. .um»-.~...~ ‘ . - 1m..._,.....-.....m man... . ' ML “Wm-w... -;......._~__MV_’___,___‘ “h ~_W »____ ,.___ v~,_»_‘_‘_r__ww c “_ V MAHMW _ _ c 7 w ____m_, _c,___r n 7 > V r > r V , ‘fl , m, _,, -c...» .-.. «v f l 3-.» , 7 2 "vb l I 3' _ ‘4' mr‘v‘i- H.111“. v?“ ."- a in runners KEY _â€"__â€"~â€" in on Mr. Winchester’s account; but message 0f hope to Your heart,†fattened off early, the advantage of something seems to.whisper to my she said, With 8: smile; “and just giving alittle special food was seen. heart that great thingswdl result as soon as Allison is able to see but, as a rule, .was restricted to from to-morrow’s experiment.†. you, you must come to tell her of fattening sheep hence the almost ‘ And with her own heart feeding the one whom you both' love so universal opinioh that it was better upon those comfortmgwords, Lady well.†to have one strong lusty lamb than added, “how anxious you must feel “Let every blossom bear‘a sweet [sparingly If the lambs had to be Bromley went; back to her friend Feeling weak and almost exhaust- two weak ones and tried to possess her soul in pati- ed from the reaction of suspense . encc until the following day at to hope, her ladyship bade her new twelve, which was the hour set for friends adieu, and returned to Mrs. the momentous test, of surgical skill. Bryant’s, when she despatched a Ten o’clock the next morning,telcgram to her'brother, reading .brought her the anxiously 1OOde- thus: ’ FARM NOTES. - j _ It is a good idea to cut off the ,, corners of a ï¬eld surrounded by s u on, PLANNING FOR run rnruun wire fence with a heavy pol-e. This lfor message from her brother, and W1†keep the StOCk from Cl‘Odelhg , , lhis hearty approval of the course “Everything is well over. Case the comers ahd helhg lhlhred- 4 :1 The future happiness, welfare and i . _ , , which she had pursued did much prenounced very promising.†_ i CFAPTER XIII.â€"-(Cont’d) lcondltlou has been, and that, ah‘ toward bracing her nerves for the ' exmtence of the country depends . l u -- - cording to my way 0fthihk1hg’ W111 coming ordeal. It read thus: She then wrote him a letter, to “Don the CllltivatiOfl 0f the son. ’ 3 Have you S’Plldren 9: your EWC?’ he it Practical illustration of the follow the telegram, giving details Any country that depends upon .1 i 'Mr' Lyman? quesmoned a y 91d adage regarding the ‘hhss’ 0f “Wonderful news! Let them go regarding the operation, and prom- zmy Other source its a Chief dePehd' ,2) 5 ‘ Bromley- ignorance.†ahead, by all means. Telegraph ising to write every day, that he eht has failed- The Chl’ti‘htiOh 0i i 2 l “None at home’ I am sorry to “Still: it a'thSt seemed like Pl'e' result immediately. G. must not might know exactly Allison’s con- the land is the ï¬rst and greatest 'Say, madam; though I have two sumption on my part to assume any know until crisis is passedâ€"Rh†dition, and he could use his own element of success and permanent 3-. l married Eons livmg “1 the far.we'5t’ authority in the matter," Lady ‘ judgment about revealing the truth Pl‘ospetity- 7‘ l and I Confess I Shhjn Sadly mlss .my Brhmley replied, and huShihg 5311‘ So, a. little before noon, with a. to Gerald. Nearly everybody knows that mflk present gentle httle comRamO-n smvelyl “and yet" I am sure that sense of restfulness and a calm (To be continued.) in a jar or bottle can be kept cool When She 15 take“. from me’ . .Sald Gprald. 0f Whom I am Very fond, though grave face, Lady Bromley -9 ._..__. on a warm day by covering the ves- .