_,{_ ,_...a...“..~.-...»...--............_..__~__n.._ -. . " "“"‘""““"'" "' "“*"’â€""¢»'>'-' 1 mum ‘ “H 1" Want-waumammvm.ww..,.=.._.,._..,....,_. ........,.- _ ._...._.._.... g_,_____ . .-... .J M “w. 1» >. - ,â€"_â€"__â€"â€"â€" I ’ 4.... __..~.~ w . warms.~;¢€mr§¢. Mitfgofrsgsaggssa. .-.- , ~- ~_ . ..._....<_;;v.:11»;~~.w r,-'-.- W. , - - I » 'fl.\..2... (‘n .â€"~ »,>.~.-...~.- .> ~ Wow-J“ wmzwnaflsrreemmm ‘mi-‘famormwma y' I .1 .r <- . "~ m J, ,. .i or a) Womca's Ivssrrrornr-Several mcmbct'S" of the Women's IllStl-bll-lle' drove to' Cameron. on Thursday to- attend a meet: ing at that‘ village. . ._ .. . __ _ _ ________________â€"__._---â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-I O ‘I ,_ was the star. He was everywhere at once, and was particularly useful in front of U. C. C. nets.". 1 Will is a native of the Falls, the home of hockey players, and is a son of Mr. Thomas Lane, as is i; i- The Largest and U5 G m el- P m m O '3'- o a. m el- g W lama .rillim“"" :mkniflu mkflhrnflrafiualhmflnczmxflc~w . '_ ‘Drcssmaking or Sewing. either by the - me In town of Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, etc. I ].McFar1and . war“Wisesnar'rowaewarsrintransitive:sacral-areas woearwrarsti p. "wwï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ vï¬ â€˜new “ ' ' “We-- are: selling‘ Furs,» ReadyeMade _Ski.rts,andMa.-nt1es - at reduced prices. W i viola res saris. , The undersigned is prepared to deliver wood to any part of the village at any time. Hard or soft wood ~l feet long or costs a lot of money‘. cutto order. All kinds of~ green and dry wood ‘ 1 '\ _! ¢ 1 ; 1 heiefor L’ tltkle care Citihi bought at highest price. \thggOll yOll ldVG. 1 ‘£6. RH. EMMLEY. needs overhauling or re- _______________.__ ' pairingi havg. goggle EYES TESTER], pm... y 1 1 'Y' Friars irsrro. ' Don’t let it go to rack When your eyes trouble you, through carelessness. . My facilities fordirepaud cause you pain or bead- ing repainting an OVGl- ache or if your glasses re- haulingb titvaggolixsl werle quire changing or you - ver e . .er. 1 wor r . _ ne- L p need new glasses, go to . guaran teed. _ PLANING .R- M. I.A%Nl$, Eyesight Specialist, (over Neill's shoe store), Ont. done on a good up-to-date machine at reasonable rates. F. G. Chambers. mm ' ' . “Mn mum‘, A-easar SCHOOL. - » Great in reputation, results,-inlluencc _..._.. D 13 E55 ‘.75 )1 A. IiIN G- and thorouglmess. Now is the time J IJiil‘1say - crate. to enter the popular The undersigned is prepared to do G ood workâ€" day or work taken home. Apply at manship; charges reasonable. iii rs. M cArthu r's residence. 33-3211 MISS MCDONALD‘. _'_______________â€"___--â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"' DR. SHABFE, TORONTO.‘ will be at the , MCARTl-IUR HOUSE, FENELON FALLS Wed. and Thurs, liar. 3rd and 4th, And Wednesday and Thursday of every alternate week followmg. Satisfaction assured ~--Platc, Crown and Bridge work a. Specialty. and prepare for proï¬table employ- ment. Our graduates readily obtain Our handsome cata- Writc for one to-day. Col- good positions. logue is free. Students admitted at any time. lege open the cntirc year. \V..I.Eliliott Principal COR. YONGE AND ALEXANDER 5T5. lllll'TlSl‘ â€"0F TllEâ€"- County of Victoria.- Thc next sittings of above Court \vil Youn causes in Shorthand or Business will bring you best results if taken at our old established and thoroughly reliable school. Winter term begins January 11th. Catalogue free. British Am- erican Business College, Y. M. C. A. Building, Toronto. 0N FRIDAY, MARCH lZih, 1909, this county. Defendants living in othc counties must he served on or before Wed nesdav, Fnl)_ 24th. W Uche hours from 10 a. m. ‘o 4 p. m ELISHA MARK, E. D. HAND, Bailiff. SUBSCMBE FOR THE GAZETTE _Fenolon Falls, Dec. 24th, l9£8. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges mod- / show c » i ,l/J L. ., f . TCRCYIFTC, GIFT. MW SEGGND DHVHSIGN COURT be held in Twomey’s hall, Fenelon Falls, ,commcncing at 1.30 o’clock in the after- noon. Monday, March lsr, will be the lust t day of service on defendants residing in Clerk The Fenclon Falls Gazette. ______________-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"' Friday, Feb. 19th. 1909. Death of Mr. Wm. lordan. In the death of Mr. Wm. Jordan, which occurred on Friday morning last, Fenc- lon Falls loses one of its oldest and most respected residents. Mr. Jordan retired from active life some years ago. For some time previous to his death he had been in poor health, and lately was constantly under the doctor's care, but on the day before his death there were little or no indications that the end was so near. Mr. Jordan came to Canada from Ireland with his parents when a boy, the family soon afterwards locating near Fenelon Falls, and has lived in the neighborhood and the village all his life, which has been a long one, his ago at his death being 83 years. He was a member of the Methodist Church, and was one of the original trustees of the Church at the Falls. He is survived by two daughters and three sons, who are all residents of the Falls ex~ ccpt Warden Jordan, of Lindsay. The funeral on Saturday was very largely attended, many from a distance being present, among whom were Mr. J. H. Carnegie, M. P. P., Col. Sam. Hughes, M. P., and Messrs. Jas. Mortimer, J. H. Dela- mere and Wm. Fielding, of Mindcn. Since Mr. Jordan’s death, Mr. Fielding is the only remaining member of the ï¬rst board of trustees of the Fenclon Falls Methodist Church. Curling The ï¬rst round for the McDiarmid- McFadden cup was played off on Mon- day, two games at the Falls and two games. at Lindsay. The result was in favor of the Falls by a total of '7 shots on the round. The scores tell the story: At Lindsay. Fenelon Falls C. Deyman Lindsay. F. Williams W. Knowlson C. W. Burgoyne A. Williams M. II. McCallum G. McFadden, sk. ~18 A. J. Gould, sk. -â€"10 L. Williams E. McGee W. F. C. Morrison O. Nevison Fred Thomas J. R. Hand M. H. Sisson, sk.-â€"13 J. ll. Stanton, sk.--9 , At the Falls. R. Leggat G. Marks‘ E. Gregory A. A. Nevison' N. McFadden W. Aldous F. Knowlson, sk.â€"9 R.M.llamilton,sk.19 II. McMullen W. A. Bishop R. Mcnzie T. Cashore 'i‘. McConnell T. Graham W. ‘ï¬eldies, sk.-â€"13 W. l-l. 1tobson,sk.--22 The second round will be played in the not very distant future, but the date s not yet ï¬xed. Personals. Mr. Geo. Chad-wick- of‘ Uxbridge and his daughter Mrs. J. Smith, of York Mills, visited his son, Mr. Thos. Chad wick, this week. Miss Fanny Brandon left on‘ Monday‘ for a visit to friends'iir Brantford.- Miss Jessie Lane, who was operated upon for appendicitis at the Toronto General Hospital on Saturday, is re- covering. ' Mrs. Geo. Lawson, who has been visit- ing her mother, Mrs. E. B. Whytall, at the Falls, returned- to her home at Bad- ford on Monday; Messrs. Fred warren and Findlay Robson returned on Tuesday from Wing- ham. ,__._________.._._--- Eleven Nothing. Thc' hockey team from Lindsay that were to have played the locals- here on‘ ' Friday last, failed to appear, for some reason ; but the Bobcaygeon seven came instead, and inE a; fast game received a drubbing‘ to the tune of 11-0.- The home team wen-t in. to get even- with ’Caygeon for beating them 6-5 early in the season, and tiring the score in a game at the Falls on Jan. 13, and they got even and have something to spare. However ,-the little 'fello'ws in gray put up a good ï¬ght , and may do better ncxt time. Fol- lowing is thc line~up :. The Falls. Bobcaygcon. Shane goal Brooks Boyce point Grant E. La-nsï¬cld cover pt. Mollat Kerr rover. Nicholls 1 Church centre III{elly McPhce ,- .