Northjwest: During his A absence his place IS being ï¬lled-by Mr. S. Hill, of Hamilton. hlr. and Mrs. Albert Whytall, of Sand Point, M rs. George Lawson, of Bradford, Miss Elsie Whytall and Mr. Thomas Whytall, of Toronto, were the guests of M r. and Mrs. E. B. Whytall at the Falls, over'Christmas. Among others who spent Christmas at their homes in town were Messrs. Bert Robson, of Lindsay, Lloyd and Ted Mc- Killen, ol‘ Gravenhurst, E. h'iclhrland, of Toronto, John Dennie, of Parry Sound, Ernest Nevison, of Ottawa, Leo Pearce, of Anson, Sam Swanton, of Port Perry, JohnAustin Jr., of Kinmount, W. J. and Ed.McKendry, of Lindsay, Chas. Doy- man, of Hamilton, Geo. Fisk, of Owen Sound, and Wm. Carley, of Crcemore. ‘INTERNATIONAL NEWSPAPER- Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Jewell and their three children, of Cannington, visited M rs. Je\Vell’s sisters, l\l rs. James Fell, of Somerville, and Mrs. F. H. Magee, of the Falls, from Thursday of last week until Tuesday morning. ' ________________.._---â€"-â€"~ Professional Cards. t t S Wierry Christmas and We beg to extend to our customers and friends our best Wishes for a LEG AL. ll 20 u Z Per lien. ill All Christmas F. A. MoDlAlilllD. PARRISTER, SOLICITOR,Etc., FENE ) lon Falls. Oflice, Colborne street opposite Post-oilice. 52F’ Money to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. ;â€",______â€"_.._fâ€"-â€"â€"_â€"-â€"â€"‘_-_' MoLAUGl-l LIN, PEEL 81- FULTON ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS AND NOT- aries. Ollices over Dominion Bank, Lindsay, Branch oflice open at Bobcnygeou t t t Happy New Year. FOOT 0F KENT STREET, LINDSAY. ‘ every Monday. Money to loan at lowest ‘rates of interest. R. J. McLAuoumx, K. C. A. M. Fumes, B. A. O *sazr'rou sac . Perfumes and. O or GAZETTES BRANCH. u. Rev. hr. lliuscotts Suggestive Questions 0n the Sunday School Lesson for Jan. 3rd, 1905). 1 'll‘4he Ascension of Our L0rd.â€"-Acts i: Golden. Text.--lt came to pass while He blessed them, He was parted from them, and carried up into Heaven. Luke xxiv: '51. Verse 1.â€"â€"What former here referred to ? What did Jesusdo, and what did he teach ? ' Does it 'in any way limit the idea of the teaching of Jesus, if we summarize it by saying that he people only taught two things, viz., to do righteousness and “to see God ? ‘Which class of persons are accomplish- ing the greatest good, the workers or the teachers ? ' Verse 2.â€"What was the chief object- ive commandment which Jesus gave to his apostles just prior to his ascension ? What is to-day the chief work of the Christian Church, and 0f each member of that Church ‘9 ' Verse 3.â€"â€"\Vhat was the nature and number of the proofs that J esus gave of his resurrection from the dead ? Can you refer to any historical fact better attested with 'proofs than the rc- surrection of Jesus ? ‘ ' Verse 4.-What was “the promise of the Father †referred to in this verse? (See Luke xxiv : 49, John xiv: 16, ct seq.) What, in present day vernacular, is precisely the gift of the Holy Spirit ? . Is there more than one God, and, if not, is not the Holy Spirit God himself, so to speak becoming incarnate to each , person, localizing himself, and accommo- ilati'ng himself to the individual soul ‘? Had these apostles, up to this time, ‘received the I-Ioly Spirit into their na- tures in this particular sense ? Have all the Christians to-day received the Holy Spirit in‘ the Pentecostal sense ‘3 ls this same “ promise of the Father " still standing for all of God's children ? WHY IS Ir 'mm'r so run" Cnms'rmxs ARE crisscross "tufr Tum’ Ann Inownn'r nun usvntornn BY Gen, 'rnz-z Hon-r Stuart‘? {'his question must be answered in writing by members of the club.) Verse 5.