‘r,’ the gentleman, with a suspiCiouslwill feel that I was actuated only proceeded to the residence of the I ‘ sel with a web Cloth, but not ever)“ ,5 hl‘Skihess 1“ his tOfles' .‘(Every ï¬ne hy the blast 0E mOtiVeS-n Lymans. I I I | M body knows how to keep the cloth , day,†he continued, quickly recov- “.Jertainly he will realize that, Mrs. Lyman received her very ' I web: This can be done by setting . I “I 9"ng hlmself’ “smce She became “’hhteVel‘ the Olltcome i8,†said he" graciously. and with apparently the the vessel in a- shallow dish of -, ’i.’ water, which will be: taken up by 3' ‘~ well enough, I have wheeled her out,f1-jend_ “Besides, your discovery of 0 mm althou h an un_ m the Open air’ and we Often Spend her to'da‘y was the mere“ aCCidehh- iihrtifrszillcgglgnsess betrayedg that she I t hours tOgether in this way' I “11â€" But for Ellen, you “mum have was by no means free from anxiety. . -derstood you to say that her name known nothing about her, and then A few moments betcrc the clock is Allison Brewster?†he- conclud- the operation would have been perâ€" Struck the fateful hour‘ She con_ capillary attraction. Buckwheat is one of the few ._ grain crops which may be planted about the middle of July with a 5 eduinqugyingly. . formed and the die cast. The Ly- ducted her guest to a ccnscrvatory prospect of a. good yield, the crop 5 ,(Yes' . . . mans are ï¬ne people, and very atthe rear of the house, where, sur- maturing about the midme of Sep_ 2 Then I think it Wlll be wellLto wealthy. I have never happened to rounded by rare and beautiful DAIRY WISDOM. camber. A good point of the crop .' . address her so 11$»:‘1‘erafterl,1 dMi. )â€" meet them. I do not believe-they plants, with birds singing joyously Do not neglect/to use some God is its ease of "Fowth not being at c j; l 1min l'ï¬mfll'ked- “‘3 “’1 0 every' 50 Gus thh~ But I have “lends =11 their gilded cages, and the" musi- fl re elm t°- t1 1‘ f fl gt ‘ all particclacc’cbcuc’ rich land 0,. Q thing in our power to arouse the who know them, and they speak cal splashing of a fountain as an mint]? n 111 -ie cays o. y o)- ferbflizihg In fact buckwheat will ; , memog'y which has so long lain dor- very highly of them. I have often accompaniment, she kept her talk The. fly pla vue costs a mat grow almcst anywhcm on land that , , 1 v . m t in be ,Wen “ 'Lyilmahn wheeling that p1~et- inc busily upon Yaricus subjects. sum chm] a'nlygdairyman Gangaffo’lcg, it good for any commercial crop. g ‘ cs, yes, ia w , y gii y t e ouse, but, of course, She was charmmg m be). dehcate The Shrinkage will amount t6 Seeds Should be put in with the . .sa’id Lady Bromley .eagerly’ and I.never dreamEd but that She was tactfulness, and did not allow the ‘ ’ Just then her CQmPamOh Paused he- his own daughter, or that such a ro- conversation to flag for a moment I ‘ forethe imposmg entrance to ex- mance was associated with her.†Them was always some rare exc_ by Lt f ‘ b . . tea??? 51.011.1qu, kc B' “It isavery. sad romance, in some tic or a profusion of bloom to call will. it “ti†iut tligllcofll'stfhr.lnll{ 1“ l ,, 115 15 “.1111 lombe’ ‘ :15' “la/PH respects,†said her ladyship, with her attention to if there was the ’ Slams mg 5 1 “r “31 055' ey’ 1e (lulell’vyho St?†“‘1' I 11 11) a Slgh. “By the way, Helen, where slightest pause, while she occupied We 1'6 r v. * ' J ' “I don’t know. I haven’t seen hUd and blossom, ‘VhiCh She ar‘ man’ and then “8 “111 all talk fur- her since you went out. She was ranged into a tasteful bouquet for fiber about our plans for our pro- . . . 