will thoroughly enjoy the ‘termite The Star's editorials are keen and clever as some of r»a.r.om8flflra>r11,~r~wln :fIH'r-rli-i" - ‘a world. u ‘satire-Lo‘ JAE-rowan": ‘.1 an" ‘9i? ~' A Newspaper... ‘riot do gitirgan†The man who wants an Open-minded discussion of politics, the steady support of right, justice, and decency, without cant or bitterness, and an unpre- judiced, common-sense treatment of public affairs, The Star is not tied to any party or any “interest.†It has deï¬nite opinions of its own on political, social, and moral questions-but it recognize the right of others to hold exactly opposite opinions without necessarily being scoundrels or ï¬t subjects for abuse. can make them, and always Fair. The Star is published for fair-minded, intelligent people who take an active interest in Canada and the Consequently it Has More Readers Than Any Other Paper ln Ontario. ‘553.5% it "ii/‘ear This paper and um Tonmvro DAILY srun roger/m}; one year, $2. 20. Guaranteed Fountain Pan given for 5 00. added to above subscription prices. ' -~-;"~'~.i~re.~-.~_ ~ - was ~ ‘l-flil'dffhfl'ï¬ï¬'LÂ¥hjm\f\-ffd>Z-Iir-. .‘x' -‘ - .. ally star broad-minded, honest, as the best writers in Canada - rw!youantic‘.-'...'\-Fmb’i"{-$wq-rrl-M~v Euler-1MP}: "4w<-t-|'-.->'l.-a¢mrm_ ‘or. v;.~._.-:‘.a.];(.r;v.1.‘.~'~1:'l:-.'~ lanaaiman erasures BlBLE Sillili ' Etllill THE GAZEIIE'S BRANCH. llcv. Dr. Liustott’s Suggestive Question l 0a the Sunday School Lesson for Feb. 28th, 1909. The Gazette has secured the right to publish the Intel-nation ll Sunday School ‘Lassen ‘prostions by the, ltav. Dr. Iliu- scitt, which have amused So mach in- terest. clse-.'.â€1erc, :1qu they will appear weekly. Ono of these questions each ‘week is to b .e answered in writing, and ‘noon these answers prizes will be award- o. l. This pap-2r is also aathorizel to l'orn a l. )cal Newspaper Bible Study Club l'or its renters, and guarantees to all who join and i'ullil the conditions, that everything heroin promised shall bc faithfully carried out. Persons may join the club at any time during the year, but must, ol" course, answer the 5'3 questions hereinafter ex- plained, to qualify for the prizes. lt is, howcvcr, desirable that the questions be answered as the lessons are studied. The International Newspaper Iliblc Study Club, which had its origin last year at lh'antford, Out., is for the pur- )osc of promoting, in an unfettered way among the masses, a wider study of the Bible, the bascr truths ol' Christianity, and the p roblcms which enter into cvcry man's life. It is composed ol’ all those who join a local club and take up the simple course outlined heroin, barring only ordained clergymcu. We have the sympathetic co-opcration of the latter. but it is not considered fair to have them compete for the prizes. Sunday School teachers, Bible class scholars, and church goers generally may belong to this news- paper club, also uon-churchgocrs of all shades of opinion. All such are warmly invited to join and compete for the prizes. CONDITIONS OF THE CONTEST. 1. Each contestant, or his or her fam- ily, must bc a paid-up subscriber to this paper during the coutinuancoof the con- test in order to qualify for membership in the In tot-national Newspaper Bible Study Club and this Local Club. 2. Each contestant in this Local Club must answer each 0t‘ the written ques- tions for 52 consecutive weeks, com- mencing for Sunday, July 25th, and the answers must all be in the possession of this paper within gtwo weeks al'tcr- the close of the contest. Prizes for .tasuvcrs . l 3. Each question must be answered- scparatcly, and the paper written on~-ono~ side only. No answer must cxcccd'ZOO words, and may be less. Ir‘ possible, write on lcttcr paper, size about 8% by 11 inches. 4. Each answer must "nave the name and address of‘ the writer at the bottom of the answer, so it can be identiï¬ed, give-n a number,- rog-istered, and then the name cut 01E so tho examiner may know t by number oul y. 5. Studobts should be careful to under- stand the question before answering. To do this-.lzhc lesson text must be read, and especially the verse or verses upon whicbithc question is based. 6.- The answers for this local club must be delivered at this oilicc, and‘ they will be collated at the close of the, c-ou- ï¬nï¬t' and l'orwawled to hcidtlnartcrs for independent examination by competent examiners. The prizes will thou be awarded according to. the highest num- borot‘ uutrks won by members oi" the International Newspaper Bible Study Club, and prizes which may be awarded to members of this Local Club Will be given out from this ollice.