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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 22 Oct 1909, p. 1

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<".‘~'\"»-_«J\(\-.~« ;; ‘J '-_‘V'W VOL. XXXVII. l’ro t‘essional Cards. EANK 0? M0 Widest, LEGAL. _ F. A. _ ‘i ARRIST‘ER, SOLlClTOR, Etc. Money ‘ AD OFFICE - lVIONTRIuAL. f. B to loan on real estate at lowest cut- .; ESTABLISHED 1817 INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT _ CAPITAL ~ 314.400.000.00. ‘ REST ' 2‘. ASSETS 0er $133,000,000. p SAVINGS BANII DEPARCDDIENT. Deposits taken of $1 and upwards, which can be withdrawn on demand. R. M. Hamilton, Mgr. Fenelon Falls Br ‘ ,, WM ._ ._____'_.___â€"â€"â€"â€"____ _ _ . _ _. .---'~__._... 4,“ Exit Glass-Blower. lots to the republican and democratic" parties, exploiters of the working class. . This will insure them a ermanent. One by one the crafts of hwhly .. _ ' skilled workmen, like Othello, awake mg?" of avfiyf’n the Guide} P‘Lth- from a lethargic sleep to find their econ ’chm the SOCIahSt Party! the‘ ’ party of their class ; vote and work for ' t z 30031331311?“ £11? aSYZEassglaje 2:03;; the collective ownership of the means ‘ I n‘“ e y P ’ of life; become proprietors of their i < i K 5 {I 1 3 rent rates. Oflice, Lindsay, Ont. ’ ___________________________. . MCLAUGHLIN, PEEL & FULTON ’ ARRIS'l‘ERo‘, SOLICITORS AND NOT~ aries. Offices over Dominion Bank, Lindsay. Branch office open at Bobcaygeon every Monday. Money to loan at lowest V rates of interest. R. J. McLauennm, K. C. A. M. FULTON, B. A. his. A. PEEL. I ____,_________.__â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€" G. H. HOPKLNS, K. O. BARRISI‘ER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Public, 8m. Solicitor for the Bank of Montreal. Money to loan at terms to suit ' borrower. Oilices, 6 William strcet south, ‘ ' Lindsay, Ont. MOORE & JACKSON, BARRISTERS, SOLIUI'l‘ORS, 830. OF- tice, William street,[.indsay. F. D. Moons. A. Jacnsos ; _______,____.___._.â€"â€"â€"â€"- STEWART 8: O’CONNOR, ARRISTERS, NOTARIES, 3w. MONEY . to loan at lowest current rates. Terms 3 to suit. borrowers. Office on corner of Kent and York streets, Lindsay. ’l‘. Srswsm. L. V. O’Conxon, B. A anch. .. .v. ,__\.,,.‘ ~.. _ . nL-x. m WVNN éz‘rv'Nu/‘a, ‘. x“. by manic, suddenly chanced into real- . . , ” ity; add it is only who: these startâ€" CWT} JOPS’ fecelYe the f‘iu “fine of their t01l. ’lhen 1t W111 be 1n no man s ' 0 - or s come threateninrr their , 1m" Cinnae- ’ ° , power to close the factory door 111 means of exrstence, that these self-sat- isfied workers become active in the cause of labor. In this day of inven- tion the skilled mechanic, the hand tool worker, is being rapidly displaced by the machine; and this wonderful piece of mechanism, geared to its high- their faces, and put them in enforced idleness to starve, steal or become de- pendent upon bitter charity. It’s your move, .Mr. Glass-blower 1.? Which read Will you take ?â€"Appeal.~“ to Reason. ‘ Right now is your chance to get really good shoes at a considerable saving. DENTKTJ. . Dr' 2:;1iiff’fiPdfifgl3T! VVG’YG selling the balance Of Sumnler est capacity, has a productive ppwel. W ~Oo ' . (i ' ' - l e ual to that of six ein‘it or a ozen hati Slavel. g Graduate of Toronto University and at a: redUCtlll qUICkly. Sgined workers. ‘ : a S y Royal College of Dental Surgeous- ,. , i I . The last of the highly skilled to be Herbert Spencer answered this. ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTIOlRY AHYOIIG lOOklng for gOOd Shoes and thus rudely awakened are the glass- quetion as follows: ‘ ( bottle blowers. These workmen, skill- “ How much is he compelled to la.- bor for other benefit than his own,... and how much can he labor' for his: own benefit? The degree of slavery' varies according to the ratio of that performed according to the latest improved . I _ . methods/“moderateWes- ialr treatment Will find both here, With OFFICEzâ€"Over Burgoyne’s store, 001- . . . never anything inferior for the sake of a 01‘ ll e street ed, highly paidâ€"as compared with other laborâ€"slumbered in calm con: tent ; except quadrennially, when they ____________________â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- , Drs' Neeland-S & lrvlmg' Cheap price. ' ° thlfiifpzfriidfiiib Tiileiiciltiilegitilcdde’d which he is forced to yield up and. “fiftiidsmem pres-erved. Clrlfiiviistrid Your 00m .Sa’tlsfa’Ct’lon Conles off for another four years. .But things that which he is allowed to retain.” stars:assists. before any confidel‘atlon 0‘ Profit- We Efizioi‘atf‘fifia.§%%.:;”;Ԥf‘“ti:tiff tenii 25:23.1; Slit}?l;“%.t‘£3“3:‘its;fg" 25533253113215° 9’000 m want your trade neXt year as we“ as 132.523.: 1‘3? tZiZP‘QSEEfgiiTL‘S iii 21ft: i333??? iii.i’i-S£?i%sa?§i “OW' r . g . The new invention, known as the small part of the value of his product; MM DR. H. H. GRAHAM. ' --l. D., c. 54., M n. c. 8. Eng., M. o. r. s 5., 0N'I‘., r. 