.3, . ‘WW memmmwowmww ‘ 1f so, try CAPITAL - $14,400,000.00. REST - ‘ é‘ m g l ASSETS OVER $183,000,000. ® 9% 5%‘ E it... ‘ SAVINGS BANK ‘DIEPARTDIENT. ,.| dmummwawmwmmw. N 'SANITOL Violete Elite Toilet 00 tees sass and hands chap '2 ' FAC E CREAM. We carry the complete line ‘ of Sanitol Toilet Preparations. SANITOL Liquid Antiseptic. SANlTOL Tooth vader. SANITOL Tooth Paste. SANITOL Tooth Brush. SANITOL Toilet Talcum Powder. SANITO L Violete Elite Soap. SANITOL Face Powder- , Flesh, Brunette,White. Water. SANITOL Shaving Stick. SANITOL Face Cream. ‘THE 010 mans 0000 SlGRE A . J - H ‘33 5.5 L D , CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST. mom: CENTRAL. Tasman-s manners Pane-u he THE TALK 0F THE ENTIRE commumTv. Crowds of enthusiastic buyers throng the store daily, and are proving to their own satisfaction what this sale means in money saving to them. These are great beneï¬t buying days. Who wouldn't buy when high-class merchandise is being disposed of at such small prices’! It is econ- omy to buy goods now even if not used until another season. BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! such as no woman ever dreamed of in the wildest moments of her most economical desires. Come and join the vast hordes of buy- ers that will jam and pack the store on Saturday and following days. Revel in the pleasure of saving almost half of every dol- lar you syend. There can only be one place for you to shop this week-â€"but one list of bargains that can interest you. That is Terrill’s. People who know say the biggest values are here, and we don’t k. Winter? mammal ï¬iuuï¬btflérflcnflxMJï¬: aha’? The makers of the Shoes .that' ' we sell are right in the lead. So are the Shoes. misT Trieste TlssT Ta smuu asst‘ ls starters Fidel“ ls nememTv Let us show you how all these qualities look when combined. High class Shoes for the Ladies. High-class Shoes for everybody; We couldn’t put the price any} ‘lower. J. L. ARNOLD. 1m Malinda: Mmï¬mam aï¬ruflinflauiihr mam xï¬wxltiluï¬mxiï¬m steamers with. Do you want a suit or overcoat for If so, try us, we can suit .., wwwwns=trrmrararrnw~ J f 4F in" fiat-Jain.“ .. JANUARY 22, 1909. - .2-0 .vaa-sx: 1&0 nLr-euiuhximrwmnr c a)!» warnsfl-dv: .‘ï¬Mlfl-R'v!‘.n .- :a-nmimzmxwam'JWflJQ HEAD OFFICE ESTABLISHED 1811. Deposits taken of$l and withdrawn on demand. R. M. Hamilton, ._ a"! n‘.-'.»'> “.1... -. .,. ., . , .6 Hashes-i . Get Oï¬' the Earth. ‘William H. Taft, during his presi- dential campaign, was asked what a man was to do if he were out. of work, no work in sight and starving. ‘Vil- liam H. Taft replied, “God knows.†\Villiam H. Taft might have truthfully answered, “Get ofi' the earth.†The out-of-work in a large city might as well g0 and hang himself as to con- tinue to live a life of absolute misery. His clothes become thin, he gets hun- gry, he gets the rheumatism and be- comes consumptive. He becomes un- ï¬t to work, and can only drag out a useless existence doing odd jobs for a dime, and spending his days looking for steady work which will never be thrown his way. In all large cities rents are rising. Society is horrified at the tales of over crowding in the slums. But out-of- works, and even those who earn a dol- lar and a quarter a day, cannot expect to choose large houses as places of resi- dence, where their children can play in a private yard on real green grass. \Ve are so busy making money and hoisting the price of necessaries in or- der that our neighbors may know how rich we are, that we forget that our wealth is another man’s poverty. The other man is shoved down and out, and might as well get ofl the earth, for all the ordinary business man cares. â€"Cott0n’s \Veekly, man». . Mv< ‘60 Natural Gas for Lindsay. Mr. R. I-I. Leary, of