.‘lnw,m.. '_.1~‘_;v~ ,_ _ . 2-4.,7. ‘g “(stew N.“ ~'~" ' ' . " anâ€.semiï¬asssmmemm.......s... .. “mammmM ‘ ‘ ' AL,‘ ‘ . ._ , ‘j ‘ff'mf “7 ‘ » . _" " “"7,â€"‘>- ~ .... __._._..-1...1~»m~.........v- ...-._.. .._ . . . .. .. H .-....__._._>..._..M. 5:9?th m:;<~.~.-Wsm,~m. a‘ ___ r .- ~- » ~~~~ ‘w. ~ ,e ~ - . l ~ - > ~- ~ _» a. - _... "mu-M V _._ _ ..__......._e_ ...-...“...s... v_q.<_} .-. , new; IsvnaKMQ-‘w'laIFei'ifï¬'kskcvéI.l.?.;l-.~.'.‘*f~'i.-’..‘.-"‘">l .' ’ ~ -‘-- .. ;~_.g ~~I “awn-‘no. -~_.; 2,. .. ,'. 4 ‘-_~y~"_'- fix‘): (=11. _-> wee-1a. ‘.- .._-'v. ;.,I~. . ' . i 3. ‘ l r lg. .i_ l ‘l Q. . l i‘ .2 “use , _,, . 2 _ _ mew-3',‘ 4;.‘ -\- . > .. *- . l t . 2 ' 2 . f E ' . £22k? ;.._ “ é l , f " : ' - I l . 1,, é‘ , _. . III!’ . l K - (Wills I'lllillEll 8 000 l IN FlF l EEil ' § l . l , I . I A lmild season leaVes :us with many lines of seasonable merchandise still f 2 on our ands which must be turned into re d ca h Eight thousand dollars . ‘ii L SALE COMMEN ’ - ' a Y . ‘S - => ‘ | GES to be forced out 1n 15 days, means some great dclngs here, but stocks must be SALE ENDS $31 Z ... SATUR D AY, reduced so we close our eyes to all losses and slaughter prices unmerclfully for SATURDAY, 1;: 1 2 ,__ JAN l6 15 days from Saturday, J an. 16th. Such magnetic bargalns as here await you JAN .1 __ .2 3 I I are seldom offered, and what it means in money saving to the people can only II 30- '2 l l . . be appreciated by daily Vlsits to the store. Z ;' ‘- ' VALUES THAT WILL DRAW MIGHTY‘ cnowns. _ 2 ~~ , -II--_l_________l-__I-___-__.___I____-_--_.I-IIII-u----III-I-_'--_-'--'-'---_'--"_'___-,_I . , n ~, ~- .j . - l‘ ‘- NOTICE To THE PU BLIC WOMEN'S Ladies’ and Children’s Coats. 3i l ~ :5? i - £5, l ' " DEPARTMENTI One-third to one-half off regular price. ATremendous Sacriï¬ce, but Z ii On Saturday January 16th, commences our annual Prices cut to the quick to effects they mus“ be 301d‘ We P1969 them m his as “HOW†' qr ‘r . . . . . _ Q .. e $2? Z mid-Winter clearing sale, winch Wlll continue for 15 days Speedy elu'ldnce‘ L01; 1. $5.00 W0men’s Goats 980- l ' ~ ,3 g; untll Saturday Jan- 3001- _ _ LADIES’ swmzns m ï¬nLH-les _An eae 10th Wemen'e eeae, .... the newest styles, e... ...... ...“, 1 ‘ T All who have proï¬ted by our prevmus sales know IllWhite,navy,black cardinalana'mney tléngilthe price quoted, rcgular prlce $5.00 to $10.00, going now 98 E, Y é ‘f somethltlg of “yllat thls sale will meal) in ‘money saxving colors. Rggular price $2.09 for 79 1 y- I I a , ............ ‘I 0 I I . I 1 I I o . I I I I I I to’ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 4 s 1 c. ‘I i _, _y v, to you, and many have come to look forward to our sales $150’ $1M) for 986" $12†for 0- A Oketlotzz), viz-'QOCVZOmen S Goats $295 3 , A . . n c l c s a . . -. j.’ as a money-savmg event. hang pr-oven that every state- LlDlES' FLRNNELETTE GUWNS 'now clearing at Only ........ o. ..si nemrsbyles'valuesm $7,100’ 2 95 “' l ' '7, ' ment which we make in our advertisements will be car-e In white Dink or light blue- Regular l " ' " 1 Q‘ .' d l t 1 d - - ( price $1l50 for $1.19, $1.25 for LOl': 3' $1000 women's Coats $595‘ , lie out to t le vely etter, an we are aiming to make 980" $100 for _______________ 79g;- This lot’ includes the latest styles for this season's wear and should 1 . = = this sale ‘surpass 1n value giving any sale which we have . °¥eate a b"; at" "‘ °‘.