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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 20 Mar 1908, p. 7

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“4.1,...2 #‘wflflq IS BLOODY sronr. i w... ftlany Men and Animals Die in Bull Fights. A new circus is being built in Ma- ;drid [or bull fights which will seat lever 17,000 persons. In 1907, 2,280 bulls and 2,720 horses were killed in the Esport. Of human lives sewn were lost, tin-eluding that of Toreador Monies, ,w-ho died in the arena last January, iand whose death was considered a na- ltio'nal loss. Then. there was the death of the “Bandillcro” Mclito, who, happening to be present at a bull fight and not be- ing satisfied with the way the perform- anct was being conducted. jumped into the arena. The enraged bull soon put him to death. ; During the past year 82 persons were severely wounded, most of them mata- dorcs. ___._%._.__._. FUEL FOR THE FUTURE. in the opinion of Prof. V. B. Lewes, When the existing supplies of fuel be- come limited, men must rely upon at- ‘cohol produced from vegetation. of some sort, which may be produced in any required quantity. Professor Lewes :thinks that the alcohol will be manu- facture-d either from potato starch or isawdust, :but a. writer in Nature sug- gests that when the question becomes lurgent, some highly specialized plant :wili have been brought, into existence ltor the sole purpose of absorbing the miaximum amount of carbon dioxid drain the air, and he thinks that‘the .wonderful improvements which hybrid- ization has already effected save this l‘dea from being regarded as too fanci- ul. .. .33....” Palm nosma‘ALs FAILED. James Heard, of Morton Park, Ont., says: “While employed at the Specialty Works of Newmarket 6 or 7 years ago, I bruised. my ankle, but through neg- lect this bruise turned to an ulcerated pr burning sore which caused me a great deal of suffering. I tried a great number of doctors, and was in the ho~‘.~ pital four times. I tried almost every- thing, but nothing did me any good. 1 could not sleep at night with the scald- ,ing and. burning pain. but from the ,first application of Zambuk I never lost any sleep, and “felt. nothing more of it gtlian if I hadn’t had any sore at all. It started. healing and: gave me no further ltrcuble. l persevered with it and my ian‘kle is now as sound and well as ever lit was. I cannot speak too highly of lZam-Buk.” Zam-Buk cures cuts, bums. chapped ihands, chafings, cold. sores, itch, chi!- ;‘i.-lains, eczema, running sores, sore lthroat, bad chest, ringworm, piles “(blind or bleeding), bad legs, inflamed jipatches, rheumatism, neuralgia, sciati- fca, abscesses and all diseased, injured “and irritated conditions of the skin. Ob- liainable of all druggists and stores, "SOC. or post-paid upon receipt of price from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. V )‘4 THE VAGARIES 0F DREAMLAND. (By, A. Banker.) “Balmy sleep, kind natures sweet. rc- istorer,” is indeed one of her greatest [income to mankind; to the tired worker, whether the labor be manual, or whe- ther it be the far more. fatiguing toil. of brain-work, or to those harassâ€"1d by ,anxiety or apprehension; or to there lhuple-ss and pitiable individuals who‘ lhave nothing to doâ€"â€"â€"no pursuits, except tperh-aps that most. insipid occupation of linovel reading, no hobby, whether in ‘ia-rts, or C‘tlfl, in nature, or philan- [thnopy, in literature: «or politics, and Lwhioso whole life is a vapld, listless ex- !istenccâ€"to all these the tranquil repose ,cf sleep is an incalculable and mea- usureless boon. But although the body is at rest, the mind is sometimes running riot; in a moment of time on incident, full of de- limit and crowded with adventure, flash- ’ing through it. (It has, too, from time to tune, been] rccor..led by those who have recovered frcm apparan death by drowning that. at the moment when the heart practically ceas>s to beat the whole life-history from beginning to end, with every incident in detail, flashâ€" es through the. brain in a most start- ling manner). And how fertile is the than during sleep in creating imagin- ary occurrences; some full of rhapsody and enchantment; some grim and hor- a‘or-stricken; and some an irri‘at‘ng eerie; of vexations. A-s-porls-niun mis- ‘scs everything, or the trigger of his gun becomes jammed at every attempted ,‘shot; the bank cashier cannot count IthEs gold; the mountaineer hopelessly ,stumblcs at every step upon the ice, Everything, in fact, persistently goes, .wmng. ‘ Or on :the other hand. the. dreamer 's revelling in scenes of roiasy and loveli- ncss. The constellations, for istanoc, rt the midnight, skies are transformed into the figures shown on celestial -- - f-\\';' 1‘. ,‘:.