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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 22 Jan 1909, p. 7

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HOW D0 YOU SLEEP? How Different Nations of. the Earth-fimLETE 0F » inn-Two YEARS The ordinary Canadian, in order to sleep well, likes to have a soft ___ pillow Iunder his head. The Jap, stretching himself out on a rush SAYS Hi1 OWES IIIS “TENDER- mat on the flOOI‘, plltS a hard blOCk FUL ENERGY To DODD~S WHY . Draw 3 Per Gent. VJ‘ [N You Ban Have 9 Per Gent. by! AND ARE ssouni-zo ALWAYS? of wood under his head, and is . . sleepless without it- IQDEEY PILLS‘ We put up listed stocks as security. Don’t let any one The robust man 0f this country ___ advise you against making money. Make your money work during the-Winter months. We know tlie Banks want you to leave it in the Savings Department. And they are making money by lending yours to other people. \Vhy not lend it yourself and get the profits’! We guaran- tee every loan we make with UASIIT. Write us. PATREARGHE a eewaeanv, ' BROKERS, Standard Stock Exchange Building, Toronto, at. _ likes to have the window open at . ‘a nlght-tlmb‘, both 51111111181‘ and “'ln- Was Tortured With Rheumatism I. . i r ter. The Russian, on the contrary, ,.. , GgF-igfiafi ‘,5ng lIiIkes no sleeping-place SP W?“ as afid a (ripple .l ill the (ii-eat tae top of the big stove in his do- luilney Remedy. Cured Hiiu. " micile. . _ . Rggained ' ' The Laplander crawls, head and SIX. Nations, Ont., Jan. 18 all, into a bag of reindeepskin; (Special).â€"1*ifty-two years of age, but still young enough to captain Ever" woman should take - . ._ -;' _ _ , , and often the East Indian follows _ . Eggilziltk: {1135112551liéilelgrilstae'iis 301% a similar custom, using, however, the lacrosse team, John Silversmith digestants. Psvchine is a boon to l a more pIorousIbaIg. 'Thls' 1t should Of this place can truly be “)0de on run-down tired and overworked be explained, ls intended as a pro- as a wonderful athlete. One would women 1.01‘ there is LIFE IN teetion, not from cold, but from naturally think he wasIall his lite EVERY DOSE. Mrs. J. T. Miller “10msqulioes- . a healthy man‘ B“ ‘t ~-“""S- h“ II of 63 Notre Dame St. Winnipeg i114; German likes to have a fea- other'mse, and he unhesrtatingly 'l roved this for she 8:1 's' “I ani they CO"'01‘_1I18, as wan as to lie on states that his wonderful energy '1 I’ " 3 ' u feather bed. The Chinaman pre- and ‘ilmhty are due to Dodd’s \‘fififim'fi'lm ~.. - 1 i. on 'nis OCEAN, FRONT. ATLANTIC ClTY, N. J. hankful for ‘what Psyehine has fers a low couch, scarcely above Kidney Pills. “I suffered from Rheumatism for done for mo. I was laid up with the level of th . _ - c floor. ’ agggfisgs'wghiIgg; Ipiigfierggd lg; The people of Northern countries over seven years,’_’ Mr. Silversmith i itomach was greatly disordered. To- prefer to Sleep where there ls says m telling his story, . W1 1L llav I am strong and well for Psy- plenty Of room in Whmh' to stretch; finally made a complete cripple OE i‘ chine has brought nie piermanent while the inhabitants of the tropics me. My back wasbent nearly (1011- ‘relief. 