Esauâ€".5; A. ‘ ...-“.g. M ’ ‘s" ' ‘79.}1‘3!†‘ l .2 “2‘: | ‘fi sierra-.7 â€".â€".â€" 2: L}. L-i'v‘.‘ '-‘ v1... - . .. was .m f ~ ~ ' Zia..iaurimaoaiziamnomom ' r: flunfleuflhsfli. idlinufluaiï¬htmflir. Jnifliiiï¬ -«eeesoeuoemewswememswsmese ' » "d at any time. its. 2% i i l i E The Echelon Falls Gazette. slit; -- : Fflday, April 17th, 1908. Mr. Thomas Stewart for West Victoria. ' GiOCtl‘itS, Ready Made Clothing, Boots i and 811083, Crockery, Ginswaie,.~etc. E E» At the Convention of the Liberals of , \Vest Victoria, held at Lindsay on Sat- urday last, Mr. Thomas Stewart was unanimously chosen as the candidate in the coming provincial elections. If anyone can win West Victoria over to the Liberals, Mr. Stewart is the man. _______,_________..._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- Ours is the largest and best assorted stock in these lines in town. , . Ours is the largest and best appointed store in town. - Your’s is the opportunity to buy from the best assor- I ted stock in the largest and best appointedstore ' when you do your shopping. ' Do you take advantage of it ? ;, , sic“..1,ni “5W W"WVWâ€EJR"â€W "1W ‘A'Ti‘i'n’iil‘rl‘lll‘miil'l airworme ijwr “WWWWW Hflmï¬ a, Death Of Mr. Henry Austin. Mrl‘Henry Austin, who, it will be re- membered, underwent an operation for cancer of the stomach in the Toronto General HoSpital on March 16th, died at g his home on Louisa street in this village E1 Ea 'on Sunday evening last. Mr. Austin had every. serious illness from a similar trouble some two years ago, but almost completely regained his health after undergoing two or more operations. 'When- taken suddenly ill again last month, however, the surgeons found his condition such that his recovery was imâ€" possible, and all that could be done was to prolong his life for a short time. Mr. Austin, who had almost completed his 56th year, was a native of Victoria I County, having been born in Verulam township. where his parents were among the pioneerpsettlers. He engaged ex- tensively and very successfully in the business of cattle dealing, butchering, farming, etc., both on his own account ‘ and ‘in partnership with F. McDoug’all J. H. Brandon and others. A few years, ago he purchased Grand Island, in Bal- sam Lake, and at the time of his death was engaged exclusively in the manageâ€" ment of that valuable property. He is survived by his wife, who, before her . marriage was Miss Waliie, and by one son and four daughters, whom he leaves in, comfortable circumstances. Two brothers, Thomas and John reside at the . Falls and Mrs. Adams,of Bobcaygeon is a sister. 'Dcceased was a Liberal lll poli- tics and‘in religion an adherent of the Methodist church. He was a member of the local Council of the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, who attended his funeral on Tuesday afternoon in a body, and who contributed a beautiful floral token, as did also the lodal curling club. seams i ' iliinery Spoiling AT .. ' ~ WM. CAMI’BELUS O N i . . hi 3st." and following days,-â€"we- are showing a ï¬ne display of the newest and most trip-to- date styles, which the public are most cordially invited to inspect. ‘ The Dairy cold Ea... Commis- ' , sioner’s Report. The annual report of J. A. Rnddick, Dominion Dairy and Cold Storage Com- missioner, has just come to hand in a volume of 174 pages. It deals with the work of-‘four important divisions of the Department of Agriculture, namely, Daiâ€" rying, Fruit, Extension of Markets and Cold Storage, is well illustrated with half tones, and contains maps showing the various fruit growing districts of the Dominion. 