m. _ I t, u, ._. .-. A Saie‘ oi Registered Cattle in February. ‘~ . . . {-- ‘ Post: A spccml meeting of the V10- toria l’ure Bred Stm'k Association was held in the ofï¬ce of the Department of Agriculture on Saturday at '2. p. n1.,v10e- president Wm. Cullis, ï¬lling the chair. Among the many directors present Wei'el John Uamobell, Wm. Channon, JasCasoy, It. It. Reid, D. Sinclair, 1:1. A. chign and ‘r‘rauk J. Graham. At the opening Mr. D. A. McKenzie unselected secretary in place of M r. F. a. Reid. After considerable discussion the Association decided. to hold a sale of registered short horn cattle, on Feb. lst, 19m. The association members on motion decided that the next regular meeting (fight: board he held on November 27th, '8‘ ii. an ,, “ "an res sag. The farm of the late John Ellis, in the township of 'Vcrulam. consisting of west hall‘ lot 18, concession 4, containing 100 acres, more or less. There are on the farm a log house, a log burn, a frame burn. a good well and a never failing. spring running through the farm. There are about sixty acres of good tillable l n l and about 30 acres of bush, some of 1. e host in the county, and there has never been an axe in it. The bush is emalposed of hemlock that has never been gone through, and elm, ash, beech, maple, basswood and a quantityoi" good cedar. This property will be sold by PUBLIC AlltTlOii at 2 o'clock on Saturday, November 20th. 1909, AT THE hlANSION HOUSE, FENELON FALLS. Terms: 10 per cent. of purchase money to be paid at time of sale, and balance in 30 days. TEIOS. CASHORE, Auctioneer. @dbmi, coarseness: AT ROBSON’S NEW BAKERY. Everything ï¬rst-class. Your patronage solicited. .5. season. Two Doors South of I-Icard's. ______.__ SECOND DIVISEQH GDURT -â€"OF THE-â€" County of Victoria. The next. sittings of above Court will he held in Twomey’s hall, Fenelon Falls ON WEDNESDAY, DEC. 15th, 1909, commencing at. 1.30 o’clock in the after- noon. Saturday, Dec. 4th, will be the last day of service on defendants residing -in this county. Defendants living in other Colllllics must he served 'on Monday, Nov. 291b, 1949. 1325"†Ohio: hours from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m ELISHA MARK, E. D.llANl), Bailiff. Clerk NE WS?APER LA‘W. l. A post-master is required to give no. lice by letter (returning the paper does no! answer the law). when a subscriber does not take his paper out of the oliicc, and stat-l the reasons for its not being taken Any negli-ci to do so makes the postmaster rcSponsible lollic publisher for payment. 2 If any person orders his paper discon- tinued he must pay all urrearges, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is mad), and collect the whole moonlitwhelhcr the paper is taken from the office or not. There can be no legal disconlinuancc until the payment is made. 3 Any person who takes a paper from the post oiiicc, whether directed to his name or another, or Whether he has sub- scribed or not, is responsible for the pay. 4. If a subscriber orders his paper to be stopped at uccriaiu time and the publisher continues to send it, lhcsnbscriberis bound to pay for it ifhc takes it. from the posi- ollice This proceeds upon thcground that a man must pay for what he uses. 5 courts have decided that refusing to lake newspapers and periodicals from the post-office, or removing and leaving tin-m uncalled for, is prime lacie evidcnm of. intentionale lraud. D-WHWâ€" or before ' g 23.3." 9‘44.“15-‘J“.4-245._h;y . 1;» r 1'5, {ggyglgggt’rpg ,s 'sr‘?w-1_g;g 73,3, . : 4 , - ~<x- iâ€"«L. . ., . } _ _ J The Most Popular Paper in Ontario I . _7 More people buy the “Toronto Daily Star†than I, any other Daily, Weekly or Monthly published in the Province of Ontario. ‘ Moreover, the circulation of the “Toronto Daily Star†is increasing more rapidly than that of any other newspaper in Canada. ’ ~ These things do not just happen. There must be a reason. i In this case there are several reasons. The “ Toronto Daily Star " publishes Market 533 3; Reports 12 to I8 hours earlier than the morning papers. ' , It is a'Newspaperâ€"not an “Organâ€â€"political or , any other kind. . Not -only the \Voman’s Page, but the whole paper, '33, is attractive to women. It reports athletic events more fully than any other Canadian Daily. :3 Its special features, such as the “Chronicles of the Khanâ€, are most entertaining. . . ,1; Consequently people like the “Toronto Daily Star†r; better than any other newspaper. {a}: A Year a; ,2 This paper and the "Toronto Daily Star" together for one yearâ€"$2.20. Guaranteed F auntain Pen given for 5 0c. added to above subscripr‘ion prices. 