Fell’s Station. Forresprmdence of the Gazette. I Quite a number from‘around here at« tended the agricultural exeursion to ‘Guelph. Miss Annie Hughes ireturned home re- vcently from Toronto, where she spent the winter. Miss M. Flett, of Lindsay Collegiate Institute. is spening a few days at her home in Bury‘s Green, Mr. C. Moise, of Port Hope, paid his :sister, Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, a flying visit on Wednesday, en route for Guelph. M rs. J. T. Thompson, .11., and her little :son, of Fenc‘lon Falls, have been visiting 1311'. 8: _M rs. W. Wood for the past few ' a'~s. ' Miss D. Piggott attended the teach- ers' convention at Guelph last week, and ‘was accompanied by her friends, the .‘Misses. Annie and Luella l’oulsom. Mr. J. W. Moise, of Orono, Ont., who Ehas been visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell for the past week, returned home on Saturday morning. Miss P. Edmonds, of Silver Lake, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Carow over $11 .day. Miss Eliza Lyal, of Baddow, spent a «Couple of days last week at Mr. William "Tipllng's, Iloney Grove. , The many friends of Mrs". Robert Bran- l~don are very sorry to hear of her reeent illness, and are hoping for her speedy Jrecovery. ' A ï¬rst class up-to-date garden party “will be held in the near future in the itllil'd lino schdol, known as Tipling’s rsch .01. Full particulars later. The event 'will be in aid of the minister's fees. (_‘uite a. number of young people gath- ‘ercd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ZMilehell one evening last week, and a ‘very enjoyable time was spent in music, xdaleing and social chat. 'i'hc raising of the new barn on Mr. ~Wm. Wood's farm came of. on Friday af- ‘ateruoon, and was very successfully done. Mr. Wm. Brown, of Saskatoon, Sask., i-rel urned home on Friday last, after an :abscnce of about three months. He in- zfor:ns us that he is not very favorany impressed with that part of the great Wl‘vst. lair. Yeoman Smith, of Bury's Green, *M nt to Petcrborough on Monday on a ‘ibusiness trip. Miss E. Devitt called on friends at IBobcaygeon on Saturday last. 0-. Powles' Corners. (Corrospomlrncc nfihe Gazette.) 'i'he miik and cream waggons have ~c0nunenccsl their usual trips; but we ‘LIlflVH not heard of any of the waggous breaking down on account of the weight «of their loads. ' 2‘ f r. and Mrs. John Dancey, of Valentia, "bu formerly of this neighborhood, have ‘1 ".4 sincere sympathy of a large circle. of friends here in the death of their little daughter, Eva, which took place last N \‘Ck. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gillis and ll: r. and Mrs. W. Lamb drove out to Va- . " 1;,“ 1(‘lltlfl to attend the funeral. "%:.;;‘.frs. Jas. Powles received a telegram thatT'her brother, Mr. George Argue, of Pontypool, had received '8 sudden call from the grim messenger of death. It is «in! y about two months since Mrs. Thos. .i’ayi:e, of Midland, a sister of Mrs. Jas. E‘rmvlcs, was called away. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Powles visited rel- atives in Verulam last week. Mrs. G. Austin, of Lindsay, was visit- ing at Mr. John Sims's over Sunday, the 2nd inst. Mrs. E. Kendall started last Tuesday for Edmonton, N. W. T., for a four weeks' Visit to abrothcr there. ‘ Mr. W. Glaspell and Miss R. Hardy a isited friends near Peterborough the ï¬rst of this week. Mr. R. J. Moore, of the Lindsay Free Il'r was, gave the Post-master here a. friendly call last Monday. Mrs. J. Knox is not enjoying good health at present. .\I r. L. Wagur spend a day or two vis- iting at Burnt River. The Pest-master here went up to Lind- say last Monday evening and returned on Tuesday. “Mr. W. l-lcwie has built a blacksmith shop on his farm, and intends to reduce his blacksmith bills as far as possible by (Ling his own repairing. 