~ -' -‘~’;...n..*-‘mf- stagâ€"“"jnwzssauzawmwv .49“ sm- -- -~ ._.::::r" CANADIAS ORDER OF ODDFELILOWS. Trent Valley Lodge No. 71., ideé‘t it! their lodge room in the. Cunninghahiblocl‘l on thc'lirsl and. third Mondays iii each month. A Fouxrnix, N J T. ’l‘norrsoa‘ J‘u ,- Sc 8. cos RESPONDENCE. ' , -‘ To [It-J Rteve gnJ council of Fetzclon Falls; ‘ tn:wrnmu:x,â€"â€" ’ ' Now that the municipal atmos- .phere is clear of the smoke of battle and the newly elected council is down to business, permit me to ask your hon- . ‘ orable body it' it is your intention . to. ' ever take steps to compelthe directors ‘ '- of the late ,Sundford Vioodenware facâ€" ; tory to give an account of their stewart- '- ship. ' That institution was operated for » about two and one half years ; every few ’ weeks a. squib would appear in the local . papers "‘ What about the Sandford ' factory," and only a few days before a «kind providence stepped in and made stile insurance meney available, a dire threat over the signature of the man- 1 ager appeared warning any person, : against saying anything against it. Then ‘- the directors, without ever calling a . meeting of the stockholders, but on their ~own accmmt, made an aSsignment, and inll the available assets were handed over to one. creditor, to the exclusion of all the others. So far the directors have not published a single statement of the atl‘airs of the company, but they and their friends go around whining ( vcr their individual losses. One year ago Last May a memorial = signed by seventy-Six property owners, and amongst the seventy-six is the name i of R. M. Mason, the 1)! esent Reeve, was presented to the council asking them to . invoke a legal tribunal to have the affairs fot“ the Company imosrigaled. The then .Reovc coolly advised its committal to ' the waste basket. it was easy to under- ‘ stand why he should try to block an in- ‘vestigataon. When the promoters of the l scheme tirst approached him as the head - of the municipality and he had suggest- --.ed the villagejgral‘iting the $15000 on ‘dili‘erent terms than taking stock, they had told him to go to h-ll,and he might ï¬nd a ditliculty in tinding a valid reason for not warning his people against hav- ing ny dealings with any such charac- -t rs and not breaking off all negotiaâ€" it‘ous with tlu in himself, were he placed r in the sweat box. B it the present Reeve has no such irecmd to raise a wall between him and his duty. A little over 5m en months after after sig..ing that me norial he to scam-.3 th- head of the council, and in him “as ve ted tl.e chltf responsibility tor the administration ti affairs public. But instead of promptly taking steps to ï¬nd out the Lets as he had asked his ipredt-eessor to do, he h..s quietly pocket- Iel the insult hurl-rd at himself and the «t-‘ier seventy-five signers and did no- 'othing. ' ' I llafore cntering upon the dut’es’o'f use every memb r of a council has to t kc a (lk'Clil ration which in law is equal it 11-: oath. ] would ask every member ~oi' the Council, have. you redeemed your p etlge?-‘-- But there is some new blood in. the c- uueil of 1908. A gentleman has ' ,just be‘ H re elected who was a member of the Hillth 1 when that by-law was pas- tSJil. I 9 took a very prominent part in induci.-g he people. to cast their votes in hum of it. He knew just as much :a--.d not a bit more, about the manufact- iuring of chairs as the average ten-year- -old school boy knows about watch-mak- .illg‘, yet he had everything down pat on jpaper to a fraction of a cent. Every- ‘thlng showed a good proï¬t, and the peo- ple believe him. It is now. incumbent on 'h-impahoyo all others, to. compel those u iuectors to say what they did with that n oney! - " . I , The situation is a serious one. What 2:1‘9 the facts ? Five years ago we‘had '1 o d bt, now, to quote the Reeve at the- :n. miuation, the net debt of the village I o L.No 996. MEET Iarhnomtktiit :0 l. hall on ll‘ranris street west on the second Tuesday in ivory month. 