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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 20 Dec 1907, p. 8

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v SEEISOD . norm" in" mm} mm... m a “.5 5 9. ’l 7, 1 - m ‘ '- APTB XMAS. . is a good time to start. New term opens on Jan. 2min Write for cata- ' logue; our moderate rates and other advantages will interest you. BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE YONGI‘} AND MCCILL 51‘s., TORONTO. ! l 1 l . The Gold Feiich. , It is no more to be expected that the {great toiling masses can be thinkers ‘tha 11 that the serfs of Russia or tlzo lowâ€" -cr caste of India can be thinkers. But there are hundreds of thousands who have had their mental faculties agitated and quickcned, and from these will come thinkers. That they do not think is net a faultâ€"rit is a misfortune. Iiut I was just meditating what would be thc‘o'ut- come if._these millions of wage slave: could get agiimpse of the real character -ot‘ gold and silver, and compare it with it .e insane, idiotic popular‘conception oi ‘ hose fetich gods 2’ What would be the condition of that people or nation that had millions of tons of gold and silver, . and had no houses, no clothing, no food and no In :chinery of industry? l’oor be- yond the conception of anything the _ ‘world has (.vcr had. Then, on the other "land. would that people and nation 110'. 'il1e rich beyond anything the world has wver seen, if every citizen had a nice {3101110, tine clothing, abinidance of food :aud intellectuil development, and no ggoid at all '3 If all the millions of people '(lIL'L-‘Ctly and indirectly engagxl in in- creasing the amount of gold and silver ‘were engaged in building more houses, ‘inakiug more and better clothing, more land better food, more and better i11- :.struction and entertainmentâ€"think how linuch better oil the world would be. xilold is not wealth and never has been. It is the merest idiocy for men to spend 1' their lives and energy in digging up a ‘worthless yellow metal out of the moun- "1’ains, and then having another set of 21111311 making granite and steel vaults to hold it, and not using it at all. If you will consider this view of the matter you will certainly see the absurdity of it. There is not a scientific student of ' political economy in any land who does mot hold'this view. and all express that wiew unless they are 11oiding some position under the powers that profit 01? this credulity ol" the pcople.â€"-Appcalto Jim-son. ‘A,..â€"-â€"’ HE HORSEMAN. i, .O___’__â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"0 Every breeding animal requires exer- cise. This is especially true of the :stallion. . When the more is at work the colt should be kept in the ham or lot. It is ibettcr not to letit Buckle until she has mmled off. Watering the first thing in the mom- ‘ling and the last thing at night is a good practice. If a horse is fidgety and nervo'us and days back his ears while being har- «znessed, there is a reason for his con- «luct. It is more than likely that he has been frightened or abused by his former caretaker. Continual kindness .will in most instances effect a cure. Among the most important things in Iliorse training is to cultivate a good (lispositon. It adds very much to the Walue and usefulness of. a horse. Does the collar fit perfectly? You "know, a horse may be ruined by an ill fitting collar. It matters little whether the horse is ‘to be a trotter, a roadster or a draft “horse, the treatment of the colt for the first year’s feed is about the same. The best growth comes from the feed and 'care. ‘* It is easier to keep a horse in shape "than to make him well after he once succumbs to disease. You can’t harden a horse by making shim endure hardship. ,The well bred, P‘Well kept horse is best. ‘ Horses are classed as drafters when :they Weigh tron) 1,000 to 2,000 pounds; 'chunks, 1.300 to 1.500; expressers, about the same; carriage horses and roadsters, 1,000 to 1,200 pounds. Do not teach the colts bad habits. "What seems cmc today may be vicious in a few months. However good the pasture, colts will do better the second year if they have a small ration of grain. Some prefer meals. but corn alone has m‘o’lneed goof}1 hould be the finest and freshest procurable. and should be selected from a stock that offers the variety necessary for the requirements of the festive 1 Yo will find our stock of Christmas Groceries fully up to their high standard in the above respects. , Give us your order at once, before the rush be- gins. ‘ McFarland. é arrair‘wewurmrwt‘w WWVFW‘W IWWWWWWWUWW i" ii GROCERIES i / WWW'IWWW'IWW %. and inexpensive. QWW’WWWW’W‘WW' i TRENT CANAL. ONTARIO-RICE LAKE DIVISION. SECTION No. 2. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. EALED TENDERS addressed to the l undersigned and endorsed “Tender for, Trent Canal," will be received until 16 o’clock on Saturday, February lst, 1908,~fcr the works connected with the construction of Section No. 2, Ontario- Rice'Lake Division of the Canal. Plans and specifications of the work can be seen on and after the 4th Decem- ber, 1907, at the office of the Chief Engin- eer of the Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, and at the oilicc of the Superintending Engineer, Trent Canal, i’cterborough, Ont., at which places forms of tender may be obtained. The lowest or any tender nor neces- sarily accepted. ~ By order, L. K. JONES, ‘ Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 28th November, 1907. Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment without authority from the .De- p irtmcnt will not be paid for it. 44â€"3 This is the place, Now is the time l"0r Xmas shopping T Eli RILL HOUSES Mill LOTS FOR SALE. house 011 Francis street. .2700 will buy a illâ€"room house, with good (a llar wrll,wcodsh(-1l, stable, drive house and Ir 11 house, on Murry sin-cl. $300 will buy 5-1'com house and wood- sl1cd 011 Murry street, ' Apply lo Tues. G l;\llA.\l, Penelon rails,‘ or to )chAUGllLlX '8; l’liEL,Lindsay. ‘ lIiTEi’lilliIIi = PLAII'IERS 0F Milli-Still SIOEK-‘ Should either write direct, to us or see )ur nearest agent before placing their order. We guarantee satisfaction. Prices right. Fifty years' experience. Extra heavy stock of the best apples. Agents VV :1 u t c d . Whole or part of time. Salary or liberal commission. Outlit free. Send for terms. CANADA’S OLDEST museums... The Thus. W. Bowman ll Son 00., Lid, ltIllGllVlliiili, 0ST. _.__.__â€"â€" WHATISHALL l GIVE? This is cnt. It can be answered eas- ily in many cases by a Visit to my Store,whcre VVATCII, l:A CHAIN, A FOB, A BROOCH, A LOCKET, A NECKLACE, A PIN, ARING, “It or some other thing can be Found to suit your require-1 incnts. Don’t send to the city for these things until you see what. you can get right here in town. JOHN SLATER, ISSUER or MARRIAGE LlCENSES NEXT noon TO POSTâ€"OFFICE. FENELGhi thLS. DRESSMAKING. For Up-to-date and First .class Ircss- making, apply to MIE'SEE BERTHA GRflEdfFfl, at Mr. S. Gainers’ Furniture {tine '1 u Francis Street West. .. Firstâ€"It's t h e highest grade Mocha and Java Coffee that grows. a Secondâ€"INC blend them so the I lull strong‘flavor atom: and the rich 4; mellowncss of the other mluglc per- ‘ 1 (cell) _ ' I Thirdoâ€"Our process of roasting f brings out all the delicious qualities -' "i‘ of the coffee bean. - ' are r“ 9 (53 GrainIG >4) ’v'i'iliTE 5W AN 4-H 4 ‘\ N m h his. , . Packed hot from the masters in \‘ sealed parchment and again sealed .1 f' in this so it keeps fresh and strong. Ask for ‘.Vhitc Swan Coffee. Hare recs $L-EICHS senor for the winter’s work. Bring them to my work-shop and, have them overhauled. Thenl there will be no danger of a break-down when you want them to carry a heavy load. If you need new sleighs, see What I have before buying. PLANING done on my new, up-to-date planer and muicher cannot fail to give satisfaction. F. (l. Cililis’iBEliS. (:ancuxs orrcsirn Hmub's1 FET'ELQW FfiLLfi. : The Roblfireig Co..Limiied.Toronio r -' results. The e'ip‘ense'wnl not‘c‘o'm'pare with the increased improvement in the colts. ' It matters not how beautiful a horse I may be, if he is unsound in his feet he’s a poor investment. l If the horses gnaw the stalls, paint E the wood with tar. Paint the rest of ‘ the stable with whitewash. l l Dosing Fowls. Dosing fowls to keep-them healthy is one of the surest ways to make them sick. It induces the very dis- eases and disorders the poultryman fears, suggests American Agriculturist. I Good management obviates the prac- tice of drugging. The most successful poultrymcn do not fuss with or coddlc their towls. ..