»-'â€. ... . . sauna-Inmmaunui-Id- ‘b ‘LIE-gï¬/PIRMMWMMJS‘ M58108: Whit; l t i . I. I The Largest and Best Assessed Steels ullltuflh 1W12F'1rhrnmin ' ' 1M ‘in town of Groceries, Crockery and clï¬lz Glassware, Ready-made ,3, _ Clothing, 1 '3 =, 11 Q‘ ' g; I: .if Boots and Shoes, etc. . McFarland. . ‘inmkmmnr ‘1115,1111’ 11;,331f1113171111131'11331r ‘1an 1113,, amusement-1' Wâ€$W'errwrwwrwm 1111':an ‘and: t7 We are selling; Furs, Ready-Made Skirts, and Mantles 1- Iat reduced. prices; W039 res SALE. The 1m dersi gned' is- p repared' 110-1111111161.- wood to any part of the‘ vill'age' all any time. Hard or' sott woodl4‘ feet llon-g or cut to order. All kinds of green and dry wood bought at' highest price. 21111. 111. wearer. I EYES TESTED, FRAMES TESTED. When your eyes trouble you, cause you pain or head- ache or if you-‘r glasses re- costs a lot of" money. Therefore take care of the waggon you have. If it needs overhauling or re-I pairing, have it d-o-ne' promptly and properly. Don’t let it go to rack through carelessness. My facilities for repair- ing repainting and over- . Y (1." “1 T ‘ - I M haullng 11 acoons 11 ere qulre changing or you never better. All work need newglasses, g0 to Illl. s11. I. AtlhllS, Eye-sight Specialist. (oven Neill-‘s shoe store), Limdlsfly - Ont. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges mod- erate. - guaranteed. PLANING done on a good up-to-date machine at reasonable rates F. C. Chambers. Great in- reputation, results, influence and thoroughness. Now is the time. to-enter the popular A GREAT SCHOOL. .5 “DizEsssarAKING'. The undeisigmd is prepared to do. Diess'nlltme' or Sewing. either by the- . - ,day or work taken home. Cr'oed wozi'a- manship; charges reasonable. Appliy at Mrs. \IcA1-"thui s resilenee ' j E3 JLZG /4///@/ 424/ $5 3m MISS \lc'DL'h \ALID" {10R “TQ QI'IT/ _ and prepare afor proï¬table empl03'=- ll _ ment. Our graduates readily obtaina 9R. SHARPE! p peed positions. Our handsome oath-I- 1 1 '1 ogue is free. W1 1te for one to- city.‘- DEATIST TOMHO' Students admitted at any time. Goli- will be at the ' MCARTHCR HOUSE, FENELON FALLS 1 Wed. an<lTh111's.,Feb.3rd and 4th, l And Wednesday and Thursday of every alternate week following. Satisfaction assured Plate, (3101111 and B1 idge work a Specialty. loge ooen the enti1e year. W.J'.Rlliottt Princi'pnl' COR. YOHGE AND ALEXANDER STS- 1 SEGGND DUNS“)?! Gall-RT â€"-OF THE- County of’ ‘Vict-‘o'rfa'. The next sittings of above Court will‘ i be held in Twomcy’s hall, Fenelon Falls, I YOU?! GENESE 0N FRIDAY, 111111211 12111, 19211; in Shorthand or Business will bring _ , I ‘ _ _ _ l you best results if taken at our old commencing M l3‘) 0 (‘look 1n- the after-'- eStablished and thoroughly reliable "no" flown?’ Mme" '8' Will be’ Ilie last’ school. Winter term begins Janur-ry ‘lab’ 0f “(‘"lce 0n defendants rrsiiling in' 4th. Catalogue free Br'it sh Am- this county. Defendants living' in other-1 601111508 must be served on or before Wed-- erican Business College Y. M. -.C A. Building,T0rento. , “$9671 Ffb 24th '- a?’ Uliice hours from 10 a". m'; "o fp. m2. ____â€".--‘ ----â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"‘ ELISHA MARK. E.-D'. II AND, Bailiff. Citric-.- l Fenelon Falls, Dec, 24th,. 19 81" 31111511111115 r1111. 1111' 11211111". larders flir the following accounts: Bell ' ace., $33.0";IWI-TI Robson, rent of jack- 11scre1vsr-'$7.5 “,'1E.' D. Hand, printing, Eli’ 1-11 Fl w 2-1 C‘. ;> :0 .