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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Oct 1909, p. 3

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PERSONAL POINTERS. I Interesting GosH-p About Some Read Your Life? The rich, poor, exalted and humble seek his advice on ann- ncss, Marriage, Friends, Enemies, Changes, Speculation, Love Affairs, Journeys. and all events of Life. ' nva sAvl-i’ii: REVEALS ,rn‘sln LIVES WITH AMAZING ACCURACY. Free test Readings will be sent for a short time to all our Headers. This the veil of mystery ‘t'h'afi‘h‘as so'Tom: shrouded the ancient sciences been raised at last ? Can it be that a. system has been perfected that reveals with reasonable accuracy the character and disposition of an individual, and so outlines the life as to assist in avoiding errors and taking ad- vantage of opportunities? Roxroy, a man who has for twenty years been delving into the mysteries of the occult, making a. scientific study of the l various methods of reading the lives of people, seems to have reached a higher round in the ladder of fame than his pro- decessors. Letters are pouring into his office from all parts of the world telling of the benefits derived from his advice. .Many of his patrons look upon him as a man gifted with some strange. mysterious ower. but he modestly asserts that what 19 accomplishes is due alone to an under- standing of natural laws. He is a man of kindly feeling toward humanity, and his manner and tone imme- diately impress one with his sincere belief in his’work. A huge stack of grateful letters from people who have received read- lngs from him adds to other convincing proof as to his ability. Even Astrologers and Palmists admit that his system sur- passes anything yet introduced. The Rev. G. O. H. Hasskarl, Ph.D of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, in a letter to Prof. Roxroy, says: “You are certainly the greatest specialist and mast- er of your profession. Everyone consulting you will marvel at the correctness of your detailed personal readings and ad- vice. The most sceptical will consult you again and again after corresponding with you once." If you wish to take advantage of Box- roy's generous offer, and obtain a free reading, send your. date, month and year of birth. state whether Mn. Mrs. or Miss. and also copy the following verse in your own handwriting :â€" i have heard of your power To read people's lives. And would ask what for me You have to advise? Be sure to give your correct name and address and write plainly. Send your lot- tor to ROXROY. Dept. 37. No. 17721. Ken- sington High-street. London. W.. England. If you wish. you may enclose 10 cents (Canadian stumps) to pay postage, cleri- cal work, etc. Do net enclose coxns or silver in letters. "‘â€"""â€""I‘ Every time a married wo'man be- gins to talk about her rights It’s her husband’s cue to enumerate a‘The woman looked at few of his wrongs. Where can I get some of Hollo- way’s Corn Cure? I was entirely cured of my corns by this remedy, and I wish some more of it for my friends. So writes Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago. HIS TACTFUL REMINDER. Two guests came to spend the ev- Vening, and didn’t know when to depart. The host and hostess were matient with them, very patient; lbut when eleven twelve, and finally gone o’clock struck, the husband ircalized that something must now be done. He was an original chap, and, in his droll way. he looked over at his wife and said, mildly :â€" “My dear. hadn’t we better get up to bed? Our friends may want to be going?” e -p: R? free sample to Dept. W. L., Na- il, “l Mug 8. Chemical 00., Toronto. Notable, People. It is a somewhat curious fact, perhaps, that as a boy Mr..Marconi showed little signs of cleverness. One of his teachers, in fact, once said of him that he could never learn anything by heart. Never- theless, he was only twenty-one when he began to Startle the world with his demonstrations of wireless telegraphy. In spite of his fame, Marconi is one of the most unas- suming of men, and hates demonâ€" strations. He was once recogniz~ on while walking in Rome. Imâ€" n'iediately a cheering crowd assem-l bled. thought was an empty carriage. But it contained a. lady who was too frightened to expostulate. The inventor quickly made his apolo- gies, and the lady allowed him to remain until they were free of the crowd. _It is not often that a. Prince is 'snubbed, but this happened once, at least, to H. P... H. the Prince cf Wales. During his first visit with the Princess to Australia he was out walking one Sunday aft-er- noon