§"-.‘.‘.-;--.'¢:C_a.:_m . . , nA' -, M HEALING POWER OF PINE. If you have ever taken a walk through a pine forest, you will remenr her how, almost unconS-ciouusly, the head was thrown back and lungs ex- panded as you drew in, with long deep breaths, the pine-laden air. low inn vigorating it wasâ€"how healing! Thousands of men and women suffer- ing from lung and bronchial affections, but whose ci‘cumstances prevent them from seeking renewed health in the nine forec‘ts-, can be relieved and cured in their own home by using Virgin Oil of Pine (pure). This preparation con- tains all the health-giving pmpct’t‘los of the. forest. trees, and will break up a cold in 24 hours.and cure any cough that is curable. It is also a perfect neutralizing agent. for uric acid, and affords speedy relief in cases of rheumatism, lamehback, or other affec- tions resulting from dis-ordered kidneys. Virgin Oil of'Pine is put. up in %-02. vials only for druggists to dispense, each vial enclosed in a round wooden case to prevent breakage and exposure tc light. This case is sealed with an engraved wrapper showing the name-â€" Virgin Oil of Pine (pure). ‘ Prepared only by Leach Chemical Co., Windsor, Dnt.â€"zplainly printed thereon. It is Well to get the genuine. Should your du‘ugglst be unable to supply you, you can have a 3g-oz. vial mailed. to you by sending 50 cents to the Leach Cheâ€" mical Co., Windsor, Ont. globes. H~sre is Andromeda flashing in starry lteauty, chained to a rock, while brilliant. erseus, grasping gorgons head which drips with crimson stars, attacks the sea-monste ‘ and rescues the beautiful maiden from his vengeance. Here magnificent Orion, scintillant in splendor, furiously pursuing winged Pegasus. wh-il-e groves and gleus of tcintillant lustre, mans'ons g-emmcd in sparkling prec'ous stones, and numer- ous splendent beings of dazzling beauty traversing those streets of gold, all add to the glzstening radiancy of the won- »:lrous scene. And then in a moment, a‘l is va‘ntshcd into the blackness and dart-:nes's-i‘of night. But if a fanciful dream be a vision cf such glitiering splendor how trans- cendenllysublimeand majestic must be the beautific vision of those sup-emal, realms of glory which are the inheri- tance of those wh-ese names are inscrib- ed in the roll on high, and against whom the Aceusor can bring no charge. For although those triumphantly vic- torious ones were but. shining mortals yet having conformed their Lives to the D'vine Laws, and accepted as their Saviour the Son of God, who received m His own Person the punishment due to them. their transgressions cannot be punished a second time, and eternal justice is satisfied. _-â€"â€",Bâ€"â€"â€" A GOOD TIME TO BUY CLYD-ESDALES Those who know farmers. who are paying for their farms and making money usually appreciate that to raise a few foals each year is a sure money maker. Clydesdale horses are recog- nized to be the best heavy draft herd of horses for Ontario and everyup-to- date farmer should try this year, when prices are low, to procure a brood more at the current prices. Quality and pedi- gree should always be considered when purchasing to breed from, so only high- elass mares should be procured. A number of chances in the way of auction sales have gone by, but there. is an important sale to be held at Beaverton, March .1201, where many brood mares are to be sold, heavy in foal. This is an opportunity to be taken advantage of. These mares are owned by Messrs. Donald Guam 5; Son, the pro- prietors. of the famous Dunrobin Stock Farm. The reputation of these men is sufficient to guarantee a good sale. and good animals. Farmers considering their ownintercsls would do we}? to remember the date. The Colonelâ€"“Do you believe in u. 9" ‘ I l - - gflill'lls. Little. Jonesâ€"“No, I married I Like a bad hublt a. skin disease grows. Scroll- lous humans eczema. and all eruptions may be cured With Weaver's Comte, assisted internally by Weaver‘s Syrup. All Druggists. ANYTHING AT A PINCII. The goat peered into the yard. Monday, and he was hungry. “I’m starving,” quoth be, “but I must do it.” “Do what?" inquired a stray horse. “Take in washing,” responded the goal, as