'r. M. s.â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON 8c ACCOUCH- P enr. Office. Francis Street, Feuelon Falls. _______._______________._â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- DR. H. B. JOHNSTONE, successoa m on. A. WILSON, GRADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVER- sity. Physician, Surgeon and Ac- coucheur. Olfice, Colborno street, Fen- elon Falls, ___________.___.___â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" AUCTIONEER. W_________â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" STE 9 HEN OLIVER, LINDSAY - ONT. Live Stock and general Auctioneer upon the average not twenty per cent.. tles, but, equipped with a “sucker,” The capitalist employer takes a large“ gathers its own glass. Wonderfully part Of the value created by each of delicate in mechanism, complex in con- the laborers in his employ. The wage struction, yet so simple of operation workers are compelled to yield up the that an unskilled apprentice boy can greater part Of What they produce ’60-.» do the work of six skilled blowers, their masters-for the' privilege of earn“ Not only this, but this machine does,‘ ing bread for their families. at a labor cost of six cents, what the THIS IS SLAVERY, the very essence manufacturer now pays the blower a 0f Slavery, and it varies only in the __ J dollar and twenty-eight cents for doâ€" ingâ€"a difference of $1.22 in favor of ratio of the share the worker has to- machine-blown bottles. ’ This tremenâ€" give to his master in the form of surâ€" plus value for the opportunity of sec- dous difi'erence in the cost of product- ion eliminates competition between uring‘a wage to keep starvation from the worker and the machine. his family. a The patents covering the Owens All wage workers are slaves. Let. this sink into their brains and it will machine are owned and controlled by the trustâ€"the American Glass Co. Owens machine, not only blows bot- not be hard for them. to understand Socialism.â€"Ibid. FOR-THE com. Write for dates before advertising. These machines are not for sale, nor â€"â€"~â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"~+-â€"- THOMAS CASHORE. are they put out on royalty ; instead, Breaking Up the HomeI Aucuoxmm - summon. FALLS. F A L L E V E N I N however, the trust erects its . own Sales Of all kinds 0011mmth 1‘1 9» first“ plants and installs its own machines. A London press dispatch says that This means that when the trust reachâ€" there is a brisk traffic in Italian chil- class manner. Secure dates before ad- vertising. . . . . es a capacrty suffic1ent to supply the dren, in young girls and boys, who demand for bottles, the independent are sold by their starving parents and manufacturers, those employing {hand taken to seaport towns in Europe, labor, will be forced to close their where they are employed by a syndi- doors or go into bankruptcy. This is cate as beggars, getting only a small. the condition which confronts the 10,- portion of what they solicit. They‘ 000 glass blowers who will soon hit are illy fed and badly clothed, and if the cinder path in quest of jobs which they do not bring in sufficient revenue is Get yourself a nice light Overcoatfi‘ ‘We have the goods right here, and can make up an Over- 5: it E E coat for you of the best material and latest styles, either for fall or winter, that will be sure to please. Come and see us. -_--‘ .r '15 * "‘15‘4. « I \T“ I are‘ not to be found. to suit the padronesthey are merci- TOOTH AND TOILET 'lhere are two roadsâ€"only twoâ€" lessly beaten. Thus 1s the profit sys- I PREPARATIONS Open to these Workers: tern breaking up the home and pur- . First, to support capitalism, as they posely decradincr the children in the ‘ WWVW’WVWWWWW’WV ,. D D have in the past, by giving their bal- interest of profitsâ€"Ex. 9": ..._k. n... v». ) assassins arrangement: manageammaueum smmmmafizg FEB THE THMKSEIVIHG QINHER“ v You should let, us supply the groceries. We have everything . - g ~ that is needed to make the meal go ' . . . - - ‘ Vt ‘ splendidly. The Special things we 73 Years In Busmess' cap'ial and Reserve ever $I’GOO’OLO' ‘ "3‘ have for this season ‘are all bright and fresh like the rest of . oife red to Farmers, Cattle- : g Every Bankmg m e n, M i n e r s a n d ‘ Our Groceries. so much depends on the quality of your groceries that it is folly not to get the best, especially when you can do it so surely and reasonably as you can here. €58??de Robson 8: $0 n. ,. WWVW'V‘FWVVV’F’W’V‘WWfi WWW WWWW Accommodation. Lumbermen. Mm Sales Notes handled on most favorable terms. Checks on any Bank cashed. Money advanced to reliable men at reasonable rates. Money sent to any point by Money Order, Draft or Telegraph Transfer. ‘I , Fenelon Falls Branch, W. A. Bishop, Manager Robsons’ Drugstore. FENELON FALLS.

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