with his host, an important official. Th-ey' happened to pass a Sunday-school just as the scholars were coming out, and, naturally, the children followed the distingu- ished pedestrians. At last the host ask-ed them to run away, and all except one little girl did so. '1. tiny tot continued to gaze with in- nocent awe at the Prince. At last the latter took her hand, walked some little distance, and then said: “Now you have had a walk with me, run away and play.” Immedi- ately came the quaintly-scvere re- tort: “Please, sir, we don’t play on Sunday!” I Queen Wilhelmina, Europe’s only female ruler, is twenty-eight years of age. Until her birth, the Salic Law, by which no woman could reign, had been in force, but this was put aside by Wilhelmina’s fa- ther in his daughter’s interest. lThis applies also to the little Prin- Voess Juliana. It is said that, al- ‘though Princess Wilhelmina. was her lfather’s constant companion, she 'did not realize her Royal position luntil the latter’s seventie'th birth- day. As she stood at the window listening to the crowds that cheerâ€" ed the King, she turned to her gov- erness, and said, with an air of .dawning intelligence: “Why, the iKing is my father!” Her Majesty lsucced-ed to the throne as the first Queen of the Netherlands when ten years of ago. Since then she has been the idol of her people, who have, with simple earnestness, shared in her sorrows and in her rejoicings. ____bI<â€"_.. JUDGED BY APPEARANCE. K'ng Alfonso is fond of mingling with his people. Some time back ;.he visited a small town outside i-Madrid, and, somewhat disgusted, joined the crowd which thronng the street. in order to catch a. glimpse of himself. Suddenly word passed that the King was coming. A shrill female. voice at his back exclaimed. “Let me get in front of you, will you? I’ve walked all ‘the- way and spoilt my new black dress. Get out. of my way; I will see what the King is like.” Turn- ing round with a smile to thepush- .ing, perspiriing dame, his Majesty lzwhispercd: “Here is the King.” him scorn:- fully. “King, indech she ex- claimed. "You’re more likely somebody who has come to blow the poor boy up.” MAKING FACES. When you see a man making all sorts of faces at himself in a. mirâ€" ror it’s a safe bet that he’s either crazy or shaving. Parents buy Mother G:aves' Worm Exterminator because they know it is a- safe medicine for their children and an effectual crpcller of worms. NO TIME FOR FIREWORKS. The brave ship was wallowing in the waves that threatened to en- gulf her at any moment. Ha-stily the captain ordered a, box of rockets and flares to be brought to the rail. and with his own hands ignited a number of them in the hope that they would be seen and the passengers and crew rescued. Amid the glare of the rockets. a. tall, thin, austereâ€"looking individu- al found his way to the skipper. “Captain,” said he, “I must pro- test against this foolliardincss. We are now facing death; this is no time for fireworks!” Tomâ€""She broke the engage- ment,” Dickâ€""\Vhat did Harry do’l” Tomâ€"“He sent her a bill for the use of the engagement ring for the time they were engaged.” Marconi bolted into what he I Boweis. of the Lungs. Sore Throat, Bronchitis. Difficult Breathing. Group. Co- tarrh. In uenzu. Head- ache. Toothache, Ncn- _ ml ‘11.. Rheumatism. Qold Cnfils. Aguo (.Jhills. (hil- blains, Frostbites quickly cured by ‘ . Bari-liars Readu Hillel on.» mnx for FALL TERM â€"â€"- no Thorough, practical coursos. individu- . a1 instruction and every up-to-date fa- l cility provided by our oldest and most * reliable school. British-fimerican Baalness College, V.M.c.A. eunnmc. TORONTO. Write for catalogue. T. M. WATSON. Principal. W- IN 1915. “Mother may I go aviate'l” “Yes, my darling daughter; See that you steer the airship straight And don’t land in the water.” HUNTING FOR BIG GAME. The Highlands of Ontario is an ideal spot for the sportsman during the open hunting season for big game. In the Temagami. region moose are plentiful and may be lulled during the period from October l6th to November 15th. This territory is a forest preserve of vast ex- panse, and in addition to being the hunt- ers paradise, its waters abound with game fish of many species. The home of the red deer is located somewhat to the south of Temagami, particularly in the districts known as “Muskoka Lakes," “Lake of Bays," "Mnganetawan River," “Lake Nipissing.” and "Kawartha Lakes" territories. Write to J. D. McDonald, District Passenger Agent. Toronto, for a copy of “Haunts of Fish and Game," issued by the Grand Trunk Railway System which fully describes the hunting territories reached by this line. giving game laws maps and all information. “Good morning, sir, said the lady, entering the studio to the famous portraitâ€"painter. “I wish to engage you to paint my por- trait.” “I shall be delighted, ma- dam.” “I want it painted with my new hat on.” “Pardon me, madam, but I am not a landscape artist.” 