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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 2 Apr 1909, p. 5

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Ba-nquwet and Concert. A grand banquet will be iven b the Shredded Wheat Company?E under? the all-‘4910.63 of the Parish Workers of St. James Cilflllcll, Feiieloii Falls, on Thurs- d=iy.Apni no ,iu Dickson's Hall. The menu will b'bfis follows : Creamed Chickéniin Shredded Wheat Baskets. Pickles (T. A. Lytle Co. Ltd.) Cold Ham Triscuit and Butter dellied Fruit Sandwich with Whipped Cream “Jell-O " “Wagstali's Marmalade " Triscuit and MacLai-en's Cheese Shredded Wheat Ice Cream Huyler's Chocolate Triscuit - Salada Tea :5 Chase 8c Sanborn's Collee i; g5. “r g :3, . The proceeds will be devoted to re- il- ' flucnig the mortgage debt of the church. ;;f 5:" llie debt is now $2000 and the .Parish l‘ 5.‘. Workers desire to pay oti the first hun- . 34"‘..11". .. (Ii-ed dollars during this half year. ‘After the banquet a concert will be given iil 'l‘\voiney’s hall. A good pro- ;‘raii'ime will be provided. The banquet and concert will be given for the one price. a ticket for one will admit to the other. If the banquet is not attended there will be a charge of ten cents at the concert. Admission to banquet and concert 250., children 15c. . . '1 :‘u. Soar. The big bar of soap in McFar- land's window is quite a centre of at- traction thcse days. There is a prize of a gold watch for the nearest guess at the weight of the bar. Sr. Janus’ Cannon. -On Sunday next, instead of the subject previously an- nounced, the Rector will give a. report ot' the proceedings at the Missionary Congress at Toronto. \V. l. ()uoamza'riou MEETING. â€"A meet- ing for the purpose of organizing a Womans Institute will be held at the home of iiirs. Jos. hioyncs. Pleasant Valley, 0n Tlllli‘S(lll-_V,17llfi 22nd oi’ April, at the hour of 2 p. in. All the ladies of the locality are cordially invited. Punsnv'rnumv Coxouu'r. â€" Watch for the Presbytu'iau cone-‘rt 0!) the evening of Wednesday, April 21st, when you will ,see what happens in F-i.ii'yl:i.iirl “While ‘ Mortals Sleep "; also the " Professor's Round-up," which is to be performed in the interest of the free ice fund for the Phillipine Islanders. EXPANsiON'S Tllli Wonn.--About the end of April Mr. Fred. Warren will move from his present location to the. 'store iii the McArthur block formerly occupied by Mr. I. L. Cooke. and nearly opposite the post oflire. Mr. Warren's business has been steadily incraasing, and he finds it‘ necessary to have more roon‘. _REPAIRING.â€"The building next door ‘to A. McKillen’s shoe shop on Colborne street. which was damaged by tire about i a month ago, is being repaired, and will contain one shop instead of two, as formerly. It is expected it will be occupied by Mr. Wilson, who had just fitted it up as a barber shop when the fire occured. Muruonisr (Emmott-The special Evangelistic services which have been so strikingly successful, will be con- tinued to-night (Friday) and both ser- vices on Sunday. Rev. C. E. Cragg will remain over for the Sunday meetings. Special music also will be furnished. and both services on Sunday promise to be of special interest and power. All who care to come will be cordially wel- comed. Garriso Ruanr ron NAVIGATION.â€"-Ml‘. Thos. Robson is busy getting his yacht ready for caulking and repainting. Mr. C. W. Burgoyne will commence over- hauling the “ Kawartha " in a few days. The boiler and engine, the work of re~ moving which had been commenced, will ‘have to he fixed up again, as they will be used another season. Mr.‘l‘hos. Casliore will also commence getting his yacht ready for business before long. hIONTilLY AnorioN SALE.--â€"Tlle first of the monthly sales, mentioned in these columns and otherwise advertised, will- be held at the M eArthur House yards on Tuesday, April 13th. Everything sold on commission. Parties having anything to dispose of at this sale will please inform Mr. Cashore without delay, in order that it may be included in the list which will be advertised in a few days. Remember the date, Tuesday, April 13. List will be published next week. W. I. MEETING.