1 feel like a new woman are prone to curl themselves up in ble and when I tried to walk I had now to what I did before takinv a suspended hammock’. to use crutches. Latter-1y I could Ps Ychine I feel the vi ‘or of girl: Diversity Of method m sleeping! not get around at all and I suffer- ) ‘ 8 After this, we should think so. ed QXCYHCI-‘ltmg pain. “Twoboxes of Dodd’s Kidney hood in my veins once more.” Pills gave me relief; sixteen boxes Psychino regulates and strength- . ens the stomach and is an infallible WOULD BE IN AWFUL SHAPE. cured me completely.” remedy for all disorders Of the A woman went to a butcher shop Dodd’s Kidney Pills always cure Rheumatism because Rheumatism throat, lungs and chests A111 drug: the other day to get a roast of beef. $15“ ml'd stores,1g()IC-T gmque senaThe butcher is a little old man, in- is caused by disordered Kidneys on app ieation. 1- - ' " ocam, clined to‘ be cranky. He began to and Dodd’s Kidney Pills alwaysl Limit/GE, 'IEYIOTWOI- PSI/Chi“; drives cut the roast. She thought he was cure disordered Kidneys. away a NPPe sawmg off too much bone. q. “That roast will have too much bone in it, I fear,” she said. STAMPS FOR SOLDIERS. HARD HITS AT MEN. Th l t l t d l . l d e )n'eiers o e anc s1 ie. . ' ,.- ' When a man admits that he is “Madam,” he ggidI “thatgs the . T3116 Iéahggt (IiIoafclbnemffficgai l-Ii' never too old to learn you may be cow’s fault. These cows would be P§°_“°°icblfm stamys n ‘Each 11:3, sure that lie is getting pretty old. in awful shape if they had t0 run 1 aiy p . l p ' . ' 01' ment of the Italian Army is now 'v completed, making this famous A magnificent ten-story tire-proof addition is just boln A new {oi-turn is tho unusual hostnlry tho newest and most unto-date of Atlantic City Mote s. size of the bod rooms, averaging 19 fest square. itvory room commands an ocean view, bath attached with sea. and fresh water._ Cheval- glass in every chamber. Temperature regulated by Thermosdadt. the lateit development in stonn-i boating. Telephone in every room. Golf privileges. Gspaoity 600. Write Iorlllustrltod booklet. CHARLES O. MARQUETTE, TRAYMORE NOTEL COl'lPANY, ' Manager. D. S. WHITE, President. "rer'm ' i-Wv-r' ~ - .. .\-\01_'~.<".a.-=v. finit?!\‘u an _~'-rr Il-rh‘ A man usually begins to appree- around without bones.” - - . . iate his wife about the time that‘ The woman said no more. pi'OvldCfd “3h a specially dcmgnecd he has killed her appreciation of stamp or 18 6?:6 llslve Iiiso o 1 s own soldiers. ltach regiment has him. Time tries all things, and as . d - Tl h , f Not one man in ten thousand Bickle’s Anti-Oonsumptive Syrup its (min.- es1gn. h ills t c stamp of leaves his impress upon his fellows, has StOOd the tesfi 0f years if’ 110W Ione ilegnnent gamibba gorilla? Q which probably is fortunate for his ranks as 31 leading SPCCifiC in the [Its co one ’ ano 161 be?“ he leg? fellows. treatment of all ailments of the mental 0010'?’ ‘15°F ‘61 EFF ‘Ogl' Some men achieve matrimony, throat and lungs. It will soften mentizIIImPtléIofi an_ SUIOH'II. ‘if’ RPS‘ some men have it thrust upon them, and subdue the most stubborn Ila? 'd a1 C fe- .ls- acloliIingda sill] and others are lucky enough to es- cough by relieving the irritation, 11m 1 ea, ant 1L ls {C levo FM-t cape it altogether. and resore the affected organs to these stamps at once inciease legl' mental esprit de corps and height- ii . . - , r .l ltl od'ti .. ' - . . ‘R ‘at '7'» man knows “111 some lea. 1y c n 1 ens Use wrll show en civilian interest in the army. times make a book, and frequently its Ivalue. Try it and be convinced what lie thinks he knows would 0f Its efiieacy. Worms dcrange the whole system. Write for Weekly Price Lists. JOHN HALLAM - make an entire library. . PYOIQSSlOciial faSterg-“I should Mother Graves’ Worm Extermina- WHY DO . >1 - _. .