- - --' ‘Cass/x1539‘- “Ideal . .~ a-..'F?‘FJ.-‘l:ii.' :7.’ .; Has the Adirantages oi a Stee! Range. with the Durability oi a Cast-Iron Range Peninsular†is the ideal range for advantage of being cast-iron and therefore more durable. The “Ideal†burns either wood or coal and the grate bars may be changed in half a minute. Step in and let us show you the Drop Oven Door-Low \Varming Cioset~â€"Adjustable Damperâ€"1)ayllght Oven and other improve- ments. Always glad to explain the superiority of these ï¬ne ranges. FENELQN FALLS w: . a small kitchen. It gives the conveniences of the est steel ranges with the added ~ "'anewmmm-rvmwwrcwmmr 70% r “W'iuï¬'sciltsmimntmm Mmllixmtlhudim. aï¬nidtJarnfimdlhc nth: ramshackle... Matmn'iin :iihn Ji s a lie has. r u J n. A ‘Jim . tap inn ' ‘ Jilh'uzaflhrsdhazth . with; our special features. and happy New Year. I wish to convey to our many friends our best thanks for the large business we have eiiJoyed during the year, our trade having been much heav1cr than our fondcst hopes could have realized. _ Our stock will be brimiul of attractions ‘for the coming year, and promptness in delivery Will be one of To one and all we wish a very merry Christmas . McFarland. L s; WWW: "en"HcK1-cwrlrnrraawarsreai<'wwrrai I WW We are selling Furs, Ready-Made 1' ' ‘ Skirts, and Mantles at reduced prices. ‘.- is i “rs l .r r. r *4.’ .l-l hail liaiiii l i costs a lot of money. Therefore take care of the i Waggon you have. If it ~ needs overhauling or re- pairing. have it done promptly and properly. Don’,t let it go to rack- " through carelessness. My facilities for repair- ing repainting and over-- waggons were All Work hauling never better. guaranteed. PEAKNKNG done on a good up-to-date machine at reasonable ‘ates. i F G. dilemmas. k D‘:EQFS1\T \ IKIN'G. The. undersigned is prepared to do Dressmaking or Sowing. either by the (lav or work taken home. 'loo'i work- ‘ a‘. Z in; charges reasonable. Apply at l = "irilnv". residence. 5. fulï¬l" hfplv'le' {In l l l l l l h? EDD FDR SALE. The undersigned is prcpa red to deliver wood to any part of the village at any time. Hard or soft wood 4 fcct long or cut to order. All kinds ‘of green and dry wood bought at highest price. 46. F5. WHSLEY. DIS. SHARPE, ' 0mm mono. will be at. tho MCARTHUR HOUSE, FENELON FALLS Wed. and lion's, Dec. “nth a - ist, And Wednesday. and Thursday of every alternate wee-k following. Satisfaction assured-Plato, Crown and ' Bridge work a Specialty. If I . 3 1 , . Winter Term Openslaa.4 Arrange now to attend the famous ELLIQTT j dammflgéa O TSRGEI'IQ, ONT. This school stands to-day without ‘h a superior in the Dominion. Near- ly all colleges clai-u to bc the best but claiming to he so does not mako tlw'u so. Get. ourc'italoguo. Road it from Cover to cove", Set". for your sell’ what this college is doing and the ad vantages it- offers. .4 W ..T. ‘lilflin tt- Pviu innl Q‘ COR.‘ YONG! Al“?! ALEXANDER 973. J We 31m’??? mam-asses -' nz'mflamnm I ~ .1; :‘sn5l3~'.-.T-;."‘.i:'€.‘-l'~.~ll».» -.'.":"":~ ‘;.';.-..".-. - . . :- . . -â€" . . sens! -_-‘â€"..~ _., ~ . ----~-.-..M ...~1_....‘-..»...-...__,~'. w... "a... I... First Month JANUARY 1909 SUN ' l] @EU @@H SEES a sSEEU US UH l .@@HUU Z) N) <12 as rel JQEHU UK U ‘3.13 n, l awn-la- lcooo The. ii‘ melon Fails Gazette. Friday, Jan. 22nd, 1989. .7. ___ .-_- l Erectors NEXT TUESDAY. MESSRS. KEARNS, SIMS, NEVISONI AND McFARLAND lN THE FlELl) FOR COUNCIL. Wm. Campbell, proposed by Dr. Mason, seconded by L. Dcyman. Dr. Mason, proposed by F. J. Kerr, seconded by Wm. Campbell. :.1~Jos. McFarland, proposed by J. J. Nev- ison, seconded by John Shane. J. J. Novison, proposed by Geo. Martin, seconded by W. Northey. T. Onshore, proposed by H. W. Kearns, seconded by T. Poulsom. T. Robson, proposed by J. Twomcy, seconded by J. II. Brandon. Dr. Sims, proposed by J. L. Arnold, seconded by Wm.