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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 30 Oct 1908, p. 5

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M A serious hold-up on the Oakwood road was reported in town last evening. It seems that a man named. Richardson, who had occasion to drive out towards ()akwood last evening was held 11p on a dark stretch of road by two or more masked men. A sum of money was taken from him, it is claimed, but the amount could not be ascertained. Richardson could not be located to-day, and it is probable that, nothing more will be heard of the ai‘fair.â€"â€"P0§t. Mr. Richard Lees, public school in- spector. has been recently through the townships of Dummer, Melthune, and Belmont, where disastrous fires have _1-nvaged woods and fields over an area of 125 to 130 square miles. They started at the east- end of Stony Lake and spread rapidly in an easterly direction to the eastern boundary of Methuen. From there they stretched northward from Sandy Lake to the south end of Round Lake, leaving a wide belt of smoked and charred ground and trees, causing thousands of dollars loss.~â€"Post. liETERiiliTlDtiAL rzwsrapra BliliE STUDY CLUB GAZETTE'S BRANCH. Prints for Answers. THE The Gazette has secured the right to pnblishthe International Sunday School Lesson questions by the Rev. Dr. Linâ€" scott, which have aroused so much in- terest elsewhere, and they will appear weekly. One of these questions each week is to be answered in writing, and upon these answers prizes will be award- ed. This paper is also authorized to form a Local Newspaper Bible Study Club for its readers, and guarantees to all who join and fulfil the conditions, that everything herein promised shall be faithfully carried out. Persons may join the club at any time during the year, but must, of course, answer the 5‘2. questions hereinafter ex- plained, to qualify for the prizes. It is, however, desirable that the questions be answered as the lessons are studied. The international Newspaper Bible Study Club, which had its origin last year at Brantford, Ont., is for the pur- pose of promoting, in an unfettered way among the masses, a wider study of the Bible. the'baser truths of Christianity, and the problems which enter into every man's life. It is composed of all those who join a local club and take up the simple course outlined herein, barring only ordained elergymen. We have the sympathetic co-opcration of the latter, but it. is not considered fair to have them compete for the prizes. Sunday School teachers, Bible class scholars, and church goers generally may belong to this news- paper club, also nonâ€"churchgoers of all shades of opinion. All such are warmly invited to join and compete for the prizes. CONDITIONS OF THE CONTEST. 1. Each contestant, or his or her famâ€" ily, must. be a paid-up subscriber to this paper during the continuance of the conâ€" test in order'to qualify for membership in the International Newspaper Bible Study Club and this Local Club. 2. Each contestant in this Local Club must answer each of the written ques- tions for 5‘] consecutive weeks, coni- mencing for Sunday, July 2i’ith, and the answers must all be in the possession of this paper within two weeks after the close of the contest. 3. Each question must be answered separately, and the paper written 011 one side only. No answer must exceed 200 words, and may be less. If possible, write on letter paper, size about 8;» by 11 inches. ' 4. Each answer must have the name and address of the writer at the bottom of the answer, so it can be identified, given a number, registered, and then the name cut oil so the examiner may know it by number only. Students should be careful to under stand the (west-ion before answering. To do this the lesson text must be read, and especially the verse or verses upon which the question is based. 6. The answers for ' his local club must be delivered at this office, and they will Irv-collated at the close of the con- test. and forwarded to hemlpiarters for independent examination by competent examiners. The prizes will then be awarded according to the highest num- ber of marks won by‘mcmbors of the International Newspaper Bible Study Club, and prizes which may be awarded _ to members of- this Local Club will be {13 ven out from this oilice. ’l‘llli PRIZES“. First SCl‘lt‘S.'~.‘\, gold medal to each of the first live contestants. Second Se:-ies.â€"â€"A silver medal to each of’the next five contestants. $5.50, to. each of the next live contest- ants. ii‘ourth Series. â€"~â€"The book. “ The Heart ‘ of Christianity," price $51.30, to each of the next thirty-live contestants. i, Fifth Series.