"711517" “PF-1'1?’ . ext-:1:- -. as’ . ,1.1.;1;.~s.-'-:1~1 11» 1- ;,*4\'> .. . .1331'1501'ISWE. 1. .... . ‘ï¬rm 11 GOING ‘1'0 Ll-I.'1\'l‘.â€"-\I1'Androw'Tor-' 1:111ce has sold his houQ'e and lot 011 ‘ranch. Siva-5t east to Mr. \'Hn l\e.|S1, and int-111s 111ovi:1_11' to l1iu1ls113‘, where his son II11-1113' resides. er AvuaE;"'..‘.Q(111-1711cu.â€" I311‘. Lord \1: ill Continue l1i.~1Qe1':n-.11.Q on "I111st.'l‘l1i11_11's‘ X'lett S'1h).1tl1.E.'e11i11g subje1 t, “ Hell, ' In the li;-' 51'1' oI‘ 111 11Ic111 scholaiship. lIIo1ni11.r r111533ect, “ The Kind ol' Revival ‘We \(3131I " \.11.1'.11u.1-: Conr' Lora-Mr. I1‘. C. John- stone had the misfortune to lose 0110 of Ii hue pair of col tQ on Sunday. Distem- per was the mus-.3. The animal was :1 yearlong: stand-111d bro-I lieswick. and gave promise :1I' developing exceptiOlml Speed. Hw- :11sQ1-"1711 81.11113. â€"A large crowd at- Ie:1(l.:d the li1-1I. ol' the monthly auctions 8t the Ahlous' IIeposito1'11 on Tuesda3, and the .Q.1le w- .1s very QIEcc1-3ssl'ul, al- though the rain interlered somewhat. 1t1s the in teal ion oi the 111:111-1'ge'nent to hold one of blile) sales ear I1 month. ' \ 4:311:11‘ 1‘~.l1.::r1-.\'.:.--'I‘lio annual vestry n1ee1111g ot SI... ..'l111ess church was hold (1111‘I-1 :d1,v ev': 311i11'j1'. 'l‘he report oi‘ Air. R. i\I. H.1znilton, warden, and of the la- dies’ .ro i11ties in connection with the ('11‘l1"(ll, were very satisfactory‘. A hearty \ol'e oI' thanks was tender 1.1 (I to the ladies and the choir l'or their 11.QQisIan1‘1 e durin" the ye :.11' .‘IIQ'Q Hand Ii1.3 01"“:111IQI, Was granted $225 in recognition of her .Qer- \"iceQ.1\l'1.IZ:1111ilIonwas 1'e-(-lecI‘-(.1(l peo- pies warden, and Mr. Edward English was appointed by the Rector, Rev. \V.II1 A. Fr.- -nc-. 1, as his ward-.111. 11l13ss1's. .I. I. Ivevison and C.\V.Bnr_1ro,\-'n-1 were 11p- poiutcd I113 deleg: 1tc Q' to the Q3 nod. I.‘=-1."'.1e1"-':1 o" l’.:1111111v.-â€".\I1-. It. W. (vlaspell, oI I1‘ ,11111I on Falls, '11v1Q convict- (‘d oi pcljur y at lh(1. (‘ounty ( ourt hold at Lindsay Iasl- week, and on Saturday was sentenced to lhree months in l..'1e 0111nty jail. It appears that in taking‘ 111111c11a_11'li11,1_1,'s l'or libel against I-ll11. hind- S11,VII‘1'1313 Press last I'ail, I'dr. (Illa-spell pwore that he o=.1.'11( :‘1 proncrly which l-nquiry by the h‘r.3.3 PrefQQ' p1ople went to .Qhow I111, di: I notown. lI11s1,,1'(311'1.1'11lly I_1.tt:1i:1 two int-1, will be presented by 5-9 childr 111 :111-;l 3 11111;.1; neonle in fancy costu n3. AlQ-,1 “'I‘1‘113l‘1oI1.QQ1u-s Round- l'p," an interesting, .11111Q11111' anl altrac- tiv11 plly, \-':'11i11='l in a pl(.1Q'11-11n:11111er l1v 11114ic111 s l(('t1onQ I33 Qi.\l'.een 3oung la'lies and gentlemen in costume. Ad- mission ‘2.50., children 1513., reserved Seats 2550. Children of Sunday School l'111e. |)1-.111sop-.1.n at 7.30. Ioncert to c 111113111311:1t do'elock. Plan of hall at R bson's Drugstore. Ma'rnooisr (3111111011 Evan: 1111.1s'1'10 Sun- \11. -- ' "van-relistic .Qerv ices recent- l3 co clut- pl 1,1‘ 11113-1Methodist church wer1 lar "3 :1tte11ded;and have been \'(11'3'5111' cesslul, and :1 spiritual uplilt to the co1111'1e1n1tion and all who attended. hlr. Crag-g, the pastor, was \el' y ably as- sisted I13 his brother, Rev. C. l.. Crag-1', of I1‘o:(bo1-o. 