1r. Jas. Powles was attending Confer- ence in Lindsay this week. 9-.» Cohoconk. (Corrospo-ndrnoe of the Gazette.) Mr. Love, of Toronto, was in town last week on business. , Mrs. Anderson is at present visiting her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Cooke, of ( oboconk. Mr. Geo. Marshall, of Midland, spent Sunday in town with friends. The wine clerks of Lindsay ran an ex- cursion to Coboconk on Monday and sp ‘nt a lively time here, remaining about two hours. We are well off for boat service this summer. as the Kawartha makes a daily trip and the Kathleen runs three times a week From Lindsay, on Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday. 'l‘nc ,iulit‘glllfe boys‘ excursion is ex- pected from Lindsay on Saturday, June 13 h. About 150 people are expected. A number of Cohoconk people attend- ed the picnic at Roscdale on Wednesday, and report a splendid time. About twenty young people will be seen on hoard the Kawarthu on Friday evening on their way to Fcuclon Falls, to atterd the garden party. C iboconk will very much miss the two young ladies who departed from our ‘town on Wednesday, June 10th. They wore Miss Minnie Phillips, who was ‘unite'l in marriage to Mr. llcrnarr Wil- so l, and Miss ll‘lorcncc Cooke. who was 'J'l'llil'l'll‘fi to Mr. Charlie Savannah: The 120;". E',_ 'w lhat l-lm)‘ were. both (fobocrxnk girls an! were mam-it‘d by the stem min- ister; b '\ marl-ind G. ’l‘. 2. men. both Worn m"- . ‘1‘. on flu: some day, and both intend r .135 in Lindsay [goo-cl 1303:» AM ‘ out for the G. T. R. men if they come to Coboconk. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Phillips were in town on Wednesday attending the wedâ€" dlllg of their sister. Mr. F'. C. Fielding is in Lindsay this week on business. Mr. R. C. Callan, of Coboconk, is in Lindsay on business. Hallburmn (Correspondence of the Gazelle) I have little neWS this week worthy of the name. Of course I might inform the Gazette of the great amount of tan bark that is being manufactured in the immediate vicinity, and how those en- gaged in its manufacture are snï¬ering from the onslaught of mosquitoes and black flies, but this I shall reserve for some future time. I am well aware you will be at a loss for space this week to describe the great battle which termin- ated on Monday last, and as I am not in any way interested in politics I shall willingly set at your disposal the space usually occupied by POCAIIONTAS. a‘o »Gooderham. (Uorrrspondehce of (he Gazette.) Weather warm and dry and every- thing points to a splendid hay crop. Mrs. Peter Ban. left on Thursday of last week for a. visit to her home at Arn- prior. v Messrs. David and Sam Madill left on Monday for Edmonton, 'Alta., to look after their homesteads out their. The drives are all through. O'Hara’s, of Kinmount went through on Monday, being the last of the season. Mrs. Geo. Woods, of Kinmoun-e,‘ visited her husband, M r. Geo. Woods, over Sena day, and was accompanied by her son and daughter, Irene and George. Mr. Hotter, of the Eby Blain Co., .Torr. Onto. Mr. Love,'of the Canadian Oil Co., Toronto, Mr. Wm. Love, Sr., of Alex Elliott, Peter-hero, and Mr. J. D. Mills, of Rice Lewis & Sons, of Toronto, transact- ed business here last week for their res- pective firms. ' ' â€"o-.__ Fauhairn. Correspondence of (he Gazelle. There were quite a number of our people availed themselves, of the cheap rates given by the G. T. R., and visited the O. A. C. at Guelph, which is one of the finest institutes of its kind in the world, and were well repaid for all the time and trouble they sustained. Court North Verulam, I. O. F., held a meeting recently to discuss the propos- ed new rating which the executive of that body contemplate placing on their old members, and, after considerable discussion, in which most of the mem- bers took part, a motion was submitted to the meeting and carried by a unani- mous standing vote, that we, the mem- bers of Court V'erulam. object strongly to the proposed drastic measures that the I. O. F. executive are asking their old members to pay, and that Bros. Rev. W. H. A. French, Benj. Smith, W. Hether- ington Jr. and E. Tiers, be a committee ,to draft a petition to the Supreme Court, asking that, if the situation of old mem- bers warrants a raising of the rates, that it be not retroactive; but that we are satisfied to accept the rating as laid down by the constitution of 1898, and that this petition be presented to Sup- reme Court, which meets in Toronto in J une, by Bro. W. H. A. French. 