1n the section devoted to dairying, the commissioner reviews the dairy industry, and gives some interest- ing figures bearing on the trade. Alarge amount of. space is devoted to a com- plete report of the Cow Testing Associâ€" tions. A review of the apple industry of Canada, by Mr. McNeill, is a feature of the section devoted to Fruit, and the Fruit Marks Act is dealt with at some length. The methods which are employ- ed to improve the handling of perishable products receive considerable attention, and the report shows what is being done along this line. Under the head of Cold Storage the various services are des- is ? at ; "For a long time glasses were used only to assist in reading or near work, but with increased knowledge of the.eye,"we are able to: adjust glasses to improve the sight, thereby curing chronic headaches, neuralgia and many nervous affections caused by eyestrain. If your eyes tire easily do not wait till serious troubledevelopes. Have the» strain removed. The. sooner the easier. Properly adjusted glasses will do it. lVe are experts in relieving eyestrain and guarantee the subject is also given. There has been lished separately, a map showing the ap- ' proximate location of all the cheese fac- tories and creameries in Canada. ' ive reading for any porsmi connected v with the industries touched upon. Cop- ies may be secured by application to the Dairy and Cold Storage Commissioner, Ottawa. - A Falls aâ€, iii the West. i, jfiiiil'l'tli $35-$33. root ofillent Limo , The Edmonton ‘f Morning Journal †of the 4th inst., in an article descriptive of the town of Stony Plain, Alta., has the f’ llowing to say about Mr. J. H. Puloy, eldest son of our esteemed fellow-citizen, Mr. Henry Puiey. “ l-Ierb's †many friends at the Falls will be pleased to see him growing up with the great West. ' “ J. H. l’uley, an experienced druggist, was for a number of years a clerk in some of the leading pharmacies of Win- nipeg and Toronto, but, being of an ener- getic disposition, decided that he would go into business for himself in the west. Reading of the growing possibilities of Stony Plain, he decided to test the truth of the statements made. Arriving there, he looked over the situation from a busi- ness point. of view, and was so well im- pressed with the status of the town that he immediately rented a building and Ordered a complete stock of goods. As soon as these ‘ arrived he opened his store for business, and, by perseverence, combined with a genial disposition, has had no difï¬culty in building up a thriv- . ing business. At the present time, in i addition to supplying the wants of his own tmvn and district, Mr. Pulcy has a very lucrative trade among the smaller towns in the vicinity which have not had the good fortune to acquire an up- to-date drug store. Parties outï¬tting , for the north and west also look to him i , for a supply of medicines, and as a result - his-present quarters are becoming too I33 - SHABPE}, cramped for his rapidly advancmg trade. DENTIST A TORONTO: will be at the ' In addition to carrying a full stock of MANSION HOUSE. EENELON FALLS, drugs, Mr. Puley has on hand all kinds of school supplies, stationery and the Wed. and Thurs.,*.lpl‘il 29th and 30th, And Wednesday and Thursday of latest magazines. . "With the advancement of Stony Plain every alternate week following. Satisfaction assuredâ€"Plate, Crown 3! 6.; Mr. Puley expects in the near future to Bridge works Specialty. . I - I ’ .' For Selling Flower ~ - - and Vegetatio- Seeds Girls, I am sure you never had a. ï¬ner doll than the one I will give you FRgE. She is as life-like as ydur own little baby sister would be. She has beautiful. hair, large, ' bright cycs‘, pretty cheeks, and is handsomely dressed, all ,ready to go out walking, and I will promise you you will, like her better than any doll. you ever had. Really, my "liitle friends, she is one of the clevcrcst dolls you ever saw. She walks and goes to sleep when you want her to. Her' arms, head and neck and legs are moveable. I am sure you. " would like this doll for your very own. Now then,- children, this doll is free fer selling only $3.00 worth of our flower and vegetable seeds. Send your name and address, and we will . scnzl you the seeds to sell at only 5 cents for small and- 10 cents for large packages. Write to-duy. A post card will do. References, Molson’s Bank. THE RELIABLE PRE- _I£IUM 00. Dept. , , . 