you like to attend a lecture on railways, “lips, and manufacturing in- l n . .7, . . - ' . . ‘NOi “NW/0W1 Ml- dustries. lle had only a fleeting glimpse fact that Canada is in more men to carry forward the work in hand, Canadians would have Been Ontario. with its splendid nothing of the score or more other industrial centresl o" the Dominion. It is too bad, Cana- dians believe, that he should have spent he most of the time which he was title to give to the study of conditions 11 the Dominion to the troubled shores! of the Pacific. With no desire to mini- nize the seriousness of the labor dis- ) . - “ a y | c -- ' . . . [Peck that i, would be afraid of a man- mmanms m” more, m. to msgmse “10 ,catmg tiger. I don't. believe you need sore need of proud of some pen pictures by Mr. p I"; .l N , . foilff’qé‘iiffl“u3‘de Kipling of the industrial East, where ' ml“ 1‘ “‘15 a DUI I“ L ‘C "‘1' ('9' the people are prosperous and happy. mons mode invisiny through the am- Tm; m1,l\.i(,liOl.l )5 hv no mmm Iona} I, 4. A .v . I L blunt. air, seeking to ml” “110 “m” â€"--it is widespread, universal. (“Cana- and trouble them. At the present day .du :1 London Fm, NOV 16th 1907) , , . 0., . , . the di-mon. dyspepsia, at large in the same way. seeking habifafiiizu in those who by careless or unwise liv-‘ ing invite. him. And once he enters a. man it is diflicult " , lc-e him. He. t that finds himself so possessed should! know that a valiant friend to do bat-' lie for him with the, unseen foe is Par-l melt‘c’s Vegetable Pills, which are ever' ready for the trial. TE] .lZl ’llONlC. When a man is at home and the tele- phone rings his wife's hasle to answer, it is not due so much to saving him the trouble as to [hiding out for herself if !. flu: person at the other end is a man ori a. woman. ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM is es eci l ' pd to broad): up lieglected co‘ughs aiid iiidiiyinliggg. ess cases lave )eou saved l) its u . ‘ .. . no opium in any form. y so (Junt‘Jus OCCUlJl‘ INFLUENCES. “.ligshy must be awfully in love with l‘li‘.~ wife." “\\'hat makes you think so ‘1" having an attack of indigestion.” l'i‘Cll, Mange Prairie Scratches and every form of Con'agious llch on human Ml animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- red. and to all appearances vanquished . - a ‘ s . - Psi ~ 7 ‘4 a . . . “He can out her angel calm \\-1”muflt\\llt}llf e 1th name. no“ the forests are “‘54 A Magic [JULâ€"Dyspepsia is a fod with which men are constantly grap- pling but. cannot exterminate. Subduâ€" in one, it makes its appearance in an- other dircclimi. In many the digestive apparatus is as delicate as the, mechan- ism of a watch or scientific instrument- ;1; which even a breath of air will make a variatiol'l. \V'ith such persi'ius dis- orders. of the stomach ensue from the most trivial causes amt cause much suffering. To these l’armclees \.'(*gefiible l’ills are recommended as mild and sure. DEFOliliS’l‘A'l‘lle 1N AFRlCA. According to .l. Dylmwski, a progres- stve dosh-cation of the air and soil is manifest ,in the region of the Sudan. the underlying cause being the destruction of the original forests. (tape \‘m-dg 1'5 cited as an exan'iple. ln lift} eighteenth cmlury the botanist. Andanson, des- cribed it as covered \vilh a vast forest, gone. the rivers arr diminished, sheets of water have disappcarml. and the pm- dpctiveness of the soil is failing. until in many places the region has lll‘f‘n’tltlt". al- most strrile.’ ’l‘ho..ualiv0s began the de- l I lord‘s Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. 01’ A l)lt“l~‘litll’.N'l‘ COLOR. Parson: “Sr. your husband lost. his tummy on a racetmrsc?" “No,” answered young Mrs. 