â€"~-A d :vcloped mind, an expanded iurigintition, a richer experâ€" ience and a mare proi'ounl knowledge of the Bible and of life, to all who take this course. whether winning any-other prize or not. - Each medal will be suitably engraved, giving the name of the Winner and for what it is awarded, and in like manner each bible and book will. be inscribed. All who‘can. write, and have ideas. are urged to take up these studies regard- less of the degree of their education, as the papers are not valued from an edu- cational or literary standpoint, but from the point of view of the cogcncy of their reasoned ideas. Rev. Dr. Linscott’s Suggestive Questions on the Sunday School Lesson for Nov. lst, 1908. Absalom Rebels Against Davidâ€"11 Sam. xv. Golden Textâ€"Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. Ex. xx: 1‘2. Verse 1â€"15 it ever right for a man, in any station, to put on style, or to dis- play his wealth? Verses 2-Gâ€"What bad qualities did Absalom show, in trying to dethrone his father and to capture the throne for himself ‘3 Is it always wrong to desire, or to court popularity ? Should we consciously strive to secure the good will of people, or should we be regardless concerning it, and depend wholly upon our right conduct ? is it ever right for a man to seek to obtain a position occupied by another ? ln our ordinary greeting of our friends, should we ever ailect an interest in them which we do not feel? What can you say for or against the the man who, when running for oilicc, is very cordial to every person, and to those whom he rarely speaks to at other times ? ~ Should we ever attempt to capture the love of any person at the expense of turning him against some other person ? Which is the more contomptible, to “ steal the hearts ” of men or to steal their money? What is the difference between the sin of Absalom and that of the men and the newspapers that are constantly speaking evil of those in authority, so that they may be turned out, and that the grrunblcrs and their friends may 0c- cupy their positions ? Verses 7-9-sz a cause which re- quires cunning and duplicity for its success ever be a good one ? if a man uses pious phrases and the name of God, and professes to be religi- ous, to cover up his crime, is be worse or better than an ordinary criminal ? Verses 10-12â€"What qualities did Ab- salom have to so successfully organize such a revolt ? IS ltlEBllLLlON AGAINST PROPERLY CON- STI’i‘U’l‘rzn AU'l‘llOi-ll'l‘Y EVER J USTIFIABLE, AND, Iis‘ SO, UNDER. \Vil.\'i‘ CIRCUMSTANCES '3 (This question must be answered in writing by the members of the club.) Verses 13-18 â€"â€"â€"â€"To what extent was David responsible for the character of Absalom ? When our interests, or our family, or our character is attacked, should we ig- nore the enemy, or run from him, or face him in the open? Did David show wisdom or courage in fleeing from Jo 'usalem, and 'is it likely he would have acted in this way if the revolt had been headed by a strang er ? Verses 19-22â€"l)avid's favorite son was in rebellion against him, and this stranâ€" ger,,lttai, was David‘s true friend. Is or is net'this a suggestion of a fact that parents generally get more real help from si rangers than from their grownâ€" up children? ~ Verse ‘Zilâ€"What lesson may we learn from the fact that David lost his courâ€" age, and the people wept ? May we ever expect to win in any bat~ tie when Our hearts are iilled with fear ? Lesson for Sunday, Nov. 8th, 1908.â€"â€" David Grieves for Absalom. ll Sam. xviii . _Â¥ - FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Oct; 23rd, 1908 Reporch by me Aggruz oLar Roller Aid: 00 \\'heai.Scoich 01‘ Fife .... 80 10 85 Wheat, fall, pcrbushcl.... 80 8;, Wheat, spring .... “75 80 B:Lrlcy,pcr51151101.... . 45 50 luckwlieai“ .... .. . . 48 53 Oats, “ 1,5 30 Pease, “ .... 75 so lye, “ 65 70 Potatoes, “ 80 90 Buiter,pcrlb............ 2!) 24 $ggs,perdozen.......... 17 18 :lay,per ton...... 12.00 14 (:0 Hides . . . . . ....... ...... 400 4.50 Hogs(live‘;.............. 575 600 Hogs (Dressed) 7 00 8.00 Beef.......'...... .. 5.00 6.00 Sheepskins . . ... 5'3 90 Wool 8 14 Flour, Brandon’s Best . . . . . 3.00 3' 30 Flour, Silver Leaf ... .. 2:7") 2 90 Flour, Victoria .... ...... 2-05 2-85 Flour, New Process 2 60 2.80 Flour, Family, Clipper.... 2.55 2 75 Bran, per 100 lbs .. . 1.15 1.23 mutin- ATTEND a Hidden American Quietness College, 2 Y. M. C. A. Building. lgoronto, for the best attention and tlnibibest results in business and shorthand training. hn- i \VA'i'SOX, l‘ llilNCIi’r‘JL. any ilillih. Catalogue free. T. M. Third Seriesâ€"LA. teacher‘s Bible, )ricc ' i ,_ so YEARS" .3 sxeemeuee ESiGNS i ' " Common-rs as. Anyone sending a sketch and description may auickiy ascertain. our, opinion free v: etherfin invention: is probabiypatentahle. Communica- tions ati-ietiycontiuontiah HMIHBUUK on Patents. sent iroo. Oldest a ency foi- sccuring patents. Patents taken. t vou an mam .s;Co..receive5 speciclmtice, without charge. I stimuli: fiddler, 1, A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest c :- culation of any Scientific journal. Terms for Canada, 33.75 a. you. postage prepaid. Sold DY| all newsdeaiers. lama comm-view 1px} cumin! 