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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 5 Mar 1909, p. 5

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51-21%”: 1-1». ‘A “Miler-arm: Tow; urx~mlrs l" \l >5 wraa'nmz-Lxâ€"=s\wzizsawmcms...-‘. 1'1, ». .-, v mu“, _ grit l ilpon these answers prizes \vill be award~ l el. "".. -. lion. Quinn-‘Mm; .ovnguoahnamm ~. ‘ ~ Myth-l -.' Puhilshcs Market .1 lawn w'..t}¢‘islw,;s'§il" cities. CLUEEENS CFFER '1: “cert mm ‘hump;h‘.”~“r,:':'_'-_.;r'u<j;;,5 ,. fag.- észrkrl #6315145-Lfi'3'77/W1Fgmt5'fd-fireflil-V'"E'- '~~ .-'- : liliEmlllTioillll. rrwsrirta BlBLE Sillfill ELUB; THE GAZETTE'S BRANCH. Rev. llr. Llnscott’s Suggestlvcllnostlon on the Sunday School Lesson for March 5th, 130i). Prizes for Answers. The Gazette has secured the right to publish the International Sun'lay School L :sson questions by the Rev. Dr. Lin- Scatt, waich have aroused so much in- terest elsewhere, and they \vill appear Weekly. One of these questions each ‘week is to be answered in writing. and This pap-2r is also author'md to form a Local Newspaper Bible Study Club for its readers, and guarantees to ‘all wh ) join and fulfil the conditions, that everything heroin promised shall be l'uithl'ully carried out. _ Persons may join theclub at any time ‘during the year, but must, ‘of course, answer the 52 questions hereinafter ex- plained, to qualify for the plii'llem lt is, llou'ever, desirable that the question-s be answered as the lessons are studied. The International Newspaper Bible Study Club, which had its origin last 'ycar at Brantl'ord, Ont., is for the pur- aose of promoting, in an unfettered way among the masses, a wider study of the Bible, the baser truths of Christianity, and the problems which enter into every man's life. It is composed of all those who join a local club and take up the simple course outlined herein, barring only ordained clergymcn. We have the Sympathetic cosoperation of the latter, but it is not considered fair to have them compete for the prizes. Sunday School teachers, Bible class scholars, and church goers generally may belong to this news- paper club, also non-churchgoers of all shades of opinion. All such are warmly invited to join and compete for the prizes. connrrross' or rim conrnsr. l. Each contestant, or his or her l'am- ily, must be a paid-up_subscriber t0 this paper during the contmuance of the con- test in order to qualify for membership in the International Newspaper Bible Study Club and this Local Club. 2. Each contestant in this Local Club must answer each 0t‘ the written ques- tions for 52 consecutive weeks, com- mencing for Sunday, July 26th, and the answers must all be in the possession of 111105 this paper within ,_t\vo weeks after the close of the contest. reports you could sell your grain and live stock at top~ notch prices. Half a cent extra on just 300 bushels of wheat or oats would pay a year’s subscrip- dozcn hogs would cover three years’ subscriptions. Don’t you,depending on weekly reports, or daily reports that are old when you get them-miss top prices by at least that much several times a year? 'ioronio holly tier morning's dailies publish-l2 to 18 hours later. a - sr.v~.-a-W:s\-=»:flw ¢ sws~s~w~ one“; ,- A Liv-e llaily Paper Will Put honey in Your Pocket. l :j \Vith The Toronto Daily g ' Star's accurate daily market ‘ l 2 5c. a hundred weight on a 1' ,.,~ .7: ‘a a wailwmrwovicéltofl leltflhm' ‘- " if '2. Reports 12 l0 18 * Hours Eariior Than the Morning Papers i‘ ,5 Every afternoon’s issue of The Star contains that very fl day's quotations on the grain and live stock markets of i Toronto, Montreal, Bullalo, Chicago, and other important 5, These are the same quotations that the next 5 Z s 1.50 A YEAR This Paper and The Toronto Daily Star W together for One Year, $2. 20. Guar- 5.2 anteed Fountain Pen given for 500. g added to above subscription prices. 3 ‘n >1 =1‘ -=*'-s'.7o-'~=-".'~.-‘1<ai- -Yé3=aۤ-3Wfi‘ ‘:1. Till‘) PRIZES. First Series.â€"-A gold medal to each of the first live contestants. Second Series.--~A silver medal to each ol‘ the next five contestants. Third Sericsf-A toacher’s Bible, price $5.50, to each of the next live contest- ants. Fourth Series. ~Tho book, “ The Heart of Clu-istianity," price SLIM), to each ol' the next thirty-live contestants. Fifth Series.