l l l i l i {In i __-WW.M-W <_., vaf- \. .. __/-.,_.~â€"_.--. A p‘ _, N- ,.v_..r~,,..._‘..,l,t,,.m‘_¢. _ . . _,\".‘r .M._,_ _,. 1-. .> n, M --,~’L>W‘rv-vav-(-\ -_~,-‘ _ . . . may , .\.~,~_, ‘1 ;-.._.~__ Frag. é P. Jami Mmï¬‚ï¬ ï¬‚arï¬mï¬wfli ï¬elï¬cafltmr “Wmditnlh: i i ,¢ i wjylï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬iy‘Wii§ï¬Â§iï¬Â§iiï¬ï¬h$33ï¬ï¬ï¬iIQW'Qï¬VSIV \. p~ _ ; _ promptly \ 1315.2ch :rrA-‘S' Arkwmqmm The Largest and Best Assorted. Steels In town of Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, Ready-made Boots and Shoes, etc. - J. McFarland ._..__..,,,_. m‘ costs a lot of money. Therefore take care of the waggon you have. If it needs overhauling or re- pairing, have it done and properly. Don’t let it go to rack through carelessness. My facilities for repair- ing repainting and over- hauling waggons were never better. All work guaranteed. PLANING done on a good up-to-date machine at reasonable rates. F. G. Chambers. I YOESB GQUBSE. I i'i Shorthand or Business will bring y ill best results if taken at our old es“ablished and thoroughly reliable sc'lool. 4 Winter term begins January 1h. Catalogue free. British Am- - cr-ican Business College, Y. M. C. A. l Building, Toronto. l mum Feminist. We are showing some ‘ï¬ne lines of Furniture at very reasonable prices. Call and inspect. ,_.__-- L. DEYMAN a son. We are selling Furs, Ready-Made Skirts, and Mantles ' at reduced prices. Clothing, i i l 5i I Practical Education. gives you an uplift. You can get best at our large up-to-date school, Central Business College, Toronto. Fine catalogue free. Send postal re- quest. l ‘V. I-I. SI-I A“T, Pres. "00' FOB SALE. The undersigned is prepared todcliver wood to any part of the village at any time. Hard or soft wood 4 feet long or cut to order. ‘ All kinds of green and dry wood bought at highest price. M. WHALEY. EYES TESTED, FRAMES TESTED. When your eyes trouble you, cause you pain or head- ache or if your glasses re- quire changing or you need new glasses, go to on. M. B.ANHIS, Eyesight Specialist. (over Neill's shoe store), Lindsay - Ont. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges mod- erate, . .5. F‘ A GREAT sermon; Croat in reputation, results, influence and thoroughness. Now IS the time to enter the popular ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. i and prepare for proï¬table employ- ment. Our graduates readily obtain ‘ good positions. Our handsome cata- logue is free. ‘Write for one to-day. Students admitted at any time. Col- lege open the entire year. W.J.Elliott Principal COR. YONG‘: AND lLEXlNDER ST‘. M _______________----â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"_ D lz-ESS DI A ICIN G. The undersigned is prepared to do Dressmaking or Sewing. either by the day or work taken ha-ne. Good work- manship; charges reasonable. Apply at Mrs. McArthur's residence. 85-8m MISS McDONALD. The Fencliiii Falls ‘Gui-cite. ‘ Friday, March 19th. 1909. _â€" Presentation. On Monday evening, March 8th, an enjoyable event took place at Sturgeon Point, in the home of Mr. Wm. Graham, when he was presented with a suit case and a fountain pen, and Mr. John Gra- ham with a suit case. Mr. Jas. Slater was chairman for the evening. After singing, the Rev. A. Cooke read the address and Mr. John Graham of Blythe made the presentation. Following is the address: To Messrs. William and John Graham: As you arc about to leavo our neigh- borhood for a time, we, your neighbors and friends, wish to put on record some tangible proof that we‘ are duly cogniz- ant of the fact that your removal from amongst us is a ‘distinct "loss to our neighborhood. We review your life with a great deal of pleasure and welook at your depar- ture with sincere regret. We have known you from boyhood days