'i 4 if The Manitoba Ulster GEO. L. MILNE 9314115: Jillimd‘hï¬i‘flmuflnr. sn‘i‘kgul'liu‘itmï¬m ï¬rflufluï¬n Muii‘mï¬him :ï¬ugdfliiuillimaflaz Jailhui‘tlr WWMMJMHWDM rill: W Q EYES TESlED, Width-IS TESTED. When your eyes trouble you, cause you pain or head- ache or if your glasses re- . quire changing or you need new glasses, go to BEE. Edi. B. arenas, Eyesight Specialist. (over Neill's shoe store), Lindsay - Ont. satisfacl on guaranteed. Charges mod- ern te . the Toronto daily bar The best proof that people like a newspaper is their willingness to pay good money for it. s“ 3‘ ‘Lri‘:r"i§:13‘.fl’i:v.’t;'.‘5 “'- I. a“ I i ' llllli Slilill itilll hill liliiillliii i a l i l ’ :. ~,_; -' , I have no terrors for the man ' ' who guards his health by wear-g ,_ ing the right. kind of water-E, ‘ proof shoes. We'havc a special E, line that we can particularlyg recommend for bad weather. show them to you. Erma-t a“ alarmsâ€"Juno†:=-.'rr‘n.':==w=uwuv“pregame wanna nrnwrnrrnumnno: sonar, isféA-i’.‘ie?€za:t i93- v' ~" â€" J a: r :15: .1 brut-irrE‘J'a’fék’it‘T‘5’ A High-Class I Overcoat- q Semi-ready is on every tongue. 1] We want to put Semi- ready on every back. (11 Its the ï¬rst name you think of when you think of high-class clothing. ‘Ve show that Manitoba. {mm um' moon in $15 valueâ€"and it‘s a Canadian Coat foar Canadian mm. A2315, ~ LINDSAY. W; % Ja Miami All we ask is a chance to They speak for themselves. nausea sea. r 5 mil“ FARM FOB SliLE BY TENDER. The undersigned offers a good farm containing 10') acres, more or less, for sale by tender. It is situated within 2 miles of Fenelon Falls, and there are thereon a good frame house and barn with stone foundation. POSScssion given April 1st, 1911. Full plowing privileges in [all of 1910. The highest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. For further particulars apply to W. T. JUN KIN, P. O.‘ Box 108- Fcnelou Falls,lOct_. 14th, 1909. 37-3. encasro'r'roiv, Winter Term _-AT__ [Defer/6070 ’ 3215294655 C allege DPEiiS MONDAY, Jill-l. 3,!910 INDIVIDUAL INSTRTUCTION, Write Now for Literature. J. A. M CKONE, President. Principal. In J cwelry‘ ; We carry a large and well; selected stock. Our prices are as low as you will find any- where. i It Pays To keep your watch in good order. If it needs cleaning or repairing bring it here. lSSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES NEXT DOOR T0 POSTâ€"OFFICE. FENELQH FALLS. We have made arrange- ments with our baker % 'in Toronto by which - ..-. swarms P we can supply Tor- . onto bread at :i, 50. per loaf. gwouuramar Clean, entertainin g and instructive, 18 open on the evenings of Thursday and Saturday, . ll lilii’lllEE every sat- urda y afternoon 4 to 5 p.m. i F. G. Johnstone. 1; term runnme wwwar’rux‘omw W‘W WWWUTF “W W’W‘WWW’W‘ ' of the Village of Kinmount, lumbermen, counts due to and by the late ï¬rm will be settled by J. Austin & Sons. - Signed W.’l‘. CRAIG, _ J. AUSTIN. Jos. ~__â€"â€"â€" JOHN SLATER, Stone & Wellington? mssorunoa or PARTNERSHIP. 3 The partnership heretofore existing ' between Wm. '1‘. Craig and John Austin, I under the firm name of Craig 8: Austin . has been dissolved by mutual consent. : The business of the above named iirn': ; will be continued, and all debts or ac- 3 Hunting Outï¬ts The kinds of work we like best is ï¬tting people out for a. good time in the woods, with the best guns and equipment that money can buy. in better shape to do this now than at any time, and can meet every reasonable requirement at the least possible expense. Come in and look through the stock we haVe and the catalogue of things we can very quickly get. , V It pays to be particular what gun you buy and we’ve been particular in advance of your need. “76 get the best as a matter of course. VVe’re Heard . . .x- w» House Maid wanted. . To go to Lindsay. General housework, -. good home, no washing. Apply Mus. GEO. W. Bram, Lindenhurst, Lindsay, _ ‘ Of the old rigs. New ones cost. money. \V e make a specialty of re- pairing, repainting,etc. If you have anything that needs ï¬xing up, bring it here. Or if you need a new one we can build itâ€"good, as the best. - i. C. CHAMBERS. Colborne Street, Fenelon Falls. g“? FONTHILL NURSERIES. (850 Acres) TORONTO, ONTARIO. Canada’s Oldest and Greatest Nurseries PETER MOFFAT Agent for FEHELQN FALLS and adjoining country. BEST PLACE IN CANADA; for superior Business or Shortth educatlon IS the progressive ? W TORONTO. ONT. Graduate of this college readily ob tain choice positions, The demand for our graduates is fully ï¬ve times the supply, Winter term opens Jan, 3rd. New catalogue free. W. .l. ELLlDTT, PRiNCIEï¬L. COR. YONGE AND ALEXANDER STREETS. Don’t forget that I‘ have a. ï¬rst class Planer and am, prepared to do all Work in, this line in the. best style ;; . alsoto. make- 3&3â€: AHD BOOBS. Your. patronage solicited. I â€"â€" s. s. GAINER :2: . :1"4*?;?‘:v~ r ~45“ up, I..-.;.y‘;-._, . . - ..-..... . WrM‘WWin-awa I . "aw- K'- awn 1 i