'l‘orkins. “lle lost it on an animal he thought was ' a racehorse.” per day, or $62.22 f or A f\lcdich’xe for the Miner's Pack. -â€"~ sliuction of the forests igiru-anlly; white men continue it for inuncdiatc selfish ends. Al‘y wr‘unau with a irain to her gown [should be able to draw her own cou- clusious. LAZY OLD SORES, painful and ill fl - i will not; lingerlnng after treatment xvithslviiii/idiss Uerato has been begun: Also, cleanse the blood with Weaver’s Syrup. "‘QuPlvxr .~CI' “I‘ll”? V‘s-(5“ . n“ ' Power, Heat, Electric Light, to Lease for. at Term of Years- Central location. About ten thousmd square feet in four floors and basement. Excellent ship}: :13 facilities Standard Fire Sprinkler System. Low insurance rate. ‘ .. -\"’~,{t‘~;:_r-‘ models of the famous Starr Skates. ‘ The “VELOX” is our new hockey skate â€"â€" and embodies 4'2 years experience in skate making. “LADIES' FLANGED BEAVER” is », an old favoriteâ€"that is better and more popular than ever. If your dealer does not; handle Starr Skates. write for free copy of our 1908 Skate Booktand name of the dealer in your neighborhood who will supply you. The Starr Manufacturing (10., Limitsd DARTMOUTH, N. s. CANADA. , 22 BRANCH CFFICE - « - . - Tonorrro, our. ’ ‘ Cures ' Keadail s Spavm Ca 3mm, Here is just one case out of thousands-â€" Humor/x, MAM, March 13. ‘c6. "This is to testify to the value of Kendall‘s Spavin Cure as a Spavm Remedy and Linixnent for general use. I used it for Spavins on a Colt two years ago, and found it a complete cure." le. juergens. Save your horse with Kendall'sâ€"the sure cure for all Bony Growths. Swellings and Laurence-'9. $1 a bottleâ€"6 for 35. Our rent bookâ€"“Treatise on the Horse“â€"- rec from dealers or no tlr. it. J. Kendall 80.. Enasburg Fa!is.Vemont.U.S.A. 1 llearra can warm your Gives Perfect Ligh Eyed theme a. tstutereated and should know about. the wondu fut 1' MARVELWhirlingS ray The new Vnzlnnl lyr n‘c. FOR SALE BY ' ~ f‘roSicctors amt others goinrr into the ‘ ’ , ‘ the4tidlt55 ,. .1 . ,, . .... lâ€",».[ T. . . ~, . “(lentlemeu of the jury," said he ' stay. “““mr‘i “‘Q‘“'”“ “In” mums am IL“ [rrsecutiuu lrn'err “'hi'i prison“. i- " Besfimfindownmm. E E pm (ll-“1r stores not 'it. ‘tll should no " " .33 ‘ “ ' ' ‘ ‘5 ‘ t ‘s H" c m ' B V Y ‘ " ‘ 1 " ' i ‘ 1 an unmitigated scoumlrcl; he a(:lm<.\v- ' ‘ ‘ l ‘ If yo u r dollar CL uld etrai g h t c n the feet; of a little boy or girl with club feet, you would gladly give it), and your dollar will do that). There were 79 cases of club ioet treated MASSAUE vide themselves with a supply of Dr. Thomas" liclecirie Oil. It will (:llSel. the effects of exposure. reduce sprains, and when taken internally win We. vent. and cure colds and sore throat, and as a lubricant will keep the muscles in good cm’u_til.iou., A Scientist says that. rocking-chairs lledges it. And yet. thanks to thc wis- dom of the clunmon law. he has been given a fair trial by a jury of his peers.” The prisoner was acquitted. 'I‘he never falling inf'ti:"'lllf‘3. Hollo- =\\ay'-s (Torn f‘Zurc. removes all kinds of ::.(’rn§. “fin-{5‘ (TlC,; (‘\'»t?ll l-lle most (lll' As: yourggtat for it. I . a vzt-t 'uâ€"l x....~.,.......v:.. “2...”... s, - It he cannot supply the B1 A. R V E L accept. no other. but read Itam for illustrated bookâ€"men ed. If: given full particulars and direction: in- VLluahle to lndtes. WINDSOR SUPPLY (20.. Windsor. Ont. General Axon“ (or Canada. .___. \Vlllflll \‘v’OUlD HELP SOME. “My dear,“ moaned the urticnt, as be tossed restlessly on his bed, “it's the doctor l’m thinking of. What a bill his "i83\\â€"v'w.w . SERlOUS. will be t" . . . “Never mind loser " ~ ' '- " e _ ,, _1 , f ,1 , , .fl “1 ficult to remove cannotwithstand this ' . I “You know *UMTQ’I" “:3” 13:13:12; “who liml‘m am {mi “(al-SILIL“ "9 wonderful remedy. “lie. was terribly lll.