and have admired the straight and upright manner which has characterised your lives, and made your influence and interest in the neighborhood strongly felt. We have viewed your progress, not with envious feelings, but with feelings of distinct pleasure, and we look with a great deal of satisfaction omthe state of perfection to which you have, by hard labors, brought the magniï¬cent farm, with its excellent buildings, and we point to it with pride as an ornament to our neigh- borhood. We are gratiï¬ed that your labours have been so abundantly rewa rd- ed that you can take so well an earned rest. We only regret that our peaceful and neighborly connection is being broken and we sincerely hope in the in the future you will again take up your life among us. And now, Messrs. Graham, as'a remembrance from your friends, we ask you to accept these suit cases, not as articles of great value, but as gifts from your friends here, and we hope that they may long be usel'ul~to you and serve to recall pleasant memories, and we can I‘ assure you that our 'very best wishes ac- company thein. Sig'ned on behalf of your friends and neighbors. - "ALBERT Co KB, _ Jenn GRAHAM, st. SLATER. An address of welcome was also read to Mr. R. Curtis and family, as new- comers into the. neighborhood, and a dainty lunch served. ____.___._....._--_ School-Beard. At a meetin'gj'helfd on March 10th. the school board ratiï¬ed the engagement of Miss M. Naylor “ to :iill the vacancy caused bytheï¬egignwa/tifon of Miss'ilevi- SUI]. "l. “g ...I- ' 'w ' , ' Arn'olcl-â€"Potils0‘lni'-Tlizit ‘the following accounts be paid : ,I-I. Pearn, cutting wood, $2.40, Ti Scott,'work, $1.35, Audit- tors J. .l. Brandon, $5.00, E. Fitzgerald $5.00, Miss_»S. Hash-ill, 1 day in Miss Nevf- ison's room, $1.75, J.-1l.;;& M. W. Brandon 31 cords wood 30.50, Bell Telephone Co. acct. . o» . ' . M'cCallum â€"Arnoldâ€"â€" That the com- mittee of the North.Ward School be in- structed to look after the condition of the fence between-the school property and Mr. J. J. Wilso'n and Mr. A. V. Nor- they and report .to,the board. Mr. Cameron's report for January and Mr.Stevcns I. P. S. report laid on the table and ordered tobe fyled and it was ordered that the secretary be instructed to notify Mr. Stevens of the action of board in connection with his recom- mendation. ».-. Arnoldâ€"McCallum-â€"That the Secre- tary be instructed. to procure the neces- sary equipment for continuation class and to purchase new seats for Room one, south ward, also book cases for Sr. and Jr. Department, south ward, and chairs for Miss McKec's room, and supplemen- tary reading books for south ward rooms. McCallum--â€"Northey-â€"That the audit- ors report as presented be accepted and the secretary be instructed to have 200 copies printed for distribution. Communication from Mr. H. Pearce was received and placed 0n fyle. __â€"_-_-â€"â€". Verulam 'Coimcil Council met according to adjournment at the Town Hall Bobcaygeon on Mon- da . hyfembers all present. Reeve, Emer- son Tiers Esq. in the chair. After usual routine, a number of com- munications were received. Mr. W. J. Killaby applied for payment of $10 for opening of side line bet. lots 5 and 6/con. 9 Verulam. On account of a seeming misunderstanding, the mat- ter of payment was deflerred till the Comm’ssioners inquired whether the opening of a road would be a benefit to the community. Mr. Tiers reported that according to instructions at last Council meeting he and Mr. Green had attended at the side line between the cast half lot 20 and 21 con. 3, and taken the affidavits of John Kelly an old Councillor and W. H. Welsh | a farmer, establishing the post at the i side line as being the original post, and showing the side line in the present location ; also the aliidavit of John Mar- tin establishiug the-post at north west corner lot 20, con. 3. l'or side line in its present location. Moved by Mitchellâ€"Green, That Mr. Brooks and M r. Lewis be a Committee to examine the Auditors Report. ,Moved by Mitchelt-Lcwis, That the report on the matter ol‘ establishing the side line between‘ lot 2-.) and 'Zl, con. 3, be accepted and the aflidavits of Messrs. Kelly, Welsh and'Martin be accepted and filed. Carried-.