‘ Webster. II. W. Kearns, proposed by J. L. Arnold, seconded by Wm. Webster. The above is tho list of nominees at the meeting held last Tuesday to select candidates to till the two vacancies in the council resulting from nominees at tho regular meeting failing to qualify. Of the eight nominated on Tuesday, four ~Messrs. McFarland, Sims, Kcarns, and Nevisonâ€"-qualilicd and arc in the ï¬eld, and on Tuesday the electors will have the opportunity of making a choice. ,At the nomination, Dr. Sims said that since the previous nominations he had found that he seemed to bc blamed for everything the council did that anybody disapproved of, justifiably or not; and stated that he had nothing more to do than any other member of the council with anythingthat was done, good or bad. With regard to the cement walk, he said it was put on Oak street because that was tho easiest place t0 begin '; and the oak trce that was cut down was not destroyed wantonly, but because, after considering :thc matter, it was thought that leaving the trco whore it was would necessitate unsightly and inconvenient grades. Dr. Mason and Mr. W. T. J unkin, who also spoke, wcrc inclined to believe that the evident reluctance ofgood mcn to ï¬ll public olliccs could be traced to tho imliscriminato criticism to which they were subjected, cvenwvhen such criti- cism is most'undc.scrvcd. Dr. Sims rc- grctted the tendency to conï¬ne the airing of complaints to private conver- sation, and thought it would be better if they were brought forward whore and when they could be answered. The importance of selecting the bcst- men available to scrvc tho town during tho coming term was emphasized, as its alfairs will noed careful handling. St. Andrew's Church. Large and enthusiastic was the annu- al meeting of St. Andrew's church held in the lccturc room on Tuesday evening. Tho ï¬nancial statement submitted by tho treasurer, Mr. Finlay Macdougall, va; the bcst in the history of the con- gregation. The amounts received for congregational benevolent and mission- ary purposes were the largest in eigh- teen years. All the reports, namely, from the Ladies Aid, W. F. M. S , Sab- bath School aud Guild were most cncour- - aging. indicating progress in every de- partlnent. Mr. F. Macdougall, who for tho past eighteen years,‘ has so ably and cliicicnt- ly managed the business of the church, was tendered a hearty voto of thanks, which was responded to in a fcw wol'l chosen words by Mr. Macdougall. As he has signiï¬ed his intention ol' leaving the village, Mr. J. S. Northey was ap- pointed 'l‘reasurcr. The Board of Man- agers will consist of Messrs. J. H. Bran- don, H. A. McIntosh, Jos. M'oyncs, Wm. li'cthcrington, Geo. imrcy, W. L. Robson, W. H. Robson, Dr. Mason, John Northcy, with Ed. Fitzgerald as Secretary. A votc of thanks was also tendered Mr. A. Sutherland and the several teachers for the able and untiriug way in which they have taken charge of the Sabbath school. As M rs. Macdougall, greatly to the rc- grct of tho congregation, has resigned her position as organist, Miss S. S..Mar~ tin was appointed to that position. After congratulatory speeches made. by some of the gentlemen on the splendid progress of‘ the church during the past year, all joined most heartily in singing “ Praise God from Whom all blessings llow." Curiing Schedule. Following is the schedule of play for vcrc . Seconds and Thirds. H. McCallum and Tcirs vs. MacLean and H and. Twomcy and Aldous vs. Jones and Ar- nold. ' Burgess and Bishop vs. Haskell and Burgoyne. Nevison and M. McCallum VS. Dcyman and Sims. These games will bc ten-coders. Each plnvcr will play two pair of stones. Fir-‘st round to bc played off in January ; sccbhd round by Feb: 10th ; third round bv Feb. 20th ; 11th by Fob. 25th ; and niust not interfere with regular schedule games, either on schedule dates or post- poncd. --â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€". _- .