- a 'cs T. Lanslicld “ ings Hamilton I OTlll-le. HOCKEY NOTES. Will Lane, of the Eureka _“ A " team hat defeated U. C. C. by 15 to 9 and won the district championship on Thursday of last week, is receiving bouquets from the hockey reporters of the city dailies, accompanied by photographs. The To- ' ro-ito Star says: “While U. C. C. had a good little team all the way around, do ' . not overlook this Eureka bunch. They played grand hockey all the ,Way. Lane l‘ , hope to soon see her around again. also Kenny Lane, who has been doing good work for Lindsay. The return match will be played here to-night (Friday) between the Lindsay Y. M. C. A. Juniors and the local young- sters, whom they defeated a couple of weeks ago. The proceeds are in aid of the Sick Children's Hospital, and for this reason, and also t0 encourage the boys, a, good attendance is hoped for. Admis- sion 10 cents. A team of senior juniors from Lindsay is expected the same night, Friday, the 19th, to play a local seven. A CHALLENGE. Mr. Ray Burgess, manager of the “ Canucks " of Fenelon Falls, wishes to- have it made known that they challenge any hockey team under the age of 16‘ years in the county of Victoria. Any in- formation wanted may be obtained by writing the manager, ‘or John J.. Cook, the captain of the team. _____._.___..____-- School Report- Spelling â€"Value 100 : E. Donaldson 90,- D. Dcyman 8i, J. Brand-on. 82,. M. Duggair 80, H. Robson 80, A. Paley 78, C. Quibell' 74, It. Donaldson 72, Ethel Kcarns 70, W. Palmer 66, McL. Lord 64., M. Kelly 60, J. Cooke 60, G. Fisk 60', W. Keast 58, S. Olarks 58, C. McGregor 56. M. Whalcyv52, C. Chambers 48, G. Docharty 48, L. Bates 46, M. Smithson 46, G. McCallum 42, N. Moynes 40, M. Jacket 4.0,. F..Kearns 38,‘ '1‘. Scott 38, E. Barry 52.,~~T.-Sproats 22, G. Stevenson 22,. J. Clark 2.1, Foe-Merriam‘ 8, E. Townley 6, W. Miller 4, F. Fades-2, J. Lansï¬eld 0, B. Moss 0, B. Wilkinson 0, E. Kearns O, S‘. Bryans 0, G. Dennis 0. Absent: G. Manning, M. Patterson, A. Peterkin, L. Littleto'n,C.-Pearn,.J.Long, P. Mintliorn, D. Smith.‘- (Gorrespondcnce Qf' Uzi: Gdz'ctlé.) Under thc' skilful treatment of Dr, White, of Kin-mount, Mrs. Heard-is rap- idly recovering from a sevcre' attack of rheumatic fever, and her many friends Mr. Frank Bryant spent Sunday at his home at Moore's Falls. Mr. Daniel Kirkpatrick and? Mr‘. James Powers, of the Baker'Company, of Lindâ€" say, were here on business last Satur- day, and put up at the Boadway board- ing-house. Mr. Arnold Wakelin has returned home. Mr.‘ R. ll. Southern, of lIoad Lake, was in N orland' last Monday'eir business. M-r. Mchey, of Head Lake, was-in the village one day. last week, helping Mr. Edwin LeCraw to audit the township books. Mrs. Robert Delamy has come back to nurse her sister, Airs). Richard Day, who was threatenedwvitlrappendicitis, but is slowly improving, and whose numerous plcte recovery. Baddsw. (Correspondence of the G lzctlc.) at a dance last week. M rs. James Fell gave a crokinolc party on Friday evening last, and among the guests prsscnt were Mr. and Miss Law- ’ricyof Markham, and Miss L. Jordan, of Lindsay. The latter part of the evening was spent in games and music. Mr. It. Lawrie and his sister- returned home to Markham on ‘.Vcdnesday, after spending a few days in Baddow. The community was shocked to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. John Barrett, w hich occurred-on Tuesday, the 9th inst. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved family. The marriage of Miss Mabel Umphrey, of Burnt River, and Mr. Thomas Griilin, of Baddow, took place in Toronto on- Wednesday, the 10th inst. The happy con-pie arc‘ spending their honeymoon in Toronto and other points. Their many friends wish them: a’ long and happy mar~ r-ied life. FARM Hatr.â€"l\Ir‘. Thomas Robson, Ch- nadialr Government‘ Employment Agent, isl open to receive applications from those requiring farm help or domestics. SAvaicn Socr.xL.-â€"Thc parish work- ers of St. James’ church will hold‘ a. social evening at the home-of Mrs, Gee; McGee on Tuesday n'ext,\thc 23rd inst.- Sandwichcs of many kindswill- be a feature, and entertainment will be provided. Admission 15c.- SNOW.â€"A light fall of. snow on Satu-r'- day, a. blizzary on Sunday, and several» inches of a fall since then, have madc- sleighing again. Two or three mild spells through the winter took what suowthcre was off each time, and kept those who had driving to do busy chang- ing from runners to wheels and bach again. NEW‘ B'o-.rr‘.â€"Mr-. Cl W. Burgoyne has- given an ordor to Messrs. Hickey &.‘ Son, Peterborough, for a new boat, (55 feet in1 length and 1~l feet beam, to accommodate the 50 h.-p. engine purchased early in the winter.‘ The new boat will carry 100 passengers, and will probably be put on the “ Kawarthas’ †route between the Falls and Coboconk, but will not be ready in time for the coming summer's business THE SNOW PLOUGH.â€"The new Snow plough bought some time ago by the cor- poration had a shaft broken on its trial‘ trip. Messrs. C. Kelly and J. Jones put much heavier shafts on the plough, at- tached a movable extension to each‘ side to give it a wider sweep when neces- sary, and a device for raising and lower- ing the p iint. It is expected the plough will wo.-Z; satis-fictorily when these improvements are completed. friends hope soon to hear other com- Mrs. G. Woof entertained about ï¬fty > ‘,1771 ) ..‘ 3". " k _ of her \ciulam and Luint 1m er friends sons were m attendance. -AUCTION SAI.E.~â€"An- auction sale of’ farm ‘stOck and implements will he held.‘- ‘5i. on Wednesday, March 3rd,, on the’ if‘ premises of Mr. Win. Graham, Sturgeon} Fl? P'oint, Fcnelon, who has leased his farm: for a number of, years and will sell‘ everything. Sale to commencefat- 12-’ o'clock. Lunch will be served" t0‘tliose* from a distance. Mr. Cashore is the‘- auctionccr, and has- a‘ good list to dis-- pose of". Usual tenmss- ' <1 13-.‘ 2,5. BASKET Socr.\r;.-A\lbasl£et socialiundér’ the auspices of the Fcnelon Falls Bap- tist Church will be held at the residence! . of‘ Mir. Frank Smitheram, Fenclon-,- oni Thursday, F'eb. 25th. A good progrnme will be _ prepared;- Admission free.‘- Lunch provided for these who-do- not'? buy baskets. Sleighs will leave Arnold's-i store at 7 p.111. Everybody welcome. v. mmxflm-mammm ~ FROM' THE Aarrronns.â€"We are in-' l debted to M r; Walter Stevenson for the‘ loan of a number of very clear and in-' tcrcsting photographs taken by his; nephew, Mr. S. Oliver, of the Kermadec‘ Islands scientiï¬c expedition, a letter“ from whom appeared in the Gazette~ a short time ago; also for a copy of thm Auckland, N. Z., News, a 60 page weekly... , , containing an account of the expoditiorr l and-a quarter page photo of thc- Messrs-.'- i . S. and 1t:- Oliver-and the four other in‘-‘- " ' vestigators who accompany them. The~ News also contains-av large amount of’, , interesting matter relating to New Zea- ,.- , _. land and adjacent territory. ‘ ' Sr. Annanw's Cannon-On Tuesday‘ evening, Feb. 23rd, under the auspices‘ of St. Andrew's Guild, the following‘ subject will be debated: “Resolved,- That, in the best interests of the' Dominion, the Canadian Senate should’- be abolished.