- . - Mr. Benjamin Parker addressed Coun- cil re the timber on Con. lino bdween _ _.______,.._.-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Cons. 4 and 5 opposite lot 1 and wished to purchase. Mr. Mitchell stated that he had a telephone message this morning from Mr. English that he Was not satisï¬ed with the survey of con. line, and if Coun- cil sold the timber before the. road was properly established he would take uc- tion to restrain. No furl her action wastaken. Moved by l}rooks~~â€"Grcen, That a Dup. Cheque for $3.00 Rent S. S. No. 8 be given to 'J. J. Devitt in place of the one received and lost. Carried. -Moved by Lew‘is--â€"Mitcheil, That the clerk, be instructed to authorize J. R. McNellie Country Treas. to write off the taxes of the Great North Western Tele- graph Co'y, as same were paid by the Coy. in 1903 and inadvertently not paid the municipality. Carried. Moved by Green~â€"l\litchell, That Mr. Whetung's petition for permission to place a Camp on Concession line at Emily Lake be granted. Carried. Moved by Mitchellâ€"Green, That Mr. Wilson be rebated $1.00 for Stature lab- or charged on Col. Roll 1908. Carried. By-law appointing Road Commission- ei's was duly passed. A by-iaw conï¬rming detaching lots East half 15 and 16 Con. 8 Verulam from U. S. S. No. 6, Bobcaygeon and Verulam, and attaching the same to S. S. No. 4, Vcrulam, was duly passed. A Bylaw appointing Pathmasters was read a third time and duly passed. The Clerk was instructed to order one edge and bolts for the grader. ' ' Moved by Brooks-â€"Grcen That the Auditors Report be received and the Clerk be authorized to have same print- ed for circulation among ratepayers. Carricd- ‘ Moved by Lewis â€"Mitchcll, That the following accounts be passed and orders drawn on the Treasurer for the same. Issac Hodge contract‘ swamp rds $200.00 A. Campbell “ “ “ 180.84 J. Stewart bal 6 & 7 continue . . . 200.00 J. J. Thompson one day's work 1.25 Bank of B. N. A. Com. G. Brooks 46.00 C. D. Barr Sch. Treas. Sureties ‘2.05 Conway Bros. cotton poll. booth 80 Municipal World Supplies ...... 2 23 Clerk Postage and Telephone etc 8.19 Alex. Connal rep. to grader . 5O Saml Mitchell 90 loads gravel 06 7.20 Jesse Thurston 75 “ “ 08 3.50 W. J. Thurston oil 8: rep. crusher 2. Robert Robertson Auditor ...... 8. Geo. W. Martin “ . . . . 8. T. Wilson rebate Stature Labor é. 8. Wm Green exp. establishing post E. Tiers Com swamp rds. Gov grt . 4 Council adjourned to meet April 5th. SSSSSG A Magnificent Rally. The members of the Independent Or- der of Foresters are to be congratulated on the successful meeting held in Two- mey’s ball on Thursday, March 11th. The Superintendent of Organization, Mr. Geo. Mitchell, and Mr. Wm. Doig of the Organization stall, arranged for a‘ series of concerts in this district, having with them three artists in entertainment work. The concerts were free of charge, and had for an object the gathering t0- gether of the general public as well as the members of the I. 0. F., so that the speakers might explain the objects of the Order. The hall was ï¬lled to the doors by the time the meeting opened. Mr. A Mc- Farland moved, seconded by Mr. Thos. Austin, That the Rev. W. H. A. French, Supreme Representative of the I. O. F., be chairman. The motion was carried. Mr. French explained that, he did not attend