___ Personals. Miss E. S. Hand left for Birmingham, Alabama, on Monday. M r. Wilfred Newman is spending a short holiday in Bellcvillc, Colborne and Port Hope. Miss S. S. Martin rcturncd home last week after visiting friends in Pctcrboro’. Miss M. Davidson, of Pctcrborough, is visiting her friend, Miss E. Robson, at “ Highland Home." .. Mr. Harry Austin, of lunmount, was visiting his home at the Falls last week, Mr. S. Dollcrty, of Kinmount, spent Monday in town. Mr. Robert Chambers, 0t‘ the Lindsay Marble Works, was in town on Tuesday. Mr. Will. Brokcnshire has returned to Cornwall, after an extended visit to his parents and other relatives hero. Mrs. W. .l. McKendry, of Lindsay, is visiting her parents, Mr- and Mrs. ltich- ard Lcc. . _ ' _ Miss Vera Sharp is visiting Miss Ruby Magoo in Lindsay. Mr. John Power, of Pcterborough, and Miss Adelaide Power, of Rochester, at- tended tho funeral of their mother on Fridav and have returned. . ' T. C. M , of Miss Lillian Wilson, A. Toronto. has resumed her choral class at the Falls, and will continue her Visits weekly. _ Mr. Wellington Ingram, of Guelph, 1s visiting his parents here. _ Mr. l. Naylor, of lslay, was in town on Tuesday attending a meeting 0f the Fen- elon Agricultural. Society, of which he lS Secretary. Mr. W. T. J unkin left on Thursday to attend a special meeting ol' the Legisla- tive Committee of the Canadian Frater- nal Association, called for the purpose of passing a draft for the portion of the insurance act relating to friend] y so- cieties, which will come up at this ses- sion of the Dominion House. Mr. Robt Fleming, Chief Secretary, and Mr. Jun- kin will represent the Canadian Order of Odd-Fellows. Baddow. (Correspondence of the G-IZCHB.) Owing to the scarcity of teachers, No. 4 school has been closed, but the trust- ees fortunately secured the services of Miss Annie Nie. Miss Alice Suggitt attended the carn- ival at Coboconk last week. . Mrs. Breaw and daugl1tor,~of Coboconk spent a few days with Baddow friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. Goodhand were the guests of Mrs. G. Rumney, of Coboconk, last Sunday. Rev. Mr, Cragg, of Fcnclon Falls. con- ducted the service in the Baptist church hero on Sunday. Mr. Townsend and daughter Ethel vis- ited Baddow last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Suggitt enter- tained a number of friends to dinner on Tuesday evening. The evening was spent in games and music, and all report a good time. We are sorry to hear that .Miss ‘Viola Wilson is on thcsick list, but under the skilful treatment of Dr. Johnstone she is progressing favorably. Mr. Sam. Suddaby called a telephone meeting at Mr. J. Fell's, but, owing to the small number present, there is noth- ing favorable to report at present. Haliburton. (Correspondence Qf the Gazette) , Mr. llJ-ranklinAustin and his daughter, Mrs. Fletcher, returned to Hamilton last Friday. - Miss Maggie Austin left for her- home in Hamilton on Monday, the lSth. Mr. G. Mills, of Holland, Manitoba. has been on a visit to his brother. the Prin- cipal of the Haliburton school. H'c will lcave in a few days for his western homo. M rs. Moris returned from tho Toronto General Hospital last week, and we arc pleased to say she is