-< ‘é’ ..1 ESEHE SEES? USEEAHE i EEEHU? USESE U The Fenelon Falls Gazette. Friday, Feb. 12th. 1909. Great Missionary Congress. -_-_._. The National Missionary Congress to . be held by the churches of Canada under the leadership of the Laymen’ s M ove- ment, is described as “ unique, broad, far- reaching and epoch- marking. †It 1S the ï¬rst time in history that men of a nation have met to consider and adopt a M issionary Policy for their country. The theme for the Congiess as a whole is Canada s National Missionary Policy, Home and Fe) eign, and the meetings will be devoted to such topics as “The Relation of the Ministry to the Mission- a1 y Church," “The Victorious Problem )_ of! M issio'ls,†1 “The Awakening Orient. " ~ “The Place of the Church' m the Making of the Nation," f‘ The Christianization of . ' Our Civilization, †“The Stewardship of Life,†and such practical questions as “ How to Lend the Church to its Highest Missionary E liieiency. " ‘ The Congress will assemble 1n Massey Hall, Toronto, Wednesday, March 31st, and will not conclude its sessions until Satulday,Ap1il 4th; Speakers of international reputation will present dl-lIerent subject-s, and among those whe have already promised to come are: â€"-Mr. Robert E. Speer, of .New York ;. Bishop Thoburn, of India; Dr. chmer, of Arabia; Mr. Silas McBee, 0f New York, editor The Churchmrm; Mr J. Campbell‘ White, of New York, and , |Hon. S. B. C'a pen, of Boston, Secretary and Chairmanp 0f the Laymen' s Interna- l tional Missionary Movement. One of. the interesting speakers at the congress is to be Mr. D F. Wilber, American Con» sul at Halifax, who, with his wife, was= converted in Singapore, while he was America-n- Consul there. IIon. Joshua Levering, Baltimoremnd‘. . Mr. L. H. Severance, of Cleveland‘ two of the leading business men of’ the- United States? who werit abroadlas- Cem- missioners under the auspices; oil the movement to investigate milssion'work in the foreign ï¬eld, will report? to the' Congress the result of their‘ investi- gation. $1 )ccial music is t0 be filmiished b'3 ' a ‘male quartette, who come together from Duluth, Minn.; Youngstown, Ohio, Min-r neapolis, Mimi., and Neererk City, for' this special Congress. How They 151131111111- 11.11.1111... Matilda Graham,. in Saturday Night, writes. ' “I should have mindh'd' quite a bit a-I bout M'r. Hughes (Inspzctor) for I am sure that he’ 1s '11verv kind man. “ I wrote him- last; Tuesday about1tl1'at Order-in-Council that 'Ilhe'Globe" plush- lished that was made by Dr. Dawson and’ Sir John A..1\'1 acl)ona'ld, and he wrote me such a nicelbtterz-thcugh-it was typed, which I thought rather-a" ‘semi-ready’ way of writingfto- windy-and said that he had-beenI too busyof late, especially _f during tlie Christmas holidays, just be- 3 fore your- municipal elections. even to-- eadl the Orange Sentinel; but he wonW_ ‘ look- into theo matterlat once and‘ see that the English practice 1s followed in ' fut-ure- in the board: schools here. And I am.= sure he willéfor James he is- a. strong Imperial-'i'st', as is also his bro-- them. that‘ brave‘ (301-. Hughes, .who with- no' otheri' man in'hiI's-I- company exceptl lhis' 11011511 servantQ-Dick Turpin er:- .Claude thal, or some name like that-- terriï¬ed‘ the rel'ne'lsI Im' South Africa so- mucli'. that-IIa-metoldthe-Boer mothers- used’ te- frighten their children when: . they were naughty by Just'saym" the= initialswf hisname. S H l?’ Villagec'ouncill. Councillmet at regular meeting, pres-~ ent, Dr. Gould, reeve, S. Corbett and A. iV-. Not-they. The clerk announced 'to the reeve the ‘result of' the election of! Januaryâ€"-that assessor, $951100 Sick Children's Hospit- al Grant,$5.-00}Gravenh11rst Sanitarium Grant $5. 00, ' Public Library Grant, $75.; 00. â€"-C'd. The Bank of B. N. A. presented state- ment showing balance on hand at credit of villag re account $2248. 