gatherings of this nature in Lent, but that the duty he owed to the Order was his justification on this occasion. Miss Wright, contralto, and Miss Big- wood, soprano, both of Toronto, proved to be vocalists of great merit, as well as being accomplished pianists, and were eneored again and again. Mr. Will J. White, of Toronto, was splendid in his character sketches and impersonations of notable men. Ho was enthusiastically encored. Mr. Geo. Mitchell ga've ‘a splendid address on the aims and objects of the 1.0. F. Mr. Wm. Doig'fgave' a very persuasive address along the. lines of organization. i An incident occurred during Mr. Mitchell's speech which was unfortun- ately taken by the speaker as an inter- ruption. It was only a remark from one of‘ the audience to another who ob- structed his view of the platform, and no ‘intention was entertained for a mo- ment of interfering with the beautiful order that was manifested throughout the meeting. The concert was one of the best given in Fenelon Falls for a long time. It is the intention of Mr. Wm. Doig to return in tbe near future and assist in placing Fenelon Falls Court 1. O. F. in the front rank of courts in the district. ._â€"__â€"â€"-â€"__ Hockey. Bobcaygeon and the Falls met at Lind- say en Friday last in a match to settle if possible any doubt that existed as to which was the better team, but the result left the matter in a still some- what unsettled state. Tile game was a tie. In ten minutes overtime Bobcaygeon scored, making the tully- 5-4 in their favor. The play was a trifle rough, but otherwise not open to a great deal of adverse criticism. Following is the line-up : Bobcaygeon Fenelon Falls Connors Goal Shane Grant Point Boyce Moffat Y Cover E. Lansï¬eld Nicholle Rover Kerr Kelly Centre Nicholls Hayes L. Wing T. Lansfleld Hamilton R. Wing McPhee Tosnight (Friday) a game will be played at Lindsay between a Lindsay seven and a team from the Falls com- posed of H. McGee, Ted Heard, F. Mann, S. Chatten, C. Ingram, A. McPhee and J. Cook. » ~. mma¢m_...___-i_l~. .c _ .. .a _ _ _ .. .-._ ., . "w memer-mehwm" nw.mvgsw:5'-1w M Personals. M1‘. and Mrs. J. E‘ Littleton, who have been on a three weeks visit to the‘ fol" moi-‘s mother, Mm. C. bifltlcton, return-v cd to their home in Toronto, to-duv. . Mrs. C. Littlcton, leaves to-day for Saginaw, Mich., to visit her sister who is ill. Dr. Gould, reeve of the villarfe. anti reeves Graham, of Ca rdo'n. and lyiizttv, of Omcmcc, formed a com nittee to wait on the Department of Public Works at Toronto, on \‘v'edncsday, in regard to government aid in the rebuilding of roads and bridges in the northern ‘part of the county. M r. Sam. Suddaby, of Burnt River, was in town on Tuesday. Mr. W. A. Gillie left for the North- West on Tuesday with a carload of stock and effects. School‘ Report. Second Book, Geograpy, Value 100. I-I. Robson 101, C. Chambers 99, Ethel Kearns 90, J. Brandon 90, F. Kearns 94, S. Clark 93, E. Nortbey 92, P. Minthorn 88, I. Cooke 88,G. Manning 86, W. Pal- mer 85, A. Puley 83, G. Stevenson 83, M. Kelly 8'2, L. Bates 82, M. Duggan 78, J. Lanslield 78, McL. Lord 78, N. M oynes 76, D. Deyman 75, R. Donaldson 72, E. Townley 70, C. MCGrcgor 69, T. Scott (iii. T. Sprouts 68, L. Littleton- 67, M. Jackett 67, J. Clark 67, E. Kearns 65, G. Fisk 0-1, G. McCallum 61, G. Dochartv 58, W. Miller 55, J. Long 54, w. Peterliin 52, . . Bryans 38, G. Dennis 25 F. Eades 33, ll. Wilkinson 25. Absent: I). Smith, E. Merriam, C. Peal-n, E. Barry, ll. .‘vloss, M. Whaley, M. Patterson, C. Quiboll, M. Smithson. Promo I.tnn.ulr.-â€"’l'he Public Library was claw-0d for two or three days this week while being kalsomincd and re- papered. Mr. All‘. Miller had the cou- tract, and has made a good job oi‘ it. Erwoa'rri LEAGUE.