â€"A successful meeting of the Women's Institute was held on Friday afternoon, Mai-ch 26th, at the home of lilrs. Geo Martin. A large number attended, including several vis- itors, nonnnembers. The meetingwas conducted by Mrs. Moynes, the Vice- lh'esident. The Secretary, Miss Nip, read the minutes of last meeting, which were approved, and the roll was culled. Agood programme was then rendered. An instrumental solo by Miss S. Martin I and a duct (instrumental) by the Misses Maud and Tillie Patten were much en- joved. Mrs. Wm. Burgoyne contributed aii excellent essay entitled “ The Model \‘i’iiiiuiii." Miss Doris Townley sang n solo in a very pleasing manner, and Miss T. Patten recited “St. Peter at the Cate." The subiect chosen for discussion was “Fault Finding." It was viewed from various standpointsby the members, a number of whom, Mrs. (Din) ‘iould, Miss Iland and Miss Nie, contributed well written pup-‘rs on this subyect. "l‘h_e subject. for next meeting \vill be “ Snip» tattoo.“ ll.-t‘;'z~:~;huients were served by the hos-ti ss, and it was announced .- that the n wt meeting would be l‘. 4.! ‘it the residence of Mrs. A. Minthoi-n, at which a number of the members of Cameron Branch are to be present. QWEiZJJiifizlAkEEJJUXJ'I . m. . , .‘M.:i&2?:i.:f ‘ _‘.-_§r.~!1'.'_.-. N‘. ‘f'fl ‘.. “:1.” 17"’ "I ' "3' ‘~'~‘ .”- ' -:v' 1 711-; ..-r_..~_~ . ...,sH-f “,- .»-e<._.- ..\ . 7f .' ...- ., ‘N . “1. in’; _ . ~0-W-mu-w..u= trams-rzmnrrrcmmmri" ._- sr-azm 1w”? Healthy Expansion. Canada seems to have reached a point of development where there is substan- tial appreciation of Canadian magazine effort. The Home Journal announces an increase on June 1st from twenty-eight to forty-four pages, with a number of new departments. Miss Jean Graham, at present on the stafi of the Canadian Courier and staff writer also of the Canadian Magazine, takes the editorial management ounhpril 1st and is associa- ting with her a, number of the best known Canadian "' writers. The Home Journal, when‘ ' the proposed changes have been inaugurated; will be one of the best of its class on the continent. The April number just issued is bright and attractive as usual and has in addi- tion to its very interesting fiction and household departments a number of special Easter features well worth while. The price is to be advanced with the June number, but in the mean- time subscriptions arc being taken at the old figure. SEGOEID DIVISION COURT --or rur- Oounty of Victoria. The next sittings of above Court will be held in Twoiney’s hull, Fenelon Falls, 0N TUESDAY,‘ JUNE 22nd, 1909, commencing at 1.30 o’clock in the after- noon. Friday, June llth, will be the lust day of service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other couniies must be served on or before Sat- urday, June 5th, 19"-9_ [59$ Utiicc hours from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. ELISHA MARK, E. DJIAND, Bailiff. Clerk. Fenclon Falls, March 15th, 19ft; S'ERrLY I~IOUND. Strayed on to the premises of the un- dersigned, lot 2, con. ‘.2, Somerville, a black and white hound dog, with a piece out of right ear. Owner can have same by paying expenses. JOHN YOUNG. "i'mnmni iris-nonnati- lithiE Sillhi ELUE THE GAZETTE'S BRANCH. licv. llr. Linsoott’s Suggestive Question 0n the Sunday School Lesson for April 4th, 1909 Peter and Cornelius. Arts x : 1-48. Golden Text. ---ln every nation he that feai-eth liini and workcth righteousueis is accepted of l-liiu. Acts x : 35. Verses 1-8.---\\'as a devout Roman in those days as well pleasing to God as was a devout Jew ? Can you give any reason to-day why God is not as well pleased with a devout Roman'Calholic as with a devout Prot- estant, or vice versa ? What reason is there for or against the idea that revelations and visions were given to devout men of all nations in those (lays, as well as to the Jews '3 Verses S-ltl.