i. ‘1, it li. 1 ma. - 1.1111111111102111 NEWSPAPER BIBLE $1030‘! CLUB THE GAZETTE'S BRANCH. 110139;‘. 01218032t’sSilggtsiilchlcSflOllS 0 .1 t 1c 11.:1 1.1.13 School Lesson 1'01' Jan. 31'11, 1909. The Lame Lian .I:Ienlcd.â€"â€"Acts iii: 1'.-‘.26. (inlden Text -~-IIis 1111110 through laith in his 11. 1me, l1 1th made this man strong, whom 3c sec and know. Acts iii: 16. N Professional Cards. @@@@fl$¢ LE‘3-&Lo Our Toric Curve Lenses F. A. MCDIAIHIID. DARNSTER, SOLICITOR, Etc, FENE U lon I":11ls.()ï¬ice, Colbornc street opposite Post-oflice. EC? Money to loan on real eslatc at louest current rates. are very much better than the \icI.AUGIl LIN, PEEL & FULTON flat kind. BARRIS'FERS, SOLICITORS AND NOT- VQI'SC 1-""Â¥I‘e two def-9115 P9180115 bet- nries. Oliices over Dominion Bank, Come in and‘ let- 11s show you. 11 ter titan one for_worship‘.> _ _ _ Lindsay. Branch ofiice open at Bobcaygcon I Is 10.111131 help 111 the b'lllflStllel hie for every Monday. Money to 101111 at lowest They are not Only better for H You Srcw anl'se 2 eachtbhlrlfstlalr to have a very intimate rutcs ofinterest. the eyes but they are more _ . i *1’{$é,;:g., 119;‘; 11 111v 11.1111 of this mm a. J. 1111.11101111111'. c. 11.11. 11111101313. A. comfort-‘1316 ‘111d 100k better 1111110111 any apparent reason. 1f g that he was lame .3 ' Jus. A. 1911111.. ' ‘ - antirritaéing little hack worries, Did God think an the less of him f0 , yo nee 3 1.61.0111... . I " e. n. HOPKINS. K. 0. '3 Is any sickness 01' bodily sickness ne- I ARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY . ' E 9 p ° i’ 1 COSSI'lllly sinful? l Public 82;: Solicitor f1)l."l.ll(i Bunk of " vans Hillse I‘: 1 I Wui'rl'norO11110): 01101111 AILMENTS .1111; Montreal. Money to loan at terms to suit .. 1 , A unscr'r 111'r11n11 011' 0011 sm 011 0011 001.~ borrower. Oiliccs, 6 William street south, FOOT 0F KENT STREET, _ LINDSAY. lenses which Follow Thrï¬ai Paghiï¬es 1011111: 1111\011 1N0!) ‘3 (1‘ iis question must be answered in writing by members of the club.) To “hat class of persons do the poor generally go for help. 9 Verse 3. â€"â€"\‘1 hich is the better, to beg 01' to starve. 9 Was this a. legitimate way for this man to make his living ? Should the state maintain all persons who are born with inlirmities which make it impossible for them to maintain themselves" Are our laws righteous which forbid beggin;1 ‘.9 Verse 4.-~1f3'0u want to impart <1p111t- ual beneï¬t, can you do it 01010 eiioctual- ly by looking the person straight in the e3cs. 9 Verse 5.â€"â€"Does ciIec-tual teaching o1 helping others depend as much noon lathe person taught, or needing help, as upon the teacher 01' helper 9 Verte 6.â€"-W11s it an advantage 01' a disadvantage that Peter and John. had 110 money t0 giv.e 9 Was it an advanlage or a disadvantage to the lame man that Peter ‘and John had no money Would .1. Church do better work if it did not give money to the poor, but, i11- stead, gz'ne them the things they need- ed most. 9 Need the want OI' money, 01' ability, ever prevent any man from doing the “Ofk in life which God has appointed him to do. 9 If we invoke the name of Jesus, in the workto which we are appointed, what elfect will it have upon the accomplish- ment of our work ? Verse 7. â€"-lly what power was this lame man healed 9' _ What reason is there for the belief that the power of God generally works in conjunction with human eiiort. 9 Verse 8. *1‘. ould it be “ise, or not, il‘ “c made more outward demonstration in returning God thanks for the wonders ol’ his love. 9 Is there any merit 111 outward enthusi- asm ii we have n1w.11d loyalty to God. 9 Vcrse 9. â€"lf v10 were to outwardly de- 1n0nstr_ate 111010, would the work of God go 011 faster. 9 Verses 10- ll. ~â€"What' 1s the greatest i11- lluence in advancing Christ s Kingdom. 