‘m. .. ‘W. anamwaar>..znra-. i~~._s-~-,... new. m, tion. day's quotations on the Toronto, Montreal, Buffa o, cities. CLUBBING OFFER .lill'EiiZlATlfliihl. liE WSPAPER llBL-E STililH CLUE- THE onziarrs's BRANCH. Rev. Dr. Linscott’s Suggestive Question , 0n the Sunday School Lesson for Feb. 14th, 13-09. Prizes for Answers. The Gazette has secured the right to publish the International Sunday School Lesson questions by the Rev. Dr. Lin- scott, which have aroused so much in- , terest elsewhere, and they will appear weekly. One of these questions each week i-s to be answered in. writing, and upon these answers prizes will be award- y ed. This. paper is also authorized to ' form a Local Newspaper Bible Study ‘Club for its readers, and guarantees to all who join ,and fulï¬l the conditions, that everything herein promised shall be faithfully carried out. . . Persons may join the club at any time during the year, but must, of course, answer the 5.2 questions hereinafter ex- plained, to qualify- for the prizes. 1t is, ~ however, desirable that the questions be answered as the lessons are studied. The International Newspaper Bible Study Club, which had its origin last year at Brantf'ord', Ont., i's for the pur- oose of promoting, in an unfettered way among the. masses, a wider study of the Bible, the-baser truths of Christianity, and the problems which enter into every man's life. It is composed of all those , who. join a local ‘club and take up the simple course outlined herein, barring only ordained clergymeu. We have the sympathetic co-operation of‘ thelatter, but it is not considered fair to have them compete for the prizes. Sunday- School teachers, Bible class scholars, and church " goers generally may belong to. this news- paper club, also non-church'goers- of all shades of opinion. All such are warmly invited to join and compete for the ‘prizes. _ CONDITIONS‘ OE‘ THE‘ CONTEST. '1'. Each contestant, or‘ hisorher fam- ily, must be a paid-up subscriber to this paper during the’ continuance of the con- test in order to. qualify for membership iin the International Newspaper . Bible Study Club and this Local Club. 2. Each contestant in- this Local Club .must answer each- of the written ques- i'tions for 52 consecutive weeks, com- inencing for Sunday, July 26th, and the answers must all be in the possession of this paper \vitliinftwo weeks after the 1 close of the contest. 3. Each question must be answered separately, and the paper written on one side only. words, and may be less. If" possible, write on letter paper, sizc- about 8-5; by. ll inches. 4. Each answer must lla-ve- the name- and- address of the writerat the bottom .- ofthe- answer, so it can. be- identiï¬ed, given‘ a- number, registered, and-thenthe ' name cut off so the‘ examiner may know t by number'onlya. 5. Studentsshoiolfdibe carefuljtounder- - stand the questionbeforo- answering. To do this the-lessonitext must be-rcad, and especially; the verse or verses. upon which the- question is based; 6. The‘ ansiwors for this local club must be delivered" at this office, and they will be Collated at the close of the con- test and forwarded to headquarters for independent examination by competent examiners. The prizes will then be awarded according to the highest num- beroi' marks won: by members of the International Newspaper Bible Study Club, and primes. which may be awarded to members of‘ this Local (‘1]an Willi)?’ concerns {12°11}. Weedless ° ‘ a. Daily’ Paper Will no notch prices. Half a cent extra on just 300 bushels of wheat or oats would pay a year's subscrip- dozen hogs would cover three years’ subscriptions. Don’t you,depending on weekly reports, or daily reports that are old when you get them-miss top prices by at least that muchseveral times a year? Toronto ‘ Daily Star i Publishes Market Reports 12 m 18 llours 'Earlier Than the Morning Papers Every afternoon’s issue of The Star contains that very rain and live stock markets of These are the same quotations that the next morning's dailies publishâ€"12 to 18 hours later. $1.50 A YEAR This Paper and The Toronto Daily Star together for One Year, $2. 