“mamwree ' " 'i' i. ism-‘Law; a "awk “0-,; ~weg'wwmgaqw are e - carvfwtrrws g ._ Comfort Soap, 7 bars for ...... 253. 1 Pickles, regular 2 for 250., now moth Clothing Sale, January 10th to 30th. __ 1 on all sides. i’ we want that man to come and see that Terrills give what they advertise. - I regular values to 10.00, now clearing at only ............................ - tweeds in fancy mixed patterns, regular values to 7.00, now only ........ A mild season leaves :us with many on our hands, which must be turned into ready cash. to be forced out in 15 days, reduced so we close our eyes to all losses and slaugl 1-5 days from Saturday, J an. 16th. Such magnetic ba SALE GOMMENGES SATURDAY, JAN. l6. are seldom offered, and wh VALUES THIS? W 110010100 it. On Saturday. Januar 16th, commences our annual mid-winter clearing sale, which will continue for 15 days until Saturday Jan. 30th. ' All who have proï¬ted by our previous sales know something 0t what this sale will mean in money saving to you, and many have-come to look forward to our sales as a money-saving event. having proven that every state- incnt which we make in our advertisements will be car- ried out to the very letter, and we are aiming to make this sale surpass in value giving any sale which we have heretofore held. > \Ve’ve made prepa'ation on a grand scale are ready for the biggest sale in the history of our business. Have made most remarkable unclerpricing throughout the entire stor. . Bargains that are backed by quality and fair deal- ing. The reputation that years of honest selling have won for us. There are yet three months of winter ahead in which to wear the merchandise that will be on sale here. \Ve call your attention to the remarkable reductions on all all lines of Furs, Ladies’ and Children’s Mantles and Men’s and Boys’ Clothing. The reductions 0n goods are just as stated and not a word exaggerated. We are here to fulï¬l many statement ' made. ' \Ve can’t force you to come and we can’t compel you to save money if you w0n’t, but we’re placing before the people of this vicinity some of the greatest bargains ever known to the trade, so join the ranks of the mighty army that will visit this store Saturday, January 16th and fol- lowing days. i ~ Yours Faithfully, TERRILL BROS. .. ‘.'+|§’»'_v-"r‘¢; (‘fl)lw'~;‘\"2l .,»_'~.- m“ ' .4.:-_.'-». -~. .>-.w - -~ . QROCESEES A050 GSQQKE A usr 0F MONEY 8A was. White ‘Cups and Saucers, sellin" at, per dozen White Plates,sclling at, per doz. 505. Plates, gilt $1.25, for Salad Bowls, regular 35c. and 400., selling at ............ ‘r’. 100. 51:. reduced to ................ Bright Light Stove Polish, reg- priee 1.00., now reduced to Essences, in nearly all flavors, regular 100., now reduced to 80. Canned Apples, in gallon cans, ?' regular 250., now reduced to - B. Matches, large boxes, selling at 126. iattern regular .1 ....... ’ ..... °. . . . . 980- , 25c. All other lines 01‘ Crockery and Glassware reduced much below regu- Clothes Pins, selling at, per doz. m’ price. eye’ 0 Prices Pounded Away Down. I-le is a wise man who buys a suit, overcoat or pair of trousers during our Mam- Someone has got to get the bargains that will go and it might as well be you. Extraordinary values will confront you Men’s $7.00 Suits $3.05. We lead oil’ with the most extraordinary offer. Suits made of domestic 3.05 Mons $10.00 Suits $5.95. Another bargain which cannot fail to appeal to the man of medium means, and Men’$ 5.05 suits ol.’ fancy tweeds and plain blacks, single and double breasted styles, Men's $02.00 Suits $7.95 Men's Suits, correct to the minute in style, made from ï¬ne quality tweeds and wersteds, single and double breasted styles, regular 10.00 and 12.00 suits, g i now clearing at only l . Men’s $7.00 Overcoats $4.05. Men's Over00ats, black only, long loose style, regular 7.00 coats, now going at only .......................................................... 