â€"-\Vhat, if any. 1'es-'~nnblance is there between water batiszn and thegil' t oi’ the I-Ioly Spirit ? What are the conditions for a Chris- tian to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit '3 Verses 6-7.â€"-\Vhat knowledge is the most desirable ? ' Can you give an example of some ques- treatise is _ late ? Would it be a good thing for us if God were to answer all our questionsin the way we desire ? Wnuld it be a blessing, or a curse, for us to know the future, either as regards ourselves or our country ? Is it wise, or otherwise,'for Christians to speculate, or teach. or even to form opinions, concerning the time of the sec- ond coming of Christ ? Verse 8.â€"â€"What is a prime necessity fOI‘\Clil‘lSl3thllS to know and experience, to testify eifectually of Jesus ? loon ascends ? eerning the return of Jesus '2 turn of Jesus as these men meant ? Verses l2-14.â€"What did they wait for and pray about, in this upper room? Lesson for Sunday Descent of the I-lolySpirit. Acts ii :. 1-21 rite Don’t forget that I have prepared to do all work in also to , make- sass: @3355; _ tions upon which it is useless to specu- - in order to have power to live right, and Verse 9.-l)id Jesus appear to them to . ascend into the clouds, much as a bal- ' Verses 10-11.â€"-â€"What is the import of what-these two men said to them con- Would the coming of the Spirit of Jesus on the day 0f ‘Pentecost be the re- , Jan. lO, 1909.-â€"Thc ‘ a ï¬rst class Elauer and am this line in the best style; Jas. A. Punt. _____â€"____â€"_.â€"-_-â€"â€" G. ll. HOPKINS, K. (J. l ARRISTER, . SOLICITOR, NOTARY Montreal. Public, &c. Solicitor for the Bank of Money to loan at terms to suit borrower. Ollices, 6 William street south, Lindsay, Ont. -' M MOORE 8L JACKSON, ' aauis'rnus, some-Irons, 8w. 0f- lice, William street,Lindscy. t‘. D. Moons. ' A. Jncxsou _________________.__--â€"â€"â€"â€" STEWART a occuuou, ARRISTERS, NOTARIES, 8w. MONEY to loan at. lowest current. rates. Terms to suit. borrowers. Oflice on corner ot' Kent and York streets, Lindsay. 'l‘. S'ruwnu'r. L. V. O'Couuon, B. A .__â€"_-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-’_‘â€"'_‘_._. AU CTIONEER. 8T0 R M , I‘ SAS H Holidayï¬ioods. “AND STQRM DOORSJ Prepare for the cold weather before it comes. Save fuel by making your house snug and tight. ‘ Order storm doors'and sash now. ‘Don’t delay. ' First-class Workmanship. Reasonable Prices. FENELM FdLLS PLAillilG llilLI... A. TEIRS ' PRBPRiETOB. Robson’s Drug-Store. Fenelon Finis. O 4 r .v l1, This is the season when the feet of every man, woman and‘! child should be protected- lay-1a good pair of rubbers; Dry‘ feete are better than life insurance- these days, and you will be as- sured of the former if you wear a pair of our rubbers. ‘ All Sizes, All Shapes, All Styles, All Prices, but only one QUAerY-lthe best. FELIX A. NOlt'l-HEY, PUBLIC AUCTIONEER. Farm and other sales conducted in ï¬rst- cluss order. Secure dates before adver- tisiog. Address, Fenelon Fol-ls. srurunu omvnu, Q LINDSAY ONT. Live Stock and general Auctioneer Write for dates before advertising. ____â€"___________.