~â€"~A developed mind, an expanded imagination, a richer expor- ieuco and a more profound knowledge ol’ the iliblc and of lil'c, to all who take this COIH'SO, whether winning any other prize or not. Each medal will be suitably engraved, giving the name ol' tho winner and for what it is awarded, and in like manner each bible and book will be inscribed. All \vho can write, and have ideas, are urged to take up those studies regard- less of the degree of their education, as the papers are not valued from an edu- cational or literary standpoint, but from the point of vicw of the cogoncy ol' their reasoned ideas. Philip and the Ethiopian-â€"Acts viii: 26-10. Golden Text-Ye search the Scrip- tures, because ye think that in them yo have eternal lil'e; and these are they which boar witness of mc.â€"~John v : 39. Verse 26.--â€"When God directs us by circumstances or by a friend, or by an angel, is it just as much from God as though He spake to us direct ? I do not know whether this angel was a devout man, or woman, or a mental picture, or a dream, or a spirit; but he, she or it convinced Philip that God wanted him to go south. Now how did Philip know that the impression to go south was ot' God, and how may we know under similar circumstances ? (The above question must be answered in writing by members of the club.) May any person who is not playing double with God safely trust “the in- ward voice ” to direct as to outward cir- c umstances ‘2 Verses 27, 28.â€"~Philip found that he had not come on a fool’s errand. Now is it not invariably so, that results of to- morrow always justify the faith vision 0f to-day ? Seeing this Ethiopian was a man of exalted posit-ion, in a foreign country, what was the significance ol‘ Philip be- ing sent to him ‘E’ Verse 29.â€"thn Philip saw this man's chariot looming up in the distance, per- alter days or weeks of waiting, with more or less doubt, be got the im- pression that this was his opportunity; now from whom did he get the impres- 3. Each question must be answered siou? separately, and the paper written on one side only. _ Words, and may be loss. If possible, With what sort of a voice did the No answer must exceed 200 Holy Spirit speak to Philip ? It‘ we should learn that the Holy Spirit “spite on letter paper, Size about 81: by used the circumstances and Philip’s reas- ll inches. 4. Each answer must have the name and address ol' the writer at the bottom ol' the answer, so it can be identified, given a number, registered, and thou the n-unc cut oil so the oxanuncr may know Z‘ by number only. 5. Students should be careful toundor- stmd the question before answering. To do this the lesson text must be read, and especially the verso or verses upon which the question is based. (3 'Phe answers for this local club must be delivered at this olhcc. and they will he collated at the close ol' lhc con- :lod to llezvl-‘plartors lHl‘ aminatiou by compote-at prizes will thou be l'o the highest num- by members ol' the test and fol-war independent ox (‘x lzn' ncrs. 'l.‘h.o a wa r. led accord l up; oning processes, his hopes and his fears, as God's voice, would that be as really lthe voice of the Holy Spirit as if the words were spoken by God out ol‘ the clouds ‘3 Is is always sal'e for us to do as the I-loly Spirit tolls us. as in this case '2 Verse 3().â€"â€"\Vas this Ethiopian a de- vout man ‘3 1t‘ a man dcvoutly searches the Scrip- tures, is he sure to lind God ? ll’ a man devoutly searches tho book ol' nature, with a desire to obey her laws, is he sure to lind (ind ‘2 Verses 3l-3;l.â€"â€"\thre in the Bible is the passage which the Ethiopian was reading ‘:‘ ls it always necessary that some one should explain the Scriptures to us ? (fan we iuulcrstaud' the Scriptures, or got the full import ol' any fact, without the aid ot' the. Holy Spirit ? OI‘ Of marks \VOll . >‘ ' llilcrna-[ional Newspaper 1:15p; Study Club and prizes which may he awarded ’ ' ‘ | I '- to members ol this Local Club “Ill be given out from this ollicc. Why could not, or why did not, the Holy Spirit explain this Scripture to the Ethiopian direct ‘2 As a matter of fact, was not the Holy screen-ewe» e Qur Toric Curve Leases o flat kind. ERITEQZQ' BRQS. LINDSAY. Issuer of Marriage Licenses; FGGT 0F KENT- STREET, are very much. better than the Come in and let us show you They are not only better for the eyes, but they are more comfortable and look better. ‘éTORIC 9, \. "it I “7 , l D 1 ~15 A ,N ‘G L E L E N S E s lenses which . Follow lbe turvaluro ol the Exo- FHCURE' What you’ll- need in Doors, G U? Sash, Frames and Interior \Vork for your building next summer, and let us have your order earl-y. Frarlor Fins Pihhlht mu. A. TEHES - PREPRIETOB. a‘, r- ‘r rium of wall papers. Alabasline, if you will ask us. SIMPLEAND " " LAs'rING . as well as sanitary results are obtained from the use of Alabaaliue. stead of deteriorating with age. it actually becomes harder, until at last it forms part of the wall itself. ALABASTENE with its plain tints, supplies a. luxurious wall~covering for the most handsome rooms, leaving your walls tree from tho deli- Wo will be glad to tell you more about ~n 41”». . In- Let us show you a tint card and cutting of wood with 55 coats on. FOR SALE BY JOS. HEARD.