41 3 ll. Svnoxo, W. M. C). H. Niftsoa, nee-See. NDEI’ENDEI’T OllDERof‘ FORESTERS» Court l’hoeu‘x No. 182; Meet on the last Monday of each month. '1? Gotta, C. R. T. AUSTIN, Sec. :ANADIAN ORDER or ronnsrnns ’ ‘ Penelon Falls Lodge No (526 Meets 1n the Oddl‘ellows" hall, Colborue sli’t-e‘t on the last Thursday in each month. C KthY,C. R. H LETTLE‘J‘ON, Rec Sec l““ km . ‘1 l .n. (“0‘ \ v ' a h to one of the most successful sales We have ever held. Hundreds have proï¬ted by this great January Stock-reduction Sale,- and can testify to the splendid savings which it has meant to them, and there is still time and opportunity, so do not fail to grasp it while it. is yours. Thelast two days will be hammers. It ‘wil be to your advantage to come as early in the day as possible, as it will give us an opportunity to better serve the great crowds that will‘want toattendthe last two days of ’this great sacriï¬ce sale. FMPiRE LOYAL TRUE BLUE LODGE: ,J No. 198. Meets ï¬rst Friday of each month in Orange hall. Visiting brethren always welcome. W. B. BRANDON, W. M; V. Cmusrns, R. S. ___~_.~._ ,\ E. AND A. ill, G. R. C. THE SPRY C . Lodge No 406. Meets on the first Wednesday in each month on or before the full ofthe moon, in the lodge room in .\lc~ Arthur’s block. W A. BISHOP, W M. F. W, Warns, Sec. ...... all (tAK‘ADlAN ORDER CHOSEN FRIENDS _j Echelon Falls Council No, 189).. Meets 1U Orange hall on second Monday 0! each month. Jonx Annors, C. U. R. J. Moons, Recorder. RDER CANADIAN IlOME CIRCLES Fenelon Falls Circle' No m. and; on the ï¬rst Wednesday or each month. ' aillns. M. M. Grow, Leader. Mas. I V. JEWl-Lbh, Sec. CHEAPEST GENERAL STORE IN THE COUNTY. CHURCHES. APTIST CllURCHâ€"(‘OLBORNE ST. .Rev. Albert t'ook, Minister. Preaching set-noes every Sunday at 10 30 a. m. and m. Bibi; Glass and Sunday School at ... p. m. raise and mi '01- *"' I" Thursday at 8 p m. l ) sunce OJ 4% so; ewuu owooouowoomoou oooom run noun or an Crowns, A. a. BARKLEY. E M0699 MOOMWW m 2 93,99†0000 v! - “Como HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. g $1,500 will buy one double and one single house on Francis street. - 700 will buy a lO-room house, with good ctllar well, woodshed, stable, drive house and h' n house, on Murry street. _ $3"‘0 will buy 5-room house and wood- shed on Murry street. Apply to 'l‘llOS. GRAHAM, Fenelon Falls, or to McLAUGl-ILIN k PEEL, Lindsay. N ETHODIST CHURCHâ€"-COLBORNE Streetâ€"Rev W. J M. Cragg, Pastor. Sunday servnce at 10.30 a m and 7 p. m Sabbath School at 2. 30 p. m. Epwortli League of Ogrislian Endeavor on Tuesday evenin at o’cl . ': ‘ ' 9‘ Tucsangy at 7.30. ock P1 lye: meeting on lT. ANDREW’S CHURCH-â€"COLBORNE . Streetâ€"Rev. C. S. Lord. Pastor. Ser- vices every Sunday at 10 30 a m. and 7 p 111. Sunday School every Sunday at 2. 30 p. 111. Christian Endeavor meeting every Tuesday at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday at 7 3') p m. Use You no Right What wOuld you think of an engineer who ran his engine two or three years, night and day, without cleaning or oil- ing?_ ., V ‘ What would you give him ALVATION ARMYâ€"BARRACKS ION Bond St. Westâ€"Lieutenants Ruther- ford and Boymon. Service every Wednes- day, Thursday and Saturday evenings at 8 o’clock, and on Sunda at 11 a p m and 7.30 p m. y .m" 3 ‘l‘ï¬yfllimflm g “ fl Christmas is nearly héï¬ï¬diand how is th‘ ' , and time to choose Kyoii I‘ fï¬presents. year we have a :biggle. 