___-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" 'l‘ [-10 .ll AS C AS l-lORE, ‘.iucriox can summon FALLS ' Sales of all kinds conducted in a ï¬rst- elass manner. Secure dates before ad- vertisin". ----- J. W. BRYANS. Weston’s Bread for Sale. .1 - I l l l l l. l l l l l l ooooeooooooooowoow. i t!‘ 7 Special tiiication. A TREitilEilalDGUS SACRIFRCE SgLE’. ' THE PUBLIC BENEFITS. 5 The puolic of Lindsay, VlCliOllfl. O'ountyand Vicinity Will benefit greatly by B. J. Gou'rhtkbitr purchase of‘ a number of manulacturers surplus clothing stocks-$45,000 in allâ€"cousistinor of men'sand bbvs' clothin suits, overcoats,_furn-.sl1_1ngs etc. B. J. Gou-gh, of Lindsay, Ontario, secured $45?000 wort-11ml‘ men's-brute" viii children s clotlnng, suits, overcoat's, etc., at an unheard-0f‘ low ï¬gure on accodnt of the recent condition of the mapey market. The manufacturers had to sell and B. J. Gough obtained these stoeks at practic'illv his own price. B.‘ J. Gough says that he is going to give the people of Lindsay. Victoria Godot ‘ and i'icinit the beneht of lHS great puchase of ‘Manufacturers’ surplus stocks by giving the people-the- inrist stn‘ Naomi; and most remarkable ten-day sale on_ men's, boys’, and childrcns’ clothing, etc. .that‘ was ever e'iveii j[in the entire provlpce of Ontario; The entire stocks, direct from the manufacttirers ywill be sold at ghch ridicul- , ously low prices that the public Will be amazed. This ten-day sale will be without quest ionlo" it d nibt tl e wage-st bargain feast of men's, boys’ and children's clothing, suits anil- overco'its etc tli'd; lira ' , 'r-Y; glvel] 1n Lindsay at, any time before, or that will ever occur here again. Coimnereiiil'circles will be it“ u ' ded at the tremendous bargains ollcred. It will be a bargain earthauake of low prices orr ood ‘(iu'rlftal lint?’ lug’ l‘Ltrnishmgs etc., that will rouse the people of Lindsay, Victoria .Couuztv and viciniit r gear oi» itr1 lyte- 0 "I: ciunterencc. 1t took great nerve and a big outlay of cash- to buythis largesrirplus of?llizt>n>iitlcttia‘erlls $6191???- city the siffe of L1ndsay,f'or~afs ar-ulc-thcse great, snaps are usual]! y gobbled up bythel:i:1~res:tlstori\siin Toiinltdu bflt B‘. J. (rout-firsays- there 1s nothing too gpod for the Deol)le-of'l.iind‘sav and vicinity: and lib 1 ~‘ l ‘t ,I give the public a stupendous ten-day sale on- the above stocks that will be the talk oifl'hleen-t' pioposcï¬s O‘ and surrounding country for ten years- to. come. It will be a premier elfort in value rri'vinflr calving?) nrcei' boys suits and overcoats, children's clothing, furnishings, etc, such as the public drill 15%†r not i5: ant never heretofore have our people been able-to buy clothing, suits, overcouts furnishinv; c; T Ot,.;‘.\1.1,u.ti|,‘.is wholesale cost of manufacture. 13'. J‘. Goughtsbigstore will be closed Mondavami Pl15;w ‘1%,,’- aw it..sst.;i.i|11 Ill order to get these great surplus: stocks i‘n:~r.eadiness--for the openiu'rt'lavi's- sole ah1ltiiristru‘ l:Ialmr tnl t’ open for. business until the opening (lazy of the sa-l'e,‘Whiclr willtbe \chlnesdnn,"mbiniiii» {139mg w‘ JLR? JG 6th. _ This lS no ordinary clothing-sale, but one in fact that seldom occurs inlaury cmmiih'irit "‘L lg'll ‘ilfmalily of Lindsay has certainly prepared for immense crowds. ol‘ peonle,.l>a:vi1w-alroadwor- m, .ri. l I f‘ ' . '. '. :1 uoug I’ beoplc Lil order- to be able to- wait upon the large crowds that wilt nttbnd the"s'rl'ebtlrj-lE 111i?