TllE 0L0 RELIABLE DRUG STORE A.J.eoULn, CHEMIST AND DRUG-GIST. mom: Professional Cards. LEGAL. F. A. MODIAIUIID. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,Etc., FENE lon Falls. Oiiice, Colborne street opposite Post- oflice. Willoney to loan o'n real estate at lowest current rates. MOLAUG H LIN, PEEL 81- FULTON _ ARRl-STERS, SOLICITORS AND NOT- nries. Ollices over Dominion Bank, Lindsay’. Branch otï¬ce open at Bobcaygeon every Monday. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. R. J. McLAuontm, K. C. A. M. Funrou, B. A. JAS. A. Pest. G. H. HOPKINS, K. C. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Public, &c. Solicitor for the Bank of Montreal. Money to loan at terms to suit borrower. Offices, 6 William street south, Lindsay, Ont . __ 11001111 1. JACKSON, ARMSTERS, SOLICITORS, 810. 0f- ï¬ce, William street,[.indsay. F. D. Moons. STEWART .1 O’CONNOR, ARRISTERS, NOTARIES, 810. MONEY to loan at lowest current rates. Terms to'suit borrowers. Oliice on corner of Kent and York streets, Lindsay. T. S'rswnnr. L. V. O'Couxon, B. A DENTAL. Dr. S. J. SIMS, DENTIST, Fenelon Falls. Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY performed according to the latest improved methods at moderate prices. .OFFICE:â€"Over Burgoyne's store, Col- orne street 'DRS. IIEELAIIDS 81 IRYIIIE, ' nnrrrsrs - ernsrr. Natural teeth preserved. Crown and bridge work a specialty. Splendid ï¬ts in artiï¬cial teeth. Painless extraction. Gas administered to over 9,000 persons with great success. D E N T l S T B Y. DR. H. A. NESBITT, L. n. s, 1). n. s Graduate of Royal College of Denta Surgeons of Ontario. Honor Graduate 0 Toronto Universiry. _ Three Years practical experience. All modern improvements. Ollice over Can- -dian Bank of Commerce corner Kent and William street, Lindsay,‘i Ont. Phone 272. MEDICAL. DR. H. H. GRAHAM. -11. 11.,0. 11., 11.12.11 s. Eng, 11.0. 11.0. 5., 01111., r. 'r. 111. s.- HYSICIAN, SURGEON 81 ACCOUCH- eur. Office. Francis Street, Fenelbn Falls. DR. H. B. JOHNSTONE, successor. 'ro on. A. wmson, RADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVER- - sity. Physician, Surgeon and Ac- ooucheur. Otï¬ce, Colborne street, Fen- elon Falls. A. .Lroxson 0F SHOES ‘AS BUILDERS The makers pf the Shoes that we sell are right in the lead. So are the Shoes. ' They are FIR-ST IN LllilKS FIRST. III SUIJBITY FIRST IN STRENGTH FIRST IN DURABILITY Let us show you how all these qualities 100k when combined. High class Shoes for the Ladies. High class Shoes for everybody. We couldn’t put the price any lower. J. L. ARNOLD. J t’ 1 1 1 i... Do you went 21 suit or overcoat for Winter ‘? 1% you- If so, try us, we can suit TOWN LEY BROS. in Mï¬ï¬ufl: MM 11251111151181.1181: MM Mgflmfluï¬mï¬cflulkzï¬ For To all. our friends and patrons we extend the compliments of the season. May the coming year, 1909, be a happy and prosperous one for you. RoloSon 8¢ Son. IIEAD OFFICE ESTABLISHED 1811. CAPITAL ~ $14,400,000.00. ASSETS OVER $183,000,000. SAVINGS BANK D1213ART1VIENT. Deposits taken of $1 and upwards, which can be. withdrawn on demand. . ‘ R. M. Hamilton, Mgr. Fenelon Falls Branch. ‘ The Lesson From Ireland. Beyond twenty years ago, those of you who remember that far back will call to mind the terrible'agitation in Ireland, including assassinations, ï¬res and all sorts of c'violence, and during which time the word “boycott†came into existence; because :1 landlord of that name was so completely ostracis- ed, as were all who would speak to him, that he had to leave Ireland and sell his estates, from which he could not collect any rents nor keep the peo- ple from occupying, except by the con- tinual presence of soldiers. This was the action of the Irish patriots against landlordism, aswell as for the freedom of Ireland from English rule. For nearly a. generation you have not heard of evictions in Ireland, and violence has disappeared from the green isle. And the reason for this wonderful change from violence to peace was the result of a. law-just simply a. 111w. Fearing that Ireland would ï¬nally rebel successfully, Eng- lish statesmen had to make conces- sions, which took the form of forcing the landlords to sell their lands to tenants; and the government furnish- ed the money with which to buy them, and gave them to the Irish farmers on such terms that they had an interest in peace rather than in violence and disturbances. In the Chicago Record-Herald of December 10th, TV. E. Curtis has a very interesting article on the situa- tion. The government has already paid $385, 000, 000 for 1.1nd,a.nd a. bill is now up to lend tenants $900, 000, 000 more. This money is lent to the ten- ants for 68 years at 3-}; per cent. a year, which not only pays the interest but also extinguishcs the principal as well. Or, to put it another way, the government forces landlords to sell to the landless, builds the buyer a house and other improvements, and permits him to pay it oil‘ in 68 annual pay- ments at 3}, per cent. a year. One hun- dred and‘ twenty-six thousand farms have 110w been taken over, and appli- cations are in for two hundred and sixty thousand more, which will give every farmer the title to the land on which he works. The average price for each farm taken has been $1,790, and the average annual payment, both principal and interest, is less than $0 per month, including house and all. What I desire especially to call your attention to in the matter is, that an approximate condition of justice will always produce peace, and the further fact that the governrnent'of Britain has, by this action, approved the prin- ciple of conï¬scation-that the good of the many is of greater impor tance than the legal desireb of the few. But this concession has not been given to timid or cowardly subjects, 0F 11 INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. l RTRERL, DIONITR 141A]?- str ~ ‘ but because they demanded it and vio~ lated all the, so that many ‘of them were killed and others rotted 1111 prison to get this good condition for themselveso and their children \Vith- out vigorous measures they would nev- e1 have gotten any concessions. \Vhileb it is true that the Irish f.11- mer now has a better house, better land and better living, he 1s more pros ï¬table to the English exploiters then ever before. He 1111s become a. greater producer of milk, cheese, eggs, butter and other things by three-fold than before, and this additional wealth is taken largely by the English trusts that are owned by his former land- lords, who now not only draw an interest from the price of the land, but also make the additional profits from the greatly increased products. In other words, the Irish farmer now furnishes a much greater income to his former landlord than he did when-- he paid direct rent for poor land and sod shanties. The American farmer also owns his land’ 1n one-third of the instances, but he 1s also robbed by the trusts on the goods that he buys, just as the Irish are; but God help the poor tenants 1n this country, who give a. third or half their crop to the landlords, besides be- ing exploited by the trusts on the 1e- rrrainder of his crop. The English farm workers have gotten nothing, be- cause they have proven a. meek, sub- missive lot; and they have no homes, no future, and nothing but the most abject poverty to look forward to, if they are not too stupid to look for- ward at all. . Tyranny never lets loose of anyad- vantage until it 1s choked into it. The trusts in America. are just like the English landlords of Irelandâ€"they will extort and squeeze the people un~ til the people rise up in one way or another and force them to cease their blood sucking. When Americans are worthy of freedom they will get it; until they are, the trusts will stick the poignard into them up to the hilt. I The Irish never voted the tickets of the English parties; the American donkeys alw. ys vote for the capitalist parties. I am pr_oud that I have son .e Irish blood in my veins. â€"F1ed. l7. \Varrm o-‘ The only tool which the poor man still owns i" the ballot, and he can do wonders with that if he tries. Why should the worker be compel- led to eat a. cold dinner from a dinner pail, while the idle rich feast at leisure in comfortable dining roonrs. At the present rate of progress (I) capitalism will exhaust the resources of the world within ï¬fty years, and _ make it impossible for nine- -tenths of the people to live. l836 st 72 Years in Business. A Reserve Fund family is a. snug sum of money in a. strong Bank. i THE BANK 0F l908 tr Capital and Reserve Over $7,000,000. is as necessary for a. family as for a. comp.111y. Tire 1 best Reserve Fund for a. l Begin your Savings Account now in the Bank of British North America. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received and Interest 1 added every six months. Fenelon Falls Branch, W. A. Bishop, Manager ‘. Emil _, 1.... ‘~WWW __ 11 1“ 1 r, i . P"§.’Ji" v.3‘;- . aw r' =;_< _. 1 -..;.- - .~ Wï¬j_flxp . i-. 'Tg,’ 111511 smart: :1‘ J; '4 » "va ~WWaW-gwmmgnsr ~ .. Z . 1 _ ._.1 __ ,- "" " ‘ " _\>.'=~.15'u-' .