'l‘he choir which gave a. song scrv: cc ever3 evening, materially 11-1 1Ip(1d thQ .Q'orviccs b3‘ their more than usually (3x1. ellcnt singing. The singing ol' Miss Jones, ot' Port Perry, who sang solo-1 thr o1'1gl1oui: the meetings, was vory inuch appreciated. Her singing and her consistent Cl'11istian life left a lasting i111presQ'io11 upon all who heard her and \1 (\1(1 priv il11'1'r1d to become personally ac- quainted with during her l11-1r Qta3. The 1111'11I1n-1Q111c(onQ1dered Io be pcrh-1pQ the most cilcctive in the history of1thc congregation and many members were added to the church. ._.-__ ..... A HIGH GRADE SCHOOL. For aln1ost a quarter of a century the Peterboro Business College has been do inn‘ high ,(1'11'1de 1170111.th graduates are lllli11,1_1' le1iding positions in r,Can'. 1di:111 and American cities. Easter term opened April 13th, but students may enter any day. coanasroivbcucm.“ f" the ["1110]- .of the_l"enalon Falls Gazette .1 ‘5111, â€"- The gre' 1t I1'1y:11:111's Missionary meet- ing lately hold in Toronto was fraught with Ieelinu's of buoymt otp-ectations. All civilized nations will wish the move- ment unbounded success. Everythinfl‘ that tends to the uplifting of Immunity will be welcomed by tthe of a secular as well as those oI’ :1 religious turn of mind. In this quiet little village of Pen-1.1011 Falls, with all our opportuni- tges, we 111i11'ht he loo (11d upon aQ fairly nioral and religious people, and with our advantages we1'1113 naturally cxpeel1d to set :1. 1-'ood example. Our village b,\-'- l-iws and 01111 statutory laws are Ofairly \1'ellob.~.eru.1d, but thercure (1\ceplions to evyer' rule, and one thin-1 l wish to | direct ,\'.our attention to i.Q Ihis â€"that temptation .Qhould bol -1.1mo\11.1l I'roni lhc \1-1113'311111ng of thevillage and make it l1a1il Ior them In go wron11'.0ne thing- I l p:'.11 icularly refer to i.Q that people of religious training and pretensions sh: mid not allow a slot 111achiue to remain on the Stlent on Sundays to entice the little ones to spend their coppers, which i are inti-ndcd for Sunday school-in fact, Io do mercantile business amongst the I ])()\S with 11 .Qlot 1111 ichino and he so much 5 the richer on the following Mon-lay min-Hing‘. Now, my honest belief 1s that this thing should ho stopped at. once, and that a 111issi01111ry 1nove1nonIann_1__1; these lines is urgently needed right here in Fenclon Falls. Yours truly, A CITIZEN. Il101,1-'l1t, ho.vev:3r, tl1'1. . \Ir.(Il11Qp(.1.lIw:1.Q I111111.111 th. 1 111,11'3Q'Qi'1n ti11t-Ii1c propelty belong-'51:‘ to him; and in condd-1.r:1tion oi" this, and the 1"3p1-(1s'3ntalions ol many of M1-.I1I1Q,)(1IIQ acqutil'itauceQ, Judge Harding mule the sentence. as li'1'ht as possible. _IQ“I'l'l'llt'l‘.\_l§1‘.‘.ll-IN'I‘.~-'l‘i_lc annual ' cntcr- - b.1111 11:1.11' 111 connection with St. An- (lrews Sunday school will be hold in Di: .11'cs'1‘31 s h1ll, 0:1 the eve 1i111‘ ol' Wed- i11:-:,11.3-', .\)'1'II ‘23531. '1'111112111131 catama- ganzaa, “ While Mortals Sleep," an oper- ,a('- ts, in a bitter spirit toward one 0f a nuts. anoru 11111191111111 Blt LE STUDY CLUB ,1}, THE GAZETTE'S BRANCH. 9 $3.1. LII" 61257: F2111 I‘: 1i E1111 I'm‘ ‘211%’ "I: Rev. Dr. Llnsoolt-‘s Sugarstivc Question 011 the 11111111113' Q'izhonl Lesson I'or April 181b, 1:‘109 1 ‘I . Blllllliill l 15L" I.‘- ll‘ 1 egre- 1'I‘he Conversion of S1111-1.-â€"A-ets ix: 1:1’.