-.. s - a.1_.__... .4.. HR CHRISTMAS IS COMING AND WE ARE SHOWING A MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF HOLIDAY MERCHANDISE. Sta g's Horn l‘Ioveltics, BROS. - “CROW «oov«§»««~~¢oo so oomoqooo; N9. M» T1111 11011111 A. G. BARKLEY. i or seen CLOTHES, I 1 O 3 $l,:’100 will buy one double and one single l gun“...u«.....................»..m«u»... Illudnmfl. ’5 see the cluesuou eve] ) â€" Christmas is nearly h ere and now is th one is asking himself at pl‘OS-Wmc t0 choose your presents- ycar we have a bigger and better asâ€" sortment than ever. and up-to-date. This Everything new Travelling Cases, Toilet Cases. I‘d-ashes, Manicure Setts, Pucks, Placqlucs, Games, Purses, Perfumes, Cigar Cases; libles. Call and see what weliavc. Railing Bug Shir. FEE-tastes FALLS. A complete stock of Furni- ture of the best' and newest designs always on hand. Prices the lowest. L. BEYld’AN, Furniture and Undertaking. Picture f'aniing a specially. FARM Lancasns Min morass-recs. I have been appointed by the Dominion Government to place Immigrants from the United Kingdom in positions as farm laborers or domestic servantsin this vicinity; Any person requiring such help should notify me by letter, stating fully be kind of help required, when wanted and.wages offered. The number arriving may not be suilicicut to supply all requests, but every cil‘crt will be made to supply each applicant with lid p required. Thee. Robson, Canadian Govt. Employment Agent, Fusuox FALLS, ONT. This is the brightest, busiest, best Christmas store. -Never before have we shown such beautiful diSplays of Holiday Merchandise. When you buy Holiday Goods here you choose from a bigger variety and get best values. The whole store is aglow with bright new goods and the prices are sure to please. Of course the crowds are here and fire still coming so join the merry throng and share the good things which we are ofiering. Choose from this list of Holiday Goods which will help make your Christmas shopping easy HOLIDAY HANDKERCHIEFS AND LINENS, WOMENS’ FANCY NECKWEAR, DRESS GOODS, WAIST: LENGTHS; APT GOODS LADIES" WAISTS, FANCY SLIPPERS FOR. MEN, WOMEN AND.. CHILDREN, FANCY CHINA AND GLASSWARE, MEN’S AND BOYS’ NECKWEAR, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, " SHIRTS, SWEATERS AND UMBRELLAS. ‘ FENELON FALLS. CHEAPEST GENERAL STORE IN THE COUNTY. Here you will find quality quantity and Mini itive prices We Sell Atkins Sewi Just as we sell other tools of the highest grade, because we insist timt'cvcrything in our stock shall be of the best. In attracting the trade of the best we chauics and farmers of this communityâ€"'- men ’who know what the best tools mean in saving labor and moneyâ€"we buy the very best on the market. And Atkins Saws belong in that class. A Saw Scnsc booklet and bangle pin free to anyone “king to Ice Atkins Silver-Steel San-e. ’ Jose-11h Heard, Fenelon Falls. _ Iiiiiltii lilli tiillll is printed every Friday at; the office, A corner May and Francia directs. l SUBSCRIPTION 2 $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE or one cent per week will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. Advertising Rates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line pcrannum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and 2 cents per line for every subsequent inscr- tion. Contracts by the year, half your or less, upon reasonable terms. JOB PRINTING executed neatly, cor- ectly and at moderate prices. E. D. HAND, Proprietor _ .oo vsans- ‘ _ xssmsucs 1 f a i TRADE MARK. ‘ . DESIGNS I ~ 1 Corvmcnrs do. 1 Anyone sending a sketch and descrlEtlon may quickly ascertain our opinion tree w ether an invention is probably patentubio Communion. . tiona strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent. gout. tree. Oldest a ency for securing atents. Patents taken 1. rouih Mann 8:. CI). recelvq tpcctalnome, withoutc urge, inthe ,, t Scimitar assault. Ahandsomely illustrated weekly. Lament cum Eulflétinfiggny gflgntiflc jout’ll:‘.1.l Terms or: a. v.03 'ame rev. 11.1) nervisuealcrr.y 'pu 8 p m (1' 80m " & cmfismmldway, fizz-achlomce. 62:: 11.8% Washingmmprc. . 4 ‘

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