20. anteed Fountain Pen‘ given for 50¢. added to above subscription prices. No answer must excecd=200' Honey in Your Pocket. With The Toronto Daily Star's accurate daily market reports you could sell your grain and live stock at top- 25c. a hundred weight on a Chicago, and other important Guar- THE PRIZES. First Series-A gold medal. to. each of i . . the ï¬rst live contestants. of the next five contestants. iant-s. Fourth; Seri'esf'ï¬ie: book, “ The Heart the next thirty-five- contestants. Fifth Series.â€"A developed’ mi'nd, an ' ience and a more profound knowledge of leou-rse, whether winning any other prize 'or not. lgiving the name of the winner ' and for jeach bibleand book will be inscribed. All who can write, and= have i'd'eas, are the papers are not valued from an edu- cational or literary slandpoint, but from the point of vie-w of. the cogency of their reasoned ideas. , ’ The Apostles Imprisoned.--Aets 5, l7-4l. Golden Text.â€"-Blcsscd are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for of such are the kingdom of heaven. Matt. v : 10. Verses li'-18.â€"1‘i" a child of Cod ï¬nds himself in prison, which is the best thing to clo~~fret and worry about it, or be glad and rejoice ‘2 ' If‘ a good man is in prison, is that the ‘best pl'aee- for h-im. for the ‘time ‘2 CAN; AN ENEMY, OR CIRCUMSTANCES, OR ‘HIS IGNORANCE, 0R ANYPOTHI'IR POWER, IOTlIER. THAN PERSONAL SIN, PUT A CHRIS- :TIAN' IN A POSITION WHERE HIS HIGHEST INTERESTS ARE NOT BEING SERVED T0 THE EUTMOST POSSIBLE ? (.{Phis question must be answered in ‘writing by members of the club.) .release the Apostles from prison? similar methods to release his servants from prison, and did he always adopt that miraculous method in those days? May a Christian in. prison, to-day, be absolutely sure of his- reljease, if that is necessary for the accomplishment of his work ? I Verses 20-2l.-~â€"Doos G'odi' now giive- us direct and speciï¬c‘ instructions as to our- . duty, when. that is necessary 2" Should‘: a Christian always» testify in God's Temple whom he has.- the opportu- nity, or- should‘- hc~ wait for» special in- structions from G'od ?= V'erses 22-25;â€"Is it at all possible that Ea-n-y power can prevail against God, or those in the cure'ot'Godh ‘ DocsGod‘ sometimes. requireus to run ~ the risk of our lives, as these apostles were doing;- ‘3' Verses 26â€".%.-â€"From the time of Jesus until now,'which class of" men have most opposed.’ the advance 0f supernaturale Christianity, the people or the priests? 1 What were the priests afraid would result from the teaching ef the Apostles ? Will a true man of God, preacher, or layman, ever be angry at the teaching jot‘ any sincere religious teacher, no mat- :tor-what doctrine taught ? What is the proper attitude to take to all religious teachers ? - Verse 29.â€"-Is the voice of the church the voice of God, or has it ever been so ? What or who, in the last analysis, is the final authority to a human soul ?' Verses 30-31-15; there any power, or’ authority or threat, whichican prevent a man who is indwolt of God‘; inma- bol'dy witnessing for God ~? What is the witness to Christians to- day, of tho reality of Christ's death, resurrection and ascensiom olfi'the fer- giveness of sins, and life, eucrlasting ‘3 Verse 38» When the holy (i). heretic persecutors: get evidence " that their . “sane: emanate? - of Christianity,†price $11.50, to each of expanded‘ imagination, aricher exper- = gtlie Bible and of life, to all who take this ; Each medal will be-sui'tabl'y' engraved, 1 ‘,what it is awarded, and in like manner 5 Verse 19.-â€"By what method did God _ Does God in these days ever-adopt i (See case of Jesus aiid John the Baptist.) ‘ Second Series-A silver medal toeach _ _ Third Series-A teacher's Bible, price 5 $755.50, to each of the next ï¬ve contest- I iurged to take up these studies rcgard- - less of the degree of their education, as ; 1' victims are right, {hill}, they dip wrong, I one‘c!