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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 28 May 1909, p. 5

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p ri n g ’ s arsasparilla ~â€"fiâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"_â€"_â€"â€"â€"_r - - _‘â€" ' _ . INTERNATIONAL NEWSPAPER mu: STUDY CLUB Vsor on the life of Daniel. Evening THE GAZETTE'S BRANCH. Subic ‘t, “ How to be Prosperous.” WOW MW , HOUSE 3 ....‘ww.-A- I I Go to J ohnstone’s Ellllllfllflliiliillllli for NEW TOMATOES A PINEAPPLES COGOANUTS CHOICE BONâ€"BONS ICE CREAM SOFT DRINKS WATERING Gamaâ€"The watering cart has been on duty during the past few days, and has laid a lot of dust that otherwise would have caused consider- able inconvenience. Orr Tau TRACKâ€"The morning train from the north was over four hours late on Tuesday, having run 011‘ the track near Loclilin. During the morning the passengers were brought as far as the Falls by a train sent up for the purpose. Woman's INSTITUTE ELECTION or OFFI- CliltS'râ€"Tlle‘:lmiilal meeting for the elec- tion of officers for the Women's Institute will be held this (Friday) afternoon in Dickson's Hall at 2.30. A full attend- ance is requested. Niiw Tasman-‘Twn Candidates were nominated at the meeting on Wednesday Is unrivalled for impure or iwatery blood. It is the best thing you can take this spring to cleanse the system of win- ter’s accumulation of impuri-- ties. It will banish that feeling of tiredness and depression, regulate your stomach-,1 liver and bowels, give you zest for your food and energy for your Rev. Dr. Linscott’s Suggestive Questions on the Sunday School Lesson for May 30th, 1909 CLEANERS Believing and Doingâ€"James ii: 14-26. Golden Textâ€"-Faith without works is dead. James ii : ‘20. Verse Lizâ€"What does James mean here by “ faith ” ? Can a man have true faith, if he is not fitted with love for his fellows and doing all he can to help them ? If. a man “ say he hath faith," what'is the test of whether he is telling the truth ? Are there those to-day, who say, and line of Brass Extension Cir iii Piles for the vacant position of school trustee â€"â€".\lossrs. H. A. McIntosh and H. W. Kearns. The probabilities are Mr. Kearns will fill the office, as Mr. Moln- tosh has no desire for the position and will resign. . \Vosi)nni..mu.-â€"The Wonderland Mov- ing Picture Entertainment opened on the evening of the 24th fortiic first time, and has been open every evening since. It is being well attended, and much fav- orable comment is heard regarding the character of the entertainment. VICTORIA DAYrâ€"Tlie 24th of May r passed off quietly at the Falls. Boating seemed to be the favorite pastime. A. go-iri many took advantage of the holiday to catch up with their gardening opera- tions. Some went to Burnt River, to take part in the doings there. The Weather was perfect, and everybody ap- pears to have had a good time. Nuw GOVERNMENT Boarâ€"A new Gov- ernment tug. the “Herbert” passer through the locks here on Wednesday on her way to Kirkficld, where she will be employed towing stone at the locks. The “ Herbert ” is a flat bottomed boat, 40 feet long. and is well adapted for the class of work in which she will be en- gagcd. Mic‘riionisr OiiimoiI.--On Sunday even- ing next l‘ he choir â€"which was very high- ly coiimliiuented last Sunday on their singing, by the pastor, Rev. W. J. M. Cragg â€"will give a song service. Some of the great hymns of the ages will be sung, and the story of their authors told. . Duets, quartettes, choir and congrega- tional singing will constitute the service of praise. AN EGG ITEMâ€"On Wednesday of last week M r. W. Brandon, who drives Mr. McFarland‘s egg waggonâ€"~or, rather, the ponies that draw it â€"brought home a load consisting of fifteen cases, each containing 49 dozen of eggs, and one case containing 36 dozen. This makesa grand total of 528 dozen, or 6,312 individ- ual eggs, and is believed to be the big- gest load of “hen fruit” ever brought to the Falls. Rosedale. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) I A large number of the citizens of Fen- elon Falls paid our village a visit on Monday, the 24th. , Miss Viola McIntosh, of this place, was the guest of her friend, Miss Jean McPherson, of Balsover, from Friday of last week until Wednesday following. Mr. Roy Craig, who has been engaged ,by the R. McDonald 00. as time-keeper ' here for the past year, left for his home on Saturday last. Much regret is felt at his departure, as he will be greatly missed in this locality. Mrs. W. McDonald has been visiting friends in Toronto for a few days this week. ‘ Mr. Will Knowlson, of the T. V. C. stafi, spent Sunday at Sturgeon Point with his parents. Miss Lillie McFadyen, of Toronto, is visiting her aunt, Miss Reynolds, of this place. ' ’ Powles' Corners. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) The result of the election last Tuesâ€" day must be very gratifying to Dr. Ma- son and his many friends, Liberals and Conservatives, who went hand in hand and supported him. Time about is fair play, and the Conservatives should re- member'this the next time a Liberal in , , _ _ Feuelon Falls comes before the electors Gard Of. Thanks. this county. Defendants livmg to other pairing. hmve it done for their support-h -__.-_. counties must be served on or before Sat- 33’ ,‘ The farmers in this locality are mak- Fenelon Falls, May 26th, 1909 “rd”: June 5i“; 1909. promptly and properly. ing good progress with their sending, and some are nearly done; but we are afraid that a lot of seed too wet to give good results. Mr. James Herron, of Peter-borough, was home for the 24th. Mr. E. Kendall is the mud ossessor mittee in sincere thanks for cheque for . ' (,- ,. . of a pair of twin colts. ch wiiuid sug- $775.43 blinded to me by you to-day. be- _. . i _ h‘ufllnb wasgcms we] e gest, as names for them, Sir Wilfrid and fog settlement in full of policy No. 11822 _ 1- A POM-magi" 1? required to give "0- neV-el’ better. WOI‘k Sir James. _ _ on the life of my late husband, Alden use by letter (returning the paperrdoes not guaranteed. The post-master did not get any mail Barkley, also cheque 'for $40 funeral Don’t forget that I have answer “10.18”, When “ ,SlleCPIbW dnesl on Tuesday, on account of the train run- benefit received some time ago. I Wish “0t take his PM)“ 011‘ 0‘ th“ 030“. and PLA NING niug off the track. WWW The Best College Course leading to a. good salary may be taken at the Central Busi- ness College, Toronto. Enter any time. Catalogue Free. Write for it. W.H. Shaw, Pres]. E.R. Shaw, Sec. WW LOST. On Tuesday, May 25th, $10 in two $5 bills, in Fenelon Falls or betiveen Rene. lon Falls and Cameron. Finder will be rewarded by returning same to E. KENDALL, Powles’ Corner. probably think, they have faith, but lacking loving hearts, and the fruits of love, are-deceiving themselves What is a Christian’s proof to him- self that he is not a deceived man in claiming to be in the favor of God ? Verses 15, lib-How do you class' those who see people in need of food and clothing, and do not do all they can to supply the need ? Which person more nearly resembles Jesus, the one who talks very piously, and prays with the needy, but giving them no help, or the one who generously supplies the need without any religious pretensions ? ' , If a man helps the needy to supply their own needs, is that as well or bet- ter than supplying the needs direct ? Is it possible for a. church to be doing full Christian service which is not help- ing the needy, either in its own, or some other community ? Verses I7, 18â€"15 it possible to Show faith without works ? Have all those who, with loving hearts, are engaged in good works, also got saving faith, whether they profess to have it or not, whether they are members of the church or not, and whetâ€" her or not they are even orthodox in their views ? Have any, who attend church regu- larly and profess to be religious, but are harsh with the pbor,,give