9 Verse 12 â€"Is it a sign of faith, or of 1111belief,wl10n we "111'11vel " at the ful- ï¬lment of any of God’ s promises. 9 Verses 13- l0. â€"Which was the guiltier, Pilate or the chief of the Jews, for the murder of Jesus. 9 Yer se 1.7 ~11’ .1 man does a wrong thing through ignorance, when he could have known better, is he as guilty as if he knew better ‘2 Verses 18- 26. â€"Wl1at is our only reas- onable hope of salvation. 9 Lesson forSunday, Jan. 31st, ’09. The Trial of Peter and John. Acts iv: 1- 31. At Washington before the Ways and Means Committee of the 60th Congress of the United States, “ Salado. Tea †was spoken of as the “ King OI’ Teas.†DIED. Down RS. â€"â€"At Fenclon Falls, on Thurs- day, Jan. 14th, 1,909 Mrs. John Powers, aged 70 years, 7 months and 6 days reasonarnr ‘artiï¬cial teeth. Lindsay, 011 t. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. the 1111111111 oi lhe Eyc- O 8T0 RM .. XSAS H ‘AND STORM DCDORSJ 111.165 Prepare for the cold weather before it comes. i RUBSUN’S DRUGSTDRE Save fuel by making your house snug'and tight. Order storm doors and sash now. Don’t delay. First-class Workmanship. Reasonable Prices. FEiiElï¬ii FALLS PLAiililG MILL. A. TEIRS PRBPBIETQB.O they are unsurpassed for reliev- ing coughs, and preventing soreness and irritation of the throat. They keep the 'voice in ï¬ne condition. All prominent singers and cpeakers use them. 1110011111. JACKSON, ARRIS'FERS, SOLIUITORS, &c. Of- O lice, William strcel,[.indsay. . . D. Moons. A. JACKSON STEWART 81, O’CONNOR, ARMSTERS, NOTARIES, 8w. MONEY to loan at lowest current ralcs. Terms to suit. borrowers. Ollice on corncrprt-nt and York streets, Lindsay. l‘.S'r11wAnT. L. V. O'Connor, B. A 250- ‘IDENTAL. Dr. S. J. SIMS, DENTIST, Fennelon 117111155. Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY [crlorined acco1ding to the latest improved methods at moderate prices. OFFICE --:Ove1' Bu1'go3'nc’s store, Col- orue street DRS. NEELANDS 81 IRYIIIE, ouxrls'rs - leusu. Natural teeth plcscr.ved Crown and bridge welk a speciiliy. Splendid ï¬ts in Painless extraction. Gas adminislered to over 9,000 persons with great success. WOOOOOOOOOOOO 0000009 Rd BEES This is the season when the feet of every man, woman and child should be protected by a good pair of 1'.ubbers Dry feet ale better than life insurance these days, and you will be as- sured of the former if you wear a pair of our r'ubbeis. All Sizes, All Shapes, All Styles, All Prices, but only ONE QUALITYâ€"the best. O UOOWOOOOOO FUR 9E a DEMTISTBY. 01111.1 NESBI'PI‘, 1.. D 3,1) 1). Graduate of P103111 College of Dcntal Surgeons of‘ Ontario. Honor Graduate of Toronto Universiry. Three Years practical experience. All modern improvements. Ollicu over Can diau Bank of Commerce, corner Kent and William street, Lindsay, Out. Phone 272. r _â€"__.-_‘ J. W. BRYANs. Wcst0n’s' Broad for Sale. MEDICAL. 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 DR. I'l. II. GRAHAM. -111.o:,c.111.,111 11. c s. Eng.,111. c. r. .1. s., Ou'1'., 11'. '1'. n. s.-- ' lIYSlClAN, SURGEON 8: ACCOUCII- 01112. Oliice. Francis Street, Fenclon l'nlls. EYES TESTED, FRAMESiTESTED‘. - When your eyes trouble you, cause you pain or head- ache or if your glasses re- quire changing or you need new glasses, g0 to on. 111. B. Alums, Eyesight Specialist. (over Neill's shoe store), Lindsay - i Ont. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges mod-t. crate. SALEIOF VILLAGE PROPERTY BY TENDER. ' In the mat-tor of the estate of the late In Jewelry ,Joseph William Fitzgerald, 01’ the town H e carry {t laroe and W ell l of Parry Sound Province of Ontario: r , y ‘- selected StOClI. 