4.05 The above are only a few of the thousands of bargains which await you at this Mammoth Sale. TERRILL B30253. ‘ Pension FALLs. ' Mark the date and mark it well, SATURDAY, J AN . 16th. lines of seasonable merchandise still Eight thousand dollars means some great doings here, but stocks must be iter prices unmercifully for rgains as here await you SALE sans 50151510050’, at it means in money saving to the people can only be appreciated by daily visits to the store. ' ELL ERAS! treatise’ I‘ oseaareisaar. Prices cut to the quick to eï¬ecta speedy clearance. LADIES’ SWEATERS no GOLFERS In white, navy,black, cardinal and fancy colors. Regular price $2.00 for $1.50, $1.50 for 080., $1.25 r01- 7%}. LADIES’ FLANNELETTE GOWNS In white, pink or light blue. Regular price $1.50.for $1.10 $1.25 for 080., $1.00 for ......’ .......... 7%1'}. LADIES’ WRAP?ERS O Print or Wrappcrette. Regular price S ..00 for $1.45, $1.75 for $1.30, $1.50 and $1.25 for ............ 000 BLACK SATEEii UiliJEBSiiiRTS Special Finish. Regular price $3.00 for $2.30, $2.50 for$$l.08, $2.00 for $1.59, $1.25 for 080,, 1.00 for 700., 65 0. 700. for ........................ WOMEH’$ URDERWEAB Plain and fleece lined. Regular price $1.00 for 700., 750. for 500., 500. 100. for 300., 400. for 320., 35c.f0r 280., 25c. for .................. " GIRLS’ UEGEBERWEAB Plain and fleece lined. Regular price 500. for 300., 45c. for 350., ‘100. for 320., 350. for? 280. 300. for12wlc. 25c. for 190., 200’. for ..... 150. ‘Hosiery. Cashmere or woollen fori , .n Women, Boys and Girls. Regular price .500. for 300., 400. l 00. for 32051350. for 250., 25c. for 190., 200'. for .................. Tuqueg“ For Boys or Girls in plain ‘ white, navy and cardinal, also fancy stripes. Regular price 500. for 300., 400. for 200., 850. 19 0.. For Women and Girls, in white, black, cardinal, navy and 25c. for .................... Gloves. and fancy mixed colors. Regular price 500. for 300., 400. for 200., 4i 250. and 05c. fcr .............. Egg, gamwgs Honeycomb pattern in black $ and white. Regular ' price 1' for 700. r150.1?01- 500. 500. for... ........ ’ ............. , 39,13. Fancy Goliars and Baits In silk or washable. Reg. price i g 500. for 390., 39¢. £0.- 290, 250.1?01- 0. Ribbons All shades and widths. Reg. Price 250. for 100., 200. for 160., 15c. for 120., 100. for 80., 70. 2 for 50., 50. for 40., 30'. for ...... Q, Handkerchiefs Plain and fancy. Reg. price 35c. for 250., 25c. for 100., 200. for 150., 150. for 100., 100. [or 70:, 80. for 50., 50. 2 0. for-'10., 30. for ............... Down ! Down l Go the Prices on all lines of Dress Goods, ‘Vrapperettes, Prints, Linens, Flannelettcs, Shir-tings, Cretonnes, Curtain Muslims, etc. Proï¬t by These Low Prices. Dress Goods Fancy Tweeds and plain colors. Reg. price to 350., now reduced to I 9Q Dress Gnofls or dark Tweedsfln stripes and checks, also plain colors. Reg. price 500., 500. and 650., now reduced to. . . . 3§® Irgsg GOOdS In Venetians, voiles, broadcloths, s a t i n cloths, tafletalaines, corduras, plain weaves and shadow stripes and checks. Reg. price $1.50 for $1.10, $1.25 59$ for 080., $1.00 for 700., 750. for DFBSS Langihslllandsome patterns in dark tweeds and worstecgs. 0 Reg. price $8.00 l'or $5.05, £7. 0 for $5.00, 00.00 and $5.00 for ............. l ........ 3.95 50198555“? esewos. For O.tp0rines, Buffs and Stoles of brown and black coney' Regular values to $3.50. For Throws, Ruffs and Stoles, of mink marmot and brown, grey or black coney. Regular values to $4.50. For Caperines, Throws, Rulis and Stoles, 01:‘ Astrachan, Isabella opposum, rat or coney. Regular values to $0.00. For Caperines, Ruifs, Stoles and Throws, of mink marmot, black and brown coney,Astrachan and opossum. Regular values to $8. For Capcrines, Rails and Stoles of Isabella opposum, Alaska sable and nnnk marmot. Regular values to $10.00. For Caperines, Ruffs and Stoles, ol’. electric seal, Alaska sable, opposum, and mink marmot. Regular values to $12.00. For Stolcs, Caperines and Rails, of Alaska sable and. opossum " I ' 5 . , Ladies and Giuldren s 0oats. One-third to one-half oil‘ regular price. ATremendous Sacriï¬ce, but they must be sold. We place them in lots as follows z Lot 1. $5.00 ‘Hemorrs Goats 980. An odd lot of Women's Coats, not the newest styles, but worth many times the price quoted, regular price $5.00 to $10.00, going now at only ................................. . ..... 