†Allirmativc by Messrs. Graham and' Robson and Dr. Sims. Dc“ nied by Messrs. John Lee, Wm. [lethcr-- ._ington and Dr. Mason... .On this, (Fri- day), evening, .divine service will be‘ held'tin-St, Andrew's church, and Rev. Jas; Wallace,- B. 1)., of Lindsay, will preach. .On Sunday morning thc Sac~ mcnt of the Lord's Supper-‘will be ceic- 1 bratedj I, O. O. F. Drones t.[ua'rrnc.--At the Odell'ellows’ degree meeting at Lindsay‘ I on Monday evening the following mem- ; hers ofICorona Lodge were instructed inr- thc work of. the ï¬rst, second and third degrees : Bros. W. Northey, l}. M. Hamil- ton, Rev. C. S Lord, John Scott, J. Pen- rose, W. T. Robson, A. Tiers, J. L. Arn“ old, and A. J. Gould, and J. Perryman of’ the Falls, and Bros. A. Wilson, and ltev. A. C. Cummer, of Kinmount. Other’ brethren present from the Falls were F.‘ Kelly, W.‘ larklcy, F. Warren, C. Kelly, C. Deyman, A. Fountain, D. Aldous, F. Rutherford, Dr. Johnston and M. Still-- man. There was a large turnout of; members froni'all over the district t0' welcome Deputy Grand the I-Ion. Sen- ator Dcrbyshire, of Brockville, whowas- making his official visit. At the close‘ of the ceremonies a banquet was served, and a most enjoyable evening spent. i Erwourn Lennon-On Tuesday cven-’ ing , liith'nnstq at the invitation of Miss; ~ Littleton, he regular meeting of the“ Epworth League of the Methodist Church was held at her hozne. The meet- . , ing was conducted by the members of? , 5*; the social departmentr About ï¬fty per-- The Topic was-introduced by Miss M. Wilson, who . rcad= a' very interesting paper on the- l subject under consideration. Mrs. Gouldl = continucdthe discussion of the subject“ f by a. practical'talk'on some of the social l, problems oflife. In addition to the us-1 l ual musical exercises, including a‘ . quartette by four of the talented mcm- <' bers, Miss Littleton had arranged forfl i a unique entertainment which occupied , the attention of the company for anI hour, and was very much appreciated.- Aft'er refreshments had been served by . the hostess- the meeting adjourned, the ._ , 1 members feeling that a very pleasant , ‘ and proï¬table evening had been en- -' joyedr. . . . .~Tlie'JuniorLeague enjoyed a sleigh ride on Wednesday afternoon, , followed‘ by tea in the basement of the: j --, church. ‘ ' O'rillia Packet: It will be remembered that one ofour summer visitors warned , Orillians a couple of years ago that the‘- , ragweed which had made its appearance- in our streets was very irritating to hay fever patients, and would drive' them‘- ' away from town. Most people were in- clined to treat the friendly advice light- ly, as a fad or fancy, especially when aniappcal to the agricultural authorities‘ at‘ Ottawa elicited the reply‘ that this- ; _ ‘jg particular quality of ragweed Was un- ‘ , known to them. 1t is worth noting,. l . however‘, that Mr. Mctcall’, of the Coll- g ingwood branch of the Agricultural De- - i partment, mentioned in his address to' the Farmers‘ Institute on Friday, that the‘ pollen of ragweed, like that of the‘ . - k golden rod, was an irritant to hay‘ _ i T fever patients. Evidently it would be’ no harm to stop the‘ spread of ragwecdr if possible‘. t‘ DIJiRlLliED. l H.\ari.uâ€"â€"ru00ks.â€"At-. the Methodist parsonage, Lindsay, by Rev. J. 'll- R031 on Monday, January 25th, 1909, Mr. lig'vii B. I'lartlc, traveller for the Gillan-(Yew, of Hamilton, to Lillian E., only ('hliglitcr' of M r. and Mrs. Henry Brookjffjf Fene~ lon Falls. ' 13113315. Jr’ JORD.\N.â€"At Feeyllon Falls, on Friday,- , February 12th, 390i), William Jordan’ aged 83 years. f POWER-"Ab enclon Falls, on Thnrs~ day. February 18th, 1000, Anna Larkin‘, i relict Of ljhe Ihte James J. Power. The ' funeral will leave her late residence on , Francis “met at 9 a. m. to-morrow, (Sat- ’ l “Ya-W), 101' the 1Roar-an Catholic cemetery.