greatly improved‘ in health. . Mr. l). McFadden, a former resident of I-lalil)u1'ton,dicd at his. homo near Elk Lake, in the Cobalt district, on Friday, the. 15th inst. He loaves a wife and two small children, with whom their many friends here sincerely sympathize. Fairbairn. G'l'e.ap0rzrlcrzce Qf the Gazelle, The Orangcmcn of L. O. L. 1410 are to be congratulated on the success ol’ their big social held at tho hall on Friday evening of last week. The hall was ï¬lled to overflowing. A good progrannnc was presented, consisting of songs, readings, rccitations. Addresses by Rev. Mr. French, of Fcuelon Falls, and Rev. Mr. Ba rbcr, of Bobcaygcon, wore interesting , and instructive. The ladies did their part wcll wrth a flue array of baskets, the ï¬rst round in this‘ two-man some [01' . which- snl'l fairly well under tho hammer the Brandon-Mchean trophy: Leads and Skips. Towuley and Onshore vs. Magce and Gould. Marks and Hamilton vs. Mason Brandon. Pearce and Stanton vs. Moss find ltobsoi . (2 a down and ‘.fann vs. Cameron an. (r “.11â€. , ._ - ' l i I ' " - .11 I _' I \_ l {DIS-J‘ lil'.‘ gOOd things .l l in-lzhe hands of Mr. French. ‘After tho' baskets were sold everybody set to work . will to satisfy the appetite, which, by this time, had become sharp- ' with a enod. and everybody did full justice to . provided. The crowd dispersed feeling amply repaid by the -ovenings entertainment. Tho proceeds amoonted to $57.00. Vcrulam District Orange Lodge met . on ‘Tuesday last in the Orange Hall, Bob- :rers'woz'nx owed/.2 ~ZYC*‘.>>'.!~"\’Y‘.1 .‘ s.“ .. 9-4,,45-3. 'vt- MAJ-"65,varofs"\"\:q.l>'.\ll'w4NIFWWVWQL": win)‘ v‘ ‘m _..-)- ...~.. . .. -._ . .1 '-._ _' caygeon, and the following brethrent i were duly elected to ollice for the ensu- ~ lug your: W. M., Wm. Gambol; D. M..- ‘ Wm. Pattrick; Rec. Scc., R. Elliott; Fin. Sec., Geo. Brooks: Chap. John Mulliganz‘ Trcas. Wm. Sherman; D. of 0., Jas. Mar- tin; Lecturers, Thos. 'Patterson and J. J. Elliott. ~ Messrs. Armstrong & Campbell have their m'ill in opeyation, and are prepared to handle all the logs and shingle timbcr~ that comes along. l Scnoor. BOARD-â€"Tll(3 School Board’ l met on Wednesday evening. Proceed-- mgs wdl appear in next weck’s Gazette. hlARKETS.â€"OntS 360. to 39c , Eggs 250.... i, Live Hogs $8 to $6.25 These dare tho‘ . only changes in tho prices ruling for the' i past mouth in all liucs of produce. l l l Wonnv's Irsrlrc’rn.â€"'l‘hero will be a _. meeting of the Women's Institute at‘ i Mrs. (Dr.) Gould's on Friday, the 29th i. ‘ inst., at 2 p. m. i‘ Icu.--l\lr. H. A. Mclntosh has common-- cod drawing ice for use iu the crcamery' during the summor. Tho ice is about 16 inches thick and of good quality. Dox'r Foucn'r I'l‘.â€"D0n't forget the shadow social in the Orange Hall at- Burnt River on Saturday evening, Jam. ‘23rd. A good time expected. Possmcr New BOAT.â€"-â€"i\[r. C. W. Bur- goyne received recently a 50 h..p. engine- and boiler with the intention oi? putting‘ them into tho “ Kuwartha," but ï¬nding them rather large. is ï¬guring on a large!" boat to' accommodate them. but has not‘ yet comc to a deï¬nite decision. Prmsc LIBRARY SALE. ~'[‘he annual meeting of the members of the public" library was postponed until M onday‘ next, January 25th, at S p. m., on account of the smallness of attendance on Mon- day last. The date of the annual sale of ‘ papers and periodicals was ï¬xed for~ Monday, Feb. 1st. 33 54$»; m < < ~â€"---=-r.=.~ warns/r! a" 13:5? w Aucrrori Sana-3h. Thos. (‘l-ashore has instructions from Mr.W. A. Gillis, Powlcs'" Corncr, to sell his farm stock and im- plements, of which there is a good list: The sale will be hold on Tuesday, Feb. 2nd. at one o'clock, and will be without , reserve, as Mr.Gillis has leased his farur- ' for a term of years and is going west.