54. The Lindsay Free Press asked for the village printing-Filed. ' The reeve brought up the matter of a settlement with M r. E. W. Glasp ell re removal of boat houses 011 Water street. _ Northey â€"â€"Corbettâ€" That this council approve of the settlement of the suit Glaspell' vs. Fenelon Falls by D. Gould for‘ the sum of $2 5. 00 and order the ace. be paid without prejudice -C"(1 Dr. Sims gives notice of' '11 by-law to be introduced at this meeting to app point an assessor. By-law read three times‘ and passed. Mr. McFarland gives notice 0f- a by- law to be introduced at this meeting to extend the time for the return of the colleetor’s roll. By-law read= a. third- time and passed.- Personals. Mrs. Blake Junkin and her uncle-,- Mr; Irwin, took a trip to Donald on Tuesday. \Ir. Ii'win retuins to the West at’ the end of the week. Mrs. J ohnstone, who has been visiting her son, D1'.Jol1nst0ne, for three weeks, left on Saturday, and will leturn for an extended visit during the summer: Mrs. Geo. McGee and henbrother, Mr. Will'ock, spent a few days in. Woodville this week. Mr. Bert Robson, of" tlies Watchman- I Warder staff, Lindsay.,.w.'1s-1at the Falls over Sunday, and gave the Gazette a- call. Warden Jordan and"l\'Ir. J 0s. Grant, of Lindsay, spent Fi'iday at the Falls. *- Mr. Thomas1 Torrance, of Neepawa, Man., left for' that town: on Monday morning, after'a-two monthsl vi'sit to-his parents at tlie-F'alls;. The Rev; WLJ'. M. Cragg; Miss Quibell, Miss Littl'eton' and Mr. Allen Terrilliat- tended the' Lindsay District Epworth League Cen-vention held at Cmelnee on Monday last. Mr Bert. Robson, of Lind- say, unselected President of tlie League for the ensuing- year; Miss Littleton, ï¬fth= Vice President and Mr. Terrill, Conference Representative. Miss Jean- Maefarlanc, of Chicago, Ill., i's visiting her sister, 1\Ir.'s IM. E. Warren, f7 at‘ the Falls-h Mi'ss Emily‘ Nie, .of the 111111111. M'i's. Fell;.of"Bur-y-‘s-'Greci_r, and M rs.'1H0d'gson, of Burnt River,‘ were, cesar- urday, attending a meeting of-ithe'enecu- tive committee of the Womenlss' Insti- tutes of. East and .West Victoria;- darling, Following is the standing of the rinks up to the 9th inst..in-the-l3randon Cup competitiom. N051 a greati' deal. more than h'a-lf'the 'sciiednle'games have ~ been played yet; so-tha't'there is still a good chance for:s0mebody to overtake skip I-Iamiltonz-and"‘hiIs.--aggrcgation, which are at present‘ inathe'leadj Last year' the cup was avenby' W.' H.‘ Robson's rink. Ski p.~. W011. Lost Per cent Hamiltona. ...-.. 5'1. .-...2. . . ..71 Graham . . ... 6: .3. . . .- ..67 Stanton-:1 ....-. 5'; . . . . .3 . .62 Robson"; 4........3. "..57 . Gould'l .... . 4 ...... 4 ........ .. .50 Mann-‘I 3......6 .......... 33 Onshore“ . . . . . .... 2 ...... 6 .......... 25 ..5. . Brandon.- . . .-.. . . 1;..1..6 Tllvo Irink's of juniors from Bob'caygeon had a friendly game on Wednesday y, and‘ were defeated’ by a1 total of 18 shots, skip'lfeyman wihniirg'fi'oml skip John- ston by 18 t0 2, and ski p Aldbus- beating skip Moore by 14 to 12. Wedded: Filly Years Mi': andiMrs. Robert Fallis, of Beth- any, celebrated their golden wedding on- ed by the substantial and costly tokens of. esteem, which were features-1 of the occasion, go to show the high regard in which this couple are held by their ‘neighbors and friends. All their half century ofi' married life has been spent in the township of Manvers, although both are natives of Erin's greens isle.- They were married in the township of ;Clarke, Durham County, January 18)9." Mr. Frillis carried on farming.- success- fully during his residence 1n1Manvers, and yretire-allabout ï¬ve y ears ago. Among the guests at the celebiation were two daughters and a son, three grandsons a-Ond one granddaughter from M anitoba, two brothers and two sisters of Mrs... Fallis, one- of. the brothers being Mr. F.