2 h.“ . » I: ,0. , p s r . "-"D" weâ€. SW .. Sgt? Boys and girls. hero is just what all want a ood 14 karat F t m I i ï¬llingpll‘ownr and V;(\‘:,!l::&bll€ goods. Scpd ust yelér'. and gill-essogiitluvlicl'linxnuil £531): :Si‘ldggrijiil 353111335: . so i amigos. n e a once. « nos cm- W c. an RELIABLE E-Mgg ' " ,Wnterloo, Ont. (Reference. Molson’sbank), FR M cow. Dept: um)nw com. and when. The undersigned is prepared to deliver coal or wood to any part of the village . Hard or soft wood 4 feet limgr or cut to order. > A heavy stock of the best Scranton coal always on hand, also charcoal; All kinds of green and dry wood ‘qnught at highest price. UHALEY... enter into businessonaj'much; larger H0318, and will therefore be a better, visit-ion to meet its dresses 0 tamer; patrons." - ‘ cribed, and some general information on 1 prepared along with this report, but pub- ' The ‘ report makes interesting and instructâ€" - l Si: lames‘ Church. Easter is the great Festal Day in‘ the. Church of England, and on Sunday next the services in St. James’ church will be of more than 7 ordinary interest. The Rev. Pierre de Lem, F. R. C. S., will as- sist the Rector, and preach at both morning and evening services. ~ Holy Communion will be celebrated at 8 a. m. and 10.30 a. in. Special music will be rendered as follows : - Morning, opening hymn, “Jesus Christ is Risen To-day,†A. 8:. M. 134; Easter anthem, Beckwith Chant No. 1; Gloria, Humphrey No. 2; Te Demn, Lawes No. 13 ; Benedictus, Turle 2.9 ; Kyrie Eleison, Tallis 89 ; Gloria Tibe, Dykcs 1'94 ; Hymn, “ The Strife is O'er,†185 ; llyinii,_ “ 0n the Resurrection Morning," 499 ; Hymn, “ Alleluia, Sing to Jesus,†3,1,6. .. , Evening, opening hymn, 134;" Gloria,- Humphrey 2 ; Magnificat, G. H. Loud, 166; Nunc Dimittis, Beethoven 169; Anâ€" them, “Thanks Be to Cred,†:by Caleb, Simper; Hymn, “ 0 Day of Resurrec- tion,†132; Hymn, -“Light's Glittering Morn Bedccks the Sky,†126 ; Hymn, “ Jesus lives; no longer nowcan thy ter- rors, Death, appal us," 140. . The attention of all is drawn .to the special offertory, which . will be devoted to the work of St. James‘ church. The results of the Lenten selfâ€"denial will be presented in the olfcrtory. A liberal and generous offering is looked for, and each member is‘ expected to' do a part and have a share in making the offering worthy of the occasion. Village Council. Fenelon Falls, April 13th, 1908. Council met at regular meeting, all the members present. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. ' ‘ Mr. John Dennie waited on the coun- cil with an account of the late M. Kelly for $3.15 for shovolling snow. Not on- tertained, as there was apparently no- thing due him._ A communication was received from J. D. Smith and G. H. G. McVity in re- gard to night train on G. T. R. during the summer. ' ' ' ‘ Gould-~Deymanrâ€"That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to correspond with the General Passenger Agent 'of' the G. T. R., urging on him the importance of ' such train arrangement. - The Bank of B. N. A. reported that the balance on hand at credit .of corpora- tion on March 31st, 1908, was,$2027.90. Simsâ€"Connell,â€"â€"That the Reeve and Clerk sign orders for the following acâ€" counts : J. Jones, salary, $43.75; J. Jew- ell, snow shovelling, $1.50 ;, W. L.’ and P. Commissioners, current, $39; R. 'Ja'ckctt, dumping ground, $12.50 ; H. Pearn, snow shovelling, S] .50 ; Fred Jackett, work on streets, 750. ; R. Burgess, work (in-creek, $1.35 ; Clerk, salary, $25, and express on assessment roll, 35c.: total, $25.75 ; Au- ditors, salary, $70 ; Geo. 'Oddy, cleaning creek, 680.; l’cterborough Times Print- ' ing 00., poll books, S2.-l$.