‘- ‘Q'Bitm s111lcs~ ton-day,clo-thing. suit, overcoat, furnishings, sacrifice. The people of‘ Lindsay .1 lid ï¬eld-119?] ' if stlrpembus: toiforc had. the opportunity of-attendiug such a sacrifice sale as- B. J. Gloue'hs hlnnufh ltlby- ‘ll-Trig“?! hqu wrll afford the public. It is an opportunity which comes to you about 01105 in- a lifel ling “Ifâ€? ll “limb Sit}? bly can attend this most wondt-n'ful bargain event to replenish your clothing and‘ l" .3 ._n d “impossi- ‘iï¬lllGilthl' he sale: wizl-lilast for ten da 's- onl r " - - 1: 1 ' " ~' . 1 D uimshmg goods: needs... ‘ _ 3 _ 5. This gteat salt, posltnoly opunq \vcdneqd. . ~1 . r. uarylith, at 9 a... nr. Drop c-verytltrng-~1nalzo your arrangements t0 be lll.:l1lli(ls'i.‘.. Ont ' ' TIL" i]?‘€l';1;m'm‘ “in†opemng day. Be sure you ï¬nd the right place. Look for the big green a111(1.\\'li'it;o~:;in- . 1': [i I £(apc1a-Hlip.®i?nt the- plnctul'ers’ Outlet Sale," corner Kent and William streets, Lindsay, Ontarim W'c “oblii' )i . tough‘? Mum rug tradlngus: much: as possible in order to facilitate the proper ~handlin-up of‘ the i||~.;iél§,.ï¬\ll&'l girll morn- who wrlltattend this gigantic clothing, suit, overcoat, and furnishings sale which 0.7011831: uaim???‘Qt tlfin'le‘ nesda'y' umfn-mg) a.u>9=a.‘m. Be here on. one of the ten‘ sale days and securek'our'entire "Dtlllim'l" iul' l led- oll'nw-(L ‘sou-cannotsallbrd to miss this-sole at l5. J Gough's-s-torc, corner-ct Rent-mil “QM-5° infill" bargains- s:1.y~,,0nterlo. Remember the Opening date, and if you- valuemonev then 3m‘ -.!. in“... . - mm s'rce-ts, Lin-d- save-many dollars on 111en’s, boys‘ and children's i l .pc: ‘L .-.(...oidin.gly, and you. WI“. DENTAL. Q.‘ t i Dr. so. Sims, nearls'r, Fen e] on Falls. Graduate of Toronto University and Roy al College of‘ Dental Surgeons. ALL BRANCHES OF ‘DENTISTRY ~ performed according to the latest improved methods at. moderate prices. OFFICE :§--Ovcr Burgoyne’s store, Ool- . orne street Ins. nouns innit, DENTISTS LINDSAY. , Natural teeth preserved. Crowd and bridge-work aspcciilty. Splendid [its in- nrtiliciul teeth. Painless extraction. Gas administered to over 9,000 persons with great success. i1!‘ ‘4 "an" . < @@@ D'EEGTESTHY: DR. H. A. NESBETT, L. D. S,'D. D. S Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Honor Graduate o Toronto Universiry. ' ~ Three Years practical experience. All modern improvements. Oflice over Can dian Bank of Commerce, . corner Kent and William street, Lindsay, _ Ont. Phone 2'12. " Q . ,_.. v @see@ r1)‘; la Jewelry 3 W'e earr 1 a large and well - l select-ed stock. Our prices are -as low as you will ï¬nd any- where. ‘It Pays- To. keep your watch in good _. “\1 order If it. needs- cleaning t clothi'ng- suits. overccats r Wrens-1n. , - _. . . _ . a» _, i. . .. l , n" ‘; m 1 ‘ .. y ‘ . "- t 1 .2 .~ t1- , I‘ _ ‘or 01,018’ 0t BL. pill M . . .. . * IA“ (my l 1.sts ten days belllltill$ ‘Wednesdaymoinn avian. 6th, 51411941,, p1,,-,1,,,;§emuug_ Suturd'azyrinight, Jun). 16 ti: i ;or_ repairing bring 11li'1. here. Ill-El ; _ . ‘i / 1 s t; ioHNr SLATER... i; issnsaortuaamee LICENSES» '1' NEXT noon TO POST-OFFICE. FENELOII FALLS. ifyou; valu.e.._, Mllllelfl. lllï¬lli: prepare accordingly. return: man u lllSS nu SALE. ' 1 - '~ i ‘ 1 1,9 ‘ . aï¬aaa " be