“‘ mantle deferment, 10'1")“ are seldom. if ever, 3-" l ." - LADIES WRAPPEBS . given such an exceptlonal Opportunity to choose from the season’s latest -. . ‘ :l _. 3' heretofore held. _ . ' Of Print or Wra crette Re ular ,0 oï¬erings~a really up-to-date coat at so small a price, regular i _' j s We’ve made PPQPaHIlJIOH 011 a grand 803.16 are ready $2.00 for $1.45.Pl$)1.75 for $159’ Pr‘ e values t0 $10.00. Now reduced to ............................... .. 5.95 , ' _ . E for the blggest sale in the history of our business. $1.50 and $1.25 f0!‘ ............ 98° L01’: 4. $12 women,s 003.158 $8.75. ll; - Have made most remarkable underpricing throughout BLACK SHEEN UNDEBSKIBTS Ladies’ cam’ °f- ï¬ne beaver and bmaa'c'lom and handsme l i _, . _ , _ > . _ . tweeds, regular prloe $12.00, now reduced to ...... . ........... a 15 ,1 z the ent1re store_ _ Special FlnlSll. Regular prlce $3.00 for y ' ' l 3. a B11‘ . tll t _ b k d. l) lot d f I d l $139’ $250 for $1.98’ $100 for $159 Lot 5. $15-00 UV 01116118 606808 $10.00 . . . gains a are ac e y qua 1 y an alr ea - $125 f 98 100 f 7 ’ . . - ' l . . _ . or c., $ . or 90., Ladies Coats of Fine Beaver, Kersey and Broadcloth some lined all ._ . 111g, . v . 790- for ------------------------ c. through, others to waist, all the leading colors, handziome l The reputatmn that years Of honest selling have won WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR styles, regular price $15.00, now reduced to .................. 10.75 i 1 for us ' - ~ _, - _ . . Plain and fleece llned. Regular price G In L S’ G AT l There are yet three months of Winter ahead 1n which fl-Og 501- my. gï¬c- £1‘ 59g; 506- Every mother shoum take <1 t tom i s,- a a 5 -_ . . or c. c. or c. c. a van a o ese s en ' " -, ‘ ' . ‘- . ; to wear the merchandise that Wlll be on sale here._ 280., 2501 for ________ f ______ °r 19g‘ Coats in every desirable shade and ï¬at girls otgll sgleslrglliiigieggi; ,1 We call your attentlon t0 the remarkable reductions on GIRLS’ UNDEBI=AB at 8'93“? "5"“? Pmes- 5' all all lines of Furs, Ladies’ and Children’s Mantles and _ . . ' "' , LOT 1"‘G1'18 ‘mt’ "hemw $350,110“; “fly $2415 f: Men’s and Boys’ Clothinv. £021leiltieflei§§ 1,1319%50ngculggrpgége nor seems Coats,valuesto $4.50, now only $293 j _ _ _ . ., .. ., . ., 2 ; -The reductlons on ouds are ust as stated and not a, 35c. for 280., 800. for 24c., 25c. LOT 3.â€"Girls' Coats valuesto 5.00 now onl " ‘ d t a W h t f lï¬l t t f“ 19° 2°“ f" ° ' ’ y ' j; g wor exa era e . e are ere o u an s a cment " ' """""""" ' __ - ' ' ‘l z’ made gg .. y "oshry. %lsllmerc or woollen for LOT 4. Girls Goats, values to $7.00,n0w only $4.95 ,. . ‘ omen Boys and Girls. z‘, a 9 y ~ - . ' I We can t force you to come and we can tcompel you to mega? ngée ï¬le-220; 33%;. 421:1; - F|na| Slaughter of Furs- 2. g save money 1f you won t, but we re placing before the 19c, 20,; 10,, . ’ 16¢. The la t 0p t ,t Th b 1 f F st k l9; g . ~ - - . - ' - """"""" _ s por nnl y. e a ance 0 our ur oe to be disposed {2? i people 0fl3l11$ VlClnllfy $00.16 Of the greatest bargalns ever TINIIIOS- For Boys or Girls in plain of 1n short order. We_ have made such marvellous reductions en all lines 5;; .3 nown to the trade, so 30m the ranks of the mighty army white, navy and cardinal, that the)‘ “115mm "mh forever- ' ' that will visit this store Saturday Januar 16th and f l- “15° fallOYStriPes' Regular Price ,, _ > ‘ y 0 500. for 89c. 40¢. f0 20¢. s“ . . - - ... ; . lowmg days. _ . and 250.1501‘: ........ r ..... lam. 190. $2.00 gglgucldgi'rdlirs dug? 590m1 Slides 0f brown and blaCk “my. ‘3i YOUYS Falthflllly, Gloves. gigtgvgtlgill: :ngigillsrlalg $3 00 For Thliplws, Rufls and Stoles, of mink marmot and brown, ._~ 2.‘ TERRILL \“BROS. and fancy mixed 00,101.8- Ilegular , n grey or ackconey. Regular values to $4.50. '~. ,2. f price 500. for 390., 40¢ for 290“ $4 00 For Caperlnes, Throws, Ruffs and Stoles, of Astracllan, Isabella f "M 25c. and 35c. fcr .............. 19c, I opposum, rat or coney. Regular values to $6.00. .1 , .- . Shawls Honeycomb pattern in black $5 09 For Caperines, Buffs, Stoles and Throws, of mink marmot, black :27.- i' GROCERHES N ‘ - . (1 brown cone Astrachan ando ossum Re 1 1 t ~5 . I and wlnte. Regular " an y’ P ' Lg“ ar V3 ‘1'35 0 $8- L, _; , price $1 for 7901, 750. for 590., g For Caperines, Ruï¬s and Stoles of Isabell o Al k - " 1 - A L/sr 0F MONEY 8A VERS, 500. for ........................ 39a. 7.09 sable and mink marmot. Regular values to 010000.811“), as a, v.’ , . . _ . For Ca )erines Ruï¬s and Stol . f l t ' ' . Comfort Soap 7 bars for ______ 25G “lute Cups and Sanccrs,selllng Fancy Collars and Belts l v , ‘3% 0 e ec PIC 5881, Alaska sable l 7 I I I . s l ’ Pickles, regular 2 for 250., now at, per dozen ______________ 590- In silk Ql‘ washable. Reg._price 19 $8.00 Opposuul, and mluk malmot. Regular values to $12.00. Z :1,’ ‘reduced to ............... f 106- WhitePlates, selling at, per (102. 506- 50¢ for 390" 390101- 290., 20mm,‘ c. $1 0 00 aor Stolcs, Caperlnes and Ruï¬s, of Alaska sable and opossum ’ ; Bright Light Stove Polish. res- ' - Ribbons All shades and widths Rerr ' egum value to @15'00' 1-?- ‘s Price 100., now reduced to 56- Platgsl’ ‘lgflljor pattern, regular 986- l’rice 25(3- for 19°" 200 {'51- muffs ‘and ca S h n d d s r i '5?’ Essences, in nearly all flavors, ' ... ’ """"""""""" l 160-, 150- for 120-, 100101‘ 80-, 70- , p l I“: e "GB - l l 4- regular 100“ now reduced to 83. Salad Bowls, regular 350. and 25° for 50., 5c. for 4c., 3c. for ______ 2g. Ladles’ Mufis of sable, mink marmot, Isabella opposum, Alaska sable, black '1" . Canned A lcs in 1110,, cans 400" selling “b ": """""" - _ _ opposum, natural opposuln, white Thibct, imitation ermine. T‘: A . levy-l g; . .. 206 Handkerchlels Plum and fancy- Regular price $15.00 for sums-$10.00 and $12.00 for s8 00 ,- i regu al .00., no“ reduced to - All other lines 0f Crockery and 9, Reg. price 05c. for ~â€"$8.00 for $6.00â€"$7.00 for slim-$5.00 and $6.00 for $4.00 .2‘ '2 .-. Matches, large boxes, selling at l26. Glassware reduced much below regu' Egg" f0: lg: 7130.020‘? fog 15%" 100' for _and $400 for """"""""""""""""""""""" 3'00 é .. 1 _ ., . : . or c. c. _ _ .- 1.» Clothes Pins, selling at, per doz. ‘G. la!’ prlcc. for 40:, 3c. for ., .......... ’. . . . 20, Fm Caps, for Men, Women and Chlldrcn, Of grey lamb, coney, beaver, rat, if .1: _ D 210ng appéssufm am; 8Pers$ian lamb. Regular price $8.00 for ' . . ,,. ,._,_,._,. - -..- , - . ___ .. . ... “.... or s . 5_ 4.00 for $300-$350 r0.- s2.50- if .3 , â€"-â€"â€"â€" own l Dawn l $3.00 for $200-$200 for.. . l 45 i‘ ‘2 , l ’ I - I I 0 I. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I ‘I’ ,2 .5 M8“ aï¬d B'ng ClOthlng, Go the Prices on all lines of Dress LADIES’ FUR, COATS 2? i ‘JE’ .- ' Goods \Vra) erettes Prints Linens Q1 ° . PIICBS Pounded Away Down. Flanneletteslp Shh-tings, dretonnes: Sivilljgadiii’ ytour. golélcn opportunity to secure a Fur Coat at a decided.