5} A Thorough Pill.â€"To clear the stomach and bowels of impurities and irritants is necessary when their action is irregular. The pills that will do this work thoroughly are Pa‘rmelee’s Vegetable Pills, which are mild in action but mighty in results. They purge painlessly and effectively, and work a; perâ€" manent cure. They can be used without fear by the most delicateiy constituted, as there are no pain iful effects preceding their gentle operation. “I want you children to go to my lecture toâ€"night,” remarked a pro- fessor to the younger members of his family. “Couldn’t you Whip us instead just this once, father?" said one of them. It allowed to roam over your liiousc those few innocent-looking house flies may cause a real trag- edy any day, as they are known to be the principal agents for the spread of those deadly diseases, typhoid fever, diphtheria and smallpox. No other lly killer com- pares with Wilson’s Fly Pads. Sheâ€"“Sometimes you appear really manly and sometimes you are quite effeminate. How do you account for it?” Heâ€"“It’s heredi- tary, I suppose. One half of my ancestors were men and the other half women.” â€"_â€"..._. SEE THAT YOU GET THE REAL THING; hUnscrupulous makers are putting: up at hounterfeit of “The D. & L." Menthol. Plaster. The genuine is made by Davis & Lawrence 00. ~ . If a, man’s wife cuts his hair he is entitled to a lot more sympathy than he gets. - Watch any man long enough and you will see him do something he ought to be ashamed of. H N U ISSUE ‘50. 40-09 ll-ce’s Vegetable Pills are so com- better time. i = _ lmildly purgative, and the pleasure nuns? a WARIIIB'II GUARANTEED _ “SPAVIN CURE" 2 Mailed on race e 0:51.00. Send for book etâ€"Pul. ONLY A ‘ ‘BERTH”-MARK. . An Irishman, who had just come from Dublin to -G1asgow foo seek employment, was informed that he had a poor chance of getting a, job ' because he was displaying markls consistent with pugilism. “You mane that I’ve a. black eye, sir, eh 'l” ‘ ‘ “Exactly.” . “Shure, that’s only a birth-mark which I have. You see, sir, I was coming from Dublin on the boat, an’ by a mistake I went into the \viong berth, and the fellow who was there gave me this.” / Tho Voterln Remedy Company, I. mitod, B )X A, 75 Adelaide St. E. Toronto. Canada. WANTED. OY WANTEDâ€"TO ACT A8 AGENT for "TORONTO SATURDAY NIGHT" in his spare time. Good money. Circu- lation Manager, Toronto. ANVASSERS WANTED. Others ole twenty dollars weekly. Apply Alfrzdl Tyler, London. Ont. OYS AND GIRLS WISHING TO EARN . money or premiums send your name and address for our juvenile catalogue of easy selling household specialties. 0111‘ adult Agents 68 page catalogue is also ready, free on request. Canada Silver- cloth 00., Toronto, Ont. A Pleasant Purgative.â€"â€"Parmc- pound-ed as to operate on both the lstomach and the bowels, so that Ithey act along the whole alimenâ€" tary and excretory passage. They 1are not drastic in their work. but AGENTS WANTED.â€"I have secured th general agency3 of Ontario for the sale 0' "our Butter lender,” a. machine which makes two pounds of butter out of one at an additional cost of three cents. No chemicals used, stands pure food inspoo‘ I310“, Write for particulars for exclusive territory, to “Our Butter Blender," Room 202 Confederation Life Building. Toronto. FOR SALE. a come RECITATION BOOKâ€"Best col. lection published in English lan nugget of taking them is only equalled by the gratifying effect they prod lice Compounded only of vegetable substances the curative qualities 01 which were fully tested. they af- ford relied without chance of in- gury. Ten cents. Arthur Rice, Granby, ue. RIGHT. M ' ’ gaff CALIFORNIA35 . ' ii. iii ' . Fewer people would have axes MAKING . inc:S:::on.All;CII.?o::’Soc§I-EI:I- LITTLE gated. hay Payments. Write to! Booklet. IRRIGATED LAND 00.. Marysvlllo - - Galiiarnh to grind if they had to furnishthe motive power to revolve the grind- stone. ' After mama‘s 'inost careful ' study of the matter, U. S. Govern- ment scientists state definitely that the common house fly is the principal means of distributing typhoid fever, diphtheria and smallpox. Wilson’s Fly Pads kill the (lies and the disease germs, too. 0.!" | is AFILIATIO WITH Umyanssrv 123ml 14 ‘PEMB'R'oR'e