3ii'gfid better as- sortment;~tl1an‘=ey'er,; I V and upâ€"to-date. «‘= I Travelling cases, - Stag’s I-Iorn Noveltiesrv Toilet Cases. - T. ALOYSIUS R. C CHURCHâ€"LOUISA ‘ Streetâ€"Rev. Father O’Leary, Lastor. Servmes every alternate Sunday at 10 30 am. Sunday School ever S d . noon at, 2 uvclock .Y U11 11) after We Sell Atkins Saw; Just as we sell other tools of the highest grade, because we insist that everything in our stock shall be of the best. Everything 'new .is $75000. What is there to show for it? . , _ , - . ‘ _ , .And the ailiirs of the village are in such for 1115 machlne after a, few Brushes; 31111119111? Sttlfn In attractin the trade of the best me. :a mixed shape that it cost $74, nearly as ears of such use , Books, Placqucs, GameS, ohmic and fagrmm of this community ST JAMES, CHURCH BOND ST mks? much as all the rest of the count ‘ ut c - Purses Perfumes Cio‘ar Cases 5 fl v ’ - - - y p y ’ " a ’ men who know what the best tools mean Rcv' “" H' A' French Rt 0101", Sun- day services: mntius 10 30 a. m ; evensong ‘{p. m: Celebration of Holy Communion hrst Sunday of every month at 10.30 a. in Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. Bible Class: every Thursday evening at. 7.30. Biblesr Call and see what we have. Robson‘s Drug Store. FENELON FALLS. 'to-go ther to; audit the accounts last ,year, and it took six months to get out the report. . That company got $150C0 from the vil- ilnge and 320000 from other stockholders. ‘\\‘hen they assigned the liabilities were -$10000(lâ€"â€"â€"in all $135000 they had handl- ‘ed. Besides there wah the output of the tfactory fir two years and a half. And mow they refuse to give a statement, or - 'to quote their own words : “ The money :is spent, and what the better would you the if you did know.†' Yours; 1 Janus Drcxsou. LFeueh n Falls, January 10th. 1907. , P. S. ~â€"\l'-r. Editor: I wish to request that neither you nor your contemporary publish a reply to the above letter ex- cept over the name of the writer of such ‘ re pl y. And yet you subject your watchâ€"a far more delicate piece ofmachinery, to just this treatment. '\ '- . Z ' . . Don’t you think it would pay you to have it cleaned and oiled up once a year. JOHN SLATER, ISSUER or MARRIAGE’LICENSES ‘ NEXT DOOR TO POST-OFFICE. FENELON FALLS. in saving labor and moneyâ€"we buy the very best on the market. And ‘Atkins Saws belong in that class. A Saw Sense booklet and bang]: pin tree to Inyonl asking to Ice Atkins Silver-Steel Sewn. Joseph lie-era, Fen'elon Falls. " -' l"ttilt a at in BE. SUBSCRIPTION 2‘ $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADV was or one cent. per week will be added, JOST-OFFICEâ€"F. J. KERR, POSTM‘AS- as long as it remains unpaid. tor. Open daily, Sundays excepted, . from 7 30 a m to 7 p. in. Mail goingsouth closes at 7 p. m. Letters for registration must be posted halfan hour previous to the time for closing the mails. _ Seats free in all chm-cites. Everybody mailed to attend. Strangers cordially welcomed. DIISCELLANEOUS. UBIJC LlBRARY--.\IRS M. E. CALDER Librarian. Reading Room open daily, Sunday excepted, from 10 o’clock a m till l0 o’clock p. in Books exchanged on Tues- days, Thursdays and Saturdays from 2 p. m. to 4 p, and in the evening from 7 to 9. A ceinplete stock of Furni- ture of the best and. newest designs always on hand. Prices the. lowest. __..__..‘._.__._â€"_â€"â€"-....4_ cashier ladle}. Mr. Wm. Pringle, Principal of the ZP‘terboro Business College, died on Saturday. Jan. 4th. A Cavendish man was fined $50 and roost for pointing a. gun at his daughter and three other people. . . The total number of deer carcases ‘t'ansnorted by the Express C uupauies last year was 3886, as compared with 3-3310 in 1906. a _ The Annual meeting of the Dist-riot Orange ln (lge of Fenelon met here on Tuesda". when the el’ ct'on 'of otï¬cers Advertising Rates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line per annum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the ï¬rst insertion, and 2 cents per line for every subsequent inser- tion. Contracts by the year, half year or less, upon reasonable terms. Have voua _ SLEIGHS READY for the winter’s work. Bring them to my work-shop, and have them overhauled. Then ..