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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 11 Dec 1908, p. 4

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' A motion was carried that W. L. Rob- ‘ son he paid $15 more ousalary as treasâ€" urer from Jan. lst. 1908. The following accounts were passed : . . .J. Jones, salary to date, $78.75â€"post- ,aqe on tax notices; $5.52: W.‘ Parker, Streets, $1.80 «night soil contract. 335 ; J. Twomey, hall rent. $55: JOS. Heard, balance account. $40.43 ': F. Kelly, re- "pairing pump..etc., $2.60; 1. Ghattcn, streets. $2.70 : Geo. Jackett, (irawing gravel. $4.50 : J. H. Brandon, drawing .. stone, etc., $50: G. ‘Marfin, drawing cc- mcnt and stone. $8.50: A. J. Gould. acct. S1: Bell Telephone» 00.. acct. 75c: J; Penrose. six months ringing boll, Dec. 1, S."- : P. C. Burgess, ringing bell, $6; Maniarmid 8'. Weeks. acct, $28 : W. L. & P, C-im.. acct, : W. L. Robson, salary and postage. $79.51 -â€" salary cemetery sec-trons“ $10 : Miss Bell, rebate on taxes, $1.75; Robt. Jackett. night soil ground. $10 â€",ditchiug. $10: E.Worsley, cemetery caretaker. $7 : T. Scott, snow- plowing and work, $7.3'Jâ€"night soil con- tract, $120 : I. L. Cooke. acct, 850.: Col- ;Came on to the promises of the under- signed. lot'27, con. 7-, Fonelon,sonmecemc bcr 12th,1908, one boy gelding Colt, wrtb white- marks, 2 .years old. The owner ' can have him upon proving property and paying icnarugs'v THOS. ISAAC. . ' Rosedale P. O. Fenelon, Dec. 15th, 1908. Arc-3* ~IES'I.‘f~l/ASY’ IIEI FE . .7: eras-w. mw¢;_s‘~x’z-.-n:==xv v'â€"- 3-3 ‘11:): y eggâ€"11:33:], g} . 1... . v ' ‘ "‘E’eerless Peninsulars’i- Arc Cast-kon‘Rnnges Built Like Steel Juice; I Thclfcnclon Fallspyflazcue. Friday, Dec.18th. 1908.". - " “Peerless Peninsular” Ranges have the . g a Drop Oven and Low Closet which have , " “ heretofore been exolusive features of the. most expensive steel ranges. ' ' . They are also the only ranges made with "Fire-Box on right or left side, as may better fit the kitchen in which the range is to be placed. ' - , “Peerless Peninsular" Ranges are splendid cookers, are very economical in regard to {Ll-.1, are strongly built. and will give a lifetime of service. . ,et' us Show you their many features of " superiority. 7 1 ‘ z ¢ . Came on to the premises of the'under- signed. 10h 14, con. 4, Somerville, about the 14th of November last, one red and white Heifer, 2 years old. The owner can have her upon proving property and paying charges. ' ’ ‘ ROBERT MOFFAT, I H , ' Burnt River 1’. O. Somerville, Dec. 15th, 1908. 46-3."‘ _______________.___._â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-- JOS. HEARD, FENELON FA ' “iamxfllwszanm mmm Walk Wain-talk)! -§ 9 g, .4 ’ ~' Groceries, Readyâ€"Mode Clothing, Boots i and Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, etc. -_ M ‘u -. \x‘ Ours is the largest and best assorted» stock in these lines in town. 4‘ Ours is the largest and best appointed store in town. Your’s is the opportunity to buy from the best assor- ted stock in the largest and best appointed store when you do your shopping. . V Do you take advantage of it ‘3 grant; ‘W’Wfiflmmjh .nfi: in: .n '1' '1 J. McFarland. WW“ wwwuwunmurwmwarwr arr-WWW We? scam; flaflmfiimmc inane. -' 4 z I .:l catamarans ,% _ successes. ) . . ~Don’t fail to make a visit to our store. :We '3’ ' . . . have many things appropriate for Christmas giving. Millinery Sold at Reduced Prices. . Furs Sold at Reduced Prices. ' Ladies’ il’laniles Sold] at Reduced Prices. New Idea Patternsâ€"10c. W099 FOR SkLE. needs- overlnulling or re- pairing, lia-vo- it: done: ,, promptly and: properly. DOu’t let, it; go.