he broke through the fence. It was Hard and soft corns cannot withstand Ilolloway’s Corn Cure; it is effectual every time. Get a bottle at once and be happy. TIIIRSTY FRENCH. The French appear to be the thirsti- rst nation on the globe. They man- aged to drink in 1900, besides nearly 1000000000, pints of beer, 900,000,000 of Older. The strangest part about this figure is that the average annual crop of apples produces only about 200,000,000 gallons of drink. The rid- dle is to find what the. remaining 700,- 000,000 gallous were made from. Last year the only articles of drink on which there was a falling offâ€"but that a. remarkable oneâ€"were. spirits of all kinds. In particular, the consumption of absinthe in two years dropped from 3.900.000 gallons to 3,700,009â€"0. figure which is still formidable enough. Uniform of Naval Officer Brought Wealth uniform of a warrant officer of the navy A CLEVER S\VINDLEII. to an Impostor. A clever rascal masquerading in the has been arrested at Greiz,‘ in central Germany. . For the last month this individual, whose exploits in some respects res scmble those of the famous Captain of Koepenick, has been visiting towns and villages in the neighborhood of Greiz in a naval uniform, decorated with the China medal. lIe speedily became known at most of the inns and Lecrhouses, where he was welcomed by the people frequenting these places, probably for the. sake of the uniform he wore, probably also because of his extraordinary oratorical equipment. He hat-rangqu his company about the hardships of warrant officers and their trouble in drilling recruits, especially those recruits who had the misfortune to 1be educated in universities. In one. way and another, and. on vari- ous pretences, he collected considerable sums of money from persons in sym- pathy with him. Encouraged by his success he took to lecturing on his ex- periences in China, rivaling the famous [5e Rougemont in tales of hatrbreadth escapes. On the Kaiser’s birthday he addressed a large and fashionable au- dlchC on this theme with extraordinary success financially. But. Nemesis was at his heels. He was detected in various inconsistencies of statement and arrested. It trans- pires that tho man-has never seen a warship in his life, and was never in China. He had been a. soldier, but had been drummed out of the army for per- sistent. misconduct, and when las-t'em- ploycd he was a servant. _______.*â€".._â€"â€"â€"â€" MOUNT CLEMENS, MICHIGAN. Mount Clemens is famous throughout America. as an all-thc-year-round health re- sort, and thousands of eople bear testi- mony to the benefits derived from its min- eral waters in cases of rheumatism and kindred diseases. 'For bllious and liver troubles, digestive troubles, nervous dis- orders, general debility, etc., the efficacy of its waters is wonderful. Seventy-five per cent of rheumatics are cured and ninety per cent. benefitted. Write J. D. McDonald. Dis- trict. Passenger Agent, Grand Trunk Rail- way System, Toronto, for handsome de- scriptive booklet telling you all about it. This ONLY KIND. after all, “What, are the fruits of politics?” “if one is to speak from observation, I should say there are only two varie- ticsâ€"lemons and plums.” Biekl-c's Antl-Consumplive Syrup is an unparalleled remedy for colds, coughs. influenza and diseases of the throat, and lungs. The fame of the medicine rests upon years of successful use in eradi- cating these affections,and in protect- ing mankind from the fatal ravages of consumption, and as a neglected cold leads to consumption, one cannot be too careful. to light it in its early stag-es. Bickle‘s Syrup is the weapon, use it. Mrs. Grayâ€"“What did she say when you told her I’ first met my husband in a big store?" Mrs. Whiteâ€"‘She rc- marked it was Wonderful what a lot (1‘ cheap articles were to be picked up in some of those places.” TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY ' Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qulnine Tablets. 13mg lists rsfund money if it fails to euro. 15}. W. GEO E'S signature is on each box. 250. Too many girls regard marriage in the light of a lark instead of a leap in the dark. “A Gravc.yard Cou h" is the cry of tortured lungs for mercy. Give t iem Allen’s Lung Balsam- which is used with good effect even in consump. tiou’s early stages. V Keep both eyes on an enemy who is anxious to do you a favor. A Recognized Il-cgulator.