- 1IIolden Test-Ho fell to the earth and heard a \oiee saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecldest thou me? Acts i\'z 4. $31" WT \erses 1-‘2-F1'om caperience, phil- 0Qophicai'iy, theologically, psycholo- g'icaliy, or 11113 other way, how do y: :‘1 '111'0'01111t for the bitter hatred of c~111u1 for Christians? After his conversion, di(1 he Qhow the .Qzune hatred toward those who opposed (.'lll‘ istia'nity. ° , Does history‘ justify the statement that zealous rcli- -'i011iQtQ, who ha\e not known n'or echrieuced the love of (Ind, have been exceedingl3 cruel and bittr r men. i’ Verses 3-1l--\'\h11t was the nature of l ,5, ., the light that shined around Saul. '2 - Ed Ii 13"“ (51-. Acts \ii: 6, xxvi:13,ICo1'. xv :8. I Fit-13.1% Wthe voice was it thal'. Saul heard. ’ What reason is there‘ to believe that this was a real voice with outward sound '2 _ ls there any sinner so bad that Jesus docs not call him to repent ? I-Iad Saul aclually been Jesus?’ (H1113 Matt. 25-40.) Il' \Ve hurt or help :1 (hristian, is that actually done to Jesus. '2 . ls there :1 sense in which a Christian is the actual Christ ‘2 V 11.1- se '5- -â€"l)i(l Saul know from the lir'st who iI. \1 111. that .Qpake to him. ’ Does it alwavs consciously hurt to light against God" 2DDer wrong’ doing :1lwa3s hurt whet- her done 111 ignorance ol not? Verse 6â€"-\-Vhat makes QinnerQ always tremble when God reproves them for their sinQ ? At 11l'111t stage docs God Io: 11'1v e a con- \'i1Ied sinner? When was Saul actual‘. ,v convoited. > \V hv (lid not JeQuQ toll Saul there and then, \\l:1 1t he wanted him to do. '1 Verse 7â€"â€" â€"â€"Why docs the supernatural alwa3s frighten people? Verses 8- 9- -What1 had blinded ...a11l ‘2 How (lid Saul spend the days that he was without sight- '2 Did he fast because I111 had no desire for food, or was it :1 religious fast. "‘ Is fasting of anv use in these days as a help to spiritual lil'e? VchcQ 10-12 -â€"1\I113' Ihe ability to hear God .Qpeali, be acquired by all true Christians? lime you any experience of God tell- ing mole than one person tho same thing, so that when lhey came to com- pare experiences, God's message was conllrmcd ‘2 Will God always prepare us for our work. and prepare the 1101 k for us? Verses 13- 16 â€"â€"-ls God pleased or dis- pleased, it‘ we do not accept what he $113 s, when it is not clear to us? - Verses 17- iii-Did Saul at this Iime receive the lloly Gtht, or at the time of his conversion, and when do Chris- tianQ generally P0('(‘i\(.‘. him '2 (This question mth he answered in writing by members of the club.) Verses 19- 2'2 â€"l)o all genuine converts, like Saul c0111111(1.n(1.e inimedi: 1tely to get others convert-ed ‘2 - What. was the power in Saul which gave him his gre: 1i‘. zeal, a11d1s the same power :11a1l11hlc for every Christi-1.111" Verses 2.3- ‘.25 *lt a person feels, or ‘Q ELEIT'IQIII your order early. persecuting A. TEIIBI'S - 4- (‘In-Mkbu'y'VQIWW mun-1W rium of wall papa". Alabaslinc, if you Will ask “I. 11011 8.311.131.1311 In the matter 0|‘ the Estate oi ‘IL'JZIiie m Jordan, @E liliii TIE ii ‘HIE-ii marked “Tenders William Jordan a‘Ls-i Into," will be received by the 11nd: 1' I signed till noon on the ï¬rst day oi‘ \l '13, 1911‘), I'or the following lands oi‘ the late \\illia1n Jordan: Parcel l. â€"-Lot' number 1I7 north of Murray street, except that portion sold l to the Grand 'l‘1unk. This iQ Ih'e (l'v1 ll- ing lately occupied by i\lr.,I.Andr1w Sulheriand. -1P1rcel '.2.