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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 19 Nov 1909, p. 8

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. ,... a .-.. ~. 9 Birds Which Destroy Chinch Bugs. 3 Thebirds which are the most bene~ E ficlai in destroying chlnch bugs are quail, prairie chicken, meadow lurk, red wing blackbird and catbird. It: ‘WMWW This matter is published under the has come to be the belief of most en- - direction of the Citizens" memittee. tomologlsts and botanists that little help can be expected from the para- sitic fungi in holding this insect pest in check. ~â€" 80. Kale. Sea kale should be in every garden and would be a good money maker for our commercial growers. Seed sown in the spring makes plants that will yield the next year, and a patch hanc died like asparagus is good.for many years to ceme. It actually pushes up the ground in slabs after the last freeze in spring. The bleached stalks are prepared and eaten like asparagus. MURDERS CAUSED BY LIQUOR. 4 (From a letter by 11‘. S. Spence in the Toronto Globe.) At Woodstock, N. 15., on October 21st, ZSandy Monicelli was found guilty of Irmanslaughter and sentenced to impris- ‘1 onment for life. in a drunken quarrel I. he had shot and killed Nicholas I‘lcganie won August 8th last. lie was only nine- ‘ teen years of age. The same day at l’ictou, N.S., began 7' the trial for murder of John Fraser, aged ‘thirty, who on June Sth last, at New -Glasgow, had shot and killed Duncan .‘ Brown after both men had been drink- :..ing freely. Two days later, at Toronto, Walter ' lllyl he was sentenced to eighteen years (in the penitentiary for having beaten 1- his wife to death with a poker at- Agin- = court in the early part of the year. His defence against the charge of murder ~was that he was drunk when he com- mitted the crime. The Swiss Chard. Swiss chard is growing in popular- ity. It is cultivated like the beet and Is ready for use as a sort of substitute for asparagus within a few weeks after seeding. it lacks the richness of flavor of asparagua'but is a good sub- stitute while the asparagus plantation In getting ready to hear. The long stalks are served as asparagus or as :. 1 "I These small prices tell their own story. ’Tis short but to the point. A genuine saving on every purchase. 1:: an “x :"m‘meâ€"w'vd; . »â€".\».,vw.-.-.....u_..-_....~_...a._.__.. . Department of Railways and Canals, Canada. TRENT CANAL._ Concrete Dam at Burlcigh Fails. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the uncll-rsigncd and cmlorsed “ Tender for Dam," will be received at this ollice up to 16 o'clock on Tuesday, the Mill of November, 1909, for the works conâ€" ncctcd with the construction of a (for;- cretc Dam at Bur-leiin Falls, Ontario, on the 'l‘rcnt Canal. Plans, specifications, and the form of the contract to be entered into, can ho seen on and after this date, at tho oliirc of the Chief Engineer of the llcparh ment of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, and at the oilice of the Superintendng Engineer, Trcnt Canal, Peterboro, (mt, at which places forms of tender may be obtained. Parties tendering will be required to accept the fair wages Schedule pre- pared or to be prepared by the Depart- ment of Labour, which Schedule will form part of the contract. Contractors are requested to bear in mind that tenders will not be consider- ed, unless made strictly in accordance with the printed forms, and in the case of firms, unless there are attached the actual signatures, the nature of the occupation, and place of residence of ' ‘ - v - - v - €93 c and the leaves W be each member of the firm. i . - xAt v‘mcnuw.“ 3' C" “hem-Charles mm)!th Locum If M An accepted bank cheque for the sum - __ . Egan was arraigned for the killing of cooked 8? 9r ‘ . a~ . ,. . . . of $.,oO0.00 must accompanv each ten- .-’, Whlliam Shields, whom he stabbed to “NJ/aneu- der which sum will be forféitcd if the ' " 1d ath at Prince Rupert on September _â€"â€"..â€"â€"â€"â€" ’ , . . .’ . s. e . . party tendering declines entering into ,13th,w1tnesscs testified that both slayer contract for the work fit the may, : . lain were ver ’ drunk at the time of FARM ERS' INSTITUTE_ . V . ‘ ., . _ is: filling y . ’ stated in the offer submitted. On Sunday morning. October 24th, at Meetings will be held at Fenelon Falls _ tu'li‘lhgd clégqiéfiethrl; pain?" (131) 5;: T I indsav Joseph Hunter commit-ted sui- on Friday, Dec. 3. Sec bills. / . a H . . . *- ‘. . i ’ , .. .1 ‘h _ h ,_ ‘ whose tenders are not accepted. scrde in the county Jar , \\ ere .e was The lowest or any tender mm ,3 :awruting trial for the murder of his wrfc, . ~ .1 iii ‘whom he had shot and killed at Bobcay- necessarl y accefited.(l 1 i' . s l ‘ 7 l . L :‘i: zircon some time before, when he was BETHX‘JL F0“ L SUPPER' y or ey, I ‘3' *intoxicated â€"â€"-- . L. a. JONES, 3 homes a” over the "Minion is only a rehe' e‘to ls’l‘ "(Ifc (l)\'ov 23rd ‘oyn ' Ottawa October also) 1909 ' is part Of “"8 “WWI co'nseqmnces 0f t'he gfiggfbl’rigév, gist “are J -U. RoIbiDS. ' I ) Newspapers insertihg this advertise- . gagging) 13.13.51,!(lxglflltl'iilfiiioyggi: of Blzicksttlck, Cartwright circuit, will Ladies! "antles, Navy “blue and dark ment without authority from the De- “ Wright of misery, brutality, shame and l’gzaéfeggngh‘? a; grig’gkmig tweed, regular pmce up to $8.00, now only partmeut will not be paid for it. :i. "crilne. _ . .. . . . x r - J . . ‘ ke Will be present on the ,y - ‘ict that traffic is operated under leoal Rf” .A (’0‘) a . ' . . , . p . . i :sanction. It is used as a means of male.- Ladie" “antles' Dark tweeds, navy; b1 own and I in" revenue for public purposes, a rcv- . .. ‘ . v. ‘. ~ '00 now ‘ V K T; 4min: that is insignificant in comparison hes-d 5135.10 lo the] Seam; cgggtgtlilgil): ‘ 4 green, regular price up to $10 , _ i with the cost which is entailed on the ,‘ifi‘ik‘gg 3%: are“ 15“} i only 4.; - - - . . ‘ “community by the traillc. _ 1" “as? ‘ “5 ‘t 8 u ‘ ~ : it is not strange that. there is a wide- serve mm o . r i d A ) .. ,Sprend and determine? luprisingfi’flutlhe â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"~-lr)â€"-EB‘_“~M”"” Ladies “an‘lesl BlaCk' finvzn navy at], .00 . . ‘ _"people against this aw u curse. _ a or I . p re . rice u- to 1 now on I, , ~ ' fig it Strange t” find “mt me" Sp“ vow McKrr â€"â€"On Saturday November 13 dark tiweeds’ ' g p p 3 , y Office over Farmers’ Bank, : . tic sustain the burroonrand treating sys- 1909' at; ‘breemor‘e' out." Alice M cKec: :- .y . . . . . Kent St” Lindsay. i " it'r’m’ “1;” “,9 rem‘g‘1‘,?,,fi;];f';,i§e,%‘:g second daughter of Rev. R. McKee. . Ladies“ mantles m fine qualities of black, navy, , , munr o neary a > r H. . ' I .. I ._ . . l slim?“ into the almost- hs‘lpless slavery r .fawn, green, well made and beautifully trimmed, 00mm ancin I "W1 “gramum 0‘ “‘“b”‘°“"' winter. 7; regular price up to $15.00, new 'I M L y d 9": I f ”' I 3' only __ _, . I- . - - oney cane an arm : CONVINCING TESTIMONY - or Town Property. 7*, FROM MIDLAND. ‘ y ~ Insurance. I . _______ ~ u ‘ l The following: are copies of letters . not". Chambers a, __ Estates managed. ) f." ~writln'zn by citizens of Midland, giving . . a; - i ‘ *zt-hcir views as to the working of Local Dealer in and manufacturer of al kinds r; a,“ Farms for sale In Fano'on’ | ’9’ "Option in that town: ' . of ‘6 . i ‘ IV vsrulam, up, and 1 cu, - vlwhe first eiicct noticeable in busmess , I M ' ‘ l r". ‘ is the amount of ready money the work-‘ I _ _ . anposa. |I in;r people have. Instead of gomg for j z"- ?liquor it goes for the support of their Bein a direct importer I am able to ’~ 0 Z . families. Any merchant in town wril note “$6 closest rices ; I . :say that nine-tenths of the accounts ‘1 I have lute] illl’smllp'd a pneumatic poh 5.. , , dormerly carried on their books are paid .1! . m lineyand 8 neumuic plum for _.