â€"To bring the digestive organs into symmetrical working is the aim of physicians when they find a patient suffering from sto- machic. irregularities, and for this pur- pose. they can prescribe nothing better than Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills, which will be found a pleasant. medicine of surprising virtue in bringing the refrac- tory organs into subjection and restor- ing them to normal action, in which condition only they perform their du- ties properly. thn women ask favors they say “please.” After obtaining them they say what they please. ITCII, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form Of contagious ll-ch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ferd’s Sanitary Lotion. lt never fails. Sold by all druggists. “And then,” exclaimed Miss Passay indignantly, “she asked me if I wouldn't marry the first man that came along!" “The. idea !” exclaimed Miss Gatling. “Don't these obviously unnecessary questions make you tired l" What should be Forgotten ? Everything thai mars. What; should not be forgotten? “ The D d’. L" Menthol Plasters ; a. postive cure fer muscu- lar rheumatism and neuralgia. woman is inclined to Th 6 average when speaking exaggerate â€"- except about her age. A Benefactor to AILâ€"The soldier, the sailor, the fisherman, the minor, the farmer, the mechanic, and all who live lives of toil and spend their existence in the dull routine of tedious tasks and who are exposed to injuries and ail ments that those who toil not do not know, will find in Dr. Thomas‘ Eclec- trie Oil an excellent friend and bene- factor in every time of need. The logue. \ oship 28th year. Seed Potatoes : Central tire Supplyin splendid value in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Roses- Grapevmes, ‘ew Herbert Raspberry, Rykman Strawberry Plants in varieties- All well rown. True. dependable stock. Send for our Free Priced cats: direct to our customers, King, Gold Coin, and others. SON, ST. GATHERI $15.8. MENTION THIS PAPER. Nurseries with satisfactory results. Try us- Climax, Eureka, Eldorado, Peck's Early, Early This ad. will not appear again. 0N TAR“): I - so LI O, ._ Bl- FOCA erto for Kryptok Booklet Explnllng theL ennao To introiuco 0m" ., ., goods and that we may send you our catalog, _ contains hundreds of barg_mns in every line of geodl. We will send ' you this handsome solid Gold Elana. Ring, with raised scrolls on sides, suitable for on. women or uhildrm ; are all the rage at. the p; eaen: Hand time. Postpaid with our catalug for 12 cents. engraved initials. 5 cen s can: extra. 1 “BOURBON Co., ep: u-z. Bridgeportfioug. mm w M. .“an .. .a Strengthens! , Eeveiops! Envigorates! . "you suffer from wank- . new. shattered nerves, lost vitalit , waning power. im- - pair: memory. mental nnxlct , mclnncholy, weak back or premature old age, an- He will make on strong and vigorous. Val-Vito will hull u a System that has run down, no matter how long nfllictuPor whatthc cause; bringing both had and mind back to thclrnarmal condition. . vz'tl-Vfto drift/0}: "tr-mm: fart: mid virility: brrflxtmx (1:: wax. rush; the step elum‘: and flu :fmg buayaut. ' Valâ€"Vito contains no harmful drugs; It is a NE!“ 1! FOOD flu! fim‘ln’a u}, .rlrmglhmx and restart: V1 FALITY Mitt-[wand n-mmmxlly. r ' g The prlcczf this man'slouzrcmcdy ls $5 a box (50 Pills), hutln order to demonstrate its nicrils orders received prior to A prilx, will be filled for 5x : 5cm Ecstpaid ln plnlnwrappcr. Money back if not. satisf‘nctory. oncspondcncc solicited- ‘B‘I‘ ILL-INC} SPECIALTIES 00., Dep't’. w E 45-51 Rose Bu, New York City. ' WW TIlE DIFFERENCE. “That. fellow drinks like a beast." “Is he so bad as all that?" “Erâ€"l wouldn’t say that. You know, beasts only drink as much as they need, and then only water.” ....__ PlLES CURED IN 6 TO M DAYS. CPAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protuding 21195 in 0 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. I'l‘ DEPENDS. Sheâ€"“What do you think of health foods?” lieâ€"“They’re all right when you're eating for pleasure; but when you're downright hungry it’s steakand onions for minel" ""' Suffer No Moreâ€"There are thousands who live miserable lives because dys- pepsia dulls the faculties and shadows existence with the cloud of depression. One way to dispel the vapors that. be- sot the victims of this disorder is to or- der them a'cours-e of Parmclec's Vege- table Pills, which are among the best vegetable pills known. being easy' to take and are most efficacious in their action. A trial of them will prove this. DOUBl..l3-DlSTlLl.ED PATIIOS. “Don’t. you feel well?" asked a friend. “Not very," answered Mr. Cumrox. “Why don't. you go home?” “I can't. Mother and the girls are giving a tea and I‘m not invited.” More Iron Needed in the blood of pale, run down people. “Ferrovlm,” the best tonic. will put it there. At all general stores and Druggists. Every dog has his woman has her way. ._._.