- Scc bills. l Bnoun Tunouou.â€"While crossing the ice on Balsam Lake with a load of flour for Victoria Road, M r. E. Brock broke through the ice between Long Point and“ Grand Island, but not far enough to let '- the team and outï¬t down. The hind cnd' of the sleigh wont down and a few bags of flour got wet. The accident happened on Monday. . Moan Roon Fon' Srrcr.iroas.-The waiting room at the curling rink is being enlarged to double its present size, and‘. more windows put in to admit a better- view when games arc in progress. This- will be a great improvement, and will be- appreciatcd by spectators. The local wielders of the bosom are having some- good games at present, and it is expect-_ , ed there will be pretty interesting argu- ' mcnts with visiting curlers in a fow- days. ' LIQUOR CASE.â€"M r. James Simpson, of.‘ Kinmount, was up before Magistrate F.. D. Moore at the Falls on Friday, charged’ with a violation of the local option law. Thccvidencc was not considered sullic- ient for conviction, and the defendant was accordingly acquitted. Thirty wit- nesses and other interested residents of‘ Kinmount came down to attend the trial- Mr. I. E. Weldon acted for the crown; and M r. F. A. McDiarmid for the defence- SrncI/u. hIISSIONARY Mmrrrns.â€"'l‘he Women’s Auxiliary of St. James’ Church ,. Fenclon Falls, will hold a special mis- sionary meeting in Dickson’s Hall in- stead of the basement of the Methodist church, as announced last week, on Sat-- urday, January 23rd, at 2.30 p. m. p An address along tho line of missionary work will be delivered by Mrs. Reeve†wife of Bishop Reeve, assistant Bishop~ of Toronto. Members of the missionary societies ofthe Methodist, Presbyterian and Baptist churches are cordially in~ vited to attend the meeting. L. O. L. Disrmcr hIEETTNGCTTDC anon-- al' meeting of Loyal Orange District Lodge No. 4, Fenelon, was held in the» Orangc Hall, Fcnclon Falls, on January 12th. The District Master, Bro. Wm- Manning, occupied the chair. The re.- ports of the various lodges showed the Order to bc in a satisfactory condition. After the usual routine business had been disposed of, the election of officers was taken up and resulted as follows: D. M. Bro. Wm. Manning; D. D. M., Bro- Ronald M cFadycn; D. Chap., Bro. Lewis: -Dcyman; D. Rec. Soc, Bro. John T. Thompson; D. Fin. Soc, Bro. Stephen- Olivcr; D. Treasurer, Bro. Robt. English D. Lcc., Bro. John Cook; Dcp. Lcc., Bro- Bert Black; D. of‘C., Bro. Thos. Johnston. Tho above named ollicers were duly in“ stalled by County Master Wm. Thorn~ bury. ' Armrvuusanv or S" Janus’ Cnnncn.“ The services in St. James’ church wilt be- of unusual interest on Sunday next, January PAth. The occasion will be the anniversary of the church, which hus- .bccn deferred until the present late date in order to secure the assistance of‘ Right Rev. Bishop Reeve, D. D., the As-- sistant Bishop 0|’ tho Diocese. The l Bishop will preach morning 'and even- ing. In tho morning of Sundry, 24th, i Jonï¬rmation will be held at l0.30 a. m., l when a largo class will be presented by the Rector, tho Rev. W. H. A. French. In the evening, at 7, tho anniversary sermon will be preached by tho Bishop, and tho choir will sing special music. for the. occasion. Special anniversary‘ l collections both morning and evening. Tho church wardens are asking the sum ‘of $225.00 to clear tho church of all "'lnating liabilities 'and to supplement. [the weekly oflertory uni-ll Easter, limo». Ol'flo." ‘but the’ Monty", report may be ‘BOG. " t‘: ~.» encnudwances. ' l ‘bu i __ awe,“ ,“f (we '~_