_e§1Â¥t OD mxlgccount, boo-cher- Our Torie . > Curve Lenses 0 0 t ll I t 0 0 are’ very m lCll better than the‘ i flat kind. ' Come in and let us show you. They ar; not~ only better for the eyes, but they are more comfortable and 100k better. BRIT ION, BEDS. FOOT 0F KENl‘ STREET, - LINDSAY. {Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Lenses which Follow the torvaiore oi the. Eye. o STORM SASH AN D STORM DOORS Prepare for the cold weather before iFt comes. Save fu:l by making your house snug and tight. Order storm doors and sash now. Don’t delay. First-class Workmanshipa Reasonable Prices. FENELU-li FELLS PLAllliiS ldl'tl... i -A. ‘rams. . - Pawnee-res. .“‘- What was it,’lthat ‘icutnythese priests , - “to the heart" when it‘ should make. train unuur Verses 31l~â€"40-â€"What is ,the better The Bell Telephone Co. way gto treatheresy, to let ‘it alone, or oppose it. ? " . Is it not'truo that the'here'tics of one generation- 'have been the, saints of the next ?. ' ' Who and what was this ind-n Gama- 0f Canada. liel 2 i .‘ . .. How. would you characterize Gamaâ€" IS dbOllt t0 pllbllSll {L- IIGW‘ 188118 liel's great defence of the Apestles '2 _ Of the Verses 41-42â€"Is:it as wise'for us as it was for the Apostles, to rejoice when we sulIer for Jesus’ sake ‘2' . ‘ What is. the daily duty and'jfpri'vi'lege of a Christian '3 ' ' Lesson for Sunday, Feb. 21st, 1909',- Stephen the First Christian Martyr. Actsvi,;1to8:-3. ‘ MEDICAL; ______________________.______-â€"_- DR. H. u. oaanAn. Official Telephone Directory lf'or the District of Central Oin~ tario, including the Orders for new connections, -â€"u.n.,,c. 21., n n. 0- s. En-gr,u_.~o. P. “1., ‘ changes of ï¬rm names, chang- . 9m: ‘W- ms'f†'e'o'uo es of street addresses, or for )ilYSlGI'AN‘ suneno-N; a ,AC n- - 1 ., l enr. Odiize. Francis Street, Fenelon'duphcat?’ entm'es ShOllLd be handed, 1n at once to. Falls. not Gflllld, Ml D.’ Local Manager. DR. H. B. JOHNSTONE, succusson 'ro 1min. wirson, _ :RADUATE OI?‘ TORONTO UNIVER- r sity. Physician, Surgeon and Ac- coucheur. Oilice, Colborne Street,_Fenâ€" eion Falls. AUCTIONEER. FELIX A. NORTHEY', runmc aucu'ronrea. Farm and other sales conduciedin ï¬rst~ 4 class order, Secure dates. nefore advcr- ,_ rising. Address,‘ Fenclun.E~n.iTS. ' We are showing _________.______._...______-_-- S'l‘ E l’ ll EN. tin]; EVER, amusas- -- our. hive‘ Stock: and‘ general Auctioneer Write for dams before advertising. THO M AS GA-S'll OR E, . nuerxcnum, ~- FENl-ZI.ON FALLS. 'Y Sales of all! kinds conducted in a ï¬rst- classa'manncr. Secure dates before ad- venti'sing. . ~ -. M ii N 011cc a the > PePIiQ» a some ï¬ne lines of" Furniture at very reasonable. prices; Call and inspect. I hereby notify the publicto Ell-‘9.. no 1m. DQNSELTBL .i- . ..\.. nut u nan nus. aL12|::r_'|\/|lrla sou... $3. Milli I. ._..4;~,.,-A.-,._ Ii You Grow Hearse without any apparent reason, if an irritating little hackworries, you need .- Evans’ Antiseptic Throat ‘Paslilios I they are unsurpassed for reliev- ing coughs, and preventing ' soreness and. irritation of tlze ’ i throat. They keep the voice in l l ,- ï¬ne condition. All prominent singers and speakers use them. PRICE: >4 15c. outsousoooosroar; .- - l . .‘l g’ l ~ - i L ‘ . p L -' ‘ 6i- 215‘ c 1L LE *- §OOOO<>OOC>OOOOOOOOC>O hilt LES This is the season when the feet of every man, woman and child should be protected by a good pair of rubbers. Dry feet Q are better than life insurance these days, and you will be as- sured of the former if you wear a pair of our rubbers. A11 Sizes, All Shapes, All Styles, All Prices, but only one QUALITYâ€"l7l18 best. 4n an 4.. ~_~_- J. W. BRYANS. Wes.t-on’s Bread for Sale. a if}; a l Q. L L l l. l l i i Mwï¬ s .~' é . - ' . . 705.11’ _ . 1'W‘£s§W-32731 a‘ 1:-f~»,._;¢: . aooooooooooooocoooc In Jewelry We carry a large and well 1 l i I l é selected stock. Iaslow as you will ï¬nd any‘ Our prices are; E where. It Pays. f‘ , . E To keep your watch in good‘ order; If it needs cleaning; 'or repairing bring it here. " NWM ’* JOHN SLATER,.. ‘1 ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LlCENSESL- NEXT noon TO Pos'r-omu'on. ' FENELos: FALL’. V‘ rLL iii o Don’t forget that I have . a ï¬rst class.Pla-ner- and‘ am prepared. tado ail- work in this line, in the best style ;~ also... t0;- make sassy " -- v ,. ~w < nouns. ‘j'fi Your patronage solicited._ . ___ - I f '- , .-. a... _. _>-.~i:-._... ... ., 5 u g :MM“