- to. rack ' through carelessness. My facilities for repair- un. snanPE, DEdTlST'- 5 -- TOWN-Tilt. . will be at the. » MC'ARTHUR HOUSE, FELYEDON FALLS Wad. an :1 Thu rs., Dec. 30th and 315?, And Wednesday and Thursday of ing negro-tinting and 0V01‘- every alternate week following. lia-ullciag waggons were Satisfaction assured â€"P_]ate. Crown and nevea- hettcl‘.. All. work. m“ng‘VOFHEFPPxec‘au‘W- guaranteed; 1 _ _ ‘ F‘LrENIrNG‘ : â€" dime on a good? up-to-date- Emclline at reasonable :1“ Arrange nout'to attend the famous mics» nnm‘o'rr- , . ; r: o l /. . TORONTO. OM; . . r. “ ‘- This school stands Ell-€1.33} without a snipe-riser in the Doininiom. Near- ~ ly all colleges claim to be the-best - ~ but claiming to be so does not ' makethem so. Get our catalogue. Read it from cover to cover... . for yourself what thiseolslege‘is doing and the advantages it offers. _ W .J.Eluott Principe]. con. voile! an “unseen o'n‘. . ' _ , ' m‘mSMAICENG. , The Wernignedi'ismrcpared! to do ,Mlfing or- Sewing. eithceby the. We: work taken home. Good work.- '- - .v . .mhipfi: charges reasonable. ‘ Apply at 1 I In. Mommy's residence. - ' A] W. . MISSMQDOHALD. - ' ' _ The undersigned is prepared to deliveri- . - i G wood to any part of the village at any ' - Lime. Iliard‘ or. soft wood 4 feet long or ‘ ‘25 uttolord‘er. -. ' ' .- QUSt‘S 3' lot” GE mmmy' 2’ All kinds of green and dry wood '3 , w . .. . . ' bought at highest-price. 5 Lirerefoi‘c take-care ol the 46 m “HM-Ev waggon you, have. If it ' " ’ Winter Tenn. Opens Jan. 4‘ Dr. Wilson Banqueited. At the Hotel Kawartha. on Wednesday evening, a most enjoyable banquet Was tendered Dr. A. Wilson by the, Liberals of Feneloh Falls, on the eve or his re‘ moval from this village to trke up his residence in Toronto. The large dining room and drawing room.of the hotel were beautifully decorated with flags, bunting, etc. for the occasion, and the more, than one hundred persons who sat down to the tables shortly after nine o'clock enjoyed a gastronomic treat such as has seldom been equalled in the vil- lage. At the table of honor sat the guest of the evening with Mr. R. J. Mc- ’ Laughliu, K'. 0., Dr. R. M. Mason, reeve of the village and Warden of the county, , Dr. Blanch'rrd, President of the Victoria and Haliburton Liberal Association, Mr. Thos. Stewart, M r. John Austin, Mr. W. .’1‘. Junkin arier. Charles Junkiu, of ?Canningtou. , . ‘ -. After the many good things on the menu had been disposed of. Mr. W. T. .lunkin took the chair, and the secretary, . Mr. E. Fitzgerald. read letters of regret from the Honorable J. R. Stralton, of Peterboroug'h, Judge Barron, of Stratford and Mr. G. H. Wilson, of hindsay, all 0i r whom were unable to be present. The first toast on the list was that of the King, which, after. the singing of the National Anthem, was proposed by Dr. 3, 'Mason' arid responded to by Mr. Mc- Laughlin. The Canadian Parliaments i; _ wercthen proposed by M r.‘John Austin, . a and. Mr. ..Thomas Stewart responded. 'l‘im.fnext,,toa3t,. that of the guest of honor-,which was proposed by the Rev. ' Wall M». Cinggg, brought forth the sing- . rug brill-Ms; moon y sooctr’ellow" air- ' lowed by three hearty cheers and a “tiger.” , , In his reply, Dr. Wilson spoke in a rciiiiniseent vien- ,. reviewing past occur- rences in connection with the recent election 'cam‘paign,‘and with his long residence in the village, and thanked his friends for the kindness and honor '9" ,shown him. , ,fTun ' DOCTOR Ciixnn. At the conclusion of lr‘isc'spoech, Dr. Wilson was eonfrorrted' by Mr. E. A. Pearce, secretary of the. local commit- tee‘in'thc i-écent campaign, armed with an exceptionally handsome gold-headed cane, which-he asked the doctor to ac- cept as a token of remembrance from the Liberals of Echelon Falls, and which the doctor did, after thanking the donors very niecl y for their gift. The other-toasts p-ropooed were