Peterborough, rep- resenting American capitalists, at a pub- lic meeting at Lindsay a few days ago asked for a franchise for the use of the streets for gas mains. The company proposes to secure 6,000 acres of land in the :vicinity and ' spend $50,000 in boring for gas. After discussing the matter the following resolution was passed: - “That this public meeting of citizens endorse the proposition submitted by Mr. Leary, of Peterboro, and ask the town council to take it into considera- tion and, if they see their wayclear, to grant the franchise asket ." Commenting on the proposition the Post says : “The gas proposition submitted to the meeting of citizens on Wednesday evening is so eminently fair that it is diflicult t-o see how the meeting could have done otherwise than endorse it, and still less is it diseernable how the council can turn it down. ' There is no bonus asked for, neither do the promoters ask for exemption from taxation. They simply ask that in the event of success in their search for gas they shall be permitted to run their INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. Mgr. Fenelon Falls Branch. . -..,,...-_;- ili'iii'il . BEONTR. QCAL. upwards, which can he T;h-\:._-,.l_=â€"~»~.~. .,.__,_. . __,. . LOYAL TRUE meeting of Empire Lodge L. T. B. No. 198, held on Jan. 7th, the following ofli- - cers were installed for the ensuing" year: W. M., Ed. Wilkinson; D. M., 'l‘. - Lodge; Chap., J. Johnston; Rec. Sec.,_ J. Penrose; L. S., W. B. Brandon ; Trees, . J. Fountain; D. of C., F. Keast; Con.,_.. E. Byrnell; Com., L. H. Wilkinson, IL‘. Nicholls, E. Clark, J. L. Junkin, E. Jun- ~ kin; 1. 'r., J. Welsh; o. r, A. Quibell. TEA AND Coxcnm‘.-â€"A tea and concert.‘ will be held by the Women’s Aid ol' the» English Church, Coboconk, on the evcn- - ing of Thursday, February‘ 4th, 1909.- Tea will be served in the commercial 1 room of the Pattie House from _6 to 8 p... m., and the concert will be given in the Odd-Fellows’ Hall. Concert will com- mence at 8 p. m. Fenelon Falls, ‘Victoria Road and else- where have kindly consented to assist at , Tickets 25c. HEAVY Penman-A couple of years ago M r. Geo. l). Isaac bought from Mr. T. Isaac for shipment a sow that weighed" 660 lbs. This was the heaviest ever“ put on the scales here up to a few days the concert. ago, when a four-year-old Tamworth sow- ‘ sold by Mr. James Thurston to Mr. Geo. Isaac, and weighing 665 lbs., broke the.~ The price paid was live cents a... record. pound, netting Mr. Thurston $33.25. Who can beat it ? AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Mnnrms.â€"'l‘he~_ annual meeting of the Fenelon Agricnl--~ tural Society was held here on Tuesday._. Mr. John Aldous was re-elected presi- dent, Mr. J. H. Brandon vice-president,,. Mr. Wm. Hetherington, J r., second vice~ president, and Mr. Isaac Naylor secre--- The board or'directorsi. is the same as last year, except that M r. . James Fell takes the place of M r. Heth- . erington. The date of the show is ï¬xed . for Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 5th . ta r y-treasurer. and 6th. The president and secretary were to attend authorized the meetings -. soon to be held in Toronto in connec' tion with the fall fairs and exhibition:-:.. The books show a balance of some $45, 0n hand. INSTALLATION on Orleans-The an nu- ‘ al installation of ollicers ol.‘ Loyal Trent Valley Lodge No. 71, Canadian Order ot' ' Odd-Fellows, was held in the lodge‘ room on Monday, January 4th, when the following ollicers were duly installed in their respective Ollices: P. N. G. Bro. A. W. Fountain; N. G., Bro. John Lee; V. G., Bro. R. M. Hamilton; S. H. Strong; Fin.