â€"â€"M.'S. John Wulcll entertained the Epworth League at an Irish evening at‘ her home on Wednes- day, the. 17th, St. Patrick's Day. All who were present report a most enjoy- able time. SPRING MinnmnnY OPENER-Miss ML Washburn will hold her llillinery Open- ing on March 30th and 3i st, when she will show a full and complete line of spring‘ millinery. The ladies of Fenelon Falls and vicinity are cordially invited to attend. ALLAN LINE TICKETS. â€"Mr TilOS. Rob- son has completed arrangements that enable him to accommodate persons wishing to prepay the passage of any- body from the old country to Canada,’ and will be pleased to furnish informa- tion as to rates, etc. . IMPLEMENT Pxnxnn.â€".\l r. W. T. Rob- son's spring delivery of implements was '- seriously interfered with by the snow-i .1 The parade . could .__- ‘not be carried out as bad been planned; ‘ storm on Tuesday. About forty loads of implements were taken away by purchasers. however, but. this was not more than half the number thatwonld have gone if the weather had been favorable“, M nrnoms'r Osmium-Miss Hazel Jones; of Port Perry, will sing at the evening service on Sunday, March 2lst, “The Ninety and Nine." The subject of the sermon will be: “What will I do with Jesus ? ". . . . The special mission from March 2?.nd to 30th will be full of inter- est from the very ï¬rst service. The song service at 7.30 will be led by the choir. Miss Jones will also sing a solo at each meeting. You are cordially in- vited to come. ' Connme~Lmnst Knnrs Tun Cur.- The ï¬nal round for the MeDiarmid-tle- Fadden cup was played off on Tuesday and resulted in a victory for Lindsay of‘ 11 shots on the total score.....ln the local rinks competition for the J. H. Brandon cup W. II. Robson's rink aro the champions, fcr the second time, as they won it last year.. . . .Hamilton and Mark defeated Jones and Moss in the ï¬nals for the Brandon-McLean trophy by two shots.‘ This puts them in pos- session of the trophy for the year, and ends the regular competitions‘ for the $088011 . Wonnn Snoonn Vorn.â€"This was the - decision in the. debate in the Baptist Church lecture room on Tuesday even.- ing on the resolution that the franchise» should be extended to women. Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. C. Graham, Miss F. Graham and Miss Rutherford for the affirmative, and Messrs. W. Golden J12, Graham, Hicks and Stewart' for the negative. Mrs. F. Rutherford and Mrs. (Dr.) Gould judges for the aliirmative, Messrs. Ball and Deyman for the nega‘ tive. Mr. Graham referee. ments were served and a pleasant evenâ€" ing spent. Tmsn Evnmnc A Guano Success-- Tho ladies of St. . Andrew's Church scored another success on the evening of St. Patrick's Day, in their Irish enter- tainment. The lecture room was appro- priately decorated for the occasion, and the refreshments were all that could be desired. The various items on the pro- gramme were presented in a very pleas- ing manner, and were much appreciated by the large audience assembled. Those taking part were : Rev. Mr. Lord, read- ing, .extract from a speech of Daniel, O'Connell's ; trio, Mrs. E. Chambers and Will and Victor Chambers; Reading, J. .I. Lee; Violon solo, Will Chambers; Reading, Miss Hand; Song, Miss Doris Townley ; Reading, Miss McKendry ; Violin solo, Miss Fannie Brandon ; Read- ing, W. H. Robson ; Song, A. A. Cameron ; Reading, H.. McKendry; Song, Stewart Mason; Reading, Miss ll. Bellingham; Duet, A. A. Cameron and J. J. Lee; Flute solo, Mr. Coehrane. â€"â€"-â€"_I__â€"_______-â€"'__â€"_ W Markets same as last week. Tho ‘ discussion was extremely interesting.’ Refresh- . - / l ' ii ii‘ w 7i i ~ inmamsa. roam}: “its ~ fiv F5â€- “C - '7") .w “=01 .1 t. .4‘31?~?|l ‘.;. . . pump-sis _ . .- ,7 ,.._,._,.,.., .._ _-. .1 . g“ 1- g. 1..“