to the 4‘ FlCountys hiberal' Association, by Mr. W. , -'I-l. Robsonlthle learn-ed professions by / . Mr. T. C. Birehard, of Coboconk, and the ladies, by Dr. Johnstone. These were responded to respectively by Dr. Blan- chard, the Rev. C. S. Lord and Mr. Chas. Junkin, and, after singing “Auld Lang j 12.30.. Obituary. The death of Mr. Edward Chambers, Sr., of this village, which took place at his residence on Bond street west on Monday morning, removes on of the old- est and most widcl y known residents of i this community. Deceased had been in. ' poor health for some time, but his condi~ _ tion was. not considered serious until a few days before his: death. when he suf- ered a. paralytic stroke. Edward Cham- ibors was. born at. S'tromness, Orkney, «Scotland,- ouMay-lfith, 1833, and came to Canada at the age of I3'years with his. Monaghau. Eurty-two years. ago he came to Fenclon Falls, and some time later took up a farm in Ver-ulam town- ship, where he lived until eight years ago when he returned to the village. He is survived-1w a widow, sixsonsand two daughters; The sons are J osepli, J nines, ‘E‘d ward and "Frederick, of‘li'cnolou Fin 1 Is, David of llcusfort, Monaghan, and Tiles. who lives on the old'homestead in.Veru- ' lam. Thompson, of;‘V-,0rul:un township, near Du nsford, auclers. Robt. Brown, of Tar onto. . ’ ' W liillage Scrunch." Eenelon Ealls, Detail, 1008.. Regulamneeting._ All members pres- -‘- last meetings readi-andsappmvcd.‘ “ i A tender wasreccilred‘ from: Mr. \Vm. DeymanSr. for local improvement deben- tures re cement walk whom: street, . uoflcring par valne,($500), and on motion of 'Mess'rs. Gould and Sims was accepted. 'an-‘aécount to the T. V. C..sup'.t for $40, cost of cement Walk along Gor’t on Oak St. . ' ’ g7" lonl‘nr, abatement Miss Harris 1907, $7 : Clerk, salary. balance in full. $16.67 ; J. Aldous, meals for tramps, $4.50; Gazette, Sr ,” h r bl, ’. -- _\ne t e aSsem y dispersed about dialogues, etc. gat 8 o'clock. , children, 150. parents, Who. settled in the township of; . The daughters are Mrs...1’ohn. '. enuexpept hinCmine‘l. Minutes oftwo» ‘ "Theorem 'was instructed to present; printing, $28.55. Dec. 15. All members present. Sims â€"Gonld, That the financial state- ment. showing balance _on hand of $3747.58, and assets over liabilities of $1684.97, as presented by the reeve and treasurer. be accepted! and necessary number of copies printed for distribu- tion.â€"Carried. Dcyman~~Sims. That the Wenolon Ag- ricultural Society be granted $25, to be supplemented by $10 if the Fenelon Tp. council advances in proportion.â€"â€"â€"Cd. It was decided to purchase a five-foot snow plow at $40, through F. Kelly ; also to allow the chief of police $20 for suit of clothes for year past ; and to sell the. old Sn ndford pump to F. Kelly for all water needed for corporation purposes for one year, 1909, for street purposes. Personals. Miss Edith Jared was home from Lind- say over Sunday. Mr. Wm. Brokenshire, of Cornwall, is visiting his parents at the Falls. Mrs. Walter S. Ellis, of Filmore, Saslm is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Aldous, at the Falls. ' Mr. Wm. Lockhart returned to his home at Essex on Friday last, after spending a few days at the Falls. The Rev. A. C. Cuinmer, of Kinmount, conducted the services in St. James' church and St. Peter's, Yorulam, on Sun- day, in the absence of the Rev. W. II. A. French. . Messrs. W. W. Staples, H. Brummcll, J. A. McGillivray, Wm. Goodwin and W. D. Dunoon, of Lindsay Lodge I. O. O. F" visited the newly organized lodge of that Order at the Falls on Friday even- ing last. .___.___.._.___.._ k . POULTRY Hausa Cr.osr:n.