1 _ . -- v - 't tk t Brs.Br'- . ._ terribly eXCited over the discoveiy Lad) Blom 9) 0 a e 0 b With a good dlsmfectant so there - ' I? I belong to the tropics, and their g tcgeef’ . . l of Miss Brewster. How did she ant Wher- She l‘ethrhed- - - - ,2 Lady Bromley glanced “P as he happen to know anything about Thus more than an hour passed, Will be no breeding places for flies. ' :spoke, to ï¬nd herself standing be- her?†and than a Step sounded upon the fore an elegant residence. The ~ ' . - _ L d B. 1 , . 1 t d h . f marble floor at the entrance to the house was bu11t of brownstone, and 34 3’ 10m 83 19 a e t ‘3 St01y 0 conservatory, when Mrs. Lyman, was surrounded by beautiful ï¬xllisoth’zd kihdhellss ftto t1}? IPOOII‘, with a Start turned abruptly and grounds laid out and ornamented (0WD .1‘0 en gll‘ a 91‘ 3V 101 516 x, ’ ,‘ ( ' ,. .4 '~ . . . . 1n the inost tasteful manner, the went In search Of, her- She found “a? toasmeet. hgglgmglï¬ng'lcck of :hlgtuflrlhd'tcliioiiinlifimzibfiiihatpraglbli: n? his book some ï¬mï¬singbsmrlle: ’ - ' - -- , .' A . ' ew. very ‘~’ _: , ‘~ _ " 23‘. v' - ' « whole estate 1nd1catmg unhmlted Lei in her own ioom lying upon her Indescribable joy mild triumph il_ a; COW, ls death to theS and mosqlm O'che Specimens \\ ic e iougi seed drill, using about one bushel to ten per cent. or more every day. - the acre. ~ ‘ ‘ Not only is there a loss in milk and a ELECTRICAL EELS. I , cows comfort in the â€"- "z; ( ( ' 6 stable and pasture, and the proï¬ts A Traveller ’l‘clls Amusing Stories of the dairy will be doubled. of Them. 1 Keep the Stable and yards abso- Amen th curiosities of natural t1 1.: 39 . u e y c um and 5pm) 01 Splml 16 history are the electrical eels. They ‘3 power of giving an electrical shock is what makes the-m of interest. I Mr. J. E. Warren, the author of . “Para, or Scenes and Adventures -' on the Banks of the Amazon,†tells A good formula for spraying the cows is the following: To one quart of kerosene add a tablespoon- ful each of oil tar, ï¬sh oil, carbolic 7.. .._ a...“ I“ .. ,. means. bed, her face swollen and discolor- 1 i d H E Ge tccg 1 H , ' . V ' ed, he 0 es blo of, from 10mm- um ne 1 S a’ ' . ' ,I ' ~ ~ I A friend, at W' 1080 house we “fero- Thank you, s11, but I think not r y o. i I 0 “Mother,†he can], laymg a fond See that the cows have access to visiting, had a small eel of the 616,5- now. I am too a itated over this continued weeping. . . . ., . ~ - , unexpected dcncuegmcnt to converse She had been ,Enï¬tten to the soul hand-upon the shouldeyof his Wife, DIEIX‘E-Bldwgtfiirélctblf‘llllElnies.’ ‘ G ‘ tric kind’hwhich cc kcpt in a tub , ccnnectedly with any one,†her upon realizing that the beautiful ‘all 15 woll cver, affld‘t’lzc very best 88 or tax) to ï¬che/0113931101 Itumrï¬ of. watcr placed m the yard. . ladyship replied, wit-h a tremulous girl whose image she had so en- lesuus we ooked 01' . imy 1.0V, t} , b ,tc 161 ' W1 thll'Sty dth~ 1“ I‘itmhhhg ï¬hOllt 1h smile. “I will, however, if agrec_ Shrined in her, heart was a sensec Then it became apparent whats. 1p 0 r110 ult cr. 11th . . search of water, chcnccd to scc chm able to you, call later in the day, less creature, albeit so gentle and .stmm the Woman had been labor' 5653p rog‘ e {hangels vessel, upon the Side of which he for there are Still many Questionssweet a one. Her ï¬rst emotion up- mg underâ€"What 3’ curb She had put {mm xo‘x 1:: 3“" paismles‘ - PerChefl hlmself and. began Very ' I‘ which I would like to ask about this on beholding her in the wheeLchair upon herself. She sank weakly np- _t 1, 02m bis pasuu es in good while inccnmdemtcly. to dunk In a mo_ dear girl.