â€"â€"Carried. Statement received from W. L. and P. Commissioners as regards ï¬nances of last year, showing cash on hand to be $2,121.83. Statement dated March 28th, 1908. . Deyniaiiâ€"COiinell,â€"7That the tender of Thos. Scott for removing night soil twice during the year, .for the sum of $3.10, be accepted, and that the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to have a prop- er agreement signedâ€"Carried. . Siiirsâ€"Deyinan,â€"â€"That the auditors' re- port as presented be accepted, and that the Clerk be instructed to have ï¬fty copies printed for distributiomâ€"Carr‘d. The chairman of the property commit- tee reported that certain repai-rs should be don-e at the market square houses. Left to the discretion of the-chairman. The council then adjourned. ' ' W Fenelon Council. Cambray, April 6th,;1908. Council met pursuant to date set at last meeting. Minutes of last meeting read and approved on motion of Messrs. Cigagg & Moynes. Letters 'wero receiv- ed‘from the Ontario Bridge 00., describ- ing their steel bridges with concrete = ileors ; from R. Graham, objecting to the pathmaster on the beat near Sturgeon ‘Poiut; from James Dickson, giving sur- vey of diverted road at con. 6 to meet the dredged read; another letter from Mr. Dickson, asking to meet council at ‘the prescntmeeting re portion of land ' near Rosedale wanted by the Dominion Government for canal purposes. Several resignations of the oilice of path-master were received, also a letter from S. Arm- strong, asylum inspector, re place of abode of D..Johnston and W. Marshall, admitted to Mimico Asylum in January, 1908. The following motions received the assent of council :. Craggâ€"â€" M.oynes,-â€"â€" That the right of placing poles be granted to any private ceinpany running from-Cambray to other points in Fenelon township for tele- phone purpOScs. . Palmerâ€" Tolmie,-â€" That this cOuncil grant to Dr. Gould, of Fenelon Falls, the right to erect poles for telephone pur- poses from points in -Fenelon to Fenelon Falls, and that a by-law be introduced at our next meeting governing the same. Palmer-â€"Moynes,â€"â€"That further con« sideration of line run on con. 7 be laid over until next meeting. “ ‘ Moynesâ€"Palmer,â€"â€"That whereas the Department of Railways and Canals has applied to this council for a part of the south end of Cherry street in the village of Rosedale, also a part of the 9th con- cession for right of way of T. V. Canal, as shown by plans here produced by James Dickson, O. L. S., be it resolved that we grant the same, on condition that the Department build and maintain a good public highway on the south side of the canal from the bridge to the 9th concession, and pay all.costs. connected therewith. ' ' The reeve voted:l‘lay;g)iiitirii:imotion;E r1 Craggel’almerr-That A. Warren ,be ’apn‘ointed :Mlln , . , . Brokenshire, also}l that. David, M oynes dkeeperniniplace :of, John A 1 Willie... Iu‘ira be. . arrested: 1‘s» the north part. ing concrete sid" and that Win. “1' be commissioners. New =- _- .. . I, ... . ...- u, - . _ . 'x . a .33" r. Moynesâ€"Palmer,â€"That $1 pei‘i‘lay be .the charge for any roadwork'not done. Tolmieâ€"Palmer,â€"-â€"That $50130 granted ’525 on Mill street, ,, f and Win. Sinclair to Caiubray village fg aid them in build- Tolmieâ€"â€"Moynesfjllhat Geo. Parkins be pathmaster' in place of L. Irwin ; T. Mohat in place of H. Stroud, and R. Braden in place of B. Westaway. Greggâ€".T‘olmie,-~That abatements of taxes to the amount of $30.86 be allowed the collector on roll of 1907. ' hloy'iics-TCi'agg,â€"'Fhat the collector be paid. $55 balance of his salary. , _Craggâ€"â€"l\=loynes,â€"~That the following bills be paid: Jas. Dickson, for one day's survey, $9.50 ; clerk, for posting change road notices, $1 ; J. T. Palmer, for selling timber on con. 7, $2 ;. M. Maybee, help and expenses re survey, $5 ; T. Izarkin, helping survey dredged road, b2} Walter‘Hill, for same, 82 ; reeve, ex- amining survey on con. 7, $1; several ratepayers, error in statute'labor tax, 556 ; Collector, on errors on said tint paid by him, $7.25 ; Clerk, on Salary, $25; Collector,for trip to Lindsay, ; W. 8. E3113 use of hall for to-day's meeting, Tolmie â€"- Cragg, â€"~ That this council new adjourn to meet at Camhray as Court of Revision and for general business