0111‘ PTICGS m. 6 Pende1s will be receiw ed by the unde1 SUCCI'ZSSOR TO DR. A. WILSON, Bigngd, up to January 31st, 1909, for the , ' . _ pure 1ase of the following village lots in 11.1.0011le OF TORONTO UNIVER- "S 10W as 9°“ wdl ï¬nd, any a ‘ sity. Ph3sician, Surgeon and Ac- where Fenelon Falls: coucheur. Ollice, Colborne stieet, Fen- clon Falls. ' To keep your watch in good DR. H. B. JOHNSTONE, lol Nu. 1, real of Bulliorna St, south oi Francls 81. South hull 1.1 in. 1, 111:1 Collier-1:81., north Bond Si. Lot llo. 7, west of 601111111111 81., south otloulsa St All tenders to be addressed to E. FITZGERALD, Fenclon Falls AUCTION EEK. FELIX A. NORTHEY, runmc AUCTIONEER. Farm and other sales conducted in ï¬rst- clnss order. Secure dates before adver- tising. Address, Fcnelon Falls. STEPIII‘ N OLIVER, 47-4. order. If it needs cleaning -1l~i-wlrsw:?.si~,v:rw 4'1? ‘rift; s...†swwae. r'ms'»...1a~w; 1' "4521.1 " ' - ~ .-. 3 . 1 or repairing bring it here. WWW it Newspaperâ€" will win for you a good salary. LINDSAY - 0.\'.l‘. QQ Y0“ 0'1" 1091'“ 1t qu1ckly “11311 1‘ Live Stock and cnerul Auctioneer S I "- ~ '"' $9 superior conditions at our school. “'mc for ‘1,,le before ï¬dvcrtising. JQHN LA. ER’ @ imgéhgagg Qï¬ V Catalogue frec.W1ite Cll\l‘liAL TELEGRAPH 8011001., Tonoxro. W. H. SHAW, T. J. JOHNSTON, PRES. PRINCIPAL. 4‘ 1 1'1 r1. :',\"r ‘H 1! ‘- E Pl. Don’t forget that I have a ï¬rst cites Planer and am prepared to do all work in this line in the best s te;yl also to r. ake THOMAS OASHOREI ISSUER OF 1111111111011 LICENSES AUCTIONEI'IR - FICNI'TLON FALLS. Sales of all kinds conducted in a ilrst- elass manner. Secure dates before ad- v crt1s111g. The man who wants an Open-minded discussion of politics, the steady support of right, justice, and decency, without cant qr bitterness, and an unpre- judiced, common-sense treatment of public afl'airs, will thoroughly enjoy the 'l 090 The Star is not tied to any party or any “interest.†It has deï¬nite opiiiions of its own on politicah social, and 11101211 questionsâ€"bnt it recognize the right 0i’ others to hold exactly opposite opinions without necessarily being scoundrels or {it subjects for abuse.~ NEXT DOOR To POST-OFFICE. FENELQN FALLS. Notice to the 1°11b1ic. I hereby notify the public to give no one credit on my account. ALEX. DUNSEATH. newm'ém'wsewsmw 910?. v1 '91:.‘ 516% TF9; - 11.1 THGEQUGHBREB PIGS FUR SALE. Yorkshire Whites. Three hogs and [our sows,o months old; one hog and one sow, 11 mouths Old. Extra good ani- We are‘ showing The Star’s editorials are broad-minded, honest, as . 801118 ï¬ne 111168 keen and clever as some of the best writers in Canada Saga-1 mals. Pedigrees furnished if required. 1 1 ' ‘w 0110. 000011.110), . M ; _ can 111a <5‘- them, am always Fair. Aidii Buddow 1’. O. 0f F111. ‘tare at Q The star is published for fair- minded, intelligent cones. Lot 21, con. 3, Somcrvillc. 119-3. #5 ' very rea- 8011311016 people who take an active interest in Canadq and the world. Consequently It Has More Readers Than Your pati ouage solicits... i ‘ Yflljfl . (‘Gm-‘NURSE prices. Call an d. 41,1131 Other Papcr m Ontario. ‘in Shin-thand or Bus'ness 1 ‘ll b ' _ ï¬/ "mu best results if tziken all; curlibllg IDSPGCt. $1650 A Qï¬zia S S Edith-'9 established and thoroughly reliable school. Winter term begins January 4th. Catalogue free. Blitish CAm- erican Business College, Y. M.C mmamJ L. 0511.11.11 a sou. ____-_. Tin‘: paper and (In TORONTO DAILY STAR loglfbu' for one year, 82. 20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen gnarl {qr 5 00. added to above subscript. '1;n prices. L ""7' ‘~73me leirv a ' __/ ‘ I I >4 .0 _ _IQ" :\ r‘ .l'l’~ 4"’ _' 10f‘: .,.-' ' ' 1 . 2- 11 -. .1. 1:... 3'" 01'1"" ' ' Wm...“ 1:1. 1 i .1. ‘\. \'1 5 . 1 ; ' . \ g 45¢ l‘, .. _| “ms-.11- 3?.‘ lï¬m wasewsm. ‘or;manna.'.a';r.i.1..i:.'11"'Ts.1.rt=..1yl"--1.“..1...o =1.