‘ S irit guiding the Ethiopian as. much as he Was l’l|ilip ‘f I . - Was Isaiah conscious when he wrote these words that they applied to Jesus; or did he think that he was describing some other person or persons '3 Did not the prophets, as other inspirod . ‘The Bell Telephone Co. men, often write more wisely than they knew ? Y Verses 35-38.-~Did this Ethiopian need “converting ” the same as a wilful sin- ner, or did he, as a devout child ol' God, simply recognize Jesus as the sent of God. and was thcn baptized in his name '2 Verses 39-40.â€"~â€"\Vas Philip, so to speak, “spirited” away, or did he leave in a natural manner ‘2 Lesson for Sunday March 14th, 1909â€" Aeneas and Dorcas. Acts ix : 31-43. Teachers of ripe scholar- ship, wide tcaching and business experience in leading Canadian and American centres, cm- ployed by our chain of High-Grade Colleges, have built up a superior, unapproached curriculum. Each student is instructed private- ly at his own desk. We assist our graduates to the best positions. Three courses-Commercial, Steno- graphy and Telegraphy. Mail Courses. Enter an y day. Write for particulars. PETEHBOR-O BUSINESS GULLEGE GEO. Srorron, Principal. NEWSPAPER LAW’. ' 1. A post-master is required to give no- tice by letter (returning the paper docs not answer the law), when a. subscriber does not take his paper out of the oliice, and slate the reasons for its not being taken Any neglect. to do so makes the postmaster responsible to the publisher l'or payment. 2. If any person orders his paper discon- tinued he must pay all arreurges, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is mndt and collect the whole amount whether the paper is taken from the oflice or not. There can be no legal- disconlinuunce until the payment is made. 3. Any person who takes a paper from lhe post oliiec, whether directed to his name or another, or whether hc has sub- . scribed or not, is responsible for the pay. 4. If a subscriber orders his paper to be stopped at arcrtain time and the publisher cominnes to send it, the subscriber is bound to pay for it if he takes it from the post- ollice. This proceeds upon theground that a man must pay for what he uses. 5. courts have decided that refusing to lake newspapers and periodicals from the post-oliice, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima lacie evidence of iutcutionual fraud. NEW of’ Canada. is about to publish a new issue of the Oliicial Telephone Directory for the District of Central On- tario, including the llllllli lll liNElllll .llllS. Orders for new connect-ions, ehangesof firm names, chang- es of street addresses, or for duplicate entries should be handed in at once to DI GUUIII, “I'D-y Local Manager. We are showing some fine lines of Furniture at very reasonable prices. Call and inspect. L. DEYMAN a son.‘ l ll You Grow Hoarse' without any apparent reason, if an irritating little hack worries, you need Enlistment Throat Paslilles they are unsurpassed for reli'ev- ~ ing coughs, and preventing soreness and irritation of the throat. They keep the voice in fine condition. All prominent singers and speakers use them. .PRlCl-Z: 25c. . ii.‘ . nossowsununsiont QOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOO Ml ERS This is the season when the feet- ot' over-v man, woman and child should be protected by a good pair of rubbers. Dry feet are better than life insurance these days, and you will be as- sured of the former if you wear a pair of our rubbers. Q l l l l g Q All Sizes, All Shapes, Q All Styles, Q All Prlces, ll, l l but only ONE QUALIT 'é-the best. _â€"_â€"- J. W. BRYANS. _ “'cston’s Bread for Sale. ‘fillQOOQM In Jewelry X We carry a large and well selected stock. It Pays . To keep your watch in good‘. order. If it needs cleaning ‘or repairing bring it here. IOHN SLATER, 1' Issunn or MARRIAGE LICENSES nux'r DOOR TO POST-OFFICE. FENELON FALLS. Don’t fora-“t that I have a. first class Planer and azn prepared to do all work in this line ' in the best style; also to make SASI-I AND DUORS. Your patronage solicited. 3. S GMNEB. @oQoQQoooonoooooooooQ-o Our prices are‘ .as low as you will find any- ‘Where. up , _. . ___‘..._..-.._._.4-.-- - ._.. l -d...¢... ._.. .- ‘I a I 'l I ‘4 l‘

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