on the 25th of May, 1908. , . J. B. POWLES, Clerk.. , Personals. Dr. Gould andiMr. Geo. McGee are in- Teronto this week. '~ Mr. A. J. Campbell, of Lindsay, was at» the Falls on Monday. in; Ellsworth Austin, of Toronto, is Visiting his parents here. Miss Lovedy Jewell left 011 Thursday, to visit relatives in Peterboro’. ' . Dr. Wilson and Mr. John Slater. were in Toronto last week on business. _ .Mr. Stanley Gainer,.of Minden, is vie-- libll‘iig his brother, Mr. S. S. Gainer, at the «‘a ' . . . V ' Mr. A. Elliott, of lslington, London, England, is visiting M r. Norman Pearson at the Falls. . Mr. John Austin, Jr., came home from! he Central ‘BusinessgCollege, Toronto on: saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomson, of ll’eter-i borough, paid a visit torclatives at the- ll‘alls on Monday. Mr: . Hector Grifï¬n left on Monday morning for Peter-borough, where he has: secured employment. A .Mrs. Hamilton, of Peterborough, is vis- iting her son, Mr. R. M. Hamilton, mana- ger of the local branch of the Bank of’ Montreal. * M r. James Dickson left for Spingtown, Ont., on Friday last, to attend the fune-o . ral of hispmotherâ€"in-law, the late-Mrs. John Halliday, and will return home to-» morrow. ' ' - ' of sportsmen turn their thoughts toward fishing, and “Rod and Gun and Motor- Sports in Canada,†published by W. J... Taylor. Weedstock, Ont., has'published“ a Spring Fishing Nuinlmr for the month. There are stories of ï¬shing in Ontario,†Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Alberta,.. and British Columbia, while an article'- descriptive of Kalikiâ€"the newrod wood; â€"â€"is of deep interest to ï¬shermen. A. paper on Guides and Their _ Patrons†written from a guido‘s point, of view by a veteran guide, ought to lead to' a conâ€"~ trovers‘y as exciting as that on dogs ver- sus still hunters. Wolf hunting, 'moose~ hunting, deer hunting and deer preser- Settler Helps the Deer " should prove as- widespread in its interest as the former paper by the same settler on “ How One Settler Treats the Deer.†w" mâ€" A new floor for $1.40. A half gallon. can of Campbell's floor finish ’will make- your old floor look as good as new. This: Finish comes in Transparent, also with stain combined, producing beautiful imiv tations of natural woods. Joseph Heard sells it. ' ’ i BAPTIST Ci-IunoiI.-â€"Subject for Sunday morning, “The Fact (if the Resurrec- tion,†evening “ The Resurrection in its: felation to this Life.†‘ - Bmuirrnusn [TRâ€"«Mr. W. Barkley has had the entire interior of his barber shop-r and bath room brightened up ZWith paint and varnish. The effect is very pleasing. Mr. Chas. LaFolley was the artist in» charge of the work. Eur: SOCIAL. â€"An egg social under the» auspices of the Ladies Aid Society of the » Methodist church will be given in the- o’clock. There will be a choice pro- gramme, after which refreshments will be served. Admission 150. A SUCCESS.â€"The Social, evening given by the Ladios’ Aid of the Baptist Church: on Wednesday evening was deemed by' all a great success. contributed to the success in a great- measure by the excellent- selections: which he gave on his gramaphone; Posrrouan.â€"â€"Tho “At Home †which-i es of the C. O. O. I“. and C. O. F. on the‘ evening of Good Friday, the 17th inst.. Friday,- April 24th. It is expected that the roads will be in much better condi- tion by that time. THE Posr-orrroa.â€"The general renovation at the hands of Mr... Thos. Stevens. noticing a. whitewashy, pointy. smell ac-. kindly accept this'as an explanation. - Spring Fishing Number of Rod and :Gun. .With the advent of April the majority ‘ vation are but a few of the many good . things in the number, while “How one- baseinent on Monday, April 20th,¢at 8: Mr. Wm. McArthur-~ was to have been held under the auspic- ~ has‘ been postponed until the evening of" interior of ' Fenelon Fails’ palatial post-office has,. ' during the past week or so, undergone a» Folks who have been: companying their mail matter lately will}, ~i i