-â€"I1ot. number I 01.111111‘, May vert to show he really is a Christian. ‘2 street and south 1'1: F11anc1QQtrect. There ls a true earnest aggressive Christian are two dwellings erected on this prop- as liublc to give ollensc in these (I11 s erty as was Saul? y Parcel 3. â€"LoI.Q l to II north of Queen Lesson for Sunday April ‘.25th, 1909- street and east ol" Dodd street, and lots 'I'he Gospel 1n Antioch. Acts xi‘ . 19- 30; 4 and 5 east oI' Queen street .111d 11 11th 12-251 of l.‘1inc(1.ss street. These lots 111-(1.1a- cant, and are known as the “Fidl151r lIill †property. All the above property is situate in the Vill we ot' Fem-Ion l1.1lls'l‘h_e high 11st or any tender not 11ecl1QQ111'ilv1-10 ccpted. For further particulars Qapply to 1\l11QQrQ1\lcl)iar1nid 8:- Weeks, S: 1li(-. itor: 1 Ior the I'lxccutors of the Estate oi‘ \\1l li 11111 Joidan. 11-‘2w. (lilierent faith, i.Q that proof that he is not. in touch with the true God. ‘2 Verse ‘2.6- 30~~Are Christians justiliod in being cautious in receiving stran- vers? .‘ ‘I hat is the best 1111/1111- a 301mg con- 11111111: I11 6111111011 In the Matter of the_Est:1te of William Jordan, late of the Village oI Fenelon Falisdn the County of Victoria, Esquire, deceased. ' -â€"-u Notice is I1e1'cb,.'1,.1,'iven, pursuant to, Chap. 1'2. 9, See. 38, that :1ll creditors and persons l1 wring claims :1'-'11iust the estate oi‘ the .Quid William Jordan, 1.1ho died on or ab int the twellth da3 oI F'1bru: 1113' , A. l). 19- )9, are request- ed, on or bel'ore the thirtieth day ol' A )11ll, A.l).1909, to send by post, pre- p1i11, or to deliver to the undersigned solicilorQ for the I'lxecut 11s I'or the rs- tate oi’ the said d-1ceased. their names, addreres and descriptions, I'nll par ticu- laas oI' their ('-l.1i- -n. and accounts, and the n: 1t-‘1ue of the sec111'iti'1s (iI' any) held by them. And I'urthcr take nolice that, from and alter Qaid date tho said I'lvecutors will prooeel to distribute the assets 0i‘ the said deceised 111111111‘ the p1'11tics enti- tled thereto, l1:"1\ 111-'1 1'13 1111-11 only Io the claim: of which they have been notiliod. 1h lull p“! 1 d vill 11 1t h liable lor the sai I ass 3t.‘ on allcxcuniom. Comlomble be: I. yequir 111 \ I Q I I S‘ with bedding. can be lecured AI minder 01' any p-1rl'. tl1-=1'.1.-",1I to 11113- persqu ,n- l Mental luouah ocllnlenl. persons oi’ whose claims 11 11 ice shall not 1 Early application must be mud. I1: we been 11 coho by them at the time ABK FOR HOMISIIIKIRI' PAIN-ILIT ‘of such distribution. 11.11111 111 1.111111131 11118 20111 11.131 111 Awhiï¬'ggg-gï¬ï¬gfgmm March, .A. D. 19H). D111. Pun. Ant. Toronto. Al(-.l)i:11'1nid A: ‘\ceks, oi‘ the ‘Pown of ONLY DIREOT LINE I0 CHANGE 0|: em‘ Lindsay in the C11111113'()t\ ictoria, Solic- itors for G. A. .l. 111111111 W111. l1. Jordan and A.Sutl1111'_l'.1nd, Executo'rs of the said de- ceased. 9-4111. romances ' EXCU§)SIONS Manitoba. Saskatchewan, Alberta , Special Trainlleave Toronto 2.00 pan. on i APRIL 6, 20 I JULY 13, 21 HAY 4,18 JUNE 1,15, 29 RUG. 10, 24 SEPT. 7, 21 Second chm ticket! from Comic “lion: Io plinu'pal Nonhwen points a! i LOW ROUND- TRIP RATES Winnipe: and relum $32. 0Q: Edmonton and return $42. 50. nndlo other point: in proportion. Tickcll good Io return within 60 clay: lrom going dale. ' TOURIST SLEEPING CARS 'r. MATCHETT, nean'r, LINDSAY. 