“ vi.‘ 4-“. #n-ur-‘rw " ' __._â€".__--â€"-- Tlll'l PRIZES. First Series-A gold medal to each of the ï¬rst live contestants. S :cond Serios.~vâ€"-A silver medal to cach oi‘ the next ï¬ve contestants. Third Series-A teacher's Bible, price $5.5‘), to each of tho next live contest- ants. llourth Serios.-~Thc book, “ The Heart of Christianity," price $1.50, to each of thc next thirty-live contestants. Fifth Series.â€"-A developed mind, an exp-.1 udcd imagination, a richer exper- icucc and a more profound knowledge oi‘ the. Bible and ol' life, to all who take this course, whether winning any other prize or not. Each medal will be suitably engraved, giving the name of the winner and l'or what it is awarded, and in like manner each bible and book will be inscribed. All who can write, and have ideas, are urged to take up these studies regard- less 0t‘ the degree oi‘ their education, as the papers are not valued l'rom an edu- cational or literary standpoint, but from the point ol‘ view of the cogcncy'oi‘ their reasoned ideas. The Gospel in Sama rim-Acts viii : 4-25. (‘roldu Text-The people with one ac- cord gavc heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing tho mi~ raclc which he did. Acts viii : ii. Verso &.â€"â€"What caused the scattering abroad of the Christian community ‘2 Was the persecution of the church, headed by Saul, a blessing or a curse ‘2 Was this persecution according to God's ï¬rst best plan ? thn God's ï¬rst, or original, plan is upset by an evil, is there any evidence to show that he uses that very evil to bring about that which he had planned to accomplish another way? (Sec case of Joseph ; also of Jesus), Who was Philip '2 Should the church, to-day, utilize lay- men more in preaching the gospel ?' What did Philip preach at Samaria ? What do you undo ‘stand by Philip preaching Christ ? “- , Verses 6-7.--I-Iow do you account for ' it, that t-hc people turned to God with such unanimity '2 Does the Holy Spirit always accom- pany the preaching of the Gospel ? 1t‘ Philip‘s congregation had been made up 0E 190i) (ix-Sunday school scholars, would the result oi’ his. preaching have ‘ been dillercnt- i‘ Verse 8.“ What is. the proof that Phil- ip's converts were real, and what is the proof 0t‘ the reality of. every conversion. ? Is joy a. necessary accompaniment of conversion i‘. Verses 9-11.â€"â€"What is, or what was, sorcery -’.. ls. there any evidence to believe that there are, or ever have been, persons with tho power claimed by witches, con- v'nrors, fortune tellers and similar Iakirs ? Verse lib-ls it reasonable to believe that all who were baptised were genuine come ovcr him after, do you think Simon was really converted at this time 2' What were then, and what are new, the conditions for the forgiveness of our sins, or conversion ‘2 Verses 14-17.--â€"At the time of the scat- tering abroad, did all the Apostles re- main at Jerusalem ‘2 What was the purpose at sending Peter and John to Samaria, seeing they had just had a great nevi tal ? Did Peter and John. Quay that, these young converts might. receive the Holy Spi rit '3 Did all the converts. in, Apostolic days receive the Holy Spirit afterthey were converted ? Why was not the Holy Spirit given to the converts at Samariawhen they were converted ‘2 Is it the duty and privilege ,ofevery Christian to be conscious that the, Holy Spirit ‘dwells in him, and thatheuisflDJ converts ? \ Verse 13.â€"-Whatcvcr change may have ‘E's-ï¬veï¬mï¬wï¬ï¬ ‘W g. @ur ‘Folio Curve Lenses who ï¬at kind. BRITTQN 330$. FQOT 0F KENT STREET, - LINDS Y. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. O 5T0 RM AND STORM DOORS Prepare for the cold weather before it comes. Save fuel by making your house snug and tight. Order 's'torm doors and sash now. First-class Workmanship. FENELdli FALLS Pluiilllih MILL. A. TEIES " . - ‘saw an. are vcry much better than the Conic in and let- us show you. They arc not only better for the eyes, but they arc more comfortable and look better. .1 . * SIMPLEA LASTING as well as sanitary results are obtained from the use of Alabastine. ..L-.....l..a1 ll You Grow Hearse’ without any apparent reason, if an irritating little hack worries, you need Erans’ Antiseptic Throat Pastilles they are unsurpassed for reliev- ing coughs, and preventing soreness and irritation of the throat. They keep the voice in ï¬ne condition. All prominent singers and speakers use them. tense! ‘uhich Follow the Curvature oi the En. O SASH ‘ -. .PRICE' 250.. _>__-L I ~‘ RUBSDN’SDRUGSTORIE Don’t delay. Reasonable Prices. \OOOOOOOOOOOO 0<:>0 O db 58$ l g Q This is