93$. Lot 2. $7.00 Women’s Goats $2.95. Another lot of Womens Coats, newer styles, values to $7.00, now clearing at only ........ . 2E5 Lot 3. $10.00 \Vemen’s Goats $5.95. This lot includes the latest styles for this season's Wear and should create a big stir in our mantle department, for you are seldom, il’ ever, given such an exceptional opportunity to choose from the season's latest offerings-a really up-to-date coat at so small a price, regular valucsto $10.00. Nowreducedto.............................. 5&5 Lot 4:. $12 \Vomens Goats $8.75. Ladies’ Coats of ï¬ne beaver and broad-cloth and handsome I‘ tweeds, regular price $12.00, now reduced to .................. 3,13 ‘Lot 5. 4 $15.00 W omen’s Goats $10.00. Ladies’ Coats of Fine Beaver, Kersey and Broad-cloth, some lined all through, others to waist, all the leading colors, handsome P styles, regular price $15.00, now reduced to .................. 'E @,?5 GERLS’ BOATS. Every mother should take advantage of these splendid oï¬erings. Girls’ Coats in every desirable shade and to ï¬t girls of all ages from 3 years'up at greatly reduced prices. LOT 1.-â€"Girls’ coats values, to $3.50, now only $2.4;5 LOT 2.â€"Girls' Coats, values to $4.50, now only $298 LOT 3.â€"Girls’ Coats, values to $5.00, now only $3.85 LOT 4.--â€"Girls’ Coats, values to $7.00, now only $§.95 I Fmel Slaughter of Furs. ' The last opportunity. The balance of our Fur Stock to be disposed of 1n short order. We have made such marvellous reductions en all lines that they will soon vanish forever. $2.00 $3.00 05.00 fl 50.00 $7.00 00.00 $5 @.®® Regular value to $15.00. Ffluits and Gaps 551101: Seduced. Ladies’ M uffs of sable, mink marmot, Isabella opp'osum, Alaska sable, black opposum, natural opposum, white Thibet, imitation ermine. Regular price $15.00 for $11.75â€"$10.00 and $12.00 for $8.00 â€"â€"$8.00 for 56.00-07.00 for $5.00â€"$5.00 and $0.00 for $4.00 â€"-and $4.00 for ............................................ 3.36 Fur Caps, for Men, Women and Children, of grey lamb. concy, beaver, rat, brown opposum and Persian lamb. Regular price $8.00 for 05.00-55.00 for $385-$100 for $3.00â€"â€"$3.50 for $2.50â€" ' $3.00 for $100-$200 for .............. ' .................... ‘IQ-5 LADIES’ FUR COATS. _Ladics, your golden opportunity to secure a Fur Coat at a décided saying. _ Don't miss it. 0 Ladies’ Astrachan Coats in different lengshs and sizes, guaranteed to give satisfaction, regular price 35.00 for 28.00; 30.00 for 23,75; regular price $28.00 l'or .................................... 22,75 LadiesLAstraclian Coat with Alaska Sable Collar and Rov- ' eres, regular price 40.00, now ‘only ...................... -. . . . 3®IQ0 05.00 Ladies‘ Electric Seal Coat, with Alaska Sable Collar and Revercs, regular price 45.00 now only ........................ Boys’ Suitsâ€"â€"Two Piece- Regular values to $2.50, now only I8 2.â€"Regular values to $3.00, now only Li 3.â€"Regula'r values to $3.50, now only 4.~â€"Ptegular values to $4.00, now only LOT l. LOT LOT LOT , Boys’ Suitsâ€"Three Piece. l.â€"-Regular values to $3.50 now only 2.-â€"-Regular values to $4.50 now only 3.â€"Regular values to $5.00 now only 4.-â€"Ptegula.r values to $6.00 new only _ LOT ,Lo'r LOT LOT See large bills. _. Let nothing keep you away if you value your money, Don’t miss it. 1.031.va mew ‘i’ -. ~ .7‘, ‘use. . ifs rat! ~ is... I;‘,-"“.'.»,.$r.6'.'7.‘:‘/y wee-1. Sweater ;-.00A???;M€£i?§£v>i lggfiiva-Jhwï¬d . . -,_ a» xvi-.79». , J 15:55,’. 50921.4 ‘ is? Le w . 21.3 we; .25.. <-<- ngf, win“? Pi. ‘013.: l.“ r.::nal".'~l:i.'£?u2 521912}, ...._ ...-",3,- ~.-- ._~. 1.. ......â€wsw 1 ..-