†' had been one of wildest l0y;‘but on 3’ chum WhICh Steed 136m" She 1 S.) gift-lb soon 010“,de OUt ment he recewed 3“ Shook Whmh She bent down as she ceased when she fully comprehended tho SPOke m.) word, but her hps tremb‘ or“ 1,6,5 0“. ‘Es‘? ' , V made all his feathers to stand on ’ _ , speaking, and earnest-1y studied the meaning of that vacant stare which led’ Whlle her eyes , sun eagerly he glas° m the Pa'Shhre‘ 15 till] end, and which magniï¬ed him tw1co '~ ; invalidis face. greeted her expressions of deligh‘t_ searched her husband 3 face, as he and plentiful, do not let the cows his ordinary Size. But thc duck ‘ A Again the maiden looked up and when She heard the childish bah- Cohtlhhed‘ , Sitay 1†‘t‘ all day When they ate was more valorous than any one - ; smiled conï¬dingly at her, and 1t bung which flowed from her smiling It was exactly as Doctor Lati- ï¬rst turned out. A few hours will would have supposed, for he 1:9- was all she could do to refrain from lips, the shock of horror and re- men tl‘O‘lght'Tthere was a’ frame,“ be fhough for one tune- turned to the attack with such VIO- sobbing aloud. - pulsion which went through her cf bone pressmg upon the brain, .“hcre the cows are kept all the lance that he would have soon do- “Allison,†she said, when she was one which she never forgot and the moment it .was removed, time in the same field, they tread spatched 1,53 Slippery enemy had ’ Allison cried out, as if from sudden down the grass so that the-re is not a, servant. interposed and We- could control her voice, “where is and which almost broke her heart . p n . , ' , _ Gerald Z†- then and there fear: Gerald, save me. much they Wlll not eat. By liZtVlng vented so traglc a termmatlon of . ' _-L H L _ . _ tne cattle. i _ The fair face Clouded at the ques_ Lad Bromle it ,in her 1.in -â€"-- r a new ï¬eld to turn them into each tion;_a perplexed, wondering ex- sat; dgwn besicl/é aid trigd to- CHAPTER hIV- “991‘: You WIâ€, gll’e the gl‘a-SS :1 Two incidents as amusing as the 13113551011 Cl‘ept mtO the innocent comfort her. She talked long and There was a profound silence for Chance to Straighten up and be {Ol‘egOihg tOOk P13Ce on board 01â€" blue eyes; hllt .110 intelhgehce- Then kindly to her, and encouraged her a moment. Then Lady Bromley 3â€â€th Clean by the Chew and vessel while we were on our return she put ont _one small hand and to hope that all might yet be well eagerly exclaimed; ' ShOWel‘- The“ the CO“-'S W111 eat it voyage to the United States. lhld 1t Cill'eSSlhgly upon thU jewelffd with the fair girl whom she so loved. “Ah! that shows that the portion and do mueh better on it" Among our liVihS Chl‘iOSlties “'9 had ODQ‘I‘SStlhg Oll’the arm 0.15 hel‘ Chan‘- When she had succeeded in calm~ of her brain which has so long r-e- {Shh the cans and Other dairy tWO young CICCtt‘lChl €013, Whichwe Uohd’bye: She Stud SWEthy. ing her somewhat, she told her to mained inactive has resumed its thlhgs so that the Shh can Pour kept in it large tthh deCk- WlSh' “I’m ’tired now, and I’m going go to 5189p and have a long rest, normal condition.