nothing to charity, and care nothing for the needy, got saving faith ? I Have those got saving faith who pray : for the poor and needy, and for the sick I ~ and suffering, and yet do nothing to feed the poor or comfort the sick ? i Verses I9, 20â€"Is there any moral; . merit in mere orthodoxy, or is there any essential moral blame in mere hete- A rodoxy? Granted a man with the spirit of' Jesus, engaged in good works, what does he lose by being heterodox, and what does he gain by being orthodox ? Verses 2i-27â€"â€"Whon God told Abra- ham to leave his own country and to start for another that God would show him, was there any other way that he could have faith in God, but by actually starting on the journey ? _ What, is the meaning of, “and Abra- ham believed God. and 'it was imputed unto him for righteousness ” ? Love is an essential part of faith, and love implies action,“ or good works. Hence is it at all possible for a person to have faith who is net engaged in good works? (This Question must be aus- wered. in writing by members of the“ club.) Lesson for Sunday, June 6th, 1909.~ The Power of the Tongue. James iii: 1-12. ‘ TO THE ELEGTORS 0F FENELON FALLS AND EASTVlllCTOlllA. Gentlemen :â€" I take this ' method of thanking one and all for the large majority you rolled up for me on the 25th inst. I can assure you I fully appreciate the unanimity of the vote and consider it a tribute to me which I will not readily forget. Again thanking you, gentlemen, I am Faitlifully yours, B. M. MASOTI. To John T. Thompson, JP. Sec. Trent Valley Lodge No. 71, Canadian Order of Oddfellows. Dear Sir, Master and the Executive Grand Com- your order such continued success as it deserves. MARGARET BARKLEY. FOR SALE. MAN on WOMAN : My South African Veteran Bounty Land Certificate issued by the department of the interior, Otta- wa ; good for 320 acres of any Dominion land open for entry in Alberta, Saskat- chewan or Manitoba. Any person over the age of 18 years, MAN OR WOMAN, can sequire this land with this certificate. For immediate sale $790.00. Phone, write or wire L. E. Tutronu, 131 Shuter street. Phone, Main 3066. Toronto. SEED POTATOES A quantity of Gold Coin and Early gigder Potatoes. Apply at the Gazette cc. . Bread Our Souvenir cards take the lead. A new lot expec- ted daily. r. c. manners Opposite the Post-Office. ._..â€"__.__ __.._-._ _’ EXCURSIONS . TO Manitoba. Saskatchewan. Alberta Special Trainelcav: Toronio 2.00 pan. on , APRIL 6, 20 JULY 13, 21 MAY 4.1i JUNE 1, 15, 29 ' AUG. 10, 24 SEPT. 7, 21 Second elm tickets from Ontario unions to principal Northwest points I! LOV‘I ROU ND-TRI P RATES Wiuni a and return $32.00; Edmonton and return $42.5 . and to other point- in mopoiiiop. Tickets good to return wiihin 60 days from going dale: ' TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on all excursions. Comfortable berths, fully equipped . with bedding. can be award at modeth rules though local uncut. Early application must be made ASK FOR HOMEBEEKERB' PAMPHLIT containing um and full information. Applio r.iC.P.R.A i iR.L.len , ’ W Size. P... A33.“ "i'LZm. m ONLY DIRECT Lilli N0 CHANGE OF CARS ‘ T. MATCHETT, -' AGENT, LI N DSAY. WQOOOOOOOOOOOQ fl inraiiish 2. Q This is the seasoii when the feet of every man, woman and child should be protected by a good pair of rubbers. Dry. feet are better than life insurance these days, and you will be as- sured of the former if you wear a pair of our rubber-8.. l l l l l i Q 'A’ii 13:1: 83’s 9 g All Stylies,’ % i l l i g All Prices, but only ONE QUALITYâ€"the best. . â€"-â€" â€"-â€"â€" J. W. BRYANS. Woston’s Bread for Sale. 9 ' FOSTER KELLY, We have just received 'a full g Don’t buy elsewhere until seeing our line. PRICES ‘FROM 5 to 60¢- Don’t f'org et we § handle baby carriages also at L. DEYMAN & SON §Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. g Also White Enamel Poles. MW 35-lNCH WATER WHEEL Filli SALE. In good condition. Apply to FENE LON FALLS DRESSMAICING. The undersigned is. prepared to under- take all kinds of dressmaking, in the. latest styles, at M r. Webster's, next to the Baptist church. 