s‘r. F. H. Torrington, Mus. Dir. CONCERT, MASSEY NOVEMBER ist. Tickets may be had at the College. WHAT HE FOUND. “He went into the country to find solitude.” ' “Did he find it?” “No, quite the opposite; he sat down on an ant-hill.” ANNUAL HALL, will change your windows to rich stained glass. WINDOW- PHANKE, beautifully colored and transparent, will do iii. Special designs for churches. Samples free. Agents wants ed. Write me now. H. P. SULLIVAN, 1169 St. James St. Montreal INFORMATION WANTED about the man {who has never heard of Painkiller. Sold for over 60 years. Is the best remedy for cramps, colic and dysentery, and un- equalled as a. linimont for cuts and wounds. Avoid substitutes, there is but 60510 “Painkiller"-â€"Perry Davis'â€"Z5c. and c. SAID UNCLE SILAS: “When a, feller has a. job in a. foundry he tells about the place where he works, but if he’s in a bank he speaksabout the concern by which he is employed.” investments LIST MAILED ON REQUEST. Attacks of cholera and dysentery come quickly, there seldom being any warning of the visit. Remedial action must be taken just as quickâ€" ly if the patient is to be spared great suffering and pei'manent‘in- jury to the lining membranes of the bowels. The readiest preparaâ€" tion for the purpose is Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s Dysentery Cordial. It can be got at small cost at any drug store or g neral dealers, and it 7will afford relief before a doctor can be called. UNCLE EZRA SAYS : “Sometimes the takin’ hold uv the ball by the horns ain’t the let- tin’ go ag’in.” For individuals with funds for {investment at the present time, whether of large anwun-l or small, we have compiled an extensive list of JIIUNICIPAL, PUBLIC SE13 I’IC'Eanrl CORâ€" PORATIU N bonds. The seâ€" curities qfi'ev'eol will receive the dpprora-l qf'tlie most consm‘vali m: m re.- tors. MUNICIPAL psssurusss. Ontario .lhtnioipal debentures to yield 4% to Ollie?“ Canadian .l/mzic'ipals â€"â€" Pro- vince, County, City and Townâ€"â€" to yield to RAILROAD 54 PUBLIC SERVICE BONDS. l/Ve oflizr a. select list (f bonds Red. Wonk, “Tear-y, Watery Eyes. Relieved By Murine Eye Remedy. Try Murine For Your Eye Troubles. You Will Like Murine. It Soothes. 50c At Your Druggists. VVrlte For Eye Books. Free- Murine Eye Remedy C°~ T°r°m°‘ of Railroads and Public Service Corporations q/ demonstrated cm'm'ng power at prices to yield the investor to 5%. Canadian Northern Railway Co. Equipments 4 1-2 per cant's. Duluth, Rainy Lake & Winnipeg Railway Company 5 per cent’s. Toronto and York Radial Rall- way Company 5 per oent’s. (Guar- anteed by the Toronto Railway Company.) Suburban Rapid Transit com: pany 5 per cent.’s. (Guaranteed by the Winnipeg Electric Co.) Bonus 055 ESTABLISHED IN- DUSTRIES. Kindly mention the name of this paper in writing to advertisers. The Ladyâ€"“Look here, you said that if I’d give you your dinner you’d mow the lawn for me.” Trampâ€"“I’d like to do it, ma’am, but I’ve got to teach you a. lesson. Never trust the word of a total stranger.” Something that Should be Rub- bed In.â€"â€"Wh-enever pain is felt in the limbs or back, take Dr. Theâ€" mas’ Eclectric Oil; pour a little in the hand, and applying it to the‘ surface beneath which the pain is,; rub briskly. If the first applicaâ€" tion does not afford relief, which. is not usually the case. keep rub- bing. The Oil will gradually pene- trate to the affected part and re- lief will come. Bonds of long established cov‘zl'iawously prosperous tildth . . 0 tries to yield 5% to 64. Western Canada Flour Mills Co. 6 per cent's. P. Burns and Company. Ltd.. 8 par cent's. Long-Bell per cent's. Dominion Iron a. Steel 00. Con- solidated 5 per cent’s. ASK FOR FULL PARTICULARS. It is a planners to select from our oflkm’nys a suitable bond and to assist to a thorough in- vestigation qfllle security. Lumber company a Lady Roberts was once visiting the hospitals at the base of mili- tary operations in India, and_so pleased was she with the untiring labor of the nurses and their de votion to the sick that she said :â€"~ “I really think that the Sisters de- serve a medal for this campa1gn :is much as anyone, and I hope they will get one.” “I don’t know about . . D dull-AN l o N SECURITIES a medal,” said a gallant colonel ‘CORPORATION. LIMITED standing by. “but they are sure“E at all events, to get plenty of- i Clasps.” , , BRANCHES: Kindly mention the name of this; iMONTREAL‘W’N“PEGâ€"“LONDON. ENG. paper in writing to advertisers. l HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO :28 Kiss 87. E. w ' .-L---‘

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