- like to un crta e a ast of four tor deranrres worms and gives rest i. .i r . . - _ »- IllthL“ loU“ IOUTH. weeks in this show of yours. How to the sullerer. It only costs 25 So many Institutions devoted t0 the higher Edd- _. I; Sliow- cents to try it and be convinced. cation selquBgll filgnosg The feel Iliad they use and prefer the Be is ewdence 0i distinct merit! Never before has the struggle for much will you pay me 'l” al advice in ocquirin an education, social and commercial success been man-â€"“-I can’t give you any salary, so keen as 1n our own day, and to' but I will pay £01‘ your keep.” Teaclicrâ€"â€"“ch, children, when One follows profusion . . . .- ' ‘the war broke outall the able-bodi- wh not follow professional custom “twigs? pianos? i C l o only pianos With \hoilllirnita Repeating Action. - ' the victor and the vanquished - 31w" Thmg a“ a harm“! “mg”- led men who could leave their fami- alike comes a time when nerves andI were ‘a no t b (III I h . ~ . ' ' e om a oworse iin essc oxk- .1. . . body cry {oi rest. Nature and 561-, The-“"“ble g" S r i ies enlisted in the Army. Now, what motives II . l I . b' l . l . . _ Allen's Lung Balsam cures the worst 9f‘ I 1 C 1L6 law: (0m 1119C t0 pIOC “CG an colds. It allaysnitiammatiouand clears the air I can any 0f )‘Oll tell me environment where tired men and nussogfls- . fl ‘took them to the front?” Bright . women may renew the“ youth. On She-“I see where a fellow mar- Boy "(trinniphantlfl __ HLOCOHIO" \. .s ' . '33 tildes‘ Send for (free) Catalogue No. 75. . The BELL PlANO e) Organ or... Umllod 6UELPH.ONTARFQ§ Railway System, at St. Catliarines, l ll l h' 'll' l ‘ '- ' M ‘l _ so Sic con c rave is mi ions w ien Ontario, is situated The ll cl l II (I no Gould 'ou love a "irl e‘ le was 00 - d b “timughsomeunscrupulous doalorsmaysay thoro like that 2’, He~HVVhGYO (1065 She’ is, Recommended by doctors, hospitals, clergy I and everybody {or plourisy, s M The tallest masts of sailinrr-ves- I sols vary from 1th feet to 188 feet WQNTEE- lNell ” under proper medical super- . - - - . . i - v ,’ . rrcrlns 111 llel ill}. vision and attendance. Apply t0 Useful at all 'Iimes.â€"1n winter 5mm’ . .( - 1 . . . g Agents Stores, everywhere; handâ€" . . . . '1 summer jam-17161665 Ve etablc know that your chic {ens conic ovci 7 . . 1.30 St. James street, Montreal, for‘m 11 , -' ' _ g , , ‘1.7,; S k ~“1 nosed MW,“ '1. (L d 1:: 1 I 501116 Pwfils; $011 0111‘ perfect, Pills will cope With and overcomelto ml 3:11‘ 3 *1100 S sup, . ‘ ' ‘3"’ ' “pm 'â€" n brass kerosene mantle table- at they did, for they never conic health and happiness we need no *" ” ’ . lamp; hanging or bracket-lamp, booklet and further information. . . . . l ties of the digestivel)th friends but “hen . l ' . ' \. an . ".- ’ p l 1m Plus 100 candle-power; X kerosene any irregu ari . n organs which change of dict, back again. ~ . . . tration conic we look for friendly - ‘ used; a wonder; sells on Sight; re- ‘ When a woman has occasion to l f 'l . t' eianoe o res1c ence or varia ion . - . O ’ A lady write-s: “I was enablodto aid from sympathetic hands. These l 'l so; 1'0 8.1 S I, v . l . H0 Substitute for “The l) 86L" Menthol Plaster, ‘tl . ' l'i - - T.