‘ J1 Kerr, and one of the sisters Mrs. lhfessrs. Sims and McFarland'hisd been Robert Rutl1eiford,of Fenelon Falls. A c.1115. elected. The aforesud’ge~1tlemem delightful time 311s spent renewing and‘ sulisc'ribed to the necessary declaration , 011511150 and took their seats.‘- recalling old acquaintances and times- until the†small hours of the morning, Itil'nntes- of previous meeting; read‘ and when the guests d1spei sod leaving with _ approved. the bridea and "room best wishes bfor a McFai landâ€"-Nortii‘ey-_That the'wliole continuance of life and health. until they council be members of‘ each standing should all meet together again at ccle-- committee fer the y-ear; andi that the tollewi mg be chairman of each‘ respec-l ti1'elyz‘ c,St're'ets and-sidewalks,- J'»..M'c= Firrland ';~t0wn property, A. vines-11.131. ;' chat 1ty,‘ S; Corbett-A; ï¬nance, S. J‘; Simm- Gd Silns-CorbettL-Tha-t th'e nccvc sign Telephone Co., ace., $l.40 ; Chas. Kelly, 1 $21.25'qz'il'.’ Graham. insurance on Market square liouse, $113100; Madison Williams 1 0031.11.10. $2.002 A..J Gould, supplies,. $4. 20; 'I‘. Scott, snows plowing and work, $7. 10,11511-“111'01-1-111311111, $2. 00; W. T. Jun-, kii1,electinn expenses,- D. R... O. and 'ex-; press, SW55," C. W. Burgoyne, l). R. O..i$4 00 T‘. Siliaham, Poll Clerk, $2 00 S.' 11111311111 Clerk s2 .oo- c. Haskell (ion-l: stable, $17.00; A. Tori'ance, constable, .ifl .00; W. Jordan, hall rent, $4. 00; \V. I. &P. (‘0m. curre 1t $78.00; T. Robson, Idck'el t's trough, $22. 50; J. Jones, sul 11'! l of 6 to 0, the Lindsay bration of their diamond wedding.- Unansnnvnn Cunnrr Sun-M r. Thoss Onshore will sell by auction-0n Tuesday next the 16th inst., the farm' stock and implements of Mr. John Copp, in th'e township‘ of'Fenelon. Sale to commence at one o'clock sharp. Mr. Copp is mov- ing to the Falls, and the sale will be without reserve. See bills. Bum-111,301‘ H.111 .1 Goon T111111. “The hockey. team- 0f boys under 12 taken to Lindsay last Friday by Messrs. Mann and Dcyman were defeated py the score Saturday, January 231d The large .number of congratulations, supplement- heavy for them. Nevlbrtheless the game l was a. good one. The visitors were well entertained afterwards, and were taken 'to the Y. M. C. A building, where they . enjoy ed .ill the privileges ol' that institu- i ~ tion during their stay. The return match will be played at the Falls on Friday, the 10th inst.- . seven being too, _' I‘ A Less-‘#Cn'Fri day last one of I" Messrs. Moore 62 Councils best horses; died of acute indigestion. " ' h'lARKETS. â€"â€"Fall' Wheat 951 t'o 98, 4' Spring Wheat 9010-9540115 4'0 to 42‘ cent; per bushel. All other quotationsl unchanged. I. O. O. F. Dsen'nu' 11131111'r1ue.--â€"Abou' thirty members- of Corona Lodge of Odd; fellows will g0 to Lindsay 0111 Monday t01 attend a degree meeting. of the Or,.der in which brethren from allover the dis- trict will take part. Hocumr M AT011.--Don’t forget the hock-' ey match' between Lindsay and the Falls- at the rink here to-night ( Friday ). Ad- mission-100 and 15c. This is the ï¬rst- visit of» the Lindsayites this season, and. an i'n Serssiiing game is looked for. BAIKET' S0011\L.-~Rememl.1er the bas~' ket social at Bury’s Green this (Friday) evening. Col. Sam. Hughes will e\hibit1 ,hi's limelight views and Miss Myssie Newton, the well known elocutionist, of Lindsay, will cont1ibute to the pros gramme; Admission 25c. ENJOY-ABLE EVE\ING --The box‘ social held at Mr. John Shaues on Wednes-I day evening last was well attended andi a very enjoyable evening spent by all? present. Mr. Cashore was auctioneer,- and under his pc1su'1s1ve influence the’ bidding was lively, $26. 