the season when the Pï¬GPBlETOB. ‘1‘ feet of everyman, woman and child should be protected by a. good pair of rubbers. Dry feet g : are better than life insurance Q " - these days, and you will be as- a sured of the former if you wear a pair of our rubbers. A11 Sizes, All Shapes, A11 Styles, A In- l. ll. stead of deteriorating with age. it actually becomes harder, until at last it forms ‘ part of the wall itself. ' ril i... Araeasrrus with its plain tints, supplies a luxurious wall-covering for the most handsome rooms, leaving your walls free from the deli- rium of wallpapers. We will be glad to tell you more abqut Alabaslinc, ‘if you will ask us. Let. us show you a tint card All Prices, but only ONE QUALI'l‘Yâ€"-the best. ll i l J. W. BRYnNs. <3? ‘ill .aac-iqcpooooocooc '4 "5? >r a 1 . ,. .t... vinel'y guided in all things ‘B (This ques- tion must be anchrcd in writing by members of the club.) . ' Ycrs'cs 18-2 l.~-A re deceivors and trick- stcrs apt to think that all others arc like themselves '3 ls it possible to obtain spiritual pow- er with the purpose of making‘ money {The Bell mlelephgngi} Co_ out oi‘ it. '3 Is it possible that this Simon had been converted, and that his love of fame and of money had lod him to this evil '9 Verse 25.~~-'\Vhat is the only hope oi" getting the world converted ? Lesson for Sunday, March 17th, 19i)9.â€" i Philip and the Ethiopian. Acts viii 2 9.6-4.0. Sll.\'rn.lw.â€"ln the township ol‘ Somcrq ' ville, on Friday, Jan. 29th, 1909, tho wife of Mr. A. Shatraw, of a son. NICHOLLS.‘â€"II1 the township of Vcru~ lam, on Saturday, Feb. 20th, 1909, the wife of Mr. James H. Nicholls of a daughter. ‘ SMITH.â€"â€"â€"In the township 0t‘ Romerrillc, on. rEllesday, Feb. 23rd, 1909, the wife of‘. Mr. Mia-loohn- Smith, J r., of a son. ' BELL.â€"At Fouelon Falls, on Tuesday, Feb. 23rd, 1909, the wile of‘ Mr. Walter Boll of a son. BI ArRl-"RJ. E D . Tearao.â€"B.mnY.- At Lindsay, by Yen. Archdeacon Casey, on Monday, Feb. 22nd, 1909, Mr. F. S‘. Teatro, ol' Lind- say, and Miss Violet M. Barr-y, daughter of Mr. Garret Barry, of Fenclon Falls. m - NEWSPAPER LAW. l'. A post-master is required to give no- ticc by letter (returning the paper tillocs not answer the law), when.- a subscribe-r docs not take his paper out of the oï¬tce, nudl. state the reasons for- its not being’- taken- Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster responsible to the publisher for payment. 2. If any person ordershis paper discon- tinued he must- psy all" arrca/zges, on the publisher may‘ continue to send it until!‘ payment is. made and collect the whole amount wilietirrr the paper is taken from tlre- chine or- not There can be no legal discontinuance unlil'.the payment is made. 3.. Any pOlYSDli-;\\‘-l?01~.§llk05 a paper from the post oliice, Whetliï¬lR-dilTulOd to his name or another, or whether ;hc has sub- scride or not, is responsible for the pay, 4. ,Il'. a subscriber orders his paper to be ‘I stopped ahuccrtaiu time and the publisher continues to send it, the subscribcris bound - to pay for it if'hc takcsit from the post- oï¬ice. This proceed-snpon theground that a man must pay for whnthq- uses. ' 5. courts bargdecid'ed that refusing’ to take newspapgigs. and periodicals from the post-office, or.-rcmoving and, leaving them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence 0f intentiouual fraud, __ and cutting of wood with 55 coats on. FOR SALE BY JOS. HEARD. l\llllllï¬i ill lllllllil FlllS. ‘handed in at once to n. could, M. u... Local Manager. Westmm Bread for Sale. A ‘pf lull I Q i l l g Q: 0O00o00©00<>00<>00<>0nii T'iEW llilillnl llilllillll. Q _hiJcWehy ,, ‘L ‘Ye carry a largo and wellii. or Canada. . _ _ _ .sclcct-ed stock. Our prices are». 1s about to publish a new issue '. _ _ of the ‘as low as. you Will ï¬nd any“ where. it Pays To keep your watch i'n good-i _ Oliicial ielepho~ne Directory for the District of Central On- tario, including the order. It‘ it needs cleaning; Orders for new connectionspjor repairing bring it here-.~. changes of‘ ï¬rm names, chang-J" cs ol' street addresses, or for duplicate entries should be IISSUEB. 0E‘.MARRI'A‘GE"LICENSES:- ~‘. NEXT‘ DETERTO POST-OFFICE‘ . i FEHELOH . FALL?!» “bl - 1...- g. Roniï¬lfoigct' that I have - a. ï¬rstchss Pinter au'l a 1.1-; '.__pr_epared to do all work in ‘,gthis line in the, best style; g ;a.lsc to make 0f Furmtnreat I, I SASH very reasonable . All!!!) .5 09035. ~ l. Your patronage solicited. _ We are showing; some...‘ ï¬ne lines-s. prices. . Gall and inspect.‘ L. DEYMAN 8L SON, ' " "crane i.»a-;_<~,.a*.$-;1x¢n% -‘_ 8.3 our... ‘,qu w‘ .. 4 .~ ., ,-