‘ k . ie ni'un iie of the Grand iun ried a girl on his death-bed, JuStl l land,” where the ills of life ar alleviated by bathing in the Saline . III, Springs of the “St. Catliarines 11W‘ i angrily) -â€" “Do you visit her poor relations she always f t t m m V biing ab .t w . - t. ‘ em era'u' a_ ' k ou . _ gllwb It.('hmI'n‘Ia'gPUiithiiIltlouble she ‘They syllaoum be always kept at hand Iremove the corns, root and branch, hands cIan Iservc us no better than . . .. . _ . ias “lt' ml ire g1! ' and once their beneficial action be- lby the use of Holloway’s ICorIn inI rubbing in Dr. Thomas’ liclectric “19351 luil SPECIALTY CO" Tiliou “ng Bni dens Iifc Tlie'comes known no one will 1),, witli- i Cure.” Others who have tried it Oil, for when the Oil is in the pain ~ ‘Waterbury, COR"- ) .\f.: .8. - , J _._. . 9 . . 4 I -; 1 ~. r .‘ \ -_ . . . l‘ . ‘I, . ________________-_--â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"'â€"_"___- bilioiis man is never a conmanion- out them. There 18 nothing nausc-lIhaW the same CAPCIIODLC- 1i out. 1IItIliasIIbioughIL- 1Ll1(I‘f to able man because his ailmeiit- ren- ating in their structure, and the! C Ll Lodge-1“ “I m‘ Mis iiiillelijdnfciiciirliilo “1mm”; 1t “'Uu-d be A. J. PATTISON 8L CO< .. -. . . . - l' te can use thorn coin- '0“ eman ‘ "" “~77 ’ ' ~ ‘ ' 1 ‘35$- _. dew hm] moiose and gloomy. The lliiiiilyde 10a 1 ‘Naner. I don’t cafe for yOur ba- . _ 33 35 SGGTT STREET‘ IOROHTO, ' con this morning! 1t docsn’t seem Paper-hangings for walls were ,IStosk Brokers 8‘ Financial Agents Napperâ€"“Very introduced into Europe from the COBALT East in 1675. ‘ ‘11d other stocks bought and sold on commission; ""“"""'"""'""" “““" """Z___-m“'“mmm_~ Correspondence lnntod. Orders may be wired n’ Ralsa Them \Vitliout ll‘. SAL Booklet. Free. . _. ____ __.____ Si role Briana Seed (30., Ltd., Toronto ~~â€"loi_r-:Ai~lii\io y, "its" complaint is not so dangerous as it fresh.” Mrs. is disagreeable. Yet no one need ‘f t (t t) (‘\Y 4 ' ‘ ' . - -. 1.1 is ress o new servan __ e . . . suffei from It’ who can moo“)? kf' rr . -. ll r l lstranwe. sir‘. The shopman said it Par-melee s Vegetable Pills, 13y iaIve bioa List geneiaI y a rout ..,. o l . ‘cl l'l. t week I, Gen- rerrnlating the liver and obviating eight o'clock.‘ New Servant. _..I\\..s on y in: -c .Is I I c‘ _ ~ - . 1H 7 11 > ‘f I ' *t 1 .- t- ‘t itlcnian l.odger-â€" \il ell, it must the effects of bile in the stomach \le , inuni, 1 ain (own u i , II I V 4 deift wait.” . ‘have had a relapse. rest-ore men to eliecrfulness ,_ ., _. dron Wlll Go Sleighlng. 'l'hey cunio homo BU‘! SMARLS lN THE BEST MINE li'l l ‘E ! OUTING I LAD S I I u SUIT’ l they . l Ml full \‘iflor of ‘iCtlQl'l. . . I 81 d C t l A flagging Cough drives sloIeIp :iIiIii conlilon' Gh-l l itli um ‘WI-L tomqpmniliil of P'LlJ . ' “'4 l ' can o n uer it wi i on‘: .un cover-oi w s I '. .. . .. . , |.I I . ‘ 1 1 . I‘ I gwtygmllwmh relioiies hard breathing, pain iii killer in hot sweetenoelIwater will pIrovont any » Canada 8 Greatest Gold (lamp Cubed ' l tl b OI 13L THlf. LIAII I. =I ha ‘Jolt and irritation of the throat. Give 1g; [ll attests. Avoid substitutes, there iii but one . . _ I . . ‘l’ ,, "tiatodi some “S miles on yer so y y our Frobohlroceu. Try“ - ' i o u a -l'l|1rsu "Painkiller "--1’orry Dani-‘3.50. and 500, ‘ blilf-ll-Il l RM!