0... Rosedale. (Correspondence of the Gazelle ) Our village has taken on a very busy appearance in the last few days. Mr. McDonald has all his machinery in opera- tion upon the canal and he expects to in- stal another and larger steam shovel in the near future. With this addition to his already efï¬cient force, things will soon take on a Very different appearance. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gould, of Fenclon Falls, spent Sunday at Rosedalc. Mr. A. Graham, who has been acting in the capacity of assistant to Engineer Spence, here, has resigned his position, and left for Cobalt. Ont., on Friday last. Mr. M. Hamilton and Engineer Spence spent from Saturday till Tuesday in Peterborough. Mr. Peel, of Coboeonk, was the guest of Mr. Pollock on Sunday. Mr. Fred. Goodman also spent Sun- day here. 5.. Burnt River. Correspondence of the Gazelle. Miss Crown left on Monday for Bad- dow. Mrs. M. Smith spent Wednesday in Fenclon Falls. . Mrs. H. Cowan and children left on Thursday for their home in Cleveland. Miss A. Nie took in the Guelph. excur- sion last week. Mr. M. Smith, of Dysart, called on L friends this week. Mr. Tom. Hodgson, of Orillia, spent Tuesday at Burnt River. M r. J. Allister left on Tuesday for Sas- katclicwan. Mr. J. '1‘. Thompson, of Fenelon Falls, spent Monday in town. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church intend holding a. social on the church lawn on Friday evening, June 19th. A good programme is being pre- pared by tho choir. Ice cream and other refreshments will be served. _ The Burnt River Telephone Co. have their wires up as far as Kinmount, and are busy wiring in that vicinity, and the prospects are that connections will be secured within a few days. Messrs. S. Carew and R. Moï¬at attend- ed the excursion to Guelph. Mr. J. Martin's ice cream parlor is being well attended, and will be open every Wednesday and Saturday during the sunnner. Mr. and Mrs. Hodge, of Lindsay, are visiting at M r. R. Umphrey’s. Miss l’ogue, Bury’s Green, is the guest of her brother, Mr. W. Pogue. We are gomg ‘43. Bonus CulchlES.â€"â€"A slick stranger ap- peared in town on Thursday last and im- mediately embarked in the business of making purchases at various stores and paying for same with ten dollar cheques on a local bank._ He had just completed his second transaction when his first victim, ' who had “ smelled a rat " and telephoned the bank, jumped on him ; and victim number two almost immediat- ely did the same. The sharper promptly returned the goods, shelled out the change he had received, and disappeared. Finn AT’ Hansonâ€"Mr. John Carew's large sawmill at Lindsay was completely destroyed on Monday evening by a ï¬re which broke out, shortly after six o’clock, in the shingle department, and was presumably caused by a hot box. The loss will be in the neighborhood of $14,000, with insurance about half that amount. It is not likely the mill can be 'rebuilt in time for this season’s run. Mr. Carow has a small mill at Bobcaygeon which may be fitted up and run tempor- ' arily this summer. ________â€"__.___._‘_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_' om Card of Thanks. . Tnos. Pearson. C; R. Canadian Order of Foresters, Fenelon Falls. Dear Sir, I sincerely wish to extend my thanks to you for the prompt payment of the policy held by our late son, Joseph Blair Torrance. The cheque for the pol- icy, amounting to $2,000, and the funeral benefits, $30, being paid in full. . Wishing your Order every success that it so justly merits. Yours sincerely, MARY ANN 'I‘ORRANCE. F enclou Falls, June 9th, 1008. _____.______â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"- We have some of the newest lines in Wedding Invitations, Visiting Car-(ls, Memorial Cards, etc., which it will give us pleasure to show you, at the GAZLTIE OFFICE. .60 YEARS" ‘ EXPERIENCE 7'.