†’ right down into them. Then the ing one day to change the water, home. ’ . i for she saw that she was almost “Yes, 01-, as the surgeons explain germs and things will scramble to us upset the tub, leaving the creaâ€" ' Lady Bromley bent lower still, prostrated by excessive grief, it, those words formed part of a get to some other farm. tures fora few minutes on the dry and pressed her lips almost pas- Then she went away to her own sentence which was probab1y_in her If your cows ever get to breathâ€" hoards. laying I‘CplehiShed the elonately :‘to the white, upturned mom, where She wrote a long let- mind at the. time of that terrible ing hard, look up their nostrils and vessel with fresh water, we request- hl‘gW- ter to her brother, conï¬ding to him railroad crash,†Mr. Lyman return- see if a stick is lodged there. ed one of the sailors to put them GOd gl‘ttht that 3:011 may S0011 g0 all that had occurred, and asking ed. “They think that she may, per- , t in AS he proceeded to ‘10 SO, he home, and 1n your right mind,†she him if she had done right in allow- haps, have had a momentary reaâ€" IIVE STOCK NOT-Fg received a strange thrill. which murmured hl‘OkCDIY; the“: turhmg ing the operation upon .Allison to lization of her danger, and her ï¬rst ' ‘ i I A ' caused him to let the ï¬sh fall from abruptly away, She walked SWlftly proceed without ï¬rst consulting thought was naturally of her lover A gOOd dllst bath does mom to his hand in a moment- He attempt- baCk t0 the hohse Of her f“th Gerald. She cautioned him- not to and a desire for his presence to keep the Chmkens free from “08 than C‘Cl it again, hilt With ho better Shc‘ She went. directly to Mrs. Bry- betray anything to Gerald until protect her.†does the occasional dosing with eggs, ' o “.1 ant s boudOir. where that lady was after he should hear from here “That certainly seems a reason- louse DOWdEI‘, anCl for this reason Inï¬nite was the consternation of - impatiently awaiting .her return, again, If he thought. wen of what able conclusion,†said her ladyshic should always be a part of the poul- the other sailors, who tried in turn and throwmg herself into a chair, was being done, or otherwise, she “But how did she appear when she My hXthl‘eS- to put the diabolical ï¬sh into the bowed her face upon her hands and wished him to telegraph her im- recovered from the influence of the Skim milk and grass fed together tub, and'truly laughable were their wept as she had not Since those mediater upon receiving her let- ether?†' make a valuable ration, and in the looks of wonderment occasioned by exigenraczra, .u. * 1-371. .znsgegsraizzsaeiav ram; is.“ .. mascara-sin! 13“; ’A’sfl'flsw $5513: 113." ~ 3.393. .Lmzae-gm saws-a vflwu .â€" m *VKM'K. secrets/s.,-~-~\.~,\; x», VN"- ‘x-v vex , 7" ,x, ,v‘ .~_,\,V\_, t" herself for a “'hlle’ and went .be‘ she rested a while, then repaired “And Doctor Latimer is really At this time Of year horses Shffe'r unable to imagine any Other reason low to glve some orders regarding to the home of the Lymans, as 'she hopeful that all will be well ’1†a great deal from hard» dl‘y hOOfS- the sailors Could have t01‘ dl'OpPlhg ‘ household matters. had promlsed. » queried Lady Bromley anxiously. A good soaking does them good them than the difï¬culty of holding ' Upon her return she found her She spent an hour or more with “Very hopeful. There is a, tiny Just to drive through a bit of such slimy and Slippery thlhgs "1 guest more COIhPOSGEd, “'hel‘eupon the gentleman and his stately but spot that has to be trepanned, but water once in a while is better 0116’s hands. ;,.