â€"Mr. J. L. Ar- ; nold has closed his poultry house and discontinued the buying of poultry for this season, which has been a. very suc- cessful one. maximâ€"The ladies, of the Baptist : church intend holding a bazaar on the afternoons and evenings of Friday and Saturday, the 18th and 19th inst., in M r. C. Curtis's store on Colborne street. No admission fee to bazaar. served extra. S. A. ENTilll'l“.\IN.\ill.‘l'l‘.~â€"A Christin-as entertainment will be given by the Sal- vation Army in Dickson's hall on the evening of Monday next, the let inst. An excellent programme is being pre- pared. Ensign Peacock, oi’ Toronto, and Miss Violet Henderson, of London, Eng, will be present. Admission 2350. METHODIST XMAS Tunaâ€"A grand cu- tertainment and Christmas tree will be held in the Methodist church, under the . auspices of the Sunday school, on Christ- mas night, Dec. 23th. programme will be given, consisting of choruses, quartet-teas, recitations, drills, Programme commences Admission, adults 250., CHRISTMAS. Tunicâ€"A Christmas tree 1 and entertainment, under the auspices ‘ of the Sunday school of St. Peter’s church, Vcrularn, will be held in Lamb's school house on the evening of Tues- I day, December the 2:1, commencing at . 7.530. A good programme of Songs,- readings,recitationsdustruluental music, ‘ speeches, etc., will be given, anoint good lunch provided. See bills. IMPaovmrrnraâ€"Mn- W. H. _ Robson has just completed somewhat: extensive im- provements in his already neat drug store. The old counter has been remov- edzand a; complete set of the latest all-p glass silent salesmen installed, including , » _ These, to- gether with a coat of varnish tortilla, wall; ' cases and shelves, make this one of the :1 most up-to-date drug stores to be. found ' a Trianan Counter Cabinet, anywhere. DIJED. _ Cil.\..\LBERS'.-â€"At Fenelon Falls, on Mon- day, December 14th, 1908, Edward Challle hers, Sr., aged 75 years and ‘7 montts. ‘ ' WAGAP..â€"â€"â€"In the township of Ferrel-on, James. D. \Vagamaged 61,yd§§l's.. {,4 . STRAY' Came on to the midniisesofthe under- signed, lot 13, con. 3, Somerville, on or about September 1319,0119 lrodfifioifer. ; Owner each-ave bei- propâ€" ‘ ertf andpaying char-323‘ .. TECH. Milli-"R. aid-8’ ‘ ./“~ Refreshments V An excellent . Admission 2.00.- and :100. ' - 0.t . .. Straycd or Stolen. Strayed or stolen 011’ my Corben Creel: ranch, near Coboconk, three 18â€"montth old, Catt-lo, one red steer with thick horns, one light red heifer, one red ,licifer with some white. Two of them -were seen six weeks ago. The tinder will be suitably rewarded. . GEO. D. ISAAC. Fenelon Falls, Dec. 7th, 1908. 45-4"K STIR-AX” IIEIFER. Game on to the premises of the underâ€" stgned, lot 26, con. 2, Verulam, on or about October lst, one two-yearâ€"old red Heifer. Owner can have her upon prov- ing property and paying charges. THOS. JENKINSOX SR, Fcnelon Falls P..O. 44-3’“ lVe have just passed into stock a. fine selection of i i i i i 3 i i i i l i E i SPRE‘NQ : EEQQS 1.; E These make ideal Xmas l l Gifts, and range in. price» from g. In order to make more room for Xmas Goods-We i I 2 Furs, meatloaf; 9 E are clearing out our stoc ress Skirts and : Under-skirts at greatly reduced: prices. l 3 SPEGiALS- g This Week. 8 ' 3 . l Special Sale of Art China. 3 Special Sale of “7001 Goods, Mufflers, Clouds, Toques, Motor Scarfs and Mitts. Special Sale of Toys, Dolls, Books, Toy Blocks, etc. Elias Trsrro. Echoes cos-rem. 3 ' ache Uni-l7- your» glassesrca quire- ohm-1 giug: orr you; need! new glassses,_gol to. DB. II... B;;A;H.ilrl3‘,, 'Egeslght. Specialist... (over-'Neill's shoe‘."store), '1 cause you-- pain, or head . . our eyesotmubloe ou~ on Thursday, December 10th, 1903,,Mi-rs. 7 den; y ' ' y ” t 3-,": - Ont... Satisgwtiog - guaranteed.- ,, Charge... M. . - - , '- t l’eratp... a D o jv ; l ‘o D l l

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