~â€"ls it wise and. profitable to have certain set times for prayer, or is it better to be always in the spirit of prayer, and let our needs, or the Holy Spirit, direct us as to special tiuies for prayer ? Are people who are not seeking for revelations likely to have them? The eating of the flesh of those ani- mals, or most of them, which Peter saw in his vision is forbidden in the old test- ament; how do you account for it that “ the’ word of God ” and the spirit of God do not agree iii this case ? Peter in the first instance stuck to his creed, and refused to obey the direct voice of God. Was he right or wrong in so doing ? Must we, in thought, be bound in all things by the written words in the Bi- ble. and refuse to obey any direction of the Holy Spirit to the contrary '3 Verses l7-27.â€"â€"Does God blame us if we test what we think to be revelations before we act upon them. When God gives a revelation that is not unmistakably clear, may we depend that he will arrange circumstances or give another revelation to clear up' the doubt, as in this ease? Was Cornelius reconciled to God, or an accepted child at this time ? Verses 2S-29.â€"â€"Are any of the Com- mandments of the Bible to be tested by the teaching of Jesus and by the spirit oi" God, or must we unhesitzitiugly obey them all, just as they react, without any question? (This question must be an~ swcred in writing by members of the club.) Verses 30-33.~â€"If we prayed and fasted more, should we have more visions of (ind ‘3 Is there any merit in good works; and how much, if any, credit does God give l'or them ‘3 Does God in these days give by his Spirit, such detailed and matter of fact instruction,‘ as he gave to Peter and Cornelius ? l Verses Lit-What is the ground of a man's acceptance with God, according to Peter's statement here ? According to the suggestion in verse 37, Cornelius had heard about Jesus, his teaching, his death and resurrection. Is is at all unlikely that he was a believer iii Jesus ‘2 Verses 44-48.--Wliat is the meaning of the Holy Spirit falling on this company ‘3 lixccpting tho gift ot' tongues, are all Christians privileged to receive the Holy Ghost as these persons did ? [low may a Christian in the state Cor- nelius was in, receive the Holy Ghost as he did ? Lesson for Sunday, April 11th, 1909.â€"- Easter Lesson. 1 Cor. xv: 12-28, i o wee-asune-wewewewe- Britten Bros, .Feweiiers, FOOT OF KENT STREET, LINDSAY. ‘ . SEE OUR NEW DESIGNS IN in culls an inn nuns; Bilillltll PINS BRACELETS lllEKiiS Prices on all Goods marked in plain figures. Visitors always welcome. SITTQN Eifififi'iq LE%Dۤ%YI Issuer of Marriage Licenses. l I l O riches or? I'Vhat you’ll need in Doors, Sash, Fumes-land Interior \Vork for your building next summer, and let us have your order early. Fttltltil FEMS Ptddiiit hilil... A. TEIRS - PRIPRIETC" . i “O . Mmmwmmm. m fill-iii ~‘1 l . hill ‘.htj J . luau l" "' “mm . p M SIMPLEAND - itiiifltjiilllltlll ..‘ l ‘i I . b '3'"? i if ' ., y ‘w. '1 as well as sanitary results are Q BI} = obtained from the use of Alain-lino. ln- stead of deteriorating with age. it actually MYf becomes harder, until at last it forms r v t I tilllllill it' ll. ‘2W; r é‘ l l ' _ ' . part of the wall itself. I ';~ ' ‘9,7 f5 ,i ’ M ALABASTINE with its plain tints, lupplios a luxurious wall-covering for the 1) most handsome room‘, leaving’ your walls free from tho doli- rium of wallpapers. We will be glad to tell you more about Alabasline, if you will ask us. Lot us show you a tint card. A and cutting of wood with 55 coats on. \ ~ Kinmount hockey enthusiasts will build a rink 60x160 feet next fall. Victoria County Old Boys will hold their annual “ At Home " at Toronto, on FENELON FALLS MA RKE'l‘ Feneloii Falls, Friday, Apr. 2nd, i9u9 Reported 01/ me Norm mar Roller Mill‘ ()0 u .i ,whent,Scotch or Fife 00 to l 00 Bclvederc ~,v1.e.n,nni, pei-bushel.... 00 1.00 April 16th. . Norwood Register :-.- sumuer resort :it Crown's Landing, , .- Stony Lake, changed hands last week, grin-it", 51:; ‘blishel ' ' ' ' ' H’ 4080 $32 Mr. T. Z. Webster, of Laketleld, having O “a y, p ' ' " ' ' " 43 :4 purchased the property from Mr. J. R. Phage u "" 80 8,.) ’ I I C O I O I U l Melielvie, of this village." Potatoes, “ ..... 40 5O Butter,perlb...'......... 21 22 ‘Ms ~~-~â€"--~~~-â€"~~- ~-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"r Eggs, per dozen...... 15 n ‘ Hay,per ton............. 11.00 I200 HideB..." nouoolo "one. 675 31%‘? I d! :3 7' H0 E live.‘ ...." ...... 00 701 i nun mu ti uilr. gm-..) iS mailed free Oil request. “'l'lte E lit" I , . .