-â€"â€"- L. DEYMAN, . Furniture and Undertaking. Picture framing a specialty. NEWSPAPER LAW. 1. A post-master is required to give no- tice by letter (returning the paper does not answer the law), when a subscriber does not take his paper out of the otlice, and state the reasons for its not being taken. Any neglect to do so makes the postnitlhter responsible to the publisher for payment. .JOB‘PRINTING executed neatly, cor- ectly and at moderate prices. E. D. HAND, Proprietor and (ti e: hiriness was transacted. there Wm be no danger of a _ . v . .. . - .mw .Hore an . . . ._ . s 2 Iran orson rde ~1: . ' . euiiilnlirgéldi Lindsay. break-down when )0“ V' ant .( l ‘ 31.4% gfpgï¬ï¬Ã©ggï¬ â€œï¬lled 1'“ mill“ 1’“; “llgï¬al‘l‘l’xgeesr: ï¬scal" 11ml “Burn, hmken in three places as :1 them to carry a heavy load. FARM LABOHERS » , am V V publisher may continue to send it until I payment is mods. and collect the whole result of havingit caught in a belt and drawn around a. wheel. )oboconk had a narrow escape from a serious eonflagration on Friday morning la. t. when a ï¬re broke out at Mr. Geo. Richmond's General store. Only by the most determined efforts on the part of the citizens, ably assisted by the tram crew, was the tire got under control. Three new sehoolhouscs were opene o the (1th of January in North Verulam. O of them. No. 13. is on the road from .F uelon F lls to Boheaygeon ; another. N l. El, about. two miles south of the said r ad, and about three miles from Stur- : AND DOMESTIGS. amount whether the paper is taken from the otlice or not. There can be no legal discontinuance until the payment is made. 3. Any person who takes a paper from the post ofï¬ce, whether directed to his name or another, or whether he has sub~ scribed or not, is PUSPOHSlble for the pay. 4. If a subscriber ouiers his paper to be stopped at a certain time and the publisher continues to send it, the subscriber is bound to pay (or if he takes it from the post-office. This proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay for what he uses 5 The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers and periodicals from w writes-"‘“m†""p‘“ 8°“ “’1 cantata saw I '1 I v VI &cn.8flanm' ‘ of intentional fraud. 9939 mm. . 1| meow. 62» I saw» If you need new sleighs, see l have been appointed by the Dominion what’l have before buying. (-lovernment to place Immigrants from the United Kingdom in positions as P L A N I N G ' ' farm laborers or domestic servants in done on my new, up-to-date this vicinity. Any person requiring - suehhel) should notifym, by letter 1 Planer and mat'Cher cannOt fall stating l‘lully the kind of he p required: to give satisfaction when wanted and wages otl’ered. The goon Point; another. No. 12, about three number arriving may not be sutlieient to F G. CHAMBERS. miles north of the said road and near ' supply all requests, but every effort will .b‘airbairn. 'l‘wu it tan in are sire-d." T COLBORNE ST. OPPOSITE HEARD'S bemade to supply each applicant with help required. bri "a rd : nd the other will be tricked . ~ V head; summersâ€"Post. l me. FALL’I :- 1" . x -. t . ‘ I . r‘ 1 , I l . *4“ ‘- -. . , ‘ . ' TRADE MARKS , DESIGNS i COPYRIGHTS &6. Anyone sendtpg a sketch and desert tlon may Quickly ascertain our opinion free w other an Invention in probably atentnblo. Communica- tions abrlctl confluent. a]. HANDBOOK on Pntentl sent. free. Ides: n ency for securing patents. Patents taken t. ironuh Mann a; 00. row" mgtaéiouco, wilgput charge. mthoi - handsomely illustrated week . largest ctr-i ï¬lm 02 any sclontiflc journlhl. Terms 10! , _ Thus. Robson, ‘ ' Canadian Govt. Employment Agent, -3 Farms FALLS,‘0NT. ii " ' ' _ w mamas-as. “:3 , .1, _..___... ...-w........-'.srn‘.uzv:u , :73: NJ.» . >4 ‘fl.’ -=='xt'rzawmmswwrrm; 3...": .. I". v w)" a†- v /m""“"“‘=.":p2 .u f‘. u~glulem75M 3, a. . ... I 32‘:rnzs~r-.-uwâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€".En 7529:; 2:11-11, , U ,.. . ..W‘Jdï¬erNWWJW'Faa1Qw;’¢zjzfiafvr’wr,fw,q‘1;{fl .12..) u 3:: "’4‘ a“ 3"" “5m «mum-hams»: 2-12.}: 2; :0» 'WVM’7viwh-y ’-.