45 being addedl to the funds. The parish workers in-- tend havinga social evening in the near" future at the home of one 230f the mem- -'be1s of 'the organization. ASUccnss. â€"The scotch entertainment- Iin- St. Andrew's ClllllCll 011 Friday even-I ing. under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid, was an unqualified success. The tea.‘- was served to a large-number of guests: in the neat and delightful style for which the ladies of the chmeh are so famous- the menu card being artistic and much admired. The programme, from begin- ning to end; w at of a- liigh order of merit.,. Wand ever y item was greatly enjoyed fThe intimation from the ehaiiman that’- on Mare-h 17th similar honor will be paid: to Old Ireland, was received with great‘:- applause, indir ating' the place that theI Emerald.- Isle has in the hearts of many‘ gin this community. The soil' of Ceylon is of volcanic origin ,1. ..Icontaining phosphorous '1ndmme1als i111 ‘a large degree. This lmpa rts to “Salada' "' ( the" well- known packet Ceylon tea), a . ‘delicay and fragrance that is incompar-I- able. The new Masonic lodge at Kinmount was dedicated on Thursday last, a large num-~ ber of‘ prominent members of the Order- ;from the Falls, Lindsay and other points; being present and- taking part in the: ceremony. The- proceedings concludedâ€. with a sumptuous banquet. '. Th'c' winter fair held a short time agm at Lindsay was‘ most encouragingly suc-~ cessf'ul i'n'every'way, according to the-.- directors report made ata meeting last r- ;M‘onday. Mr. Johnston Ellis was re-- elected president, and Mr. H. B. Clemesw ‘is secretary. The enlargement 0f build---' ings for future fairs is being considered -. .by a committee. appointed for the pu-r--- pose. Victoria Count-y- COnneil by reason of’ the additionial' labors imposed upon County Clerk'McNeillie, as Secretary of' the County Heme, made an advance te~ his salary $300 a- year. It was an acknowledgement, none too liberal, of‘ faithful services’ ' well performed. For- thirty I'four years, M'r. M cNeillie has: been a model official, his books has e1 been reported by the Provincial Inspec- tor as the 'besukept in the Province, as; advisor of the-Councillors his tact and‘ grasp of theItï¬ounty business was shown, when at the return to the old County Oeuncil system, a Council almost en- tirely of‘ new men took on the work with-- out th'e l'east difficulty. The County is {fertunate in having a Clerk and Treasâ€"~. ure so capable, and so courteous to all‘; with whom. he comes in cont.1ct.--In-_ dependent. l BORN. SIMPL-In Fenelon Falls, on. Sunday;. January 28th, 1909, the wife of Dr. S. JJ- Sims of apson (still born.) P.1TTERSON.â€"In the township of_Veru-~ lam, on Thursday, Feb. 5th, 1909, the} wife of Mr. J A. Patterson, of a son. EDGAR. -~In the township of Verulam, on Tuesday, Feb. 9th, 1909, the wife of: Mr. Wm. Edgar, of a son. GRTFFIN. -â€"â€"In the township of Fenelon, on Saturday, Feb. 6th, 1909, the wife of ‘Mr. .Wm. Griffin, ofason. EIED. B.1111{1.11Y;â€"At' Fenelon Falls, on Fri-~ day, Feb. 4th, 1006, Alden (George)- Barkley, .aged'43'years and 10 months. CARD OF TIIANKS.. Onh'ehalf 0f myself and family, I wish’. to express my sincere thanks to the-- members of the C. O. O. F. and other- friends for their many kindnesses showm during the illness and after the death. of my husband. MRS. A. BARKLEY. Fenelon Falls, Feb. 9th, 1909. TELEGRAPHLYI' will win for you a good salary. You can learn it quickly under - -. v'-\ .25.“. ~,. J , superior conditions at our school. '- Catalogue free. Wiite CENTRAL 'rnrncmrn 8011001., Tonos'ro. W. H. SHAWL, T. J. JOHNSTON, FIIZI. ancll'AL. ___,__,_