of the same. all of our customers well, to sell only the most reliable goods at the lowest price possible-win a word, to make thispthe best cussiucnsn _ . i ‘ti-BRIGHT AND Psosrnsous NEW YEAR TO ALL; - . =__ .., .-_.=._ "I -_‘ .,_ .-' »__'- \ ._- _- 4-, v. ,- -_ ». _~ -_ > .-‘~_ _. Y . -. > .- _ .- -. .-’-. -- - ' I‘ .1 . . . . r. shopping place for you. Haliburion. (Correspondence of the Gazette) (Held over from last week.) ' ' Has the old year gone from us or are ‘we going from it? The moralist says “ the years do not go from us, but.we from them, stepping from the old into the new, and always leaving behind us some baggage, no longer serviceable on the march. Looking back along the way ‘we have trodden; there they stand, everyone in its place, holding fast all that was left in trust with them. Some keep our childhood, some our youth, and all have something of ours which they will give up for neither bribe nor pray- er-â€"the opinion cast away, the hopes that went with us no further, the cares that have had successors, and the follies out-grown, to be renewed. by memory, and called up for evidence some day." Those who have been spending their ‘holidays out of town have returned, and have resumed the duties of 1909. ' Mr. Abraham Paull is home on a visit from Alberta. He gives a glowing ac- count of that country, where he intends to make his future home. Russell Reid has returned from Ham- ilton, where he spent his holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clarke have re- turned from Sterling, where they were visiting their daughter, Mrs. Cummings. Dr. Giles was re-elected trustee at the ‘ annual school meeting. The municipal elections passed over quietly on Monday last. The following constitute the council for 1909 i Dr. Giles reeve, and Messrs. Clarke, Roberts, Par- ish and Laking, councillors. The school opened on Monday, after the Christmas holidays, with a large at- tendance of pupils. -0 Powles’ Corners. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) The Rev. W. J. M. Cragg is holding evangelistic services at this appoint- ment this week, and if the youth and the middle aged grasp the oppotunity and turn over a new leaf, there shall come “ times of refreshing from the pre- sence of the Lord.†If our pastor gets sufficient encouragement the meetings will probably be continued another week. We are all entering upon a new year with good desires and new resolu- tions. Let it not be just for one year but as long as we are spared here below. The recent thaw has injured the good aleighing in many places and will check wood drawing and many other such jobs. There won't be very much snow shovel- ling this winter, as snakes have been out and Mr. A. Pearson, of this locality, killed one in the month of January. 'ITIlIE NEIGHBORHOOD. l NEWS OF l On Tuesday last Mr. Arthur B. Willock and Miss Nellie Daniels were united in marriage at the home of the bride. The Rev. W. J. M. Cragg performed the cere- mony. The young couple have our sin- cere wishes for a bright and happy future. _ The municipal elections are over and Fenelon township has a new reeve and three new councillors. New blood in the council may be a great beneï¬t. Miss Daisy C00per is spending a few days in Lindsay this week. 0-0 Rosedale. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) Messrs. M. Hamilton and‘ F. Gltwer re- turned on Saturday from spending their holidays and look much improved by the week’s rest. . Mr. J. Swanton also returned on Mon- day from a short visit in Keen. Mr. S. Reid, of Reaboro, arrived on Saturday, to assume the duties of school teacher in No. 8 school for thecoming ear. y Mr. F. J. Goodman spent a few days in Toronto this week on business. Several teams belonging to Mr. Mc- Donald are at present engaged in haul- ing stones from Mr. Gale's farm north of here. The stones are to be used for pro- tecting the canal banks. Miss K. J unkin, of Fenelon Falls, spent from Friday till Wednesday the guest of Miss V. McIntosh, of Moy Villa. The majority of our citizens turned out to the polls ‘on Monday to cast their votes. 0*._-__-â€"â€"- Norland. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) Mr. Geo. Moore, of Bobcaygeon, is vis- iting friends around the village. We understand that Miss Katie Mac- Intyre is engaged in her old school at Highland Grove, where she has gone to teach. Her manyfriends wish her much success in the New Year. Mrs. John Flaherty and son Dan, of Swamp Lake, passed throqgh the village on their way to Oakley, one day last week. We understand that Mr. Arthur Adair has gone to Lindsay forthe purpose of attending the Federal College for the winter. . Mr. Thomas Cummings, of Saskatoon, Sask., was the guest of Mr. Wm. Boad- way for a few days last week. Miss Addie Ferguson has returned home from the Northwest, where she has been living for the past year or two. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Adair and their nephew, Master Harvey Pearson, spent their New Year's holidays with their- -._.__.~_._.=..~sf~wm daughter, Mrs. Arthur Swain, of Valen- tia. . Miss Nellie Allely has returned to her school at Dongola, where she is engaged for another year. ' Miss Katie Cooper, of Lindsay, is vis- iting her parents at Elliot's Falls for a week or two. We understand that Mr. ArnoldWake- lin has gone to work in the chemical works near Haliburton for the winter. Miss Mildred Boadway visited her sister, Mrs. R. E. Wager, for a few days last week. Mr. Jas. Isaac, of Coboconk, and Mr. Williams, of Lindsay, were here one day last week on business. f ‘ Baddow. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) Mr. and Mrs. Jewell, of Cannington, were the guests of Mrs. James Fell du- ring Christmas week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Griï¬in spent a few days in Lindsay last week. Mr. Robert Wilson and Mr. E. Brown, of Toronto, spent the holidays at Mr. John Wilson's. Mr. A. Goodhand and his father pa id a flying visit to Beaverton last week. Miss Ethel Thompson. of Toronto, a former teacher, is spending holidays at Glendown, and is also calling on Baddow friends. Miss Annie Cochrane, of Fenelon Falls, is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. John Wilson. A very successful shooting match was held at Mr. John Wilson, Jr.’s, on New Year’s Day, a number being present from a distance. Mr. Henry Watson and his brother Christopher, of Manitoba., have gone to visit their sister, Mrs. T. Sanguines, in Michigan. M rs. Will Wilson entertained a number of young people on Wednesday evening, and a very pleasant time was spent. Mr. and Mrs. R. Umphrey and da ughter Mabel spent Sunday with friends here. Miss Ola Townsend has resumed her duties at No. 9 school, after her well- earned holiday. -0 DONALD.-â€"The Wood Products Co. work are just about completed. They loaded the ovens twice and turned 96 cords of wood into chemicals and char- coal, but closed down for Xmas and some repairs to the gas engine....We are pleas- ed to see Mr. J. Golden around‘ again after a short illness....About 4.30 Sunday morning our town people were aroused from their slumbers by the cry 0f ï¬re, one of the G. T. R. box cars loaded with charcoal had heated and caught ï¬re, but in spite of all efforts there was nothing left of the car at 6 o'clock but the steel. Several other cars were moved to keep the ï¬re from spreading-Echo. We wish at this time to~ convey our best thanks. to our many friends and customers for‘ their kind and liberal patronage during the year that is now closing, and to solicit a continuance Our aim during the coming year will be to serve HM D District Notes. It is reported on good authority that anthracite coal has been found 76 feet below the surface of the ground by well drillers, near Oshawa. The vein is 14 feet thick, and natural gas was struck below it. Mr. John Hay, of Pleasant Point, fell while working in the woods a few days ago, and a heavy log falling on him broke his ‘leg and crushed his hip. He was taken to the Lindsay hospital, and is doing as well as can be expected. On Thursday F. D. Moore, K. C.1 county police magistrate, passed sen- tence on the youth who burned the barn of Mr. T. B. Laidley, of Omemce, about two weeks ago. He was allowed to g0 on suspended sentence, covering a per- 10d of two years. The boy has been adopted by Mr. A. Collins, hotelkeeper, of Sunderland, who gave bonds for his reproduction when called upon by the magistrate.â€"Post. Meetings of the Farmers’ Institute are to be held Dunsford, Jany. 18th, Cameron 19th, Burnt River 20th, and Omemce 21st. Meetings of the Women's Institutes will be held at Burnt River and Omemce, on the same date. Sunday night about twelve, when a gale was blowing, ï¬re broke out in the Sibbett Block, Bracebridge, and the ï¬re- m_en were unable to stop it until the Sibbett and the McCosh blocks of busi- ness houses were destroyed. The loss 1s estimated at $160,000, largely cover- ed by insurance. Geo. J, Gumpricht, a piano tuner well kpown 1n this district, died suddenly at his home in Peterboro on Saturday night.‘ In the afternoon he was playing the piano, when he suddenly became faint, and calling his two young daugh- ters they assisted him to a chair, into which he sank and at once become un- conclous. He never again spoke, and died 1n the evening. He was born in Hamburg. Germany, about 55 yea-rs ago, a_nd came to Canada about thirty years smce. He leaves a widow, four daugh- ters and one son. In the departure of Dr. Fred. Walters from town to Mount Forest, Lindsay los- es one of its most popular and prominent OlhlZOllS._ He intends taking over the large practice of his brother, the late Geo. Walters, and his removal from town will be universally regretted. Dr. Wal- ters has been a prominent citizen in many ways. Apart from his profession he has been prominently identiï¬ed with many local organizations, and was also a member of the board of education. His marzy frienlds, wlhitlle regretting his de- par ure, w1 wnsr im ever -' Mount Forest.â€"â€"Po|t. y success m ‘f aucrionsnn. . FELIX A. NoRTsan'ï¬ PUBLIC AUCTIONE-ER. Farm and other sales conducted in ï¬rst~ class order. Secure dates before adver- tising. Address, Fenelon Falls. srnrnnu OLIVER, LINDSAY - ONT. Live Stock and general Auctioneer Write for dates before advertising. T HOMAS CASHORE, AUGTIONEI'IR - Fnunnou FALLS. Sales of all kinds conducted in a ï¬rst- class manner. Secure dates before ad- vertising. » Firms. Don’t forget that I have a ï¬rst class Planer and am prepared to do all work i-n this line in the best style; also to make SASI-I AND DOORS. Your patronage solicited. s. s time. Tuonouausnrlrms FDR SALE. Yorkshire Whites. Three hogs and four sows,5 months old; one hog and one sow, 11 months old. Extra good ani- mals. Pedigrees furnished if required. ‘GEO. GOODHAND, Baddow P. O. 40-3. Lot 21, con. 3, Somerville. TIE LEGRAPHY will win for you a good salary. You can learn it quickly under superior conditions at our school. Catalogue free. Write CENTRAL TELEGRAPH SenoOL, Tonou'ro. W. H. SHAW, T. J..JOHN8TON, Pals. ancint. £17111‘. $7.15, ;.'\ ‘INC ."T..';l":1','i :5‘ “3. ‘.1, _". ._ !_ '. ‘ fl :T .Q,. ~" ' “4%anchupmmtmkumewtevmvaa 'Pri .~_.___a. ._.,.-_~m_-,wv.-.r.n f .:.<. “- K . Mad‘ Tie-M thyme. ~ - . -.,¢ .. - as; . a..- Wumflï¬;$kjl.f;-T;c~ )_..' . ". _ \>'~'i\’.‘~('\,’7~1 v