- \' h‘ 1 . . .' ~ . ‘ . IMTIIIH AMERIBMI DYIINQ ch C " ‘f l ' lâ€"â€"‘ KD ' ‘ ‘ ' t ‘ ' il‘ t Ireoly to [he L n ' “hum of helium, can undoubtedly chum tlm ihs- _ “W L1“ ( it 9f)3\,l G\ Cl ‘I d â€" t‘ ._ - tinetiuii. Une year's (loveleymfnt Illias péudnusd i MN'IBEAL TORONTO, OTTAWA g QUEBEO i‘ ' (‘n \‘(Illl' \Vl C E l _ l’- "' H ,. -. . . . , . ' ' . (,I ,inegI the reagent-of w no | Vi in ". Iuggc ." ____ ~ t? 3 i i l FOL [I PLAY. tl lhlc lL-tlfllm “ a? ChllfldilIllng “i Ilgxirnilo your this: nine has when oiIit inning Ilu- l iC C iiSS 'lO Inca/fling l) '18 “'OI'C VBIO infill‘ 070K‘ $6000“ in g0 I gen“ y pay ‘.1 I l p lf and the wbrk done. A Four Stamp hiifl A“ ‘tha Istrength Urzi.llsli:iwâ€"â€"“Yes, and it alwaysi works exci- t when rlie wants ‘l. ' . - - y‘ . ' ‘ . H ' ' -. ' . nan ~ v ‘ P 1 I bCll l‘ - .I '1 1 -1.‘ i I‘\\O Ilinliman “010 {mag CZICll | liollllCElIdL. I-i 1;,“Cnt Ollb 111 3. iiirnowlu oporatiou,produclng troin tho second, 11¢“ £0“)? anc 191 t-lb 0\>\S,other conundrums one day, and boat," he said, and the owner grad. on, about$lOIOil0permmlfll. HO]!lO$6UO_O}lO‘°If Prime 0X Beef ‘when their supply ran out Pat sng- knew it was leaking, and I was 1woriiiiilétoi'iixelisiiiiii-Ufiijilaoiiiilligii :8; 2:351; I gestcd that they should make some drowned. what would that be l” 'Eypefl'ect-muro economic work in iSfiecessa-ryto' i5 Concentrated in 'QVTII i“ I Little \Yillic’s hand shot up, and “"011le ermilllml “mugs-r“ Pliirilillipiiiél Y . . IlO ' u l | l charming in ll(‘l‘ old one.” I pose a. bloc ' of ‘25,000 shares legs and barking like a dog 'l” “My, tliot's hard. I give it up,” ‘answered Pat, after some moments of thinking. “I’liwat’s the an- swer'l” “A chicken.” “My, tliat’s foine: but how’d the is palatable, very nourishing, I and easily digested. l 'It is uO trouble toIprspare. barking of a dog gel; in there 'l” I Iinquireil Pat. ' “Oh. I inst int that in to m'il'e i ' ' ' l-t 1 _1(I_ i" 1 ‘ t .ToshBillings. the quaint l - _ A Spoonful Of BO\T_I:I[J Sill‘- 1 . lfllC .l . philOSCDhCl‘ WhOES IllaX- dSIl MODES t0 us tllIis year, to (14kg alum“ I . , ~ - ---â€" kilns are tuii or hom"y oube last rear. liimca's A niusoy. 16d llitO a Clip OI llOlllll" 1 v y i , wisdom, once said: "'i'he 0V" tw‘? hummid "A ‘Per-s 11ml shippers who - . - ‘I’ l‘.i\ OL (1H SAID. $188,. I livedtbt; “are I II 23381512:iIoéme'gtslii%Pg£ilgfvlgii'iihnvo been l 'ilfel' lb‘ the llllCSf. lOlllU lllltl .u . ., - . . - . . eievoagoo so o ow~ . ‘ --_ ~ ‘ 'i"! To my - .\ illilll (00k $11 d“ 11) fl OIIl me eli are worth more than l boil; places. shipping expenses and remitI clash PlCli'lllC-llp. a. 00d set 3f brains." a same i .ty. l lice list on application. ers or by mail. S. C. Wells & Co., Toron.o. w last night.” K . . “Have anrthinrr aflaiiist you 'l" ‘3° 61‘ i118 makes good A- & E- PIERCE 8:. CO. - I ' 5 '3 ~ bowel; 2oconts.atdea.l- m 507 $13 pIuj-L 5'11, _ Mt).\"l‘l":i';.\i.. BOVR|L l8 LIQUIB ngi - M i U .“ch! a six-shooter.” I ‘ ~ . . . . ' >1” In , ,1 ii.- 'z'ul' -- 7-1 ‘.r L1‘- v I . “All right," said Mike. “Here/‘s I lllS face was split by an eager smile. “but 9137501301‘ share. \Volni'iie fullest invas- - l\\'ll=l if l . . - “Please sir a holida Sir.” he lee-Um‘- , onle. 1. 1111., rd it" {kitilléiagoeql around sum i ’ ’ y, Miourons. oAVANAuaH, - a "1 I - “ f‘ b 21"‘ on M)‘ ' _ _ _ BROKERS, Drawer ins-z, xensox, no . ‘AAA; m n A“‘.a__r_

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