“ '.‘¢.,â€"4 . ..' v,‘ _»:-. Y)! . Tune: MARKS i Demons ' COPYRIGHTS &e. . Auntie sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain cur opinion tree w ether an Invention In probably patentable ommunlca- tions strictlyconfldentlal. HANDBCIIJ on Patent. sent free. Oldest a ency for securingcggtents. Patents taken z ronsh- Munn at lace! specialmmo, without charge, a . . Scientiï¬c mill at o l Abandsomely illustrated weekl . Lam - culutfon of any scientiï¬c joumhl. Tex-hi: gig; Canada, 33.75 3 our all neWEdeaJeru.y montage prepam' so†by} ,Mllllll & 00.3613mmylgd, Branch Ofï¬ce. 623 I St. lllllllll us unit; is printed every Friday at the ofï¬ce, corner May and Francis Streets. SUBSCRIPTION-2 . lento A YEAR, IN ADVANCE or ‘one cent per week will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. _â€" Advertising Ibates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line per annum. Casual advertisemeutS, 8 Fonts per line for the first insertion, and 2 cents per line for every subsequent inser- tion. Contracts by the year, half year or less, upon reasonable terms. JOB PRINTING executed neatly, cor- ectly and at moderate prices. E. D. HAND, Pl'oprytor Bung 1n all your Free Trips to Toronto Fair, Every day the, contest grows keenerâ€˜ï¬ No doubt there are ' many checks here and there that Would not be used ï¬g. to start next week to report the standing Of 1 competitors. ecceeee-ceeeeeceee ceeecceeeeeeceeceeeecec checks at once and announced next week. Your frieudswill In future see that your checks are reported each Week. F'EN ELO N FALLâ€"S- _m‘h~\oflr¢v a“ .. . have your standing help you. Safe Paint to use is THE Silk-Bil?†‘ WILLIAMS , Pï¬IIIT ,. It is a pure lead, zinc, ‘ and linseed oil paint of the greatest durability. I you houses, painted with 6 i Don’t forget we carry full line ofBedroom suits, 4‘ odd Dressers and Stands, Parlour Suits 5 and 3 pieces,"Iron Beds, Side- boards, Extension tables, («1 Diner Chairs, and all household furniture, a complete line of springs I and mattresses. Alsoa new stock of mouldings, bring your pic- id tures in to be framed be- fore starting housecleanig. Prices right. . ‘ L. DEYMAN a son. 7V3 .12- I. 9 ï¬gs. 2‘; â€" $EGOHD DIVISION COURT â€"-OF THE- County of Victoria. The next sittings of the above Court wil be held in Twomey’s hall, Fenelon Fall.» ON THURSDAY, JUNE. 25th, 1908, commencing at 1.30 o’clock in the after- noon. Saturday, June l3Lh, will be the last day of‘ service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other counties must be served on or before Tues- day, June 9th. W Office hours from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m ELISHA MARK, E. D.HAND, Bailiff. Clerk. Fenelon Falls, March 14th, 19(28 HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. $1,500 will buy one double and one single house on Francis street. 700 will buy a 10-room houso, with good cellar well, woodshed, stable, drive house and h n house, on Murry street. $300 will buy 5-room house and wood- shed on Murry street. Apply to Tilij GRAHAM. Fencloa Falls or to McLAU GHLIN & PEEL, Lindsay. plied itican’t go wrong. We can show that are still in good condition and that prove the value of the paint. K7â€" Properly ap- it years ago, " ALLsé " Use Your hatch Right What would you think of an engineer who ran his engine two or three years, night-and for his machine after a few years of such use. . And yet you subject your watchâ€"a far more delicate piece of machinery, to just this treatment. Don’t you think it would pay you to have it cleaned and oiled up once a year. JOHN SLATER, ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES, NEXT DOOR TO POST~OFFICE. FEHELON FALLS. “lama Don’t forget that I have a ï¬rst class Planer and am prepared to do all work in this line in the best style; also to make SASH AND DOSES. Your patronage solicited. mam. " ‘meu-“flmwm: matt‘ sewn. “ \. “3.;ng w. a ,x. ‘l l .l.