‘ 'f . . . _ . . . ' 0n lIllSS l , 1;: ‘. T". He is a wise man who buys a suit, Overcoat or pair of trousers during our Mam- Curtam Mushns, etc. g1‘ eLszzlfllise? AbstracllanlCoats in difloerent lengslls and sizes, guaranteed t0 if? i 1- motll Clotllin" Sale January 16th to 30th. Someone has "0t to get the bargains e ' 7 3.0 ‘on’ rogu ar price 35- O for 28-00’ 30-00 f0!‘ 2“ 75; "if :- *~-'~.-, _ ; that will go ubnd it'inigllt as well be you. Extraordinary vhalues will confront you Pl Oï¬t Ly These LOW PrlCBSI regular price $2800 for """"""""""" , """""" ll" " 22-75 i l‘, l .t 3.} fl on 311 sides. adies’ Astracllan Coat Y'tl Al ‘k , - ' t I‘ , ‘it M l $7 00 S ‘l $3 95 Dress Goods Fancy Tweeds and ems’ regular Price 40-00 2(1)“; 013$ a sable con“ and Rev 30 0“ H 1 l’ -. ., en S ' Ul S ' ' _ .. plain OOIOYS- "9 Ladies‘ Electric Seal éoat withyilaska. Sable Collar I l d I l l l 1‘ z. We lead oil‘ with the most extraordinary oiler. Suits ‘made of domestic 3 95 Reg. prlce to 300" now reduced to E Revorcs, regular price 45-00 how only --------- all 35-00 In‘ l: ' " -". t us‘ f. 'lni l .tt - l" l to7.00 v l ........ ' """""""" " '= wee in alley rec p1 erns, legu al va ues , llO\ 0n y ., Dress Goods giigggkgaviidswin _ . l 4 , -. z ec rs, ' > , ,. t. M608 $l0.00 SUlls $5-95- also plain colors. Reg.pr10050c., 39G Boys, Silks-“TWO Piece 72‘ Another bargain which cannot fail to appeal to the man of medium means, an‘1 590- and 650-, 110W reduced 110. . . . l ‘ ‘ ' we want that mall to come and see that ‘crrills give what they advertise. \Ien’s . . ‘ suits 0t‘ fancy twecds and plain blacks, single and double breasted styles, l 9 Dress Goods In Venetlans, vmlcs, LO? l-â€"â€"Regular values to $52-50, now only I 89 , regular values to 10.00, now clearing at only ............................ 5,, 5 . broadclotlls, s at 1,“ L01‘ 2-â€"-â€"Regular values 110 $3.00 now onl 2' '9 .1. . cloths, taï¬etalalncs, corduras, plain LOT 3 â€"R <1 1 _ 1 t 3 , Y I 4.2;; M 1 00 S . 7 9 \\'G&V6S_flll(l shadow stripes and checks, - LOT ' 6°11 a1 va ues o 35 '50’ now only 2.65 g,.\t'~_- M . } 0n S $l2. UllS S. I 5 Beg. price $1.50 forF$1.12;$1.25 59 4-â€"â€"Regular values to $4.00, now only 195 ‘t. ,_. l Men's Suits, correct to the minute in style, made from ï¬ne quality tweeds and for 980" $100 for ‘90" doc. for ' c B 7 S . Th . \ ,h unnatural?'30“??? “W W?f’.°.°. °° 7 95 ...... Lengths Heeeee 0Y8 we Fee Plece- " ’ """"""""""""""" ' t d R . 1n dark tweeds and LOT l.â€"-Regular values to $3.50 now only 2 65 Men s $7.00 Overcoats $4.95. $385,330,) fig-£15,; $331,953; £01: 2-â€"Regu1ar values to $4.50 now only 3:45 .-_,| Men's Overcoats, black only, long loose style, regular 7.00,coats, now $5.00 for ...................... 3 95 . 0'1 3-â€"â€"Regular values to $500 now Only 3.95 it ' . - 4 95 ' LOT 4 ~ -, .2 going at only .......................................... . ............... ,, -â€"-Regular values to $6.00 now. Only 4.45 2 1' . a I n . I if .i . The above are only a few of the thousands of bargalns which awalt you at this Mammoth Sale. See large bills. ;. i; l ' - -â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"- l - l 1. . Mark the date and - fj, ' k _t ll . Let noth1ng keep you . 2 = .. mar 1 we ' away 1f you value your l e..ees.e,..s1e.e FENELON FALLS ...... e... ...... ... Iii J- " I 3;, . . ' .4 ,. i.‘ '. _2 __ . .___ 2.: 2.38;, ;»,,q;q-'q;_;__- ‘_ _, .71 ‘5.5; “idlu: ‘Liitlï¬h “(jg-.1 "n2 ‘pf-1.". a“? ~, ___ {{ng g I _ ~ w’ 2 ‘I ‘J _. ‘I: Hâ€. W. g m.“ In 2,,