1448* MRS. M. LOWTBER. House and Lot for Sale. For particulars apply to. Mus. MARY Haws. Fenelon Falls . FARM TO RENT. Lot 15, Con. 9, Fenelon, one hundred acres, seventy acres of clearance, house and barn, stone stabling, overlookingl Sturgeon Lake and adjoining Hall‘s flag 1 station. Apply to Mrs. ELIZABETH ROBE, f- Fenelon Falls. ' ~ ‘ TEST 0F 24 YEARS FETERBORO BUSINESS COLLEGE‘ has been tested in the crucible of ex- perience, with the fire of public opin- ion, aud has not been found wanting. The largest and most popular Business School in Eastern Ontario. I ‘ Individual instructicn. No vacation. Mail Courses. Enter any day. Write for particulars. Si’é’fl’i‘im ‘7 McKONE, PRINCIPALS. â€"01’ THE-â€" County of Victoria. The next sittings of above Court will be held in Twomey’s hall, Feuclon Falls ON TUESDAY, JUNE 22nd, 1909, ooomoooooooowoo\ commencing at 1.30 o’clock in the after-I Will youkindly convey to the Grand P L A % I w GI a first classPlauer and am prepared to do all work in this line "in the, best style; also to make SASI-l AND Your patronage solicited. .s. s. about noon. Friday, June lltli, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in [6" Office hours from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. ELISHA MARK, Bailiff. Feuoion Falls. March 15th, 1909. E. D.HAND, Clerk. smears ow. I "state the reasons for its not being iaken Any neglect to do so makes the posimnster responsible to the publisher for payment. 2. If any person orders his paper discon- tinued he must pay all arreurges, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is mad( and collect the whole amount whether the paper is taken from the office or not. There can be no legal discontinuance until the payment is miide. 3. Any person who takes a paper from the post-office, whether directed to his name or another, or whether he has sub- scribed or not, is responsible for the pay. 4. If a subscriber orders his paper to be stopped at ucertuin time and the publisher continues to send it, the subseriberis bound to pay for-it if he takesit from the post- oilice. This proceeds upon theground that a man must pay for what he uses. 5. courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers and periodicals from the post-office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of intentiounal fraud. _Robsons’ work. Price $1 and worth it. Drugstore. FENELON FALLS. in Jewelry We carry a' large and well selected stock. Our prices are as low as you will find any- where. It Pays To keep your watch in good order. If it needs cleaning or repairing bring it here. may! W ” JOHN SLATER, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES NEXT DOOR T0 POST-OFFICE. FEHELOII FALLS. Lindsay Marble Works I Baht. Chambers , Dealer in and manufacturer of all kinds Marble and Giiiiiie Monuments Being a direct importer I am able to quote the closest prices. I have lately installed a pneumatic polo ishing machi-ne,,and a. pneumatic pinntfor Lettering and Tracing. We are able trdo better and deeper Work than lieretofore.' : : Call and gel designs and prices. ' '. WORKS â€"â€"l=u the rear of the Market on Cambridge street, opposite the Packing House. 7 B. CHAMBERS, Proprietor. i iiii TiiiiGGOii icosts a lot. of money. Therefore take care of the waggon you have. If it needs overhauling or re- Don’t let it go to rack through carelessness. My facilities for repair- ing repainting and OVer- done on a. good up-to-dnte machine at reasonable rates. F. 0. Chambers. The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion. HARRY K. 2.16; HARRY K. will be at Fountain's Livery Stable every Tuesday and Saturday during the season, and the remainder of the week he will be at his own stable, Sunnyside Farm, Pleasant Val~ ley, Fonelon. J 05. Lee. Proprietor. . 5., -_ WW3".- .a. a. ,4 u ~3.Mw.‘- '1‘!" ‘ .a

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