13.11., 11F cwellers, " '3‘ 1‘_',11\T1 ‘1.11. Prices on all Goods marked in plain ï¬gures. Visitors always welcome. " RQEH I - Issuer of Marriage Licenses. ‘Egg U? \Vhat you’ll need in Doors, Sash, F 'ames and Interior \'Voi'k Ior your building next summer, and let us have FLai-i LIN FAME PLAIIIIIG IIILL. LASTING as well as sanitary results are obtaincd from the use of Alabaline. shad of deteriorating with age. it actually becomes harder, until at last it forms 1 part of the wall itself. ALABASTINE with its plain tints, supplies l1 luxurious wall- -covering for the most handsome rooms, leaving your walls free from the deli- We will be and cutting ol' wood with 55 coats on. --J0s. fl )OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO\‘ ‘ $11.: 0000000 I Q Q All Sha. es Q P 1 l I QIIIQQBQE' ‘TREET, LINDSAY. ‘Red Glover, Timothy, "QiESike, Alfalfa. Mangels, Turnips, Car- rots, all kinds of ï¬eld and garden seeds. Lihibeiw. You or n rely on us to ‘supply you with the- best at reasonable prices, ‘. It“ DESIGNS 1N 111:1 111111111 1 11111 111111 1 1111111111 Robsons Drugstore. roaster: FALLS. 111 Jewelry _ \Ve carry a. large and well selected stock. Our prices are PROPRIETOB. as low as you will ï¬nd any- where. . It Pays To keep your watch in good I1l II iorder. _____ 11lll 01' repairing bring it here. .1 3111331 IIIIII ln- % 1:! W'glm JOHN SLATER, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES It‘ it needs cleaning NE.\ "r noon 'ro ros'r- 0111110111. FEINELON FALLS. ‘hliiity Marble Works, Baht. “ Chambers Dealer in 11nd m11n11l'1-'1ctu1e1 of all kinds ‘Ilalllle and ‘Eranile Monuments 131111;; a direct importer I am able to quote Ihe closes: prices. . I have lalcly installed 111111.1111111110 pol- l 1QI11|1g machine, and a pncum: 1tic plant for Lcltcring and Trucing.We'111euble to do better 11nd deeper work than heretofore. Cull 11nd gel designs and prices. -_WUI1KS â€"-lu- the rear oi the Market 0n Cnnll)lid"6 str,(1et opposite the Packing I i Q House ‘R. CHAMBERS, I- __ l I glad to tell you more about Let us show you a. tint card HEARD. 1119}. This is the season when the . feet of every man, woman and child should be protected by‘ a" good pai1 of rubbers ‘Diy feet are better than life insuiance these days, and you will be as- sured of the former if 3ou 11:11:11- a. pair 1.1.1111 rubbers. All Sizes, PrOprietor. All Styles, All Prices, but only 0.1113 QUALITYâ€"-I}Ile best. A llEllll WAGGOII costs a lot of money. Therefore take care of the wag-Yon you have. If it needs overhauling or re- pai1in11', have it (lone prompt-ly' and properly. D011’t ,let, it go to rack through carelessness. My facilities for repair- ing repainting and ovcr- hauling wag-guns were ever better. All Work gua ‘anteed. ‘ PLANING done 0n a good 11p-lo-date machine at reasonable rates. E‘. G. Chambers.‘ --â€"_-_.‘-â€"- O Q J. W. BRYANS. Q Weston’s Bread for Sale. Q‘, i \ 1 JOOIIOOOOOOOOOOQIIOQO lFIA Don’t forget that -I have a ï¬rst class Planer and am I prepared to (Io all work in this line in the best style; also to make SASII'I Alta. ‘DUES. Your patronage solicited. HOOD FOR SALE. The undersigned is prepa rod to deliver wood to any part of the village at any time. Hard or sol't wood 1i feet long 01‘ cut to order. i All kinds of green 111111 dry wood bought at highest p11 i(-11.. M. WHALEY. S. S. GAINE E z» - 12'; - - :>~ ..n-...1“.';‘..I‘J~ ' '1‘:-'~":1"-1"111-;fl:, >491 fr“, .11. 1. ,0: E ,_ .011, 21,-‘...- . -\....1 I l