€_ . - . _ zup. In house furnishings, people who ‘Ij’t‘tng. “Slim Inmcin p we {‘"e “we to do 3. "‘ “lever had rape“ or fumiShed houses bgttgygr‘igd dee er wogk than heretofore 1 Z 6 . .3 before. have furnIisheilOthteir homes arid on”. and getpdesigns and prices. ' A : )aid for it since oca p.10n came in o w , _... Librco. I know o-(Jone family who never 0 ngiiéiaâ€"ltn the rear of illzeblaérkcktho; I [knew what it was to have a Christmas nm r go 5 rec , opposr e no 3 . ‘fowl unless it was given to them, until House. I noney Throws, Ill brown, grey black, rafter Local Option came into force. Now 8. GHAMQEHS, _;~ rem-‘1‘“. pnce $4.00, now only _ _ . rthcy can buy it for themselves. ‘ c: There is not zone-fifth as much-illegal i . ' :salc now at their]? was} undefiligeifie‘; D American Oppossum stolas, Wlde cape effect, .r ’50. w orauu r‘ ,_ , . 322’s“: 1,, .ggtf’cmugnt. r 511%qu SALESMAI‘L‘VAN FE __ trinnneldouégh 4 headis and 8 tails, regular 3 8 0 0 "like to see Local Option carried in o -' v ' ‘ _ . ‘ rice . , now on _ _ _ . ‘lingwood. We. had our hands full keep- “hOlc or part of time; liberal ici'mS, 1; p $ I . 9 y I Sing drunken men out of the rink when prompt pay. Outfit free. ()var‘o‘OU I y: . . . .we were there. lineal-d one liquor man In trees; ‘“ ritenat ouco. Lana as Astrachan caperlncs' “nth hlgh collar aInd WIde in Collingwood say, “This is our last Oldest horseries. u 4 ) “I. rice $9 00. now on] A year... . Th W B &Sonco Ltd; cape, reg ar p . , y u. ROEBUCK, OS. . owman ' . ._ - - _ . . _ . mianager. House Furnishings, Playfair, R1DGEV1LLE, oN'l‘. , - Preston & Co. _ _ . d -â€" ____ l *- Fine Sable Buns, beautiful rich fur. . ‘ f . . , The town never was no prosperous. ,. regular Pnce now only - Lots that were selling on Fifth Street ‘l D . Always a four years ago for $75 apiece are now , , , . 1! I 'worth $400. Lots to-day are selling: on "it‘lg‘l twig}; flclfgisféim‘l‘g‘tt: Eighth Street at $125 each. Working gal": ~311‘“; CF‘VT-n” BUSINFSS good men are buying these, paying' for tiliem, Cg'fitfi‘c ‘ ‘ ‘ f l .and buildian homes. Property va ucs , ' "" ; ' _l l have doubled on our main streets in two “- IL Sluw9 1" 38‘ E'R'SIMW' S“ stock at : jvcars. The character of the buildings M , laboring men are putting ilp intimate: w” __,__ __ _ they are saving money ant pn ,mg l .. . . . V into homes. I never see a drunken man F v ' I, 1 lln ’ E from one week's end to another. The FLAELO)‘ FALLS MARKETS er , i D l total assessment of the town has in- i : \' creased $750,000 in two years. _ "ES, l T. I. TRUE-MAN, Town Clerk. d I 1 l ____ ' . * ~ - v ' ' ce C carancc. l Accommodation is much better for the B00010“ Fans: Fl'ldilyy 1‘0“ 19. 1909 a’ y l travelling: public. Sonic liquor is brought . _ F l from l’enetanguisheno. but very little Wheat, Scotch or Fife, 900. to 91c. ‘_ : sold, and what is sold is handled very Wham, fall, 98 to $1 ' w. L, quietly. The sale is not seen at all. Any Wheat, spring, 93 to~ila _ ~I .' ' intoxicated mcn hare come from outside. 1 hit-icy, per bushel,14a to 90 ;; E .7' So far as my experience goes, i would [ Oats, per bushfli3g’0tto ‘- '41! not have Local Option repealed on any Dense per bus e, ‘ 0 F ’ account. W. A. SIMPSON, luteher. Potatées, 25 to 30 I F. Er.I K i D D n Butter, per pound. 20 to 23 . ' ‘ g R To I " Eggs, per dozgnfi‘lél tq'ilf I . - suocns. o ' . . y - . n 1 V l . Mr. J. H. Knight. for 38 years inspec- ltoozz)?su o > O. y I: H, J. goorflERAN_ L ’ tor_ of‘ schools for Last \ retorra, has i Hogsz’live, $616“) . _ , “Sigu‘ld- ,______‘ l-logs, dressed, aElO to all - . CONVEYANCING. ‘ “-hm “can to ' "" Fran INSURANCE AT LOW RATES. I Columbia, 0., Nov. litâ€"«In ill}? fifties filmy???) t" 80 _ ESTATES MANAGED, “9 M” ' r Vth Car :linn \VlllL‘l vo o 00 . . l , .. . -- flglviitiliexlflus‘t-uléth last, tho. drastic pro- Flour, Brando" 5 Beszjf‘l-QQ‘gO $310 ,, e AGENT MIDLAND LOAh CO. $ 1 'gitiou l-fw enacted at the last session Flour. Sll‘fCl‘Jxeaf. try-'0 153%:30 FARMS FOR SALE THROUGHOUT THE ‘ - o‘fI the Lecislature went into cil’cct last FloulaV'lctOI'Ia. $250 t‘? $d-80 280 K COUNTY. we ?°‘”-."’°.°ii”'?'$°5%°.i FENELON FALLS. - . . , i" all? . l.’;;:::'.:'.“la part: to. .0 as |omc£ 9| KENT 51.. Laos". * ' - l six coun res remain .. - _ gz , - i v A W , I ’ __ r :f‘lfzvimvybeen “ dry " at the time oi the Shorts. (10-, $130 ‘3‘: 1 50 “ ' I ‘ . l local option election last summer. .Mixed Chop, do., $ . o 8 V . / y V, y I} i . _ f“ h l .-.

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