‘ Sec., Bro. John T. Thompson; Treas, Bro. Lewis l)eynn1n;- lnit. M., Bro Wm. Deyman; Chap, Bro. . Cecil Deyman; Wor. Bro. Fred. Smith-- cram; Con., Bro. Fred. Metcalfc; I. G" Bro. J. E. Minore; O. G., Bro. Jos. McFar- land; R. S. N. G., Bro. David Brokenshire; F. S. N. G., Bro. R. W. Northey; R. S. V. G., Bro. A. E. Minthorn; L. S. V. G. Bro. W. J. Perryman, 1st S. S., Bro. A. E. Bore; 20d. S. S. Bro. Findlay Robson;- Trustees: Bros. R. M. Hamilton, W. A. Bishop and R. M. Mason. ‘-0 Minden Echo: An event which seemed‘ miraculous occurred at Robertson Bros.’ camp last Sunday evening. BLUES.â€"At the regular‘ Musical talent from- “.ec. See, Bro. . One of the‘ need to emphasize what the peo- w% pipes through the streets. to enable brothers, George, who had been spelul- , them to supply our people thh a means Tug Sunday at lllS home Tn the village, _ ---¢ ple say, for we ve marked the of heating their homes at a very much was retiring for the night, and took two ‘ ï¬/ prices so 10w that wc’re bound ’ Es cheaper rate than it can now be done, swallows of what he thought was cough '-’ not t0 be unclersold. The won- -_ é and to supply manufacturers with fuel medicine, since it was on the place derful values in all lines of Dry .. that will cause more and more of them where the cough medicine usually sat; ,- G d F ‘ L l' > . d _ I Es to come among us. but, ï¬nding he had made a mistake, he oo ,s, uT s, at ies an Clnl- E’ It is undeniable that the way to make lit a lamp, to lind that he had taken aco- dren s Coats, Mjen s and Boys’ a E; Lindsay a prosperous city is to present nite, which of course he knew was dead? Clothinfl' and Furnishincs Boots _ _ __ _ _ ,. .. .. . . . . inducements to manufacturers to locate 1y and quick poison. The cam ) was soon and Shotes etc. that prezail here s WWWWWVWWWW WTMFWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWm amongst us’ and it is pleasing to know aroused, and mustard and 1&le caused J’ 3 _ ! that our citizens are fully cognizant of immediate vomiting, which saved his are astonishing all who come. this fact, and that they are reada to life. Medical aid \ilas soon had, and all Now for a rousmg clearance, welcome any means which may have a that remains naw is the memory ol' a during the eight days that gm. ï¬rï¬m.nflqcmd%cfln1iflauÂ¥hzzflmxï¬m . . m. arisisawamuamamawemmmsrs tendency to bring it about el°s° Shave- remain. “for “armrmmawawmrw w Marl in“ “as a“ WWYWWT'WJWJW we? Eivht Thousand Dollars of é . ' ‘if? -â€"â€"'_ Over-:tock that must be'disposed é? éél T Eng E E A tag Egg a F ~ of as fast as possible. It must T0 5.? I i‘ V go, every dollar of it. This is '- one of the most important sales Fenelon Falls has ever known. It is a sale designed to move this big stock of merchandise Well Supplied sins-awn. AWL Jun, promptly and surely, and conse~ quently prices have been ruth- lessly slaughtered. You can’t aï¬ord to miss it. Every man it ' With what you want is half the a? getting together of a good meal. a‘ You have to be provident and lay 9%,? . in your supplies of groceries be-"gg fore they're needed. You can't Pr Capital and Reserve Over $7,000,000. may be opened by two members ol' a family. 72 Years in Business. u I n -4 y . ‘ ‘ , make better preparation than to . Q A JOlnt ACUGUnt - - - . :113nd’t“glpt‘m0 should‘ be heie.I f, _ buy now We will give ym, the g}, __ Either nmy' depos1t or Wltll-T on \hn . 01118 1n. Come 1n. °"'*‘“"T" choicest to be had at prices to H31 _ . _ draw money on his or her ' .~ own signature alone, so that either may do the banking, ' ‘1:’ ‘as lS most convenient. ‘ $1.00 opens a Savings Account. and see and buy. unliflius. F ENELON FALLS, suit you. é? ‘it RObSOH & $On. ‘ é? _ _ Interest at- highest cur- ._ - rent rate 1s paid. Money may be withdrawn at any time. 5 . a ii s geeseesssesseeesssesssssss . Fgelgelon Falls- Branch. W. A- Bishop, Mamas-