‘ O ,n ‘ " ‘ ' " “ ,1 has. evidently obsrrwd two people oc- “Indeed-g Hi Ile. cupymg the same chair. patio)“. (who has mm win) an “My “Yes, He got that bad that he for- “mm 4 'l‘O‘IS OF IRON’ consumed and: vo'tr in main (“fillâ€"“HES u a 13de h'ii‘klm'c- dOCl'm'?” “at to 35k no“: [he busmess was gel” “Yes ’7 s'lid 'l‘f’llllllt‘ Tll'l "0 ll 5 l l ‘ ,.- A J .l .- i I ‘. ‘ _v n 7: A, .‘ , . II-mrr. BEFORE. u-rnn. cine. Iu“Ferrovim," the best tonic, it is so fl0<t<u fa surgical entlmsiast)â€"“Bi.d? 1mg 0“- machpps .01 50”“. g, r2” .. ‘ .[ H10?) . , crawl-1y manipulated that the weak and sickly \xrhv ips beautify”. Six“ bozmmmg T1“. - 3 . “b v - -. -. n . slum er mn lost-veer. Out of the :9 about 50 were gtwpossible nourishment and benefit. from a. _ - . _ , - , . . ' ,. ~ .. . .. :- . r .. - , mum 1.3. t fronithe count/Pf ' K hone is human 111 1:0 fewer than [1)”. Molhtl (haves \\Ol".ll l..\lAlfllllltl.l01 ulndcodvn romqflwd Aunt mne 'uqo ‘ . - , , . . -rv ' . .' t. ‘f,‘f u'rc the cl 3 ‘ ‘ ' -- . . ' . ‘ ‘. ' ' ‘“ If you lmow of any child in your county 01d ’uu’lllâ€"«ul want an engagement ice” places“ iififi:on:ncldi(iirljo [0 will” 310:} {3:3 “1",: you believe ill her. ch '.” 'I who is sick or has club foot, and whose mgfi Jm-(.i]m-_.ug“11(1 m. plulpdw _e .t ,1 hjmflaud ‘bc Itjm‘wiricédm “4 “Rather. Me an” her thinks alike. She if parents can not. afford Ito lop] ne;m__“\\fm u plated one last. for "1‘ ' " ‘ ‘ - scz school don't do me no good at all.” 4 3": Send the name“) t‘ W sir mouths?" .lewrller»â€"â€"“Oh. res.” Old v n 1 '“' 'â€" 1 Elaospital Secretary. n,.\,lu_u\\s(.n. mm will do. M“. engage, A MEANS 10 AN END- An engagement. ring is a girl's idea of t ‘ ’ ‘ A v n u . , ‘ 'lhe 5:3Ck, b0?“ {"‘3 lmcnts only average three n'louths.“ llryan Dustyâ€"-\\rhuts Bill ser rest. 7‘ Lil-“fl "f “ODE- ‘ Emil . .8? t. :‘tou w leSs‘ fur? lles been huntin’ around .I f Mine finial; A bright girl in a large school ap- Irinong the bushes for hours. ‘ “mm: in Hemélpa 0;.“ , plfed to her teacher for leave to be ab- f \\alkcr Rhodesâ€"lie read a piece in work of “an,” lime :sven-t half a day. on the plea that her {the paper where 1tsa1d a doctor 'll of- children? b tin-illu-r had receivrd a telegram which ntcn give, a man a quart. of \vh'skcy ter‘ . - A grcatniinc of )Icrcv 1stated that, company “as on the way. cure a snake bile. uick case for the worst coughâ€"quick ‘ -mc mining Stock Hm”: lfln'g my fummv; half-sister and bar Dzyan l)ustyâ€"â€"\\ ell? relief to the heav1c5t_lcoldâ€"â€"and SAFE * llwatVS mvs dividendsâ€" 5 “iron lovs.” said the pupil. anxiouslv. Walker Rhodesâ€"«Hes lryiu' fer fl11<1,101ake»0\'ent0r a Chhd- _, , l ‘ ‘ ‘ - - - ~ A Tl t ' sh‘i h'~ (‘ure 31168 ‘5 bmlngVNhlllf‘lncney “and mo'her oomnt sec how she can a snake. la 15 - '0 5 d . , . _~_._ Sold under a guarantee ( . that. helps The Hospital tor Sick Chi] lri-n to “X- ‘ tract, the God of Life . from the Quar‘z of Dea’h. urn cusps Please sv-n‘ o~nx’.r'lmtmu~z to J. this. R :hor son, f,.';i:iirman. or In Douglas lJavid 5-1“, lircu'l‘rvas, of the Hospital for Sick Chillreu. College SLI'QK‘I. 'lanonLo do wilhmu Inc. lxerause those boys al- \\tly~* act so dreadfully." 'l‘he fem-.llcr referred lu-r tr. the printed list. of roa- s.--n.~ which justify alscncn. and asked if her case calm" under any of them, "'v' think it might cmun'ululcr this head, \lf~~' llulcs.” said the girl. pointing as she woke to the words. “Domestic Af- flietion." T N U XSSUE NO. 50â€"07 if has :1ng terribly since l first saw it." to cure colds and coughs & Colds “HAXHED 30' quicker than any other 23rd hit-ll)- medicineâ€"wryour money back, Sly-cars :of success commend Shiloh's Cure. 25o, “\\'hat " l50c.,$1, ' 3m Miss l’ziissay: “This is my tinyâ€"m" Miss l’ert: \liss l'assay: “1 say, this is my fitlrdl I ‘llirihday. Didn‘t you know it?" ’ , ,2. E <37 a Miss: Perl: “\\'cll. l dzclul’o'. l sliW‘ll 3 i ,1) "I

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