‘. .. ...... ...... no 5.50 6.08 for it if you have any notion of a . bin“illsklns ~ - -' 4') 60' College course. Gunman Busrunss ; WOO‘ 8 l.- COLLi-xm, Tongs“), .1‘ Flour, Brandon’s Best _ ,. , ,. 2.95 3i.) i Flour, Silver Leaf ...... .. 2.7.0 2 90 W. II. SIIAW,PI'BS. Ill. RSIIAW. Soc Flour, Victoria. ..... 255 2 87’ Flour, New Process 2 60 2'80 Flour, Family, Clipper.... 2 55 2 75 ...-_..______.__._____-- _,_____,_. Briiii, per 100 lbs .. . l. 0 1.25 ‘ ' “ ll lnoonuolu 1-2'3 "35 rr- 0p “ .... .... 1-4' 1-50 little intuition. In the Matter of the Estate of William Jordan, late of the Village of Feneloi: Falls, in the County of Victoria,Esqnir-< . deceased. --__ Notice is hereby given, pursuant t , R. S. O. 197, Chap. 19.9, See. 38, that a‘: i creditors and persons having claim against the estate of the said Willia: Jordan, who died on or about the twelft day of February, A. l). 1909. are request ed, on 0r before the thirtieth day t- -, April, A. l). 1909, to send by post, pr ' paid. or to deliver to the unrlorsigrow ' solicitors for the Executors for the es’ tate of the said deceased, their names. addresses and descriptions, full particu- laas 0t’ their claims and accounts, and the nature ol' the securities (if any) held by them. i And further take notice that‘, from and after said date the said Executors will proceed to distrilnite the asset's of the said deceased among the parties enti- tled thereto. having regard only to t! e claims ol' which they have been notified, and \vill not be. liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Lindsay this 29th day of March. A. D. 1000 McDiai-mid 8: Weeks, of the Town of: Lindsay, in the County of Victoria, Solic- itors for G. A. Jordan, Wm. L. Jordan and A. Sutherland, Executors of the said de- ceased. S-lw. l I us Iiflifl EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Truinoluve Toronto 2.00 pan. on lPRIL 6, 20 HEY 4, II JUNE 1,15, 29 JULY 13, 21 MIG. 10, 24 SEPT. 7, 21 Second elm tickets from Ontario notion: to principal Norihwcn pom a! LOW ROU N D-TRI P RATES Winni grind return $32.00; Edmonton and relum $42.5 . lndtoolhcr points in propelling. Ticket: good to return within 60 day: from Ron-1a date. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on all excursions. Comfortable beilhl, fully equipped with bedding. can be lecuied at moderate Intel through ' local agent. Early application must be made ASK FOR HOME3EEKER5' PAMPHLET containing rater oucl full information. Apply to nearest C-P.R. Agent or toR. L. Thompson, Dial. Pan. Ant" Toronto. ONLY DIRECT LINE N0 CHANGE 0F BARS ' T. MEiTGHFETT, AGENT, LINDSAY. We carry a large and welli l ll You Grow lioarse without any apparent reason, if an irritating little hack worries, you need Evans’ Antiseptic Throat Pastillcs they are unsurpassed for reliev- ing coughs, and preventing soreness and irritation of the throat. They keep the voice in fine condition. All prominent singers and :peakers use them. r ,5!!- PRICE - 1; c. g0©~ ocooooooooooecns .-. t ucasaat \I 2 This is the season when the feet of every man, woman and child should be protected by a (i h o good pair ol' rubbers. Dry feet are better than life insurance t ~ J these clays, and you will be as- sured of the former if you wear a pair of our rubbers. Q % t i Q All Sizes, ' Q All Shapes, Q All Styles, Q ' Q All Prices, g l i but only ONE QUALITY-the best. -â€"-_â€"_- Q J. W. BRYANS. l‘ 6 West-0n’s Bread for Sale. Q ‘Zooooooocsoocooooooos théliifi. Don’t forget that I have» a. first class Planer and anr~ prepared to do all work in. this line in the best style ;; also to make SASI'I AND DCDRS. Your patronage solicited. S. s. GAINER Ill Jewelry selected stock. Our prices are. as low as you will find any-. where. It Pays To keep your watch-in goodl order. If it needs cleaning; or repairing bring‘ it here. JOHN SLATER, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES . NEXT DOOR TO POST-OFIi‘ICE.j_ FENELOII nuns,‘ ....QA...,._...-o~.-..m- - . . . . -... .~ .-.. a». w‘... ... . .0 an". ,-.... m" rum ‘vi-n. an‘ Met-9&1 ..__. ‘1.. awn-- p. P” Hm,‘ ..-.._-..H '1, . n l . .t ‘a 'J ~. J ‘J'Jtmwflfl. M ...»..q.» 1;» eta-pm», m. PU... e. J» A. s.:_a~.1.,;c -_ 1- '~ this. _"-".v‘

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