‘ ‘ Lady Bl’th‘X Fem-ted 3.11 that had charming wife, between herself and it will in no way disï¬gure our dear than nothing. During the hot Fortiï¬ed With this Opinion, “‘0 3 occurred m Connecmon Wlth the dls‘ Whom there immediately sprang up girl, for the hair can easily be arâ€" months a small lot near the stables mate W111de h01€lly 111) t0 the 1M8“ COXel‘YN 0f AthOH- m _ a strong feeling of friendship, and ranged over it,†said the gentle- with a. good, smooth, ï¬rm sod €513 Gal'ahd SGlZGd it With a P0W91" 2‘ What a “'Ohdel‘fUI Story: said which later on ripened into an en- man, smiling cheerfully into the where the workhorses can be turned ful EMS? in order to prevent" the ‘ l . MI‘S- Bryant, as She CODChlde, during affection. As she was on white faces looking up at him. loose for the night after the evenâ€" POSSihihty 0f escape 0“ the Part Of - ’ the fish. He was soon forced to let ‘ I l and I think’ Mabel’ you have Show“ the "hint" 0f taming She turned «19- Mother,†he added, with visible ing meal and grooming, is ideal, go his hold and to yell out as lus- .ï¬rst ’hopcless days after her husâ€" tar, She would receive the mes- “She was very quiet. She did case of growing pigs the milk is sold the m'sterious sensations which ' . band s death. sage in season to communicate with not speak, but looked curiously and at a g00d Dl‘Oht- carefully 003‘ they had seVewlly experienced l ! Mrs. Bryant regarded her won- My, Lyman .and Stop tbs work of inquiringly into the faces about ducted experiments prove that such No one, however, was more amazed ‘ E cleringly, but seeing that she was the surgeons if he thought it best her. A sleeping-potion was admin- milk is worth twenty to forty-ï¬ve than the captain’s mate. Being i too much agitated to converse up- to delay theâ€- experlment, istered to her, and they are now cents per hundred weight when so himself wholly unacquamted With I on any topic, conmderatcly left her Her letter written and posted, putting her to bed,†fed. ‘ the properties of the ï¬sh, he was I 1'31‘0 “'ISdOIh 1“ adVlSlhg MP- L)’-;pealingly to Mrs. Lyman and, with emotion “we have lost ‘our bab ’-â€" and vill 1 n i- A . v man tOhHOW the surgeohs t0 cal'l‘y ' starting tears, ,trcmulously inquir- she has ’seemed such to us,†heyex- In \the 553:0? (iii: lgriiï¬fbithedfs tlly as if some one had touched him ont thel}. plan‘silr‘gther tna‘nvarouse ed: 4 . plalned to their guest, “but I am “vals al‘vays a point a bar of hot il‘OIl. After lnuch I the uhxmt-V 51““ sears 0f “mChCS' “May I cohle to Stay With you tO- very sure that we have helped to whether the slightest beneï¬t could laughter the captain ï¬nally PI'O‘ tel‘, ahd thlfg‘ llfl'haPS, delay thelmorrow while the surgeons are give back a beautiful and 10V- be gained by causing ewes to rear cured a ShOVel, and we returned the 1 OPGI‘MIUD “Itcinlhely. Of course, if here?†_ able little woman to her friends two lambs instead of one Nowa, eels to their native element with- ‘, the result should not prove to be “Certainly you may, Mrs. Brom- and to the world.†days, the utility is held be un_ out any further difï¬culty. . _ ‘ all they hope, you could telegraph. leyâ€_‘they had not learned of her chr which I ivc most heart . . . 111111111“! he you“ come on ImmEdl' title Wt' (.‘I Shall.he .Very glad to thanks,†said Mills- Lyman rever'): digitdgnzflzwzgrinlduï¬lmï¬s 089122163 Next to sa in *ou are 'ealous Bht If‘ on the other hand, have younwith me; it Will be a. great ,ently. Then, rising“ she. put the subjected to more liberal feeding a irl wouldymghgr have 3,0“ fp'ï¬ the """CS recover her. mason, he comfort, MI‘S- Lyman heartily re- flowers which she had gathered into In the old days farmers emplo ed: h g h i '. qu t' nnl'lp mu never fully realize What her SPOhded- “Of Course: IkhOW.†she Lady Bromley’s hand. auxiliary feedin’g substances 03iin tliiriigzi5 e nspnes' 3) U » M Imaginahzng .. -« ~ - ,. _ _ ., ,, , _