- v. day and every One trial of Mother Graves Worm Exterminator will convince you that it has no equal as a worm medicine. Buy .-a bottle and see if it does not please ’you. a. CLOTHES MADE THE MAN. This Band Of Burglars Had a Clever Scheme. The Budapest (Austria) police have arrested. a band of elegantlywlresscd burglars, including the leader, a man named Ochredi, who have committed many robberies in private houses dur- ing the last few months. Ochrcdi's idea is that if one is well dressed one is never suspected. I-Ie clothed" his band in dress suits, fur coats and opera hats. They drove _about the city in the evening in dash- ing twoâ€"horsed carriages, and attack- ed flats lhe occupants of which were ' thought to be out at. parties or the theatre. When they found the people at home they apologized courteously, saying they had been invited out to dinner, but had mistaken the house. . ____â€"V~_ If you would be fricndlcss, be frank. Announcement is made of the opening of an the leading optical house of New York, and his position of recent years as manager of Ryrio Brothers’ 0 tical Department, Toronto, are sug- gestive of t; e kind of service to be had at his present quarters. designs. are of the very best; uality. ‘ the distinction of be rig the first Optician in ada to successfully grind the celebrated ‘Kryptok' and exclusive rights to manufacture these lenses for the Dominion of Canada. with confidence. The pleasure of serving you is most respectfully solicited. a. a. van a 131 Yonge Street, Toronto l Optical and Kodaklflstablishment at 131 -Y0nga Street, Toronto, by Mr. Joseph C. Williams, Prescription Optlcmn. Mr. Williams' years of select experience with Numerous style: of glass as offered are exclusive All lenses and mountings made by lum Mr. Williams on oys an- nvislble Bifocal Lenses and has acquired patents You may trust the care of your glasses hero ,__.___â€"â€"-â€"v E on OPTICIAN,- 5723808006”. ' Om‘. Canada. 'Srubtaa'tmmaus. | l An Important JVew Baal: by a Canadian Novelist ,' _ Tue RGAB Ta DAMASGUS By II. A. Mitchell Keays, author-pf “Ho That Eatoth Bread With Me." A beautiful ortrayal of the marital relation, with a. power 111 tread;- m'ent of co-education. Pronounced by critics “EBXLY ONE 01" Tim SEASON‘S DES-T NOVELS.” At; allbookstores, $1.50, or sent postpaid on receipt. of price, by the publishers, Small, Maynard 6:. Co., 1 Beacon St., Boston, Mass, ._......._____. | WA illâ€"E D J to hear from ownemhaving for sale. Not particular about. location- Please give price and description, and rea- .3. son for selling. State when possession can 7f be had. Will deal with owners only. ’ 4 .fr gym L. Darbyshire, Box 934, Rochester, N. Y, j: I GO South ? ; Try a Visit to the Famous Springs ’ “it t lilies till” CANADA'S HEALTH RESORT In the Niagara Peninsula- Nervousneu and Rheumatism a Specialty. The treatment of APPLY TH: WELLAND, 81‘. CLTEARINES WW In 1850 the fastest vessel afloat was the Asia, of 1,500 horse-power, aml 1.1 ‘knots In 1856 the Persia, of ‘i3 knots; and in 1883 the Alaska, of 18 knots. “WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE. From October to May. Colds are the mast fre- uem; cause of Headache. UININE removes cause. E. W. Grove on box 250 ANNUITY FOR A DOG. Mr. Arthur 'l‘nyfor Newbold. of the Springs, Bury, England, who has left. an estate of Cl-o~e on £10,000. pi-Ovides by his will an annuity of £20 for the Ltnelit of his greyhound Wildfire ll., “whom the lrusiensare d‘reL-l.-..l not to part with either by sale, gift or de- slructlon. or otherwise, but shall per- sonally see that he is well kept, housed, fed and. cared for unt'.l he shall die a natural death." TNU LAXA'I‘IVE .Bnomol )‘-'§f9"‘\swj*s3’kz-‘N¢\_‘ Kr .-‘.~‘~ A, A... I -' - 1r "."1’.' _;\ ’.-;‘nr%~.‘jau “3‘5 ,-. w,w.l ., I. .p an, . 51$; Q, A~§V¢,V. . . r t. l .5215“ 'fiAan, - « F is .- . ., , , . eve cm. .539 a“ v .I l t ., \_. .. ug- nvk‘v'. “.,"x-"-.’ ‘\,"~.' '1: \ RE i, 9- V» ~.n _ ~\,-‘\.¢ . . ~ .VA

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