3:... A. uo-R'rnnr, PUBLIC l Lisiug. %@8§°@@@@@@@@@0 ETTCN BESS. Foot of Kent St., Lindsay. % %1133. % WATCH CHAINS FOR GENTLEMEN. These goods are of fine quality and guaranteed to give satisfaction. They are made of heavy rolled plate, in all styles and patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WATCH CHAINS FOR LADIES’ These are made in all bright Roman and bright Platinum and bright gold, and have heavy gem setts slides Prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VISITORS ALWAYS WELCODI E. @Wfiw 0W0 STORM SASH STOR M DOORS. Prepare for the cold weather before it comes. Save fuel by making your house snug and tight. Order storm doors and sash now. AN'D First-class Workmanship. _ 'FEliEtli FALLS Pthiili‘id idlLL ' , A. TESRS .- Sate Paint, '_ to use is THE SHERWIN - WILLIAMS Pill/ii T It is a pure'lead, zinc, a and linseed oil paint of ~ the greatest durability. . plied it can’t go wrong. We can Show .. you houses, painted with it years ago, that are still in good condition and that prove the value of the paint. 6‘} JEEST A LITTLE REMIEBER~LEST VCR! FCRGET‘ That we are agents for the famous “Buster Brown” children’s Express Waggon. Handy around any house, store or farm. Very strongly made- lVill last as long as an ordinary large waggon. a full line of furniture of all kinds at the Leading Furniture Storeâ€"â€" -, FEMELQR! FALLS. 5... events a sea AUCTI-OI‘JEER. FELlX A UC'I‘IONEER. Farm and other sales conducted in first- olass order. Secure dates before adver~ Address, Fcnel‘on Falls. S'l‘E‘l’llEN OLIVER, l‘. {N Dh‘ A Y Live. Stoch- - ONT. and general A uctioneen Write for dates beiore advertising. THOMAS CASH ORE, AUCTIONEIC it -~ Fl'lNl'IEON FA P.le Sales of all kinds- condncted in a first- class manner. vcrtising. secularism LlLLlAN G; Honor.- Graduate Toronto Conservatory of Music. Secure dates before ad.- WlLSON,. A'. T. C. M. Gold Medalist of: Whitby Lndies’ College. Voice and piano pupils accepted. studio, Dr.Wilson-’s residence, or‘telephone 31-6m No. 20. _ terms. Ill-NU. : (piano and1 vocal‘) of Apply at $1.755 ‘30 $15.00. iii Iranian ‘ at r as. T Can do a great deal of harm without“- half trying, especially in the handling oi“ prescriptions or the more powerful: drugs. You adopt a safe course if you; Buy 17011.1"- Dru here. We know drugs from-A to Z. 0111“ prescription work is highly commended? by physicians, because we follow dirccm tions absolutely.. That’s-one of. the rea,-- sons youought tovtrade‘heren Robson’s Drug Store. al’lknl‘hmuifllu: :IllliutmtlihmitlumilllnnJnllinuullllnmxiillumrilliu PROPBHETOR. 3 . W g g} BOOTS and SHOES $3.69 130 $15.00 Don’t delay. Reasonable Prices. Hal" I- liave a carefully selectâ€" a l l i _ ed stock of the best lines. .éq gAll. sizes, shapes. styles is“ g and: prices; See. them be- 3 . fore buying your_fall foot- Wear... ii ‘ ' it eg My. gs till Elli ilti‘i I'; » . Properly ap- ' I 1' . is complete and all goods 1% " ‘- ~ 3 kept new and fresh. ' , gag; _.__.___._ . - L4 ; 3 J. w. BRYANS. Westmr’s Bread for Sale. ' - $3? ug‘rpruuygirufiurafiinr awn":iigmprmppr‘mimic Jump: unmet mfg FM. Don’t forget that I have. * g a. first. class. Planer and. am. I prepared to do all work in. this line in the best style ;. also to, make SASH nun: Dfifl'flfi. Your patronage solicited. Also. Call and inspect. What Would you think of an: engineer who ran his engine two or three years, night and! .day, without cleaning or oils nurture PLANTEBS oping? “That would you give him: Should either write direct to-us'orseev for hrs: machlfle' aftel a" re“? our nearest agent before placing their X years of such use... order. Werguarantee satisfaction. Prices . , . right. Fifty years’ experience; Extra - And yet you mrbyect your- heavy stock ot the best apples- watch___& far more d elicatel Agents Wantea- piece. of- m-achinzery, to just this Whole or part of time. Salary or liberal treatment” conunission. Outlit free-.. Send for , .. . Don t you tlnnk 1t wouldl cannons OLDEST NURSERIES‘. pay you» to have it cleaned andl The. Tins. W. Bowman &" Song. Cam oiled up once a yew“- RIDGEVILLE. our. r ISSUER' or MARRIAGE LICENSES; NEXT DOOR‘ TO POST-OFFICE- FEN'ELON FALLS. We have some of the newest lines in SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GAZETT E Wedding Invitations, Visiting Card's, Memorial Cards